Thursday, January 30, 2025

Anniversary cards of Deuteronomy chapters 1-7: specific rock wear & 'leg of ram' blow

Why do so many Bible readers not bring the start of the eleventh month to remembrance in their gatherings?  If it's true that South Dakota has made the 'New Testament' illegal because it supposedly contains false accusations against 'Jews', then why aren't reruns of  "Murder She Wrote'  or 'Quincy' or other any other fiction containing topics or acts of hatred declared illegal in South Dakota yet?  Department of Homeland Security is not being led by a female, and that is as lousy of a situation as making Anna Ruzinski chief of police somewhere or plopping a woman into the LAFD head  firefighter position.  Voting for a man who then appoints women to do his military works means that man is not  even as much of a gentleman as old Captain Rhett Butler .and negates the purpose of refusing to vote for a woman president!  Is  deploy boy Trump's  pick of Madame Noem going to expect all Bible owners to write 'Fact and Fiction' on the cover instead of 'War and Peace Processing'?   When men aren't leading men into battles, the spirit of Gideon's 300 know it's a heathen leader at the hogged helm of the  troops going into battle. 

Even though I don't believe all the contents of the Bible are perfect truths and certainly don't believe Stephen Pigeon's predictions about society's future lack of human employees, banning the New Testament  is totally absurd when so many other materials published and allowed, whether literary, musical, audible or visual compilations,   have multitudes of errors, far more violence and are teach more lawlessness than the 'New Testament'.  

Deuteronomy 4:27-29 are the golfer's verses; don't go to the 'state of Israel' and expect to find the protection of  יהוה   anymore.  

Go back a couple verses in chapter 4:23-24. Alfred Hitchcock did a spoof on 'lamb led to the slaughter' in which a pregnant wife kills her adulterous husband who says he is going to abandon her by clubbing him in the head with a  very large, frozen leg of lamb.  She then roasts the leg of lamb and the investigating officers are called to the supper that helps the pregnant wife of the adulterous husband dispose of her battering ram. so that no vengeance weapon can be found.  In that case, the pregnant woman's court  of justice was like a consuming fire.

The 7 of spades is a jasper according to a unique deck of geology cards.  Jasper blocks light so it can be very protective.  

The jack of hearts was connected to turquoise, the jack of hearts was connected to malachite.

The king of hearts has been connected to agate; the king of clubs has been connected to beryl.

English words such as colon and cologne  might very well be connected to a word mentioned in Genesis 8:6, Judges 5;281 Kings 6:4 and YCZQAL 40:16 which is a word noted as  חַלּוֹן   and translated to 'window' of  extreme importance in Joshua 2:15 .

A colon does allow much to escape from it and when it gets clogged or 'stuck up', the colon retains poisons and hazardous waste within the body.  Cologne, Germany is not my area geographic knowledge but some technicians decided to plot it at 50.93 North/ 6.96 East and the latter seems like a reference to the end of a 7th year cycle.

Try and find Jackie Joseph or Netta Packer if you want to; the Philadelphia flyers decided to chose a RICHARD while the St. Louis Blues chose a THOMAS.  Is there a Walton split in progress between PHI and STL  teams?  Maybe, because Philadelphia Flyer Frost 48 and Detroit Redwing Shine 50 only have 49 between them numerically.

XLIX looks like 49 to a Roman, but מטא is 50 to a Hebrew.  Do not try to replace an  N with an  א.

454 wins isn't 0  wins.  Non-electronic efforts matters.  Who thinks it's the 'year of the snake' now?

      " Maybe I'll use my beer for cologne; it smells better than 'Bath and Body Works' chemical toxins."

                                           Can you see the motel window that doesn't open now?  

                             A motel room is not suitable for observing the  feast of tabernacles.  🥅


Possession is not equal to ownership; far too much has been stolen and not yet returned with the extra percentage of  value due to the victim of the thefts.  There are  actually requirements of repair work or restoration of stolen assets necessary for forgiveness of transgressions and law-breaking if you actually want to be considered to be part of  the mobile church of ישראל.  


I don't believe in re-incarnation. I believe a human is assigned only one body to maintain on earth; re-incarnation is  a cup of Judaic Kabbalist urine that many other religions have swallowed or passed around in their filthy laboratories, in their government buildings loaded with idols and in their shit-filled streets plagued with diseases.  


Iolite is the stone of the tribe of   דן  , the tribe who stayed with the ships.

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