Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The 'Son of Man' problem: Psalm 146

So many times the phrase 'trust no man' has been uttered and often used as a blanket excuse not to believe anyone. My mother trusted my father to love her, and he does. Psalm 146 refers specifically to NOT trusting in  princes or a 'son of man' for  miraculous protection against enemies of  יהוה 's right rulings and instructions.  Most 'Jews' and 'Christians' are actually enemies of those right rulings as displayed in their existence choices so it is no wonder nor an error of injustice when fires consumes the house , unkept and filthy as it was, of a man  in California wearing a 'Jesus' hat.  

Christianity teaches that 'Jesus Christ' is 'god and man'; didn't they read and believe Psalm 146?   Verse 7 testifies that it is.  who sets prisoners free, and yet is the figure 'Jesus Christ' freeing prisoners?  Not that I have seen, and his followers excuse their sin habits away rather than eradicating sin from their behavioral patterns as  is required for blessing and protection.  There are pre-requisites to obtaining grace, mercy and protection from  יהוה . 

Psalm 146 does seem to clarify that a prediction of  the 'son of man' coming in the clouds he is not coming to assist , protect and redeem.  The California fires certainly are producing plenty of clouds in an continually Democrat state not known for any excessive amount of moral purity or respect of the commandments from יהוה.   I saw a video of a young man startled that almost all of his personal property had been destroyed but a 'Holy Bible' didn't burn up.  I guess that man has an unequal opportunity  to try to believe Psalm 146, not Tune 15& NFL man  labeled Verse #8.

Many people choose to worship some 'Prince of Peace'; again, Psalm 146 says not to trust in a prince since a prince is a created being not the cause of heavens and the earth existence, known to be in conjunction and agreement with  אלעליון  .  He or she that causes heavens and earth must be able to safely and properly cause division and separation as a sieve is able to do on a  humble, visual level.

It does not matter  to me if  יהוה is female or male  or as multi-faceted as a trustworthy board of  a retirement fund when providing humane services, guiding me through a Psalm, causing my enemies to flee in various ways or accelerating the destruction of the wicked or stripping them of their assets.  

Psalm 146 is 'off the cribbage board', but it is agreement with  ישעיה 's  43:11. Psalm 119:145-153 has verses 'off the cribbage board' yet they too agree that it is יהוה , never described as a 'Son of Man', who is trustworthy and able to provide protection.

Some might want to twist Psalm 146 to have it indicate that the writings of יחזקאל are not to be trusted since he was openly referred to as the Son of Man, yet יחזקאל  never said to worship and trust him for protection or great save maneuvers;  clearly preached to trust  יהוה  .

I do not see any indication that psalm 146 was deployed by  דוד;  maybe the messenger that delivered that psalm is somewhat of a 'nobody' that didn't desire personal recognition for that literary gemstone.

I'd like to add a photo, but they have been stolen or eradicated from my electronic evidence bureau within my Apple computer without my knowledge nor consent, once again proving that electronic, digital imagery or 'chipped' testimony is not acceptable in the court systems of  יהוה  .  

A testimony has to be face to face, or specifically mouth to ear and non-electronic bodies to eyes.

Mars seemingly went 'through' the moon last night, but I believe it was the moon in it's orbit that blocked sight of  uninhabitable  Mars.   Elon Musk does not have discernment and his spirit is folly, as flawed  and reprehensible as Melinda Gates financial portfolio.

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