Saturday, January 4, 2025

'Be Trey' delta drips away from Smith : Augustine test

Another Hanukkah has come and gone and of course there was no rapture.  I don't observe Hanukkah, but I do still recognize birthdays of some icons, close friends, siblings, in-laws and parents so I am not JW.ORG affiliated.  Psalm 2: 4  indicates that יהוה has some type of 'confident chuckle' and a lack of trust in opposing competitors  in quite a different compilation than Psalm 37's deployment of literature..

The symbols E,X and T are being chosen to allow for Russian and English letters; the N of NEXT is the default letter if E,X and T all fail to establish the position for N as in North  and Nun.

The triangle represents the North Pole and all FUNK positions are south using a Gleason map rather than a global assumption.   Christianity teaches the need for a mediator between 'God' and man, so each '109' represents a different mediator. Since Trey Smith can't actually produce the living body of Jesus Christ, the concept of 'Eric Cartman' taking part in Special Olympics  is only a depicted character that is conceptual in form as cartoon 'Tom & Jerry' .  Each 'branch' of power has weaknesses and strengths and this test should remain in effect until late April of 2025.  

1. Which 'TV Trey' connects to the most reliable FUNK?

2. You must  decide which '120' is your first team of contact, which is similar deciding if you trust a father, a son or a Holy Spirit

       E. Michigan state governor's office, regardless of the occupant; in other words, this contact could be a Michigan State trooper or a janitor since it is a fact that Gretchen Whitmer does not own the governor's office.

       X.  1967 UW-Madison men's basketball team

       T.  Milwaukee homicide squad 120 veterans, active or retired

3. Squad 91 cannot accept any USA Air Force veterans or active USA military; this is the 'Leave it to Beaver'  Hensler rule as it applies to Milwaukee streets known as 'Logan' and 'Weil'. (Wausau's Brady Cleveland failed to be consistent.)

4. If the triangle test fails , there is no such thing as a 'holy trinity' and  the delta formation loses to the Hebrew letter   ד  as in   דן , a tribe that does have a role in יחזקאל's  vision of anti-Bill and anti-Melinda gates, namely on the east side next to  Benyamyn's center east position.


                                                                     Europium 63

                                                       Richmond, Virginia E5 currency

                                                        Valspar  T577 "Brown Bunny"

                                                                      Mark Recchi

                                                            Bruno Mars "FUNK you up'

                                                                'Eric Cartman 109A''              

                                                                Trey Augustine, goalie




                                                                         T               X

                                                                    120                  120

                                                   Trey Parker                         Trey Hendrickson

                                  Sheldon Souray 109 G's                        Sergei Krivokrasov 109 A's

                                               Isaac K, Funk                                 Fred Funk

                                       Minnesota Vikings                                 Chicago Bears

                                          USA    I9  cash                                      Chris Archer's 63W club

                             Ron Soreanu's 18th hole                                   Jason Arnott's Russian X=23

                                    Tellurium   52                                                      Xenon 54

                  45316_______ Tom #50_____________53 ___________ Scott. #10_________DECAF  


   Fedorov                             I as in SErGeI         ע             I as in Ike                     Eisenhower

5. "We told you 5" now means the 5th commandment or 'Blake Norris', UWSP hockey player or the Hebrew letter   ה  , not V  .    If the above triangle looks like an armless, headless goalie to you, X and T are the hip sockets formation and E is the  navel/ 'belly button'..  Whether you view the 'goalie' from behind or from ahead establishes X as either right or left.  If you don't view it as a 'goalie' there is no right nor left, only the 'North Pole' position in the center.

If this seems like a Odin type of test, it certainly can be that type of test...totally voluntary yet extremely interesting if you have the means, the access to icons and more skills than a hill of dead dogs. 

Talk to yourself if you want to; I've never had anyone named 'Jesus Christ' or 'Trey Augustine' speak to me yet, so Krivokrasov has an advantage over the audibles I have heard from Bruno Mars , Trey Smith, Sheldon Souray, Fred Funk and Eric Cartman.

The first team  I saw  get '9' points replaced the USA as the Team T section.

The first team I like that gets a '0' will replace Canada and represent the Team E; it might end up being Mark Recchi that replaces CANADA because of his =/- 0 status.

The first team I see and really like that gets 24 points or maybe only 10 points might replace RUSSIA and represent Team X.  It might be the Chicago Bears.

Since I initiated this challenge, my replacement theology can go into effect as needed in order to improve the relevance of the N team . I can choose to expand the X,T & E section only if each section gets expanded by the same number of extensions.

Architectural pyramid 'schemes' have a  square base.  🟥  isn't  🟦 nor 🔻 nor 💙. 

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