Saturday, January 27, 2024

AL MATHNO problem rows of Coffin 92: Chase Link & Walton Splits

Chase Link actually did good works today, unlike 'Paw Patrol' toys.  

Canada's national anthem is so unrealistic they might as well be singing a Walt Disney tune.  As a musician and a person who does prefer music without lyrics, yet listens to music with lyrics objectively, my opposition to singing along with Mitch Marner and the gang of queer flag raisers is healthy.

Replacing the national anthem with some other trash selection doesn't solve the dilemma of  singers blurting out falsehoods being properly designated as paid or voluntary liars. Let's be honest: most of us can't even see the dawn's early light anymore because of all the chemically-induced vaporous clouds in the skies as though plan B in now no different than plan 'Xyclon B', intending to kill off rather than improve life on earth.

Paris 1 vs. Al Mathno 88 wasn't worthwhile to observe once the score was tied at 1 to 1.

Think about singing lyrics that aren't true; your lips are lying if you sing untruthful lyrics.  When objecting to the horrific conditions in Canada and the United States of America under Trudeau and Biden, it seems far more justifiable to remain seated during the singing of either national anthem than to assemble in streets in a mob formation, blocking traffic and inciting hazardous conditions.  I've already decided not to rise up like leaven during the singing of 'The Star-Spangled Banner'  because not only is it a vain repetition, that song does not deserves less respect than 'Battle Hymn of the Republic' or ' Just Once' by James Ingram.   Sporting events that are loaded up with injected athletes ask people to 'stand up' for a song, and if you habitually do whatever a stranger asks you to do, eventually you become addicted to drugs or their puppet.

I'd never join a mob in the streets to 'protest' against what is occurring against the desires of my heart, yet I'm less ashamed to refrain from standing up during a song that means nothing to me anymore than to stand up with a bunch of people who don't care how many babies are aborted yet start screaming if their able-bodied child gets hit by a puck or gets knocked down by another athlete in action.

Ask Harrison Stewart or David Hill the above UWSP speaker & camera man 'title' and Badger 🎱 question.  'We Are the Champions' has a repugnant song that no good athletic director would ever want to be 'cued up' after a youth hockey tournament, yet due to lack of a reasonable thought pattern when considering lyrics, it still is being deployed  into ears that don't deserve to hear such nonsense.

I saw a goalie #45, 'Lombardo', let a puck go behind him because own of his teammates had been down on the ice with an injury, yet the referees did not stop play in 'peewee' level.  Noah Breton wasn't present, and an opposing team with 'Willett' had more offense; Jacobs 77 was on Lombardo's team. P.J. Jacobs and K.B. Willett are 2 names within the 'Joseph Fandre' zone. Zone in Greek is Strongs H2223, and means ' a belt or a waistline purse.  'Zone coverage now takes on another context.  The team from Altoona was worthwhile observing.  

As a conductor, what side of  'BAND'  appears to be more disorderly?

                                       7's                             locusts                          8's

                           IL                      music         'BAND'         rubber                WI   

                      listening                      "Somebody, Somewhere"                viewing

                      bread                                           cash                                  money

                        'box'                        SAND       HILL      CRANE              'contract'     

                   Jess Walton                     Olivia               Walton               Mark Walton             

                      faucets                         100          98.5          97                funeral homes

                     Chicago                      VLaSiC   >  72  <  FISK                    Boston

                      casette                          23/57/14/6           9/53/16/19            album

                 "If It Were You"                         V125-4                              "Hitch A Ride"

                    blood  types                       'Ashland Heights'                        oil  types      

                        D. Trice                       Huber Heights, Ohio                      T.Trice   

                         Fremont                               Marietta                                 Mentor

                             WI                                       1991                                    OH

                     "Holdin On"                📻       Twenty1       📞                   20/Egypt    

                          Arthur                                  scandium                              Garfield   

                           alabaster                             Coffin 92                           'Tara'       

                     Robert E. Lee                    Tri-State Mustangs              'Bonnie Butler'

                               VA                                         PA                                  GA     

                                E5                                         C3                                  F6  

                                                  'CASHEL'        Trojan                   חשל

                                       Mr. Vlasic                 Mr.  Dill          Mr. Geilow   

                                                             'THE CIRCUIT TREE"  


                                            we                                me                           us                                     

                         intentional  contact             Daunte Culpepper          unintentional   grounding                                      

      Look 'away' from here to Strongs H4298, a 1 'timer' mentioned in  ישעיה  8:8, not Psalm 88.     

                                                                                                                O:O isn't 00.

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