Monday, January 29, 2024

ReSeArCH 134, 11/20, 85/20 & 2,498 changes.

                   Strongs H3411 is extremely important when mentioned in the Scriptures.

Elizabeth LeBrun is selling medical misinformation through her CBS contract. Alcoholism isn't a disease, but it causes disease and illness such as vomiting and loss of proper brain function. Alcoholism is a lifestyle that began by a choice to ignore warnings and welcome illnesses caused by a harmful lifestyle choice.  Try to tell a cigarette smoker that cigarette smoking habit is a disease and they probably will correctly tell you it is a lifestyle choice, but they won't tell you the fact that  a cigarette habit can be as harmful and risky to the body as homosexual lifestyle.  Excessive cigarette smoking leads to diseases of the body,  excessive alcohol consumption leads to diseases of the body. Nicotine and alcohol both affect the mind.  What begins as a lifestyle choice often leads to a deathstyle choice which typically is not contagious but often becomes trendy in a zone that has rejected the teachings and instructions from the messengers of  אלעליון  , such as יהוה.

Again I inform you that withdrawal is often painful so that you will never want to go through withdrawal symptoms more than once IF you still have cognitive skills able to assess risk vs. reward.  When you withdraw from friends, family members, bodily exercise and nutrition that you actually require to prevent illness or horrible lifestyle choices, you prevent improving your own health care system and typically are unable to completely heal from trauma or disease.  Disconnecting from family members that are functioning properly and are obviously caring and helpful in their community is a horrible lifestyle choice that causes spiritual illness and sometimes literal wars.  Your memory of the past can be your own worst enemy if it does not allow you to see the beneficial, healthy changes in family members you disconnected from.  You memory also can cause you harm if you pretend the situation in the world isn't getting worse and you forgot that Hell (48169) actually moved to the state Michigan, not to Ripon, Wisconsin. In Hell, Michigan you are allowed to commit many sins by choosing lewd lifestyles, varied deathstyles and  and the political body majority of Michigan doesn't care about 'saving you' from your desire to sin nor to gamble away your retirement.   

One of the most stupid ads on television shows a bunch of 'black people' dancing around in a lewd fashion complaining about lack of a retirement fund for 50% of their breed.  What was  the dancing breed producing other than nothing of ethical value or moral worth?   Lewd, public dance moves always do more harm than good. Why was the televised group of dancers not working in a kitchen, working in a steel mill, tilling their vegetable plot or repairing automobiles to assist their community?  Fools are experts at  making their own kind display foolishness.

Does 34+11 ever look like 3411?  יְרֵכָה  is a flank, a term used in military formations. You might have 913 days, or until August 1st of 2026,  to better understand that term that refers to outer, remote portions.  Asparagus sometimes takes 913 days  to produce stalks fit for mealtime if it is in favorable conditions.  

Another term related to stressful situations, G3411, refers to an oozing or continual loss of bodily fluids, and when 12 years were completed, an unnamed woman stopped releasing important bodily fluids due to some sort of intervention.  Nevertheless, an abrupt change occurred in her life after she spent much of her income on services or products that did not improve her condition, a dilemma that is still occurring 2000 years after that woman was walking about and oozing out from her innards.

Some people such as Troy Black claim to hear 'God' telling them to do something; 99% of the time those people are frauds seeking attention and donations. However, in the 85th month on the 20th day, I'll see a message summed up in one Hebrew word assigned Strongs H2498.  Never before did this word impact me as it will on January 31, 2024 which is Shebat 20th to some and 85th month of a perennial study to me: חָלַף. It's another 'pey back' word, but it indicates a noticeable movement or change of position, to renew, relocate, or push through a barrier.  

There has been a song by 'Orleans' known as 'Time Passes On'. It's much more thoughtful than many hymns sung in churches and it mentions how unnecessary a picture can actually be.

When a person passes by you, they will either go in an opposite direction away from you or pass you up and then you decide to follow the person who passed you or disregard that person's movement entirely. If a person is like a seed, some people sprout up and grow to produce helpful output and others wither away because they were in an improper location or did not get the moisture, nutrient and sunlight that they needed to sprout and thrive when adverse conditions were imposed upon them.

The sprouted seeds 'pass over' the seeds still in the soil but the sprouted plants don't revive the seeds that failed to germinate or were considered too useless to tend to by a gardener because it was evident they would not survive when under stress.  In other words, each seed is judged individually and it's natural parent seed that was able to reproduce after it's own kind, does impact the chance of a seed's success.

                   It's time to חָלַף. I saw that message clearly, but only heard it when I spoke it.

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