Saturday, January 13, 2024

Anti-McDavid Flare:.Here's Comes the Question and Answer of Post 1968

I'd never want Connor McDavid as my captain or on my team because he disrespects the crease area of the goalie continually; in other words, he is too invasive to be trusted, lacks proper self-restraint and is commonly not disciplined enough by the NHL referees.

 Q: What day is the weekly sabbath day of rest?

A:  If you aren't actually doing good works 6 days per week prior to resting on a 7th day, you already negated the intent of  יהוה s excellent instruction to  rest on the last day of your week, thereby setting only one day in seven of rest aside as unique and important for your health.  I try to regard Friday evening until Saturday evening as my weekly day of rest, though appointed time days of rest such as Yom Kippur rarely occur from Friday evening until Saturday evening.

Working more than 6 days in a row as a voluntary slave to your employer  also negates the intent of the  weekly cyclical day of rest. 

The physical works you do during 6 days of the week are intended to keep you fit and prevent disease, provided your choice of work is ethical and helpful to yourself and/or to others. Cutting wood for yourself during your retirement 6 days per week is no different  than working at a factory that builds nifty natural gas ranges, safe plumbing connections, important hand tools or pure, non-laboratory beef steaks for your household or fellow countrymen.  Therefore, once you are accustomed to working 6 days per week and resting on the 7th day, you may then be worthy to answer the question in this post to the best of your ability.

                                                   🥩   🧰   🧯  🚰

An 11th month precedent has been set in Deuteronomy chapter 1; do not neglect that passage.

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