Thursday, January 18, 2024

Pro-Agate Sift Change @ 1,941, not 1,974

Complicated sifting has occurred, whether of heart, mind, strength or electronic devices. Sifting differs from shifting; sifting divides while density and size are undeniable factors in the sifting process.  

When grain is properly sifted, no blood or bodily fluids are shed upon the perfect, edible non-GMO grains.

ישעיה 54:11-12   :

O you afflicted one, tossed with storm and not comforted, see I shall lay your stones in H6320 and lay thy foundations with H5601. I will make thy windows of H3539 and thy gates of H688 and all thy borders of natural stones.

H1304 is not H688 as turquoise is not opal

Because they do not call upon nor seek the modus operandi of יהוה, the unwanted and abandoned rarely become לִמּוּד taught by יהוה, as YShIYH 54:13 has reported.  How can the abandoned call upon a name they have not heard? Yet the proud will never submit themselves unto יהוה,  after being woefully arrogant toward their parents and grandparents and thereby choosing the despicable, self-idolatry ways of 'anti-commandment man' as typified by 'Blackrock', DAVOS,Anthony Blinken, WEF, Mitch McConnell, Christopher Wray, Martin Luther King, Jr. and casino owners. 

I'll try to change your speech patterns will a practical illustration of responder's options.  Suppose you need a pianist, and instead of calling your  for  your grandmother the pianist, you keep calling for Billy Joel.  Billy Joel might respond to you, but your grandmother won't respond.. If you were never told your grandmother's name, how would you locate her or call upon her respectfully?  Suppose you found out that Farmers Insurance is an improvement over State Farm after you called upon Farmers Insurance agent once, but then you keep calling upon State Farm and Farmers Insurance won't respond to you when you need assistance.  Suppose you are in a band and you were told that the most reliable bass player is David Chyla and you know him by name, but when you actually need a bass player, you call  a fake 'South Park' character such as 'Kyle'.

When people have heard or seen the name YeHoWH and still insist upon praying to God or Hashem or Jesus Christ, they will not get a response from YeHoWH since they are too stubborn to change to way and adjust their speech and writings to the proper chain of command.

If you were told the captain of. your district is David Bartholomew, yet you keep calling upon David Gaza's telephone number for advice,  David Bartholomew will not respond to you nor give you his advice. . If you were told by your mother to call her 'mom', why would you call her 'dad' unless you had a mental disorder, were overcome by drugs and alcohol or harbored a rebellious, cruel spirit within you?  Billions believe in a vague entity labeled 'god'' or the tribe labeled as Gad, but very few trust in the authority of YeHoWH and their destruction, illnesses, national insecurity and failing school systems cannot be blamed upon YeHoWH.

It is deplorable and unacceptable to lower YeHoWH after you have been made aware of his given and accepted name to 'god' or 'hashem' or 'jesus christ' or 'allah' or 'great spirit', since all of those are all illegal, vague substitutions. When you lower an example to consider a case regarding names of spiritual leaders,  who is so ignorant to call upon Satan and expect Michael or Raphael or Lucifer to respond ?  

National woes got your tongue?  Has Niger only heard of insane Voulet and queer Macron  and not been told of YeHoWH or El Elyon yet?  Meanwhile, United Kingdom citizens self-described as 'FEMI' typifies an agent of the UK/USA wealthy deceivers leading 'Black Lives Matter' or another version of Barack Obama, in fact aren't willing to do any physical laboring for Niger or African nations at all while implying or teaching blasphemously that every white European is guilty of another man's sins.  

For those with limited NHL historical knowledge If you call Joshua 81 and label Satan  as N.Y. Islander 81, which surname are you so fearful of or do you disrespect so much that you would not request his presence in your assembly ?

I don't fear Miroslav Satan and I admire his skills.  I have no need to admire nor fear Dakota Joshua since I know nothing about him  other than he isn't a Dodge vehicle.

 Do you call  Jersey Mike's when you want  Jet's Pizza? If you did, your request would not be granted. 

The KJV in their own hireling stupidity, carelessness and laziness decided to refer to both H1304 and H688  as 'carbuncle'.  Eventually, I'll reset the H coded words in this soil-breaking post with a Hebrew word after studying natural stones for a few moments more....and the moments become  days, the days become weeks, the weeks become months and the months become years as significant as לֻלָאוֺת.

The כְּבָרה has many parts, but is brought together as one useful utensil. 

Are you still a Strong's advocate of numbering systems? Without comparing 1304 to 688, there would have been no way to prove the the KJV has errors. 35 and 31 can combine into a 3531 formation.   However, the Nicolaitans (Gh3531) will never become a useful, reliable SIEVE (H3531).  

Natural stone can be crafted into a  ספל able to hold that which was worth gathering up and collecting.  To collect is to retain and save; which precedes dispersion unto others. 

Certainly a wonderful translation for יהוה is YHoWH.

Naturally set into position,


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