Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Kyle V. Kyle: Conner isn't Donner

There is cable TV corruption when Chicago Blackhawks V. Buffalo Sabres is blacked out in Detroit on TNT.  Is there a Don Granato's  20 rag time v. Anson Carter's 20  drag time that Michigan viewers are not privy to? Is this a matter of the lyrics:  'and if you black out, you just better back up'?  Is Buffalo and Chicago going to split access to  Lloyd  J.Austin III's body parts like they've been splitting aborted baby parts?   When you pay to get a cable channel, there should be no 'blackout' games.

The opposite of EVERYBODY actually is  NOBODY.  I'd rather be nobody in particular than everybody in general.

Had the former post been my last, it would have seemed as thought I am trying to create too many 'laughs' for others and myself. 

People with electronic illness are afraid to go anywhere without their cellphone or electronic device; they become addicted to what is on the screen rather than becoming balanced in their lifetime skills. Suppose there is a final 4 'Kyle' playoff. Does pairing the men into 'tag teams' improve the competition skills of the men named Kyle  or does it hinder their ability to diprove Mark Messier's theory that no one wins alone?

If you think this is a joke, it actually isn't. I used to a friend named Kyle who happened to be a decent and kind waiter at a Marine City restaurant labeled 'The Riviera'. It was a comfortable, affordable diner with a view of communist Canada and I had even gifted one of the staff a signed picture of 'Adrian Peterson'. However, another haughty female cigarette smoker on the staff named 'Terry' refused to serve me even though I was not disobeying Michigan laws by rejecting a mask on my face. I had considered Terry to be a friend, but she proved she loved her cigarette habit more than she cared about reason and GOOD allowances for people who should not be masked or highly educated who do not want to use a mask as a disease prevention strategy.

'Terry' didn't own the diner, but she decided to impose her fears upon all the customers.  Is 'Terry' another version of  attorney Terry Garske, inappropriate as  Gerry Hendrikson, overbearing as  Gretchen Whitmer or is she horrifying as Barack Obama?  Because of Terry, I lost communication with my friend Kyle; Kyle of Marine City said his goal was to become a state trooper, and I hope he achieves that decent goal.

Marine City 'Kyle' can be in the middle of this anti-Pentagon challenge. The Pentagon has made life nearly intolerable for most of the world now, and I hope that people who work for that Pentagon  are sick and unhappy enough to walk out of that mental prison of dependency they signed up for.  I have a son who also enlisted in a mental prison who thinks he wouldn't be respected if he walked away from paid Christian ministry....but I know he would be respected even more for returning to his real family who misses him and remembers him how he used to be when he was not ashamed to be known an 'Ortiz'. 

I miss Kyle from the Riviera, but young friends eventually often depart and are never seen again, though they are thought of with good memories.    3 out of  the 5  'Kyle'  images are real people, and 2 are television fakes.   The 2 fakes have to drop out eventually, but the illustrated fake 'Kyle' is more fake than the character labeled 'Kyle'.  Here's 'Kyle' v. 'Kyle', with 'Kyle' in the middle, not Malcolm, set up to look a bit like a scale, with BLISS, MIchigan  as the '81' base':



               government                                 property                            legal  citizens

                    bills                                          TAX                                 payments

                Miroslav Satan               G's      $363.47        #'s         47   James Reimer               

     Kyle  Heckenduorf , Mosinee ______actual line_________Kyle Borchardt, Mosinee

             'South Park' Kyle , Colorado -----fake line------ 'Young and the Restless' Kyle, Wisconsin

                 Joel Hanley 44                    Josh Metellus 44              Sheldon Souray 44

                       Keswick, ON                         U$A                           Elk Point, AB

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                 ^                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                              ladies                   Marine City 'Kyle'                    gentlemen


                                   Giguere    >               TNT               <  Lindeman                                    

                                   Collingwood  >     "Kyle Conner"    <   Hull

                                                         SATAN 81 ( NHL variable)

                                                               BLISS, Michigan



 Collingwood and Hull are both surnames and locations. Retaining accurate family surnames and appreciating your natural history should always be weightier than college alumni affiliation and 'religion'.

There is a logical reason to tune into local 'culture' to observe what others are being influenced by. At least 2 students at Romeo, Michigan high school like 'South Park', as deranged and vile as it is. Millions must still like watching the family troubles on CBS shows, and I used to also for many years. Now, watching those programs is more like looking at falsified complaint report and wonder why a judge would have accepted that untrue report as 'truth'.

Professional, paid Christian missionaries certainly should be experts at who is on the right and who is on the left, since their leader 'Jesus Christ' will discard those on the 'left'.  Yet, how can they discard someone like me that actually did clothe them and provide for them without being deplorable, paid hypocrites?

That is a question that someone like Kyle from Marine City probably would be able to answer by saying such people who were clothed while they represented 'Christianity' are hypocrites if they discard the people that clothed them.  I've clothed many people with good intentions, and the thankful continue to show me kindness in return, even though I am not a Christian anymore.

Not all fabrication is made of metal; fine linen or cotton fabrication sometimes comes in the form of a beautiful red scarf gifted to me by a Muslim couple from Bangladesh or a beautiful crocheted blue scarf from my mother, which I cherish and appreciate even though she is a Catholic, not a Christian.

If 236 represents, British Columbia communication lines, then 298 represents Faroe Islands.  Since many of us cannot see the stars nor moon in the skies because of chemical warfare deployed over us causing unnatural darkness and unnatural weather disasters, sometime all we can do is look up to a uniform for direction or a true parent that does not loathe  the sight of a tent pitched up during the feast of tabernacles in the autumn and does not close their household door in fear to other family members who are struggling in pain and sorrow or who come in peace and joy.

       Night 2,092 word:  Why have you chosen to  Χ–ָΧ”ַם  me and fear me as 'cigarette Terry ' did? 

     Where is the 'perfect love' that casts out fear that your 'GOD' didn't infused into your bloodstream?

 My mother suggests trying to use new word in a sentence; I used a Hebrew word. My father likes to hear about my bowling scores and wants me to play the piano more; I shall bowl and play the piano, for us.

      Respect your father and your mother, so that your days are prolonged upon the land which Yehowah, your defense,  allows you to till.

                     Exodus 20

 Final Score: 

Minnesota Vikings 20 & not vile enough to attend Super Bowl LVIII.

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