Monday, January 8, 2024

Actual 2 Drops Down @ Last ; W is for Water , M is for Mineral

 West Mineral Street and south Water Street do not intersect in Milwaukee. Don't be pulled along into a spiritual war or numerology trap by college football fanatics from USA zip zones WA and MI.

Milwaukee isn't identical to  MIlWAkee; notice the 2 state initial problem within the latter. 

Strongs H2480 means to 'pick up', to catch, to CLOT. to accept.  In my basic Hebrew translation, CLT becomes חלט . Clotting can cause serious disease troubles, but when a wound is opened and bleeding commences, natural clotting at the surface is beneficial.  If too much is becomes incorrectly assessed as 'acceptable' due to failure of the host, self-induced disease or death to to carelessness become probable. Staying healthy enough to generate clotting to prevent blood loss or striving to be healthy&natural enough that harmful WARP SPEED clotting is dissuaded from your bloodstream is your responsibility as an adult.

A football safety is worth 2 points, but it does get a 'team' past the '0' who has no goals, no points, no wins and no saves. Necessary risk often leads to a minus situation, but surely mercy can be extended to the person who has tried yet 'gone minus' due to the superior skills of his opposition than to the person who was so content with his '0' status that he never exhibited the necessary courage to put forth any good effort at all. Being OK with a '0' is not acceptable, as anyone who has completed at least 1 golf hole knows, a bowling game or a basketball game knows. More literally, 0K is not OK.

Tossing jersey. numbers into the trash, UWSP's hockey goalie Alex Proctor  seems to be more mentally fit to care for himself and lead others properly as a man than tattoo-colored offensive adults, and indeed that is a 'appreciate the natural' perspective.  Sifting adults into a  natural man category means many adults get disqualified from 'natural man' status, yet a  W investigator should be capable of detecting which men are natural and which adults are neither natural nor men.

⃤   This is not a 'white triangle' matter of laughter, nor are any of the contents in this compilation intended to be comical.  Maybe  a former member of the USMC such as Kevin Hermening can write some proper comedy skits for the USA military now, but the Marines I worked with were far more dependable than Kevin Hermening when a sobering dilemma needed a mentally, physically and spiritually acceptable outcome. 

Redundant use of surnames is professional as well as collegiate sports seems to impede sanity and increases confusion.  A full set of 10 fingerprints, palm prints or toe prints if the person has no fingers, should be required for any person to be able to vote in the USA elections, since every person was given proper identification. There aren't many men as decent, honorable and intelligent as as senior citizen Jeffrey Brezovar or junior citizen Rocco Stolz. The technology is there, but the wicked don't use their finances nor available technology to reduce fraudulent activities and reduce chaos in their community.

                                      ⛳    Distance affects optical perspective.  ⚾

A man typically minimizes the effects of his rage and anger upon others when he only injures rather than murder.  A woman often over-reacts to an attack to preserve her body from more harm.

A detectable but not deadly daily dose of  abuse upon a targeted victim satisfies the abuser more than a swift murder, since he retains his power over his victim for an extended period of time and he doesn't have to seek out another victim of his daily wicked desire to abuse. 

People who abuse animals are no different than people who abuse members of their household; both try not to get imprisoned or a death sentence by a righteous, accurate discerning judge.  The USA military employees and those who have been improperly trained by the USA military are equal in depravity to animal abusers now,  as the USA military funders and contractors keep allowing hazardous materials to  be deployed upon the victims of their financial and environmental abuses as they intentionally impose hazardous and unnatural weather patterns upon the world they hate for some insane reason. 

If the abusive military, business and political trinity of HARMFUL atrocities would cease to interfere with atmospheric conditions, there might indeed be some 'withdrawal' pains exhibited by what remains operable within the natural realm of environmental systems, but thee were no. longer be hasty, intentional destruction of natural defense systems that get activated properly. As a matter of fact, I would argue that withdrawal from self-abusive habits and unnatural chemical dependency is often painful so that you never restart the self-abusive habit again after you had the some intelligence to start your own self-preservation reactions. Meanwhile, Michigan State students seem to be troubled about having classes resume in a building that murders occurred, yet had no anti-murderous spirit when they voted to expand Michigan's infant murder business. How is a school where an adult was murdered any more disturbing than hospitals or clinics where innocent, defenseless babies are murdered?  Since you might be looking through frog -colored glasses, does the background color of this paragraph closer to Benjamin Moore's Somerville Red  62 or Monticello Rose 63?

Who has taught others to 'hate the world'? Has the character sketched and labeled as 'Jesus Christ' actually taught his followers to hate the world and to have no regard for the present or future condition of the earth?  In contrast, יהוה  has clearly instructed his followers NOT to inflict unnecessary abuse upon a neighbor, their household members, nor their animals, yet to swiftly eradicate only the most wicked who show no signs of stopping their intentional abuses upon neighbor, relative or adversary. Many adversaries do not actually fit the definition as a wicked enemy, they only are behaving better than their competition and are viewed as a threat to absurd habitual desires or overly permissive attitudes that encourage depraved lusts. The enemy you have might be very righteous, justified and decent though weary from long-suffering, but the USA federal government  does not fit the definition of righteous nor decent enemy anymore, and thus their attacks upon their own 'household' makes the USA federal government as wicked as a child abuser, a person who adores the violence of his pit bulls or a mechanized robot that hates the gentle and cordial spirit of  a chickadee. 

Don't bother reading any more from me if you are wasting your time on a 'smartphone' and can stare at an unrealistic 🌈 on your 25% of a multi-tone circle  until you croak more quietly than a bullfrog . You will only be extremely confused by your electronic expensive toy wafer and not improved by thoughtful, time-consuming input from me regarding eggplant vs. aubergine as a replacement for  eastern indigo snake  vs. blue indigo bunting. 😃 Surely, you don't think I'd include my personal knowledge of baptisia australis  in here without at least a generous donation to me so my anti-Whitmer department of natural intelligence can continue without getting associated with erratic, unreliable varieties of religious systems devised by anti-יהוה personnel currently known to be as destructive to families as an invasive, corrupt military chemical warfare or an anti-republic  curse disguised as a BLESSING ! 

Who has said that gray is an extreme spectrum in natural  color systems? I'm going to relabel ROYGBIV into several versions of  nutrition sequences in this electronic venue,  using only the computer 'fake' symbols. I'll not remove all of the automated 'periods' which I don't desire but transvestites certainly do irrationally desire strange. improperly used periods and  typically toxic tampons. There are computerized limited OPtIONS, but artificial intelligence wouldn't to think to attempt what I am about to attempt. When I laid the following variations out on the computer, all the foods and water were in the same horizontal road, but if they appear scrambled and nonsensical to you, it's because you did not see the screen layout I saw while I was typing.  There is typically a comprehension problem or impaired conclusion about the author or artist when seeing the original  is not an option.

🍎🍑🍌🍐💦🍆 🍇       🍠🍊🌻🍀🐟 🍆 🍇     🍒🟠🍋🍏🌊🍆🍇   🍖🍊🍳🍏🔵 🍆🍇

A    P   B   P   W  E  G           y    t   s    c    f    e    g          c    o    l    a   w   e   g      M.  T.  E.  A  B  E  G

p.    e    a.   e   a.  g.  r.            a   a   u    l    i    g    r           h.   r.   e.   p.  a.   g.  r.      E    A   G  P  E  G  R

p.    a    n.  a.  t.   g   a.           m  n.  n   o.   s.   g.   a.         e.   o    m   p   t.   g   a.     A.   N.  G. P  R  G A 

l.     c.   a.   r    e.   p   p               g.  f.   v.   h.   p.  p.          r.   n.     o.  l  e.   p.  p      T.   G.       L  R.  P P 

e.    h    n.         r.   l.   e.              e.   l.   e.        l.    e.         r.     g.   n.  e.  r.    l   e.            E.      E.  Y. L. E

             a.              a   s.               r    o.   r.        a.   s.          y.    e.                   a   s.            R.                A S

                              n                    i.   w              n                                             n                 I                  N

                              t.                   n     e.              t.                                            t                 N                  T

                                                    e                                                                                      E             

I don't know what you can see on your screen. I will center a 5th set to illustrate a a similar but not identical analogy to what I uploaded previously. Yes, many people are eating a form of paper pulp now as prisoners of war have been fed in Nazi Germany, labeled as cellulose in an ingredient list.  You can differ if the inner redness of a melon identifies it's color, or if the outer hardy green skin makes it a green colored spectrum  code plant.

                                            🍉 🥕🍺 🌵 📘  🍆  🍇 

                                             M  C   B.   C.  B.   A.    G

                                              E.  A.  E.   A.  O.  U     R

                                              L.  R.   E.   C.  O.  B.   A

                                              O. R.   R.    T.  K.   E.   P

                                              N  O.          U.         R.  E

                                                   T.           S.          G.  S




The 'carrot' group illustrates an E as a route, such as those who push E=Ephraim as the most blessed, securely rooted and 'deep thinking' tribe, which I know it is not. Finally, to illustrate what a low intelligence level developed the queer&lesbian flag system, I'll think my way through the 2 final, intricate thought examples of intelligent coded upgrades from the simplistic ROYGBIV design, while working rather than playing in a world system that no longer is producing proper nutrients because the earth is being raped and poisoned at the same time. 

 1.  Sentryworld MAX RAINBOW code 7: 🏌   H   O  M  A   B  A  G


                                                                              h.  o.  m.  a.  b.  a.   g

                                                                              i.   r.   a.   p.  l.   u.  r

                                                                              b.  o.  i    p    u   b   a

                                                                              i.   n.  z.   l.   e.  e.   p

                                                                              s.   g.  e.   e.  b.  r.   e 

                                                                              c.   e.             e.  g    s

                                                                              u.                  r.   i

                                                                              s.                   r.   n

                                                                                                    y   e

Now there's a 'tie' in the lower case&root stock depth chart, with no capital E to consider. The stupid computer imagery suggests that sweat is the same color as water, but SWEAT is not BLUE! 🏈  Another attempt might be my best, daughter style,  keeping Laura Wagler in mind and of course, the golf term 'WAG'. The letters are '5 deep' on the depth chart with a 'green tea' twist in the middle, for Benjamin Moore color code  trend 236!


2.  Green-eyed lady staff code :   🍉 🍯 🍳 🍵 💧🍆 🍇

                                                       W.  H.  Y.   G .  W.  A   G

                                                        A.   O    O   R.   A   U    R

                                                        T.    N.   L.  E.   T.   B.   A 

                                                        E.    E.   K.  E.   E.  E.   P

                                                        R.    Y.         N   R.  R.   E

                                                        M.               T.   D   G.   S

                                                         E.                E.  R   I.   

                                                         L                 A  O.  N

                                                         O.                    P.    E


 Now, Napthali (N) is indeed the deepest, most thoughtful tribe and the motherly influence is extremely important to the outcome of a family tree or a family piece of land..  If you don't start a task, you'll never have a chance of completing a necessary task. Intentionally Interfering with weather patterns by deploying chemical warfare concoctions into the jet stream is not only unnecessary, it is contrary to the will of יהוה.  Skies are continually grey, not naturally colored anymore but loaded with toxic clouds that don't produce drinkable water anymore.  

Who has heisted, mutilated and blocked my healthy dose of sunshine. Surely it was a man who told others not to care for (love?) the world, and who also didn't want to be part of the world that YHWH does care about. יהוה does not want his firmament, soils and water to be intentionally invaded with toxins as difficult to reverse or remove as a tattoo pierced into the fragile, necessary flesh. of a human body.

Millions will observe what happens during an irrationally hyped college football game; a couple hundred might observe me and learn how to compete against demonic spirits with your speech, not only with your hands bearing extremely beautiful, natural stones..

        I scored way above 'median' results in the brain function test I just passed with rowboat colors!  

Try to make your own coded non-ROYGBIV declaration of sanity, for such is a superior way to learn without the computer leading you into pornography or bad Taiwan Deal sacks.  Here's a 'pulp fact' anti-fiction version of what M.S.O.E. dropouts like me are capable of when they are working under fabricated 'grow lights' and aren't limited to  fake food class imagery!                                                                                                       

                                                            _ _ _ ⛳ _ _ _

                                                            Why 🥬 wag?


                                                    🍅📙🍋🥬 🔵 🍆🍇

                                                     t.    o   l.   l.    b.    a.   g

                                                     o.   r.   e.  e.    i.    u.   r

                                                     m.  a.  m. a.    l.   b.   a

                                                     a.   n    o.  f.    l    e.    p  

                                                     t.    g.   n.  y    i.   r.    e

                                                     o.   e.        g.   a.  g.    s

                                                           c.        r.    r.   i.   

                                                           o         e.   d.   n

                                                           v.         e   b.    e

                                                           e.         n.   a.  

                                                           r.          s    l






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