Sunday, January 1, 2023

This is the Timing of YCZQAL

 YCZQAL Chapter 24:  and in the 9th year in the tenth month on the tenth of the month...

  It is the tenth month, 7th day.  It is not the start of the new year in early winter.

YCZQAL  Chapter 26: And it came to be in the 11th year*  on the first of the month....

   This day would have occurred near the beginning of spring. What kind of apathetic observer would utter 'happy new year' when there is no peace, there is no safety and wickedness is plaguing nations due to the lack of good law enforcement  and because wicked lawmakers have changed times and laws to intentionally oppose   יהוה  ?  DO NOT UTTER "HAPPY NEW YEAR" for such is a vain repetition that undiscerning people utter after being improperly trained by colleagues who devise wickedness.

YCZQAL Chapter 29: In the tenth year, in the tenth month on the 12th of the month....

     It is the 10th month; the tenth month is always in the early part of winter, not in 'October'.

YCZQAL Chapter 31: And it came to be in the 11th year, in the third month on the first of the month...

    This day would be in late spring before the summer solstice.  Do you comprehend and believe the contents of Psalm 11? 

 YCZQAL Chapter 32: And it came to be in the 12th year, in the 12th month on the first of the month....

    This day would occur in late winter, not in December.  

YCZQAL Chapter 40: In the 25th year of our exile, at the beginning of the year on the 10th of the month, in the 14th year after the city was smitten...

     This was the day a male lamb was to be chosen for slaughtering in a humane manner. Flogging and crucifixion is not a humane manner to slaughter a male lamb.  Think before you have a 'remembrance event' and avoid getting caught up with the chaff who are light-hearted and merry when they should be grieving and preparing to resist wickedness IN HIGH PLACES.  

Can you comprehend and do you believe the contents of Psalm 25?

"Dwell in confidence "does not mean be apathetic, merry and jovial when wickedness is plaguing your HOA, town, county, state and/or nation.  

יחזקאל   and his companions were competent enough to keep track of days, weeks, months and years without internet services to mislead them.

* Is this chapter an error in 'placement'?

The leader is  לח    .  The rear guard is  דגל  .     חשק  is in the middle.

If you need a library card to access a Strongs Concordance or Brigss, Brown and Driver reference book, get one legally. If you voted illegally or you voted for a pro-abortion candidate, you ruined your opportunity to receive mercy since you refused to be merciful toward infants and legal citizens.

 Georgia actually  lost when they raised up Warnock. 🏈 An armball isn't nominal value, but it is a toy.

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