Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Hanover, Wisconsin: Where's DD Now?

Duane Edward Dersken 'blew by you', not T'J''s Fitness in Milwaukee on Yeutonia Avenue near Highway PP.  How many pucks 'blew by you'?

1,717 :  דד doesn't mean 'pee pull' .    'DDFence Emet' is much more advanced in righteous thinking and advancing realisitic situations and actual circumstances toward an extremely small % of computer grazers than the 'Harry Potter' book author or 'Mr. Arrowhead', comedian 'Steve Martin.. When I think of 'Cole', I think of my fellow classmate in 1987 Gwen Cole first, not some Tampa Bay Lightning game boy. Like me, Gwen Cole had difficulty running and completely athletic challenges.  Covering your bosom area properly is a requirement, not an option is you claim  to be 'saved by grace'.  Karen Eland doesn't know how to cover her bosom at work, and it's up to her boss to correct her if she is not wise enough to understand the importance of a 'high neckline'  when at work or in the community where she is supposed to be loving her neighbor as she loves herself rather than loving over-exposure  of her body parts without a shutterbug in sight. Old women make just as many errors as young strumpets if they do not have a boss,  godly beau, righteous parents or embarrassed children uttering to their over-exposed neighbor,  'cover thyself, woman! '. 

Trisha Noble pretended to be a  Hollywood whore on television  with Lionel Ephraim's consent, so Lionel Ephraim was actually _______________ in reality.

A) leading millions of viewers into temptation and approving of  Mary Tyler Moore's bodily protection of 'Murray's character when 'Murray' was approached by a fake or real homosexual in a restauarant
B) implying that letting a woman into your room and only allowing her to kiss you is still keeping your vows if you prevent any further bodily contact and order the whore Trisha Noble to play 'keep away from Ted Baxter'
C) trying to illustrate and then actually intentionally causing trouble when married people travel and get in front of cameras without their spouses
D) not doing as well as when he developed the anti-barbituate episode when Ed Asner displayed an anti-sleeping pill message and pretended to help his real friend, Mary Tyler Moore
E) paying Ted Knight to pretend "Ted Baxter' is pro-choice when rejecting the Hollywood whore, Trisha Noble

In  'Ted Rich' verses the fake news room 'Mary Richards', Ted Rich is party to evcry sin committed on his 'fake news' 

Did Karl Ratzinger  change  his identity from male at birth  to female  before he died?

Karl Ratzinger has been known as a 'German Shepherd'.

A German Shepherd is less restrictive than 'THE German Shepherd.'  Stop believing  commercials implying that THE is better than A


"The O's got it" - Milwaukee Squad 50 Early, 1987

Would you let יחזקאל take the wheel instead of  Carrie Underwood's version of 'Jesus' who's name she profited from but who's name did not rebuke nor improve her strumpet behavior.   Has the 9th year report of  YCZQAL Chapter 24 been erased from your Bible or  recommended reading list?.

 It is now the starting twilight time of the 10th month, 10th day again so take heed of the events recorded for us to discern the times.  My years of tutoring online have been completed with  plenty of trials, errors  and successes included at no expense to you.

🧸I recommend that you trust Viktor 'Aged Ivory' Koslov, not Whitmer, Trudeau, Trump,McConnell and Biden.  I suspect the role  William Mims took as an untrustworthy drug dealer in 'Adam-12' resembles many fund-collecting suburban HOA treasurers rather  than taking on the actual duties of an upright and honest police canine unit. Lot 5 does not represent Squad 5; a squad has to be mobile, not a rigid section of turf. 

Squad ה  🟠

"..... a tooth for a tooth,   a cheek for  a cheek,  a jaw for a  jaw, a לחי  for a לחי"  

Li. Ne.    upon    Li. Ne. 

3.   10     upon    3.   10
G.   Y.                 C.   J

P    Re.  Ce   Pt     upon  P                 Re.     Ce.             Pt
15   75   58   78.            Milano.        75.     Milano.      78.   
                                     Washington   NHL  Buffalo.     NFL.  
                                        15.                          58

The world doesn't need any more expensive toy or cheap toy drives.
 The  'poor' children of the world needs  garden tool drives, or a  snow shovel drives to assist the neighborhood elderly and vegetable gardening education drives and trade education to learn employment skills.

'Pele' is not my king.

♜. ♞

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