Sunday, January 1, 2023

Post 1702: Why Mock Chicken Legs?

 Supplying a person with a raft is defense; providing mock chicken legs  to an ישראלי victim of a felony in Marathon County, Wisconsin who was  then forced to become a prisoner charged only with  municipal disorderly conduct  is an unforgivable  offense. In reality, not charging a felon after he clearly committed a felony and the complainant is willing to testify against the felon is actually a felony committed by district attorney's office .


                      What's divers places?

In Milwaukee, 789 N. Water Street , Suite 300, is not a perfect place to settle disputes. It also isn't the worst place to display your intelligence.

There is mention of a 'king of kings' in YCZQAL 26:7, but  that referral is not  toward whom you would expect, or at least not who I'd expect.  The same king is mentioned emitting astounding edicts in Daniel 3:29.  'Sovereign of sovereigns' is a synonym for 'king of kings'.  

Maybe the 2nd coming of the 'king of the north' needs contemplation for those who are expecting to become extinct on earth due to some sort of 'rapture'.

The prophet ירמיהו probably considered being lifted out of a dung pit 'being caught up in the air'.

My instinct is that I will have no problem at all ceasing at a time when the G1702 word has been brought to my recollection.  Research on H1704  V. G1704 is pending.  🦮

♬🎶 'So long,  Farwell is still in District V.....'  

'Hello Harwell, we need a Joe pro-life..'

It looks like another young athlete collapsed during an NFL game, and the odds are likely that he took all the experimental injections that Kirk Cousins didn't take.  The New York governess is not pro-life, and if onlookers don't learn of the dangers of believing pro-abortion politicians, it is their own fault for ignoring how many improbably sudden deaths are occurring since operation WARPSPEED has experimented with humanity.   In police work, if one co-worker got injured or murdered, we certainly couldn't walk off the job like NFL players seem to be able to do. Maybe more of these NFL men should apply for jobs in local police departments so they can eradicate the crime in the cities who cheered them on with pompom squads. There is time to be sober, realistic and to point the non-foam finger of guilt toward the governors and business owners who pushed their state occupants into becoming 'big pharma' $ experiments while the buffoons in court robes and in senate and congressional seats were never forced nor pressured to take the experimental injections. The cause of injuries and deaths are often misrepresented to shroud the guilty drug pushers.

How many other murders occurred in the United States in the same week Damar Hamlin was deemed to be in need of CPR?  The police chief of Brackenridge was murdered by a loosed repeat offender of violent crimes and that should have been more reason to raise millions of dollars for law enforcement instead of toys for NFL player's publicity.  How quickly did people forget about Henry Aaron's death after experimental injection?  There is not probable cause to say 'happy new year' in a nation or venue that is so loaded with wickedness and top-heavy with depravity  that it is impossible to be optimistic about the upcoming events.  I won't donate to a toy fund, but I will donate to the family of a MARTYRED police chief!  Rethink who's getting you caught up into their 'sympathy donations'....professional sports figures have a way of deviating viewers from acts of bravery that aren't merely athletic 'performances'.

Am I too harsh? No.  Felons are loosed far too often and in the fair, old days of Moshe Ben Amram, wicked men wouldn't;t have multiple opportunities to inflict serious bodily injury to others in their community as thug 'Swan' was allowed to do in Pennsylvania.  Col. Henry Marie Brackenridge would be sickened by the lack of appreciation there is for citizens who are willing to be police officers in the ' Joe Biden' zones of ' anti-work heathens'. 

Lack of optimism does not mean it it time to have lack of increased strategic individual and household defenses. Plenty of people think that watching faked  violent deaths and faked investigations  is 'fun entertainment'. How many people will watch reruns of Damar Hamlin's collapse and never bother recalling Calvin Hall of Pittsburgh? Did the Pittsburgh police give their working staff excuses to go home after the injury or  loss of a friend or did they have to continue to do their OCCUPATION?  The hypocrisy of the NFL  and misleading media is about to be so obvious that it will make sane people vomit.

In heaven, occupants aren't pressured  to be stabbed with  expensive  experimental injections . 

A 24 year-old young man had more of a chance to protect himself than a baby in a womb who doesn't expect to be violently murdered. Someone should be very clear about how many experimental injections that Damar Hamlin thought were 'safe and effective'  he decided to accept OR if he said 'no' and in fact was unfortunate as a friend of my family who died of an unexpected aneurysm.

'We shall not all see; we are not all in this together.' - the holy angel of division, not diversion

Obscurely yours, 

 דברת or 'for now, Love, let's be real'

💜    17 is still a dartboard section on 'Gary's Wheel', but 41 is not on the dartboard, eh?

Deuteronomy 33:3 has never been done away with. A liar told me on January 22nd, 2023  that the Old Testament was eliminated by 'Jesus', but what Jesus did he mean?

1. Jesus Aguilar

2. Jesus Colon

3. Jesus Ortiiz

4. The 'Catholic Jesus' opposite of Alphonso Morale, Kevin Rogers and David Clarke

Even the  USA military used to had out the Psalms and proverbs with the Acts of the Apostles, but that before Biden decided he wanted to be anti-Psalms and pro-deceitfulness.

This isn't  the Eve Plumb line of 'Tiger V. Fluffy' or 'Elmo v. Denzel'. TV shows don't replace actual family members   ' I, a mother, am waiting' to see if the desires of my son's heart is softened. by whatever force can override the way he's been programmed to avoid even trying to be good, helpful son. The thoughtful  movie  ' A Child Is Waiting' might be worth watching if you think your mother, father or siblings are too frightening, different or strange to spend time with. 

We are not all 'Reuben' ;going the way of Judy Garland isn't an option for a lady with an anti-Whitmer/anti-Trudeau defense plan.

I'll never wear 'hot pink' again; it became an outward sign of wickedness and pro-abortion Gretchen Whitmer.  I'd rather wear orange, 'majestic sage' or 'aged ivory' than ever follow the witchy trends of Gretchen Whitmer's 'hot pink' outerwear. don't be naive; politicians use color codes and music selections in their attire to signal others.

Thankfully, Gretchen Whitmer did not wear blue when she entered her '2nd term' after campaigning with her 'murder the infants' agenda.

In 'to scale' matters of insignia shifts, 🔵  can get reshaped into a. 💙, not a  🟦  .

There is difficult trail ahead  that the reasonably cautious may not even want to try to pass through ♦. Some, however, will have to pass through the waters when 'Four Bridges' is not an option.

Remember William Mckinley when you see a '25'; such is the innuendo of a 'touchback' when the kicker has not kept his toy ball out of the 'end' zone.

⛄.What has happened at  'Extreme Ice' in Indian Trail, N.C. matters as much as  code: 'lemon curd' 🟡during an anti-witchcraft project with Mark Wagner. 

Indeed, 🔴  is the center of a dartboard and part of the Japanese flag.  'Camp Topaz' has been ignored by too many European people, but not by PReCISe [Squad 183] historians.  Hugs are not always helpful when you are struggling to breath.

Aunt Joanie's not here. 


If Damar Hamlin survives, he should be thankful enough to turn the entire 'toy drive $' over to the Brackenridge police department for the widow and children of Chief McIntire.  Local police officers should also stop being sideline bodyguards for professional sports games; let them hire their own private security guards with their huge 'accounts receivable'.  I wouldn't retract his paragraph if Damar Hamlin rolled up to my house in a wheelchair. He wouldn't get good sanctification advice from Mike Tomlin.

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