Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Henrik Lundquist Mocks Chris Plummer's Guitar String Section!

Sitting next to Anson Carter would nauseate many people like me who believe in a sane person's right to say NO  to supporting liberal  theology. and anti-straight practices, so why is Henrik Lundquist plopped next to  blatant homosexuality advocate Anson Carter?

Maybe so he could play the guitar as if he were Christopher Plummer in a modified version of the non-homosexual classic movie 'The Sound of Music'.

Specialized  informants often have to occupy uncomfortable positions in order to relay accurate information to lower crust pecan  pie makers and pro-straight earthly realms of communication perimeters.

A communication perimeter is not a communication center.  πŸ“ž .


 No 'Edelweiss'. ???    How about  a tune titled ' The Yellow Cross of Sweden'?    πŸ‚πŸ‚πŸ‚πŸ‚πŸ‚πŸ‚


                                                  Conor Witherspoon isn't Reese Zebro.

                                                         Tyler Love isn't Jordan Love.

                                                    Tech Nickel 'Tom'  isn't  Nick Techel.

                                            Variable:   πŸ‚« πŸ‚» πŸƒ‹ πŸƒ› = 4 pinocle points

                     How does Dennis Weaver always seem to end up in trucking semi final decisions?  πŸ“Ί

                                                         Not every Dul has a bad outcome.

                                                 James Michael Vesey 'R' as in Ranger  isn't a VCR.


Why bet on sporting events where the scout of the Toronto Maple Leafs is pitted financially                      against his son on the New York Rangers when polarization of teams occur?  Betting on sporting event outcomes  is a sin tied to organized crime syndicates, and Denmark Vesey might even agree with that opinion of mine.   πŸ’Ž.   We can't all roll over and play cribbage at 61.   🦨🦨 Some of us have to roll under and play checkers like Jon Michelizzi after 54499 views. ♚   

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