Friday, September 9, 2022

Ukraine's Military General 'Boasts' 3rd Reich Emblem on Hat!

Catchy truthful headlines sometimes curve to another road runner. Real estate adds often use the word 'boasts'.  

FACT: I have a son who is trying to do more Protestant works in England with donated money than King Charles and Camilla ever have tried to do with accumulated wealth.

Non-fiction questions may occur here.

Is a wealthy king such as Charles, companion of Camilla, who spoke regularly to his powerful and wealthy mother more justified by his faith than a non-wealthy missionary who refuses to write even one letter as long as 'Philemon' to his real mother to notify her of his whereabouts and living conditions?

I suspect I'd only bow to a hockey player who understands management of 12 tribe positions.

There, before Yom Kippur, I actually have decided to report  that my 2nd child  is trying harder to please the people of England than pompous Charles and his  Camilla have ever tried.

Meanwhile, let it  be known that יהוה  is not nor will ever be Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, Hindu, Protestant, agnostic nor a Catholic since any of those limited, fallible slot formation terms would, in error, limit the boundaries, rulings, realm, jurisdiction  and domain of יהוה.

Don't blame  President Vladimir Putin if you lack fuel or food; Ukraine is a branch of Germany's Third Reich and emblems on the head of military dupes do matter. The U.S.A. political pigs, donkeys and elephants are doing more harm than the theoretical prodigal son by tossing U.S. dollars into anything other than U.S.A. roadway infrastructure, water desalination plants and anti-Yahwehist  activities now.

⏱  I can't play in a sand oval today; Cracklewood has no openings on it's bunkered course for non-outing strays.

🏁.  Did you know that  חקר  means 'inquiry' and 'investigator' and is similar to Chequer?  

(There still are 64 squares on a chess/checker board, in case you are a strict student of Gd in a periodic table setting. )


  ♛  & ♔. Management

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