Saturday, September 17, 2022

THE Correct Answers For 30 Right & 31 Right

The correct answer for 30 right is Sidney Rice ( 30 touchdown constant) and for 31 right it is Eric Boulton ( 31 goal constant), as of course, YCZQAL's count up to 40 on the right side is still in progress. If numbers don't get scrambled a bit, there would be too many  Kirk Cousins&Hampton combos and not enough people willing to think and behave like an adult student of יהוה who is rightly learning to resist evil and observe the appointed times instead of 'Juneteenth Day'  . 

10 days of unpredictable activity is recommended if you are up to day 421 and Joey Pavelski is your 'Go 7th round' shark.

Healthy behavior signs don't have to be in the sky or in the Skyler Bell section.


Elul 19 is not June 19.

Many good defensemen choose to go backward rather than keep moving forward, and any chess player understands the 'over and back' legal moves that aren't on a basketball court.

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