Friday, September 9, 2022

Detroit Marathon 2022: Unnatural Runners Only !

Does anyone recall how 'offended' people were when 'Rocky IV' depicted a Russian boxer who was getting injections in order to participate in an athletic competition?

The Detroit Marathon on October 16, 2022 is now requiring all of their participants be 'unnaturalized' by injection so Detroit people can bow their bodies to King Charles and Camilla.

Running a marathon is not how any person gets sanctified, sealed, qualified nor saved by a Creator who is pro-natural and would never desire real heroes to bow to a needle or King Charles of England.

Is it an Armenian or Calvinist world now for those stuck on Paul's letters rather than moving along well and safely in the book of  Exodus?

🌭.   🐕

Unlike King Solomon, dead Queen Elizabeth never submitted any writings of repentance before her death and I suspect her greedy household has accumulated more unjustified wealth than King Solomon did before he penned  an instructions to properly regard commandments  .

As 'Gomer Pyle' would exclaim to Detroit Marathon participants...'shame, shame, shame' for despising natural body conditioning.

👂 A  left ear just refuses to hear literally from 'The Ministry of Silly Walks' to a new song being released soon titled 'Forward, Natural Warriors'.


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