Monday, September 19, 2022

Attention Michigan: 'Hogan Calls Stalag 13 "Winter Wonderland'

Maybe 'Kommandant Gertrude vs. Karen Richter' is interesting old news, but future news is always a variable. Now Michigan's "winter Wonderland' plates have a historic connection to Bob Carne's character.

๐ŸฅŠ๐ŸฅŠ ๐Ÿƒ.    ืขื™ืŸ is IYN is similar ti Ian as I observe transitions.

I met 2 llamas today named Rocky and Maverick; Maverick spit at Rocky. I had not considered previously that llama is clean as a deer from a cud&hoof position, but the llama provides YArN material.


Sheep can leap but do they have faith?  'Little Falls 1618 isn't 1618 County Trunk C in 54455.

I heard the word 'coma' watching Rocky II on the same day I saw that the Hebrew word for 'wall; barrier' is very similar to  COMH if the 2nd letter is translated to an O rather than as a V, a U or a W. YCZQAL 40:5 is the reference point for H2346,  ื—ื•ืžื”  .  Music by Kansas is not equal to studying the language of the SW...the special writings known as the older testimonies of the 'Bible'.

Make it a goal to be able to not only refer to tattooed people as 'colored' and people without tattoos as 'uncolored', but also to be able to confidently say " I have plenty of crystal clear water frontage in my house that is safely contained by my wonderful, fully functional commode(s)." The commode line should be appreciated by anyone that isn't uppity and especially by plumbers and toilet bowl makers such as Church, Toto, Mansfield, Kohler , American Standard and Crane. Gee' I'd even make a commercial for any of those commode companies including that  commode comment especially for real giggles. ๐Ÿšฝ

I never thought I would get a one day visitor total of 51,007   to this site but I did today.  Thanks, Bronson and 'Left Leg Charley' company!  Maybe Jeff Hackett never thought he'd be chosen 2nd and 34th instead of 2nd and 40th.  I don't use the NYSTV strategy of lifting up arms with tattoos, since I know that a person who has gotten tattoos is a bad follower, not a good leader. I'm going to try and continue with some strategy for the anti-Democrat workers that will include some tough, soft facts and reasonable suspicion about the people who continually insist on hanging a ✝ on their neck for public display of their anti-Yehowah positioning.

It is unlikely that someone as wealthy as Mike Tomlin would take any advice from me, but ideally the L team will. I had previously written '32 is as low as you can go' and it didn't frighten real workers and athletes in Michigan who understood legal lines of action and reaction.  A 32nd degree Freemason  might be able to be called 'worshipful master' by a few followers, but how many collegiate idiots also claim to be 'masters' of something?? 32 is as low as water can go before becoming cold as ๐ŸงŠ  .

Yup, it's ื™ื—ื–ืงืืœ right 32 day and here are some final suggestions not quite approved by 'Bud' Golden or Edwin Layton before I refer you to the P team,  Psalm 31, which contains the word H1629, ื’ืจื–. Indeed, it might only be. month 30 going on 31 for those lagging behind as a rear guard.

R) Do not wear a ✝  on your neck, since there is no ✝ in Republican but there is every Democra✝. who wrongly believes they do not have to be punished or plagued for their pro-abortion and high taxation policies..

O) Once you have wisely decided to stop wearing signs of death on your neck such as    ☦,✝,✞, or ✟, you may choose something more anti-Democrat  and more encouraging such as a natural stone, a musical note or the letter 'n' as in Byfuglien if you can find one to replace your Democra't' display that I suspect Mike Tomlin adheres too.  A whistle is more helpful around the neck in case of an emergency than a useless. ✝ .

B) "I work in the Er to Erne."  Do you know what this really means to squad 68? It means that  Detroit  Lions Decker 68 is not Detroit Redwings Erne smart.  Decker was flipping his tainted arm into angles like LeBron James instead of being as respectful to his body as  Michigan's John James.

E) 'Be Thou My Vision' was never written from a female perspective. Etiquette that is considerate and respectful is what a saved mother desires most from her son or daughter, whether or not she has been cornered into a 'single parent' role and has to judge and discipline her child in order to prevent her child from facing more cruel judges.  If your parent tells you to 'Stay and sin no more', it is equivalent to saying 'Resist evil in my presence or you will be ejected from my house again.'   It is  ื™ื”ื•ื” that saves according to the book seen as Isaiah that the I team is supposed o be referring to. If you do not believe these tough, soft facts then you are likely to keep trusting liars who encourage you to do wrong by doing things such as getting tattoos on your body or choosing an abortion rather than allowing for adoption.

S) Splitting Detroit's 'Purple Gang' is crucial to expel Whitmer from room 120. Whitmer, flopping herself in purple skins for her pro-abortion commercials, mocked the state of Michigan laws when she partied hardy when churches and restaurants were forced to be closed. If you wear purple on your body, I recommend that you wear yellow on your head, since a Buddhist understand what yellow means. Gretchen Whitmer has been a curse on the state of Michigan, and it will take many leaps of honest works to eradicate all the cheating that has been occurring during elections. Regardless of who slips into a president, governor, senator or mayor position, it is your responsibility to refuse to vote for pro-abortion candidates and for candidates who want Biden to continue to violate the rights of USA military personnel by requiring them to receive injections as though they were Moderna lab rats.

P)  Look at Strongs G1629; it also refers to an exit strategy, a fleeing due to provocation of some sort. Selling everything you have and giving it to the 'poor' so that you can be homeless and impoverished is the stupidity that talented men like Timothy Severud and Devery Harper were lured into; it's a difficult task to steer yourself away from liars but unless. you do, you'll become a liar and possibly a thief too. Sure, Pabst starts with a P, but it also ends with '31', so don't be afraid of Iron City beer in a bottle while resisting the urge to hang a ✝ on your neck or shove tobacco in your mouth. ๐Ÿท

I)  Indicator lights go on for a reason; 'Dearborn Tan' was named for a code reason at 1153, not at 5318. Don't let your Psalm 31 plan get caught between a deceiving Cheryl and a lying Shane.  Non-electronic communications are less likely to be intercepted and more likely to be helpful to people such as Justus guys, W women and Sergei Fedorov. "It's how you finish that matters." Iron City ends with a y formation. ๐Ÿป

T) A capital T means transgender to some rather robots, systems and  than a version of  the tremendous letter ื˜ or a T on a Milwaukee Trade and Technical High School Trojan letter sweater, which is why I recommend steering away from using capital letters as an abbreviation for a term and would prefer the ื˜ units look at the final small case letter of an English word to recode terms such as Republican to 'n' and clearly not 't'. A final 't' is in serpent, rat, brat, bidet,Connecticut and fist but not in Michigan, Wisconsin, Poles, Putin, Pacioretty or Fields.  Since it is unlikely that Mike Tomlin will take advice from the S team, if he does than he took a 'Leap of Faith' at 210 rather than refusing to admire a Sharper perspective toward trials and outcomes.

๐Ÿ”ฅ) The 2nd Amendments gives legal USA citizen the right to bear weapons of individual destruction for self-defense and the defense of the property we are required to tend to; weapons of 'mass' destruction including biological weapons  that are bing used to harm our own USA citizens and military  employees( as at least 22 states are currently opposed to and filing lawsuit against the 46th USA president) are not what any United States politicians should be approving, taxing us for and corruptly purchasing as though they are insane and lack the concept of 'hand to hand' combat, bow& arrow techniques and reasonable handgun and rifle usage for homestead defense and legal game hunting. Tear gas is not a weapon of mass destruction, as reliable leaders such as Wisconsinites David Clarke and Alphonso Morales soberly understand.

๐Ÿƒ There can't be a tie at 195 between Sergei Krivokrasov and Michael Redmond, since 195 A's are different than 195 P's. 

๐Ÿšฐ There can't be a tie at 424 among Ed Jovanovski, Jim Peplinski and Steve Shutt, since ESPN #424, 424 P's and 424 G's are not the same.

Don't stop counting at 430, since day 431 is kind of like Dave Taylor @431 G's vs. Mark Recchi @ +/- 0. A giraffe is not always ready for 'sortie day' exactly at day 430, and a kangaroo joey is not always ready to go solo at day 40, right? I'd count at least up to 483 to get past Rick Nash and Gary Roberts close G calls.

I hereby declare the disposition of the L & M teams to be advised by this pubic post 1629, but whether or not  ื™ื”ื•ื” blesses or curses you is actually a consequence of your own activities. As you should know, there is a significant difference between the works of Steelers WATT 90 and Bill Watterson, but both seem to have far more helpful and decent works than greedy, unthankful ,unclean and unholy beasts such as Melinda Gates, Bill Gates and Nancy Pelosi.

There is a final 'n'  in salutatorian and valedictorian, not a useless ✝  on the far right side. You are welcome to stay and visit any of the past posts, prior to the  ื’ืจื–  dividing lines within the body of this post.

Check your  ๐Ÿงญ and ๐Ÿ’ก occasionally. 'Operation Fescue' is not a joke, even if Larry Hovis has been a joker.

I split  code #1621 'Little Falls' into Martin Biron 16/ Robert Scott Smith 21. Divide & protect is not the same as congregate and conquer.

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