Monday, September 12, 2022

Riverdale Green Frog Alert 415: MOTH

Since ' ham' is the Hebrew word for a fortune gained by corrupted means, I wonder why England put old woman Elizabeth in a Greek moth mobile?

WB 4597 seems to have 59 greaking up July 4th on the surface, but a sneak peak into G4597 is the word for 'moth', not Isaiah Likely and Isaiah Buggs.

'Where rust and moth doth corrupt', there you will find people who are loaded with ham  $ and huge military trinket contracts eroding the output of practical, non-electronic needs such as road surfaces, bridge work and a practical vegetable patch such as Mayor Pingree advocated .

Let E. Eshelb be a reminder of  the Wisconsin( BB-64 ) to you is OKRA in the middle of KRIVOKRASOV is too difficult to 'over stand.'

Who noticed zone coverage in the NHL this past weekend after Pittsburgh Steelers tied Minnesota Vikings @ 23 during indirect contact competition?

ף = 800

🎳🍜 Amateur bowl  trivia:

The maximum number of balls that can be rolled in a 3 game series is 63, but the minimum is 36.

Is your G as in George  or  G as in  Golf now that it's manganese day on the right side of.  יחזקאל  "

Go ahead and read YCZEQAL chapter 16 and be prepared to reduce your outward emotions instead of making an idiot out of yourself trying to see  the UK's Charles III.

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