Monday, September 19, 2022

Attention Michigan: 'Hogan Calls Stalag 13 "Winter Wonderland'

Maybe 'Kommandant Gertrude vs. Karen Richter' is interesting old news, but future news is always a variable. Now Michigan's "winter Wonderland' plates have a historic connection to Bob Carne's character.

๐ŸฅŠ๐ŸฅŠ ๐Ÿƒ.    ืขื™ืŸ is IYN is similar ti Ian as I observe transitions.

I met 2 llamas today named Rocky and Maverick; Maverick spit at Rocky. I had not considered previously that llama is clean as a deer from a cud&hoof position, but the llama provides YArN material.


Sheep can leap but do they have faith?  'Little Falls 1618 isn't 1618 County Trunk C in 54455.

I heard the word 'coma' watching Rocky II on the same day I saw that the Hebrew word for 'wall; barrier' is very similar to  COMH if the 2nd letter is translated to an O rather than as a V, a U or a W. YCZQAL 40:5 is the reference point for H2346,  ื—ื•ืžื”  .  Music by Kansas is not equal to studying the language of the SW...the special writings known as the older testimonies of the 'Bible'.

Make it a goal to be able to not only refer to tattooed people as 'colored' and people without tattoos as 'uncolored', but also to be able to confidently say " I have plenty of crystal clear water frontage in my house that is safely contained by my wonderful, fully functional commode(s)." The commode line should be appreciated by anyone that isn't uppity and especially by plumbers and toilet bowl makers such as Church, Toto, Mansfield, Kohler , American Standard and Crane. Gee' I'd even make a commercial for any of those commode companies including that  commode comment especially for real giggles. ๐Ÿšฝ

I never thought I would get a one day visitor total of 51,007   to this site but I did today.  Thanks, Bronson and 'Left Leg Charley' company!  Maybe Jeff Hackett never thought he'd be chosen 2nd and 34th instead of 2nd and 40th.  I don't use the NYSTV strategy of lifting up arms with tattoos, since I know that a person who has gotten tattoos is a bad follower, not a good leader. I'm going to try and continue with some strategy for the anti-Democrat workers that will include some tough, soft facts and reasonable suspicion about the people who continually insist on hanging a ✝ on their neck for public display of their anti-Yehowah positioning.

It is unlikely that someone as wealthy as Mike Tomlin would take any advice from me, but ideally the L team will. I had previously written '32 is as low as you can go' and it didn't frighten real workers and athletes in Michigan who understood legal lines of action and reaction.  A 32nd degree Freemason  might be able to be called 'worshipful master' by a few followers, but how many collegiate idiots also claim to be 'masters' of something?? 32 is as low as water can go before becoming cold as ๐ŸงŠ  .

Yup, it's ื™ื—ื–ืงืืœ right 32 day and here are some final suggestions not quite approved by 'Bud' Golden or Edwin Layton before I refer you to the P team,  Psalm 31, which contains the word H1629, ื’ืจื–. Indeed, it might only be. month 30 going on 31 for those lagging behind as a rear guard.

R) Do not wear a ✝  on your neck, since there is no ✝ in Republican but there is every Democra✝. who wrongly believes they do not have to be punished or plagued for their pro-abortion and high taxation policies..

O) Once you have wisely decided to stop wearing signs of death on your neck such as    ☦,✝,✞, or ✟, you may choose something more anti-Democrat  and more encouraging such as a natural stone, a musical note or the letter 'n' as in Byfuglien if you can find one to replace your Democra't' display that I suspect Mike Tomlin adheres too.  A whistle is more helpful around the neck in case of an emergency than a useless. ✝ .

B) "I work in the Er to Erne."  Do you know what this really means to squad 68? It means that  Detroit  Lions Decker 68 is not Detroit Redwings Erne smart.  Decker was flipping his tainted arm into angles like LeBron James instead of being as respectful to his body as  Michigan's John James.

E) 'Be Thou My Vision' was never written from a female perspective. Etiquette that is considerate and respectful is what a saved mother desires most from her son or daughter, whether or not she has been cornered into a 'single parent' role and has to judge and discipline her child in order to prevent her child from facing more cruel judges.  If your parent tells you to 'Stay and sin no more', it is equivalent to saying 'Resist evil in my presence or you will be ejected from my house again.'   It is  ื™ื”ื•ื” that saves according to the book seen as Isaiah that the I team is supposed o be referring to. If you do not believe these tough, soft facts then you are likely to keep trusting liars who encourage you to do wrong by doing things such as getting tattoos on your body or choosing an abortion rather than allowing for adoption.

S) Splitting Detroit's 'Purple Gang' is crucial to expel Whitmer from room 120. Whitmer, flopping herself in purple skins for her pro-abortion commercials, mocked the state of Michigan laws when she partied hardy when churches and restaurants were forced to be closed. If you wear purple on your body, I recommend that you wear yellow on your head, since a Buddhist understand what yellow means. Gretchen Whitmer has been a curse on the state of Michigan, and it will take many leaps of honest works to eradicate all the cheating that has been occurring during elections. Regardless of who slips into a president, governor, senator or mayor position, it is your responsibility to refuse to vote for pro-abortion candidates and for candidates who want Biden to continue to violate the rights of USA military personnel by requiring them to receive injections as though they were Moderna lab rats.

P)  Look at Strongs G1629; it also refers to an exit strategy, a fleeing due to provocation of some sort. Selling everything you have and giving it to the 'poor' so that you can be homeless and impoverished is the stupidity that talented men like Timothy Severud and Devery Harper were lured into; it's a difficult task to steer yourself away from liars but unless. you do, you'll become a liar and possibly a thief too. Sure, Pabst starts with a P, but it also ends with '31', so don't be afraid of Iron City beer in a bottle while resisting the urge to hang a ✝ on your neck or shove tobacco in your mouth. ๐Ÿท

I)  Indicator lights go on for a reason; 'Dearborn Tan' was named for a code reason at 1153, not at 5318. Don't let your Psalm 31 plan get caught between a deceiving Cheryl and a lying Shane.  Non-electronic communications are less likely to be intercepted and more likely to be helpful to people such as Justus guys, W women and Sergei Fedorov. "It's how you finish that matters." Iron City ends with a y formation. ๐Ÿป

T) A capital T means transgender to some rather robots, systems and  than a version of  the tremendous letter ื˜ or a T on a Milwaukee Trade and Technical High School Trojan letter sweater, which is why I recommend steering away from using capital letters as an abbreviation for a term and would prefer the ื˜ units look at the final small case letter of an English word to recode terms such as Republican to 'n' and clearly not 't'. A final 't' is in serpent, rat, brat, bidet,Connecticut and fist but not in Michigan, Wisconsin, Poles, Putin, Pacioretty or Fields.  Since it is unlikely that Mike Tomlin will take advice from the S team, if he does than he took a 'Leap of Faith' at 210 rather than refusing to admire a Sharper perspective toward trials and outcomes.

๐Ÿ”ฅ) The 2nd Amendments gives legal USA citizen the right to bear weapons of individual destruction for self-defense and the defense of the property we are required to tend to; weapons of 'mass' destruction including biological weapons  that are bing used to harm our own USA citizens and military  employees( as at least 22 states are currently opposed to and filing lawsuit against the 46th USA president) are not what any United States politicians should be approving, taxing us for and corruptly purchasing as though they are insane and lack the concept of 'hand to hand' combat, bow& arrow techniques and reasonable handgun and rifle usage for homestead defense and legal game hunting. Tear gas is not a weapon of mass destruction, as reliable leaders such as Wisconsinites David Clarke and Alphonso Morales soberly understand.

๐Ÿƒ There can't be a tie at 195 between Sergei Krivokrasov and Michael Redmond, since 195 A's are different than 195 P's. 

๐Ÿšฐ There can't be a tie at 424 among Ed Jovanovski, Jim Peplinski and Steve Shutt, since ESPN #424, 424 P's and 424 G's are not the same.

Don't stop counting at 430, since day 431 is kind of like Dave Taylor @431 G's vs. Mark Recchi @ +/- 0. A giraffe is not always ready for 'sortie day' exactly at day 430, and a kangaroo joey is not always ready to go solo at day 40, right? I'd count at least up to 483 to get past Rick Nash and Gary Roberts close G calls.

I hereby declare the disposition of the L & M teams to be advised by this pubic post 1629, but whether or not  ื™ื”ื•ื” blesses or curses you is actually a consequence of your own activities. As you should know, there is a significant difference between the works of Steelers WATT 90 and Bill Watterson, but both seem to have far more helpful and decent works than greedy, unthankful ,unclean and unholy beasts such as Melinda Gates, Bill Gates and Nancy Pelosi.

There is a final 'n'  in salutatorian and valedictorian, not a useless ✝  on the far right side. You are welcome to stay and visit any of the past posts, prior to the  ื’ืจื–  dividing lines within the body of this post.

Check your  ๐Ÿงญ and ๐Ÿ’ก occasionally. 'Operation Fescue' is not a joke, even if Larry Hovis has been a joker.

I split  code #1621 'Little Falls' into Martin Biron 16/ Robert Scott Smith 21. Divide & protect is not the same as congregate and conquer.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Yom '2022' Thumb : 134 Isn't 431

Armada, Michigan does have a 'Central Park' that is typically safer than NYC....until family dogs have been let loose in the park by untrained humans. Sometimes, trained  attack dogs do go for the neck area of a person or of a smaller dog such as a shitzu.  ื’ืจื•ืŸ    means 'throat', and the throat is a shallow area when compared to the small intestine or the kidneys.

What did the rooster utter to the hens? "Go clean down for a change.' ๐Ÿ”. ๐Ÿˆ

This is public post 1,628; look at Strongs Hebrew 1629  (ื’ืจื– equals 210, which happens to be Henrik Zetterberg's NHL draft number  ) and decide what the difference is between providence and  provocation.  I didn't get more than 51,003 views today, but 9 views was far more than 0 views.  As the band Bride would sing. 'Dog the Nine'. I happen to have 32 drafts that are private.

It certainly looks like the word for the closing day of the upcoming Feast of Tabernacle will be the Hebrew word for 'heart'... ืœื‘  , H 3821.  I can recall the 3810 was Patrick LeBeau's ESPN number as easily as I can recall making a trip up to St. Jerome, Quebec. What I would rather not forget is that  for 80th month studies and timelines, that I chose to wear an Eric Boulton Thrashers jersey #36 (ruby color) and the following non-coincidences occurred on September 18, 2022:

1. Boulton was chosen 234th, and he finished with 31 G's.

2. Day 2,339 coincided with the 31st day of the right side count and it's corresponding Strong's Hebrew reference is the word for a thread, a cord,  ื—ื•ื˜.  The 6 in the middle matters, whether you translate it as a W, a V, a U or an O.

3.For 55th month words, it has the word for vine of a gourd, ื’ืคืŸ  , and before seeing this word, I was clipping the long vine of a gourd plant. The 80 in the middle matters.

4. Month 68 word is 1996, which is linked to YCZQAL 39:11.

5. Month 92 word is 2725, a word which means heat and drought.

6. Month 104 word is YDH, which means to give thanks.

7. Month 117 words are nearing the words for salvation again with the next sabbath being night 3444.

8. Month 126 words my first time through the letter K words, and K=20 in Hebrew.  ื›ืชื‘ means to write, and I certainly have done plenty of that with no response at all other than from a relative of former Milwaukee P.O. Mark Grow.

9. I saw a Bartholomew Street and a Hastings street and thought of Milwaukee police captains David Bartholomew and Bob Hastings, an actor who made me laugh as he took on a Russian officer role. in between was 'England St.', and that word is obnoxious to me now.

10. it was the 421st day of the YCZQAL total count up to 430, and I thought of Joe Pavelski until I got to a German Potato salad problem and thought of Heatley; I don't eat German potato salad.

11. I saw a car that had 'Texas Hill Country' plates and thought of the Willow City Loop.

12. I thought of the Munich Olympics and wondered how Chelios felt there as I supped through  Brown Iron's Oktoberfest options.

13. I referred a decently dressed bartender to the Hogan's Heroes episode 'A Bad Day In Berlin', but she won't understand the Berlin Hotel in Holmes County, Ohio by watching program. 

All of the above are true, but where will YOU go from here?  May I offer some suggestions?

A) Steelers Jack 51 or Book of Amos

B)  Digital Frog  or Book of Habbakuk

C) Bald 316 or Book of 1st and 2nd Chronicles

D) Jorel/Contrarian or Book of Daniel

E) Doc Andres  or Strong's H3445, ื™ืฉื—  , and Malachi 6:14 

F) Grog or Book of First Chronicles

G) Grazer or Book of Judges

H) Vegas Viper or Book of Haggai; compare 264 to 122 in 'BBC America' cable splits.

I) DDFence Emet or Book of Isaiah

J) Little Sharper U or Book of Jeremiah

K) Neil Gufy B. or Book of 1st and 2nd Kings

L) Sally Holmes and Phil Sharp lines or Book of Lamentations

M)  Knowlton Hollyhock or Book of Malachi

N) Owen Sound Pasque Flower or Book of Numbers

O) Paul Douglas Coffey or Book of Obadiah

P)  Tyler German of UWSP. hockey of Book of Psalms

Q) Phil Quigley, Milwaukee P.D. Class of 1986 or Book of Ezequiel

R) Patrick Lalime(Mr. 200) or Book of Ruth

S) Slippery Rock Building 40 Reviews or Book of Hosea

T) Mark Jack, a Milwaukee Tech lifeguard or Book of Deuteronomy

U) Wintersong Sheep farm in Wisconsin or Book of Nahum

V) Cold Hand Jacinth or Book of Leviticus

W) Squad 525, the gravesite of Richard H. Willer in Ohio or the Book of Joshua

X) Squad 10  or Book of Exodus

Y)  Yale, Michigan or Book of Joel

Z) Zoo of your choice, Zelma O. Lea or Book of Zechariah

$) Stop behaving like Joan Collins in or out of her 'Mrs. Thaw' role.

#) Investigate why the number went from 666 in Ezra 2:13 to 667 in Nehemia for ADNYQM and try to understand what the problem with  claims of being ' lord of rising' is for Mr. ืื“ื ื™ืงื.

* ) A key shift is not always attached to a Philadelphia door knob. for instance, Cousins vs. Hurts should only have been a reminder of Randall Cunningham vs.  Donovan McNabb.

%) There are two expressions being shoved around that are extremely unrighteous. One of them is 'Stop Hate' and the Detroit Lions have not yet learned to hate lewd and lascivious women nor have they chosen to hate behavioral, strumpet sin associated with NFL cheerleaders. The second expression that is very wrong to say is 'stop the bullshit', since it is a historic fact that the prophet.ื™ื—ื–ืงืืœ  was able to use bullshit to cook his bread instead of using human shit. The earth needs real bull shit!! The world needs plenty of bulls and cows, and to say that you are pro-beef and anti-bull shit is ignorant and inconsistent in mindset. Donald Trump is not a properly educated nor well-disiplined man and thus his followers are naive enough to claim they want no more bull shit. Starve the bulls? Kill them off at WARP speed, thinking that someone's time is 'short'?  

("^')  This is the snowman 'look up' squad sign, with the ^ like a nose.  What this extremely humble squad has to remember is that having 1 home is a much better goal than the 'John Beach' silly water frolics search. Tell other people you have very clean water frontage at your home, but you don't have to them that  the water frontage you have is safely contained within an indoor commode.  It's not 'living the dream' to have a couple of properties to maintain, and in fact children of divorced parents should know how much of a heavy burden it is to travel from 'house to house' rather than just keeping one property maintained to the best of your ability while continuing to be gracious and sharing with the accumulation of wealth you may be earning from 'paycheck to paycheck.'  Having exquisite 'vacation houses' sit empty so often is folly and not a need, so try not to have it become the 'desire' of your buttocks. 

I'd feel careless, rude and irresponsible is I didn't leave some referrals in lieu of my anticipated departure from 'BLOGGER'.

Of course, B - K include GOCOMICS.COM  old 'A Team' identities, but the books of the Scriptures will be easier to locate.

51003 is not 0, but don't forget the 1003 within 51003 if your Jack 51 isn't  the dog of Laura Ingalls.

I certainly do understand the word  ืœืื”, which equals 36  .

๐Ÿฆท Right lower wisdom teeth matter on right day 32.

 H3444,  ื™ืฉื•ืขื” ,  has a feminine form but H3442,  ื™ืฉื™ืข , does not have a feminine form.

YShWIH is not YShYI; when you do the 'math' , YShYI==390 but YShWIH= 391, in the '40 right' count of YCZQAL.  I find those comparison words  extremely divisive with perfect reason. ๐ŸŒ‘

The final sherbet of the 40 day right count coincides with H3444; H3442 is hindsight now for those who don't want 'Mr. 1200' to be hindsight.

'Better never than late' when considering doing wrong unto your parents. As far as the advice written to 'love your enemy' goes, from what I experienced that concept usually leads to be tortured or being taken advantage of  by unloving enemies who never had any intention of  starting or restoring a friendship.

Do resist evil, and do not love your enemy.


                 5                             1

Got magnetic darts?  1618 is a Marathon County C address that might have gotten altered numerically in the same manner that Tonya Gets might become Tonya Jackson of Collingwood, Ontario's hotel chain keepers.  I certainly am noting a lot of horrific gaming deceptions and criminal levels of taxation imposed upon house purchasers far worse than the fowl play of a 'bleeding heart dove' in the Detroit zoo.    

ื’ืจื‘  isn't pronounced 'Bragg'.     Month 43 is not going to be repeated.               

Under WHeY for Squad Y: "I am NOT Henry'!

Why did unrealistic boxing coach 'Mickey Goldhill' die on August 15, 1981? See if a  390 pound Hulk Hogan renamed 'Thunderlips' can throw  Hurricane Ian away from Florida's  nasty bikini line up. This 61st century is not made by Buick.

The final score is Daunte Culpepper 24, 153 and Don Majkowski 12,700.  Ford  commercials are getting rather stupid in the Detroit area and Martha Firestone ruined the reputation of the Detroit Lions when she went the way of Tampa Bay instead of the way of Jimmy '1LORD' Cleveland. ( Scores don't affect the spending habits or debt loads of people who are not gambling on international sporting events.)

๐ŸŸฆ 200 yards don't always add up quickly. ๐ŸŒ  CL+Y can start a CLYBOURN supremacy. Forgetful drummer Carl Allen III might want to apply for Hor-Mel Tucker's coaching position at Michigan State University now that giant Minnesota Gophers have proved they don't have to tunnel  their way to a simple green field victory.

Is an abandoned 'UMBRO' soccer ball from India worth more than a black steer named 'Soccer' from the Armada Fair historical action building #15?  I'm quite sure the UMBRA soccer ball I took custody of never belonged to Alex Smith nor Luke Smith of Dubuque, Iowa but if it did it wouldn't reduce  or increase it's resale value on EBAY.

A soccer ball seems to be more cooperative than the descendants of Theodore Reynaud Jackson AKA 'Todd Xavier' now, who chose to be an unfaithful father. A golf ball responds in a more disciplined and mature manner than the descendants of Roland Hendrikson of Cuba City, Wisconsin and Barbara Bengert Ortiz of Milwaukee, Wisconsin during non-repeatable trials.

Rockhopper penguins seem to teach different lessons than a flock of geese in Michigan.  It is often far more interesting to lead the blue rather than back the blue, especially if you consider than no intervention often has a totally different effect on a situation in progress than little  or large interventions.

What one soccer player considers trash unimportant enough to be unguarded and left behind, a golfer considers abandoned toys and gathers it up like a lost golf ball.

๐Ÿฅ…. Editing of past posts should occur, but might not occur due to time contraints, not because my hands are cuffed..

Here is the Adam Burish overtime split.

G 27.    Yale 29.    Croswell-Lexington 32       A33

Dan Pilgrim isn't a Snoopy pole.

๐ŸŒญ Dearborn beef hot dogs are more of a 'Mystic Gold' color than 'Glacier White', Squad 37.

Special Edit: 15 Nickel Time Inn

After 3 quarters ($.075)  of communication battles, the area code score is Port Huron 810 ,Marshfield 715, Troy  248.

Jewel Roberts Vs. Marie Morgan @ $50.00 Time

 At "Georgian Brick HC-50' time, the retiree score is Miroslav Satan 735, Andrew Brunette 733.

Why does the shirt with the phrase 'My two favorite teams are the Vikings and whoever plays the Packers' make incomplete sense?

Because if NOBODY plays the Packers, the Packers can't get an L or a W.

Now lets see if Stephen Basting thinks its time for him to smirk with Edward Flynn again?  Stephen Basting can be viewed on 'YOUTUBE' as easily as I developed the character 'Cold Hand Jacinth' for a 'Sunnyside Ice' reason. ๐ŸŒ‡

According to paper records, Marie Morgan and Jewel Roberts of the Milwaukee ERS Systen have both died in 2022. Did either of them choose a 'Centurion' coffin before they ceased to take another breath of polluted air?

I did not know either person BUT who of those 2 lived a healthier lifestyle, even if neither of them chose to live a holy lifestyle?  I can't that answer  that question, and I'm not giving the Wausau Police Department anymore free toilet paper after they failed to assist me with a reasonable request and then had me fill out my own theft report regarding stolen cross country skis which were NOT nominal value and had been worth at least $200.00 to me, even after being used several times.

Hymn 18, "Come, Ye Thankful People' wasn't composed by Maori Melody nor was it put into print by James 'Jim' Montgomery slithering onto the Boston Bruin coaching staff.  How does a receiver of a gift prove they are thankful to the giver of a good gift?   I know how easy it is to prove you do not appreciate a gift because I've seen thousands of people squander welfare money on cigarettes, booze and unhealthy products improperly labeled as 'food', but those thousands of people were expecting me to serve them at dangerous Milwaukee gasoline stations while those thousands decided they could choose to be LAZY sluggards rather  than earning their income as an adult who demands the right to vote SHOULD be willing to do.  Did I show mercy to those thousands by upholding my family's work ethic? Nope, since lazy sluggards do not deserve mercy.

Hymn 3 ,  "According to thy Gracious Word' by James Montgomery in 1851 isn't to my liking as a foundation for theology at this pivotal Canadiens V. Bruins point of "$100.00 clothing allowances" for used sweaters.

Jim Roberts is not Jewel Roberts, and Gary Roberts is not Jim Roberts.

๐ŸŽบ  V. ๐Ÿ’ is a communications challenge.

๐Ÿ isn't a ๐ŸŒ.

Pre-Game Caution: Heckel's V. Hackel's

If you deceive, mistreat, underestimate, overcharge, overwork, abuse, neglect, ignore, unjustly punish or underpay a person intentionally and repeatedly OR if you greedily overpay yourself long enough, it's because you want someone else to eventually build up hatred toward you.  Hatred is a necessary emotion because wickedness should be hated rather than promoted and admired. ๐Ÿฆ‘ 

Game balls sometimes looks like ๐ŸฆŒ, but don't be afraid to see what Strongs H810 is referring to for Jarrko Ruutu  and area code connections. 

It seems as though the night of atonement might start at sundown, October 6th, 2022 this year for those who understand Schramm bulls and 1/137 Jovanovski G lines.  From what I consider to be possible is this: if the 1st possible evening a moon can be sighted in Bethlehem, Israel is September 27th and it is too cloudy to be seen, the new month should begin on the evening of September 28th and the DOA would start on the evening of October 7, 2022. There is no rule from Yehowah stating that there can't be a 31 day month^.  If a 'feast'/appointed time is regarded lazily or without precision, I suppose ื™ื”ื•ื” would begin to hate those habitual assemblies.

Richard 'Dick' Heckel served in the U.S.A. Marine's and he had a 'no nonsense' demeanor from what I saw. On the sane hand, I know for a fact that Phil Milosz, Rodney Weary and Steve Basting ALL preferred working with me on Squad 92 than working with each other, and maybe that's because I could adjust to each or their personalities easier than they could adjust to Denita Ball's attitude.

Always seeking a light burden makes people weaker, which is why YCZQAL's 4 faces always saw an ox on the left and lion on the right. Read and re-read the SW, lest you become as crude and arrogant as Stuart Rottier and the Wisconsin Badger law school bookies.

Bob Heckel of Wisconsin isn't trying to collect more property taxes as the Mark Hackel of Michigan bunch keeps doing . One small case letter does completely change a  legal surname. I'd say that Bob Heckel did try to help me me in the past, which makes him very unique in Madison boat dealer splits.

Ham 30? The Vikings seem to be using a bit of ' split 70 nations' numbers, but did they forget about Christian Ponder and Seminole Highway?  I don't intend to have a 'false start'^ for the month of Tishri, and I don't intend to assist 'Jim Costa' calling his plays on Detroit radio in Wausau Mine Company where there was no 'comfort zone'. Thus, Thus, Minnesota vs. Detroit is only a 'Pig & Whistle' game which means that some men rather be employed than collect welfare checks from Democratic ticket holders. U.S. Bank doesn't 'think' like the U.W. Credit Union in Stevens Point, but hopefully the U.S. Bank does always intend to resist Bidenism and handles U.S. dollars with care.

At the end of the 1st quarter, the score is Culver's 524 (Shelby) , Valspar 525* ( Library Card).

Now, the United States of America needs at least 200.000.000 consistent citizens who refuse to stop using the U.S.A. dollar in order to avoid becoming as treasonous as the 46th President of the United States of America.

I actually do not care what happens to the New England Patriots.

Attempt to thank me, not yourself  or some other deceiver who managed to get closest to you if I have changed your course of reactions to numbers. If you need a necessary corrective reaction to your own serious lack of thankfulness toward a very serious task that I have been overtaking or undertaking,  get to work. Depending on your view of a lone  G within a CHICAGO,  a VIRGINIA,  a PORT ELGIN, a PENGUIN, a RANGER, a BYFUGLIEN,* a GAD, a GOD, a LEGWAND, a JAGR,  an IGINLA, a LONGWELL, a GIRL, a GARSKE, a BADGER, a BULLDOG, a GIRAFFE, a SERGEI, a GERMAN, a TIGER a GAFFNEY, an OSGOOD, a WING (. ื’ืฃ ) or simply county trunk G in Wood County, 

Wisconsin, remind yourself that  ๐Ÿ”ด  ball = 3 = ื‘, not Large 49.

ืœื•ื™ ends with 10, not 1 or 0.

Paul Goldschmidt a reliable 46,  Biden the promise breaker is more untrustworthy and anti-goodness than Judas Iscariat.

Squad 60 has already shown their genuine appreciation many times..  

3 more quarters to go, and ืข may not be able to report any more  coded business scores.

428 NHL points is something, not everything.

Why penalize a Detroit Lions #30 for dancing when he learned those lewd moves from the Dallas Cowgirl cheerleaders????????????????????????????????


When the referees start ejecting the NFL cheerleaders for unladylike conduct, I'll know the NFL isn't being run by the nasty, unholy Jesuits anymore.

๐ŸšŒ Bus 243 is superior to Rhinelander bus 224&Renee Mizewski's pigs.

Got a crib?

♣   Why did Philadelphia police squad in 'Rocky III' have 'MG42146 ' in it's number sequence?

Movies create legends and cause derision in many households.

Blue Penguin 4/37 went 6 to 4, eh?

Kerr Putney vs. Deborah Kerr might be interesting for those not in the  Ball HEAD battles with the Colorado Avalanche and Atlas jar canning amateurs.

What's a Liberator when it's not a Flying Fortress?

๐Ÿ›ซ Best movie fight scene might actually end up going to Peter Billingsley as 'Ralphie' vs. the neighborhood bully.  Snowballs  might injure people as easily as paintballs can injure people when a person doesn't expect a ball being aimed at them from close distance launched with use of force.


Sometimes game looks like.  ๐ŸŸ   .

Pabst Code Concludes 31 on The Right Side Count

Dear Somebody or Everybody, 

CAUTION! This writing sample contains some flippant material, some irony and some serious questions that have arisen like chaff while the evidence against 'Jesus Christ' being able to save and discipline his followers continues to pile up like the bank account figures of 'Eminem'  and 'Michael W. Smith'.

I know you as a reader of these English sentence structures are not a diety, but who put HELIOS in CHELIOS prior to 1979 when applications were still be accepted to UW-Madison without requiring  experimental ' WARP SPEED' injections and graphene in the bloodstream as a pre-requisite to becoming a UW-Badger?

Well, although there was quite a surge in readership to my blog since I put out a request to get a daily stat up to an Iowa zip code, I came up about a dozen short of my goal. If I ever get my one day  readership up over 51,000 I was thinking my final disposition code should be either 'advised' or TCO, but that is yet to be thought through by non-special forces while my non-special ops are still in progress.

Who can't  recall 220631 in the year known as '22', the month known as 6 (Elul' and the right side count of 31?

Artificial intelligence can't even recall their mother's maiden name. Not communicating by written letter  to your conscience mother of partaking in  'Face to Face' hymn discussions with your catholic father is not proper etiquette for anyone who claims to be sober.  Studying the letters written to dead Corinthians, dead Romans and dead  Philippians  is a sign and symptom of unnatural ignorance permeated upon society by anti-commandment men and anti-commandment mother-in-laws who gather like paper wasps on Sunday mornings waiting to keep as far away from citizens preaching and practicing the teachings from  that of course, the result is that they are not able to resist evil any longer and if they end up getting flogged like a Roman prisoner, wasn't that part of their goal, namely to be like 'Jesus' rather than protected and defended by the deity described in Psalm 18?. 

32 TD's for Robert S. Smith, 34 rushing TD's for Daunte Culpepper and are Michael Vick and Aaron Rodgers tied at 36 rushing TD's as of September 18, 2022?

The Packer is in the details.  I suppose I have to wear my Donald Eugene Brown jersey for at least part of the day so artificial intelligence doesn't think it's the 36th day on the right side count of Yzequiel's remembrance cycle, and certainly I wouldn't want to mislead the people of Rembrandt, Iowa even if Bohemia drinkers might want to.


Student Association of Doris Packer

Saturday, September 17, 2022

THE Correct Answers For 30 Right & 31 Right

The correct answer for 30 right is Sidney Rice ( 30 touchdown constant) and for 31 right it is Eric Boulton ( 31 goal constant), as of course, YCZQAL's count up to 40 on the right side is still in progress. If numbers don't get scrambled a bit, there would be too many  Kirk Cousins&Hampton combos and not enough people willing to think and behave like an adult student of ื™ื”ื•ื” who is rightly learning to resist evil and observe the appointed times instead of 'Juneteenth Day'  . 

10 days of unpredictable activity is recommended if you are up to day 421 and Joey Pavelski is your 'Go 7th round' shark.

Healthy behavior signs don't have to be in the sky or in the Skyler Bell section.


Elul 19 is not June 19.

Many good defensemen choose to go backward rather than keep moving forward, and any chess player understands the 'over and back' legal moves that aren't on a basketball court.

Long Woolen Under Ware?

How many Dennis Ware's from Milwaukee are near a Woolen line, a Gurley magazine or  Howie Long distance 'No Nonsense' runner for Benjamin Moore codes? 

When Bob Crane mentions long woolen underwear, I don't listen literally.


Got bath tub rings or claw foot chickens?  Gees, seeing the word OWATANNA in Norman  'Mickey' Knowlton's Ice Museum wasn't an enchanting moment for 'Shepherd of Israel' singers.

Museums are sometimes educational and always more worthwhile than touring a casino, Disneyland or a Hooter's table.

Do you always feel like NOBODY is watching you?


0 Can Never Equal 1

 Whether it is 1G Chris Osgood or 1G Dean Morton, 1 > 0.

No athletic team in the history of competitive sports where points or Italian 'punta' system is included has ever won with  a total score of 0. 

Ties are possible in a 0-0 scenario, but no win is possible with 0.

There are spiritual and physical lessons that Mercury Morris can't teach to Mitchell Wilcox with scenes from the Po River.

Brown City, Michigan is not Elizabeth City, North Carolina., no matter how many Vikings with a ๐Ÿˆ you try to shift between Michigan and North Carolina.

The 64th Wisconsin Boys Basketball Tournament matters to Gd heads.


Y defeats R, 36 to 7

Croswell-Lexington and Imlay City will be interesting spiritual and physical competitions for the   Yale Y  football team to bring to their special athletic task forces.  

I don't suspect that Master locks and Schlage have high school football teams for "Key to You' situations.

๐ŸŽต.  ๐ŸŽน

HOCKEY,  and COFFEY can't be completed without a sturdy Y.

Yackmack matters at  4th and ๐ŸŸฃ  .


Rated Y with Paw Patrol  is usually more decent than rated R with  blue devils.

๐Ÿ“บ. Got METV or FETV?

As Benjamin Sheets might utter at a football conflict, '1st and ten, try it again!'

Rounds matter.  Head and shoulders also matter.  ๐Ÿ‘ฎ

Try not to forget these very realistic codes, even in a 10-40 situation regarding the spelling of YRMYHU and ื™ืšืื™ื”ื•:



There's quite a difference between a colon and a period, bodily speaking.

๐Ÿ’                          ๐Ÿฅ…

Albert Pujols made it to 4th and ๐ŸŸฃ  too!

Friday, September 16, 2022 Is 'Forbidden' and Unapproachable as UWM.ORG ?

 How rude to be forbidden from accessing '' in a reasonable search, not a forced seizure of property.

Add ''  that to a list of reasons why I don't have faith in the term 'Jesus' anymore but do have a leap of faith into the term   ื˜ืขื  which could look like MIT if you translate from right to left or TIM  if you translate to English . 

The prior post was more encouraging, so learn how to back check from days 29  on the right to 39 on the right.

Michael Vernon had 39 points, Michael Vick had 36 rushing touchdowns and Daunte Culpepper had 34 rushing touchdowns. I suppose a lot men have more courage than UWM.ORG and ''.

What would Jesus Colon do?  Roll his terrible eyes or throw in a Steelers Terrible Towel into his Detroit copper squad?

'Forbidden error 403' can add another stroke to Jesus's back, since Bible.Knowing-Jesus.Com doesn't want humans to research Hebrew freely.  If 'Jesus' is extremely angry now, blame those people who have claimed to represent the 'love of Jesus', not me.

By now you should know why so many sane people who enjoy the outdoors and natural, anti-hologram landscapes enjoy golfing 18 holes for a hobby rather than  doing nothing.

When I get  at least 51005 views within a 24 hour timespan, I will attempt to withdraw and abruptly stop posting and shift to another therapeutic small, medium or large anti-apathy, pro-ื™ื”ื•ื” ministry.

( ๐Ÿˆ In Michigan high school football battles, Y defeated R, 36 to 7.   This score appeared only 1 day after I wore a #7 jersey within a #36 golf cart.  I suppose the Dave Teske and Coach Kocher combination in leadership roles since they lack reliable G-d Head lines now due to their own rejection of Gd and Asher thinking during times of local and distant  conflicts.  Richmond's prior attitude toward learning new communication skills has been prejudiced and outright rude toward people with more intellect than Ron Glass on 'Barney Miller'.    )

Michigan Public School Deity of 1903: Jehovah On Page 49!!!

I found a proof of how correct public schools used to be and in contrast, how heathen they have become, mostly in the post-Eisenhower years.

'Elementary English Spoken and Written' compiled by Lamont F. Hodge, New York scholastic's superintendent and Arthur Lee, Clinton, MO school superintendent, included the biblical references to Joseph in Egypt on page 85 in addition to honorable mention of Robert E. Lee and the Declaration of Independence authors in their clearly and correctly anti-heathen, anti-Biden,  anti-Whitmer English book carefully chosen by Michigan educators for Billy L. Hamlin of Brown City. 

 (How New York has fallen since Lamont F. Hodge used natural intelligence!)

'Steps in English Book 1' which was taught in Brown City, Michigan to the Hamlin family through at least 1925, included the following steering toward a unified Diety rather than trinitarian chaos, or worse, no just and moral Ruler to guide families, children and nations. 

Page 49 , section V of Section 18, "FRIENDS OR FOES" , reveals the following, though there are some English errors which will be noted:

V. Note the following:

    The heavens declare the glory of God

    The Lord is my shepherd.

All names of the Diety should begin with capitals.

Write from dictation:

Jehovah, the Lord God rules.

Just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. 


I chose not to capitalize saints, but the 1903 book did. Sure, the J in Jehovah would be best changed to a Y, but indeed there is no doubt that the reference is to ื™ื”ื•ื” . Also tossed into the variations of terms for the Deity on page 49  there are those listed below which are not sentences and thus should not have a period after them:

The Lord of Hosts

Almighty God, Father of our Lord

Maker of all things, Judge of all men

Our Father who art in heaven...........

Now, upon this noon time cloudy, it s evident why the state of Michigan was wise enough and decent enough to restrict abortions in 1931, since the public schools and political positions were not loaded with heathens,  brute beasts who do not want to be defined as either male or female, and anti-Bible orators.

Madonna Hamlin is a real person who was schooled in Brown City,  Michigan. 

The Beatles and the Vatican  are not true and just in their ways nor their teachings, since lyrics do attempt to lead others toward various attitudes and behaviors.

John Morrow of Allegheny PA, A.C. McLean or Pittsburgh PA  and Tho. C. Blaisdell of Alma College, Michigan compiled the English book referred to in this post.

What is a person to do with page 145's quote from section 64, THE BRAVE THREE HUNDRED?

"So much the better," said the Spartans; "we shall fight in the shade," But one by one the Spartans fell. At last their spears were broken; yet still they stood side by side, fighting to the end. All day long the army of the Persians were kept at bay. But when the sun went down there was not one Spartan left alive. Yet Greece was saved.

Is the prior paragraph, not edited for errors, prophecy or fictitious as Popeye? Surely, Spartans are not Deity and I suppose real badgers work and fight best in the shade.

๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿฆก๐Ÿฆก ๐Ÿฆก๐Ÿฆก๐Ÿฆ˜๐Ÿฆ˜๐Ÿฆ˜๐Ÿฆ˜๐Ÿฆ‚๐Ÿฆ‚๐Ÿฆ‚๐Ÿฆ‚. ๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒŠ   ๐Ÿ’บ๐Ÿ’บ๐Ÿ’บ๐Ÿ’บ ๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒŠ

Locusts don't work in waves.

Also from the book that mentions Jehovah rather than Buzz Lightyear stupidity:

Father, we thank thee for the night

And for the pleasant morning light,

For rest and food, and loving care,

And all that. makes the world so fair.

Help us to do the things we should,

To be to others kind and good,

In all we do, in all we say,

To grow more loving every day.


A  concluding note to children who have had difficult childhood times due to the lack of a Father as described in blue italics above.

A wicked father teaches his children to be rude, unthankful and more uppity every day and does not care enough to supply food and loving care to his children, which puts an often impossible burden on a mother as she attempts to do alone, with her parents or with a step-father what an uncaring father would not do.

Consider the meaning of mercy being shown only to thousands rather than to billions. It is clear that not all people deserve mercy and in fact, do deserve plagues for rejected Mighty ื™ื”ื•ื” as Ruler, Protector and  Holy Guide.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Hypocrisy Centrifuge Is Spinning In London

While more and more Bible teachers step into the 'hypocrite' bowl with Charles and Camilla, why do so many people excuse their double-minded state?  Because of this verse, which isn't VERSE 5, the college football player:

1st Peter 2:17

I've drawn the conclusion to a matter of why there are more remnant of. people in the USA than in many other sections of the world. I've concluded that aged people in the USA who understood the LEAP OF FAITH that was taken more than 245 years ago by intelligent students of the Bible who recall the folly and subsequent war for power and control that occurred when 'Israel' demanded to have a human king over them; those aged people are thankful they do not have to honor the reprobate, lascivious and unfaithful people claiming positions or 'king' or 'queen'.

Think about the concept of changing laws that were imposed upon England's 'Edward the VII' but that now disappeared to make way for a couple of double divorcees plopping their pompous sphincters into roles that many other foreign leaders will pretend to respect or desire to be seen with.  Elizabeth II was as unrighteous as any other slob who who, after having access to the Scriptures, has openly rejected the sanctification process that stems from the instructions of  ื™ื”ื•ื” and instead, she had chosen to remain on the protestant path closest to  pontification. Really, did Charles III wait until Diana Spencer was murdered before he technically married a divorcee with a reputation no better than Linda Maria Costa  of Wittenberg?

It's not a matter of being harsh with a dead woman who was overindulged with England's family idolatry system  for 96 years, it's a matter of not viewing  a living sinner as some sort of position to be worshipped. Peter Salemi can't even let go of England's history of apostasy and their monarchy's abuse of wealth, yet he condemns others who bake 'hot cross buns' in the springtime, which most often will be determined to be unintentional sin at best and intentional sin at worst if they, like the Church of England, don't think they need to have regard for the week of unleavened bread.

If I were a movie maker, I would make a movie that depicted a scenario totally opposite of 'Cinderella'. in this movie, a wealthy monarch who had been overspending, been overindulging and had been expected to be waited upon would end up working as a janitor in a prison for minimum wage, cleaning up the vomit , toilets and stench of people who also decided not to obey the rules and regulations from ื™ื”ื•ื” .  There would be no 'Fireproof' kind of protestant propaganda included, but only a brilliant portrayal of what is far more appropriate ending than Disney's 'Cinderella' nonsense.

Supposedly, the Detroit Lions were described as a 'No Nonsense' team, but was that only referral code to a Benjamin Moore color that is nothing like 'Greenfield Pumpkin #40'?  

Beware of people who don't denounce the monarchy of England and yet claim that 'Jesus' is the personal Lord and savior. The last time I checked into chain of command situation, a lord is lower than a king in commonwealth situations, falsely labeled as such since the wealth contained within the monarchy is not shared with the common worker.

There's probably far more former Los Angelas Kings such as goalie Dan Cloutier (26th on the right) who are worthy of honor and respect than what few the Church of England has tossed into their own wicked throne centrifuge containing and clinging onto haughtiness, greed and naughtiness for centuries.

I'm thankful that the United States of America wanted to be cast out of England's dominion, but I've also been exposed to a multitude of fools who are trying to turn into rubble what had been a reasonable starting position of President George Washington, the man who would not want to be called 'king'.

๐Ÿฆ…. ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…

How many eagles got on the ark made of gopherwood?   

๐Ÿ‘ซ  The neutral zone is not always an optional location for a battle to occur.

Options When an Acquaintance Gets Snagged: Amos 4

While trying to resist evil and walk humbly with ื™ื”ื•ื”  ,  others who may have been at your side might get snagged away by an anti-ื™ื”ื•ื”   entity that looks more profitable, attractive or tangible.  When that occurs, it is unwise to depart from. to try to retrieve the deceived and ensnared who departed with their own initiative, since you are more likely going to get emotionally torn or physically sick.  

This may have been a variation of the lesson that Yczequiel had to learn in chapter 16. 

If a person snared by a deceiver outlives the deceiver, he or she might return to you as a wounded friend, admitting that getting snagged by a unrighteous leader did not improve their behavior and actually increased their sinful deeds.

Might is not the same as shall.

( Be careful at Mitchell Wilcox spots when observing the departures from Wilcox Lane in Portage County, Wisconsin.  Specific location, color changes or specific names and numbers such as ' FORBES' on the Detroit Lions often trigger involuntary reactions.  )

It sometimes get lonely in an ark or a lifeboat.


The dead Q of England wanted others to bow to her but she never did bow to  nor willingly serve ื™ื”ื•ื”   .  Her son Charles will try to snare and enslave as many as the dead Q of England did, whose corpse millions of fools are lining up to see, knowing not the ways of the Holy Spirit of  ื™ื—ื–ืงืืœ  .

 ๐Ÿ”ต" You got snagged and just don't expect me to get snagged with you."  Amos chapter 4 mentions posterity getting taken away with fish hooks tossed out AFTER a group of people who kept transgressing. Could it be that the man who trained people to be 'fishers of men' was sent as a punishment to those who rejected Yehowah?  Certainly, Catholicism and  Christianity has not caused people to return to Yehowah and has led many into poverty and disease, who compelled the book of Amos to be written. Surely, the failure of Christianity to redirect the confused back to Yehowah does seem like the prophesy of Amos 4 if the use of fish hooks is not seen as a blessing, but rather a curse that DOES NOT BRING PEACE AND SAFETY.

Try to be be grieved for the affliction of Yoseph in Egypt, and I do not mean Biden, for such grieving is a sign of hating injustice and hating cruelty between family members. Many people have been cast out of family gatherings and isolated from the people they had loved only because those who had been cast out had spoken truthfully among the careless and apathetic. 

A  snagged fish often get caught up in the air for a bit before the person that set bait for the fish either guts it for food or even more vainly, intentionally injures the fish only to release the fish while partaking in muskie idolatry.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Riverdale Green Frog Alert 415: MOTH

Since ' ham' is the Hebrew word for a fortune gained by corrupted means, I wonder why England put old woman Elizabeth in a Greek moth mobile?

WB 4597 seems to have 59 greaking up July 4th on the surface, but a sneak peak into G4597 is the word for 'moth', not Isaiah Likely and Isaiah Buggs.

'Where rust and moth doth corrupt', there you will find people who are loaded with ham  $ and huge military trinket contracts eroding the output of practical, non-electronic needs such as road surfaces, bridge work and a practical vegetable patch such as Mayor Pingree advocated .

Let E. Eshelb be a reminder of  the Wisconsin( BB-64 ) to you is OKRA in the middle of KRIVOKRASOV is too difficult to 'over stand.'

Who noticed zone coverage in the NHL this past weekend after Pittsburgh Steelers tied Minnesota Vikings @ 23 during indirect contact competition?

ืฃ = 800

๐ŸŽณ๐Ÿœ Amateur bowl  trivia:

The maximum number of balls that can be rolled in a 3 game series is 63, but the minimum is 36.

Is your G as in George  or  G as in  Golf now that it's manganese day on the right side of.  ื™ื—ื–ืงืืœ  "

Go ahead and read YCZEQAL chapter 16 and be prepared to reduce your outward emotions instead of making an idiot out of yourself trying to see  the UK's Charles III.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Michael Defeats David With 18 To Go

With 2nd and 23 on the right side of YQZCAL, there is a valid reason to refuse to have the name 'David Justice' between my shoulders, namely because David Justice does not know how to cover his spouse properly. Not covering your spouse properly is a worse offense than a stupid financial decision such as Michael Bennett of Milwaukee has made.

There's plenty of strumpet bait set out for wealthy men, who often can't even see the logic of keeping their children out of organized sports until they are at least old enough to read Psalm 23 aloud to their teammates.   It looked worse than stupid to see toddlers who can barely walk being tossed into 'CHAOS' soccer instead of giving them an etch-a-sketch or a vegetable patch to learn from. To me, no child should be put into a uniform division until he or she is at least 68 months old and able to communicate properly in their local language as well as they can dial an emergency contact in case their adult baiters become incoherent.

Maybe Curtis Martin would agree with paragraph 2.

Since 1961, The Minnesota Vikings have been part of the USA finical sections, so I think I'll opt for the Milwaukee Tech Trojan/ Wisconsin Badger combo of Michael Bennett for my uniform choice today and I should be dressed more modestly than Rebecca Villalobos...and doesn't Villa Lobos mean 'house of dogs'?

Don't forget that Gd is lead by Reuben in Numbers Chapter 2; and such a variable is not irrelevant not incidental.

The face of a real ox is not controlled by Paul Bunyan., so at 26 right side, I'd recall Dan Cloutier or Teddy Roosevelt rather than Martin St. Louis, especially if your mind and body is still able to make legal choices without being arrested.

Down, down and away......  there's less than 1 degree north difference between Montreal and Minnesota , even if Ottawa Site 23 doesn't reveal that mapping legend. 

Day 27 on the right side  is a Scott Gomez matter to us who understand the location of eye teeth.

๐Ÿ“œ.        ๐Ÿ‘“.        ๐ŸŠ.    

18 moves to a purple belt is not an Operation PaNSY' joke, and neither is 23 actions to earn an ATA white belt.

Michigan truck bearing EJB 1667 was noted like an O'Doul's bottle, because of Robert Daniel Groth. Not all people accepted military serial numbers, but most have freely accepted bar codes as a form of product identification.

Anti-abortion choices are the best choices for any community that wants to prevent divorce and encourage bodily responsibility.  

I'll close like a Mosinee Indian.

๐ŸŸฃ  Got amethyst?  

Friday, September 9, 2022

Anti-Lori Suite 60 Newport News Hard Ball of Scarlet 7

The 'Miranda' warnings are proof that not all warnings are proper for a true justice&peace system and the 'Miranda' warning certainly is not full of grace and mercy. For instance, why can't what you say be used FOR you rather than only against you in a court of law if you submit truthful information to a police officer?

7. In 'Old School' Milwaukee  17th & Teutonia Avenue tavern talk, Illinois very own Lori Lightfoot is most likely  a murderous gang leader, but I do not know if she leans toward BGD fencing or CRIP toes; it is unlikely that she would be considered Latin King or Spanish Cobra material.  

6.. 22nd right is sometimes seen as a  ืช , for those who prefer Daunte Culpepper's style over Sean 'Hurricane' Hill's 62 G network. Dan Creshaw* brought up 'positive rights and negative rights' with Jordan Peterson, not with Paul Coffey and Chris Chelios. Maybe he should have been interviewed by Russell Wilson who isn't impressed with CIA games.

5. I'll be wrapping up my online duties within 22 days in order to try to establish the difference between 40 positive right and 40 negative right, with '0' in the middle and able to be divided in half by any competent  typing teacher who can start up "ZE  vs.  RO" instead of repeating Arreola vs. Ortiz.  Nick & Wade ZEBRO  beats any and every individual representing the quantity  0.

4. As I told my friend who is trying to stop smoking cigarettes,  humor that's rated 'G'  can also ward off stress much more efficiently than waiting in line for a pack of Parliament Lights to start ruining the air quality under the dome, also known as a ื—ื•ื’ that we, the earthlings,  are within.

3. 68th month Hebrew words aren't all simple as 'Simon, Paul'  Seeing 22nd on the right could be as important as knowing the genuine differences between a 0, a O and a. ืก  when speaking in confusing, unknown tongues is not a practical way out of Dwight Schulz roles.

2.  Strongs H1602 is a 55th month word, not a 43rd or 68th month word.

 * Book seller Dan Creshaw isn't my congressman; and 'Taylor Swift' isn't a good musical model nor a good Singer sewing machine.

1. I don't like 'New London Burgundy #061' in my Benjamin Moore power play grid. Monticello Rose #063 is much easier to work with in non-dark rooms.

-/+  Learning to speak with a Benjamin Moore heavy 'Lime Accent' might be more difficult than learning to speak with a  light Tyler German accent.

The deviled egg isn't always in the D=Cleveland currency heads, but I suppose Petr Sykora, Andrew Brunette, Jaromir Jagr, Sheldon Souray  Johan HeDberg,  and Jason Arnott are really in the New Jersey Devil's non-fiction tails that often include an actual fight strap.

Where did Mary Magdalene's 7 devils relocate to?

Ukraine's Military General 'Boasts' 3rd Reich Emblem on Hat!

Catchy truthful headlines sometimes curve to another road runner. Real estate adds often use the word 'boasts'.  

FACT: I have a son who is trying to do more Protestant works in England with donated money than King Charles and Camilla ever have tried to do with accumulated wealth.

Non-fiction questions may occur here.

Is a wealthy king such as Charles, companion of Camilla, who spoke regularly to his powerful and wealthy mother more justified by his faith than a non-wealthy missionary who refuses to write even one letter as long as 'Philemon' to his real mother to notify her of his whereabouts and living conditions?

I suspect I'd only bow to a hockey player who understands management of 12 tribe positions.

There, before Yom Kippur, I actually have decided to report  that my 2nd child  is trying harder to please the people of England than pompous Charles and his  Camilla have ever tried.

Meanwhile, let it  be known that ื™ื”ื•ื”  is not nor will ever be Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, Hindu, Protestant, agnostic nor a Catholic since any of those limited, fallible slot formation terms would, in error, limit the boundaries, rulings, realm, jurisdiction  and domain of ื™ื”ื•ื”.

Don't blame  President Vladimir Putin if you lack fuel or food; Ukraine is a branch of Germany's Third Reich and emblems on the head of military dupes do matter. The U.S.A. political pigs, donkeys and elephants are doing more harm than the theoretical prodigal son by tossing U.S. dollars into anything other than U.S.A. roadway infrastructure, water desalination plants and anti-Yahwehist  activities now.

⏱  I can't play in a sand oval today; Cracklewood has no openings on it's bunkered course for non-outing strays.

๐Ÿ.  Did you know that  ื—ืงืจ  means 'inquiry' and 'investigator' and is similar to Chequer?  

(There still are 64 squares on a chess/checker board, in case you are a strict student of Gd in a periodic table setting. )


  ♛  & ♔. Management

Detroit Marathon 2022: Unnatural Runners Only !

Does anyone recall how 'offended' people were when 'Rocky IV' depicted a Russian boxer who was getting injections in order to participate in an athletic competition?

The Detroit Marathon on October 16, 2022 is now requiring all of their participants be 'unnaturalized' by injection so Detroit people can bow their bodies to King Charles and Camilla.

Running a marathon is not how any person gets sanctified, sealed, qualified nor saved by a Creator who is pro-natural and would never desire real heroes to bow to a needle or King Charles of England.

Is it an Armenian or Calvinist world now for those stuck on Paul's letters rather than moving along well and safely in the book of  Exodus?

๐ŸŒญ.   ๐Ÿ•

Unlike King Solomon, dead Queen Elizabeth never submitted any writings of repentance before her death and I suspect her greedy household has accumulated more unjustified wealth than King Solomon did before he penned  an instructions to properly regard commandments  .

As 'Gomer Pyle' would exclaim to Detroit Marathon participants...'shame, shame, shame' for despising natural body conditioning.

๐Ÿ‘‚ A  left ear just refuses to hear literally from 'The Ministry of Silly Walks' to a new song being released soon titled 'Forward, Natural Warriors'.


Thursday, September 8, 2022

Notice To All 50936 'Viewers' Thus Far

 You are Des Moines, not Marshall.


A 'Viewmaster' isn't always centered at Irish Mountain Lookout in Ontario.

If you are 55 months young, how's day 1602 going for you?  I sense it's rather deplorable and detestable for all of us who have signs of being WEARY while contending for  the  Commander 26  plan  .


Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Gleicher Has a Herod Mind, Not A Graceful Mind

The business known as 'Planned Parenthood' is actually a center of planned genocide and planned homicides of infants; don't be deceived.

I am not ruling from a bench, nor am a hireling getting paid by people who pretend to believe the prophetic writings in the Holman Christian Standard Bible. I am releasing an opinion contrary to  Michigan's obviously unholy and anti-infant employees G. Whitmer &  E. Gleicher. Gleicher has the mindset of King Herod, since she openly displayed her anti-infant status.

The 1931 Michigan law restricting abortion was not legislated by 1 person, but was compiled by a group of very intelligent humans who have compassion for innocent babies in or out of the womb; Elizabeth Gleicher will now gather unto herself the guilt of every infant murdered by abortion committed in Michigan until good, proper restrictions against abortion are reinstated by people with a proper conscience.

Elizabeth Gleicher is extremely unrighteous Michigan employee, since righteous employees actually work to  protect innocent babies in the womb . 

Elizabeth Gleicher is extremely unrighteous and has chosen to blaspheme the holy spirits of human babies still in the womb of a female.

If you suspect there is a heaven or a safe, beautiful place that righteous people get relocated to, there won't be any people there who are as cruel toward infants, anti-Torah and anti-Michigan as Elizabeth Gleicher and Gretchen Whitmer.

Elizabeth Gleicher is extremely 'anti-Moshe Ben Amrum', which means she isn't in or from  any northern or southern tribe of   ื™ืฉืจืืœ  . 

The 1931 Michigan law restricting abortion is actually still in effect for anyone who actually believes in  ื™ื”ื•ื”   and who is wise enough to be anti-Gleicher .

No decent, holy person who trusts 'Jesus Christ' or ื™ื”ื•ื” would sit and dine with Elizabeth Gleicher, nor invite her into their household or mode of transportation.

What should happen does not always happen when wicked people are put into positions they are not actually qualified to be in.

The above statements are subjective and probably very correct and true.

FACT: The unrighteousness of Elizabeth Gleichen and her intentional mistreatment of infants cannot be transferred to me, to any mother who refuses to request an abortion, to any voter than votes against pro-abortion candidates for office or to any other historic, present or future person or deity.  Any person who understand Yom Kippur knows this fact to be true.


Tuesday, September 6, 2022

SEGUIN ALERT: Background Actually Changes Results !

I merely changed the background on this site from a crossword puzzle to USA Jackson 20 spots and 'stats' for the day jumped from 2 to 38.

Wow. Andrew Jackson looks too much like Sylvester Stallone, so I'll opt for the Madison Gas & Electric stove top test for the bit-o-honey egg white eaters.

I'm not an amateur at everything.  Maybe Tom Nickel is an amateur at everything like 'Valerie Blake' and 'Rob Petrie'.

๐Ÿ†.....Cats don't always head for an alley. Sometimes cats don't even steer toward Tyler Seguin at #306 in trending magazine spots, but without a reliable Y=10 formation, surely we can't spell 'Yuengling', Yzerman, Yapeth, Yehowah, Yoseph  or YCZQAL.

๐Ÿบ  .....  don't forget the  ๐Ÿฅ› for  ๐Ÿง€  and I'm not trading Crosby for Judge; billboards are often misleading.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Jackland's Final Periodic Riddle

 Q: What's  below neon first?

 A: Argon, unless you go far left to sodium

Sadly. some people volunteering their time in anti-abortion booths are doing more harm than good, which makes me suspect that person may have infiltrated an anti-abortion organization.

First of all, any public speaker should not be offended by a lady who does not like to be called 'hun', but the improperly educated woman who was in the anti-abortion booth during Romeo's Peach Fest (Sunday afternoon, September 4, 2022)  in fact got angry at me when I asked not to be called 'hun'.  eventually she referred to me as 'mam' and then got angry at me when I called her 'hun'. 2 other men stood by and only observed my exchange of words with that improperly educated woman and they chose to do nothing which was not illegal.

The woman, wearing a bright solid green crew neck shirt, then insisted that making an evil deed illegal would not actually stop people from doing that act, and I openly and strongly disagreed with her. She claimed that she has a personal history of breaking laws, being involved with drugs and wanted me to agree with her ridiculous claim that declaring certain actions such as abortions to be illegal and imposing penalties for doing such would not reduce the amount of abortions, which is why I suspect she really was getting paid by "Planned Parenthood' to sabotage the anti-abortion platform.

If her untrue claim is believed by 'Right To Life' organizations which she was representing, why bother signing a petition to make abortion illegal? 

I was given the telephone number of 'Mary', a 'Right To Life' coordinator but I am not going to call that number privately because my conversation with the green-shirted woman was public and the two male witnesses should have enough sense to contact Mary and let them know the green-shirted woman was not educated properly and in fact, lacked verbal etiquette needed to  attract undecided voters to an anti-abortion position.

The rude, green-shorted woman 'volunteering' in 'Right To Life' booth claimed that referring to a woman as 'mam' is not 'friendly terms', but in fact to me referring to a lady as 'mam' certainly is a friendly, respectful term, whereas referring to a lady as 'hun' is belittling and condescending, thus very uncomplimentary especially to those of us who are not German as Eric Braeden is. Again, the improperly educated woman did get angry when I called her 'hun' since she should have expected at least an equal and opposite reaction.

People who have not had their conscience seared are not going to vote for allowing abortions to be easily obtained in Michigan, and that is reality.  I know for a fact that many young women would not seek an abortion if they knew it was possible they would be convicted of murder, followed by receiving a death sentence or worse, life in prison. To think humanity is so perverse and unredeemable that women would go ahead and get abortions even if it was declared to be murder in a state, county or city is the time to think that the earth as we know it deserves to be obliterated by a meteor or some other directive of Commander 26, which isn't an automobile.

As far as Novak Djokovic goes, if he cannot enter the USA without receiving an unclean injection that contains derivatives and remnants of murdered infants mixed with toxic, unsafe ingredients then how are PUWM>ORG missionaries that deployed themselves into England supposed to return to the USA during the era of Biden's depravity without also getting forced to accept Moderna, Pfizer or some other wicked experimentation to enter through an customs portal? Unless unjust scales are applied, those children who were taken to England won't be able to re-enter the USA until the wicked Biden regime has been toppled or replaced with sanity and a pro-nutrition leader who isn't Catholic. 

There is no guarantee that there will be any improvement over the depravity of politician Biden, but there is no guarantee that the USA won't rebuild stronger and holier after election cheaters are deterred from cheating ever again.

The intelligent anti-wicked voter is going to know what to do when the next election rolls around, even if they do not want to make their position public by discussing it publicly in Romeo, Michigan as I did. 

Yup,  right 18 is below neon first and 18 is Petr Sykora when there is a tug of peace between ืฆ and  ื“ . 

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Commander 26 Code Change At 6th Down

My best friend ,who currently is assigned to Squad 60, showed me how important order of appearance is when Hebrew letters are presented in the scrolls known as Torah' for centuries. Commander 26 could be male or female, and it shouldn't matter since no one has ever seen Commander 26, right?

In order to impair wicked systems even more, I am changing the translation of the letter.  to Tt, as in ZeTterberg. Code changes are required when the wrong people have been using codes to do wickedly.

Tav is no longer an acceptable translation of the letter.ืช for my tribe, and a lone T still represents the letter  that appears 17th namely the  ื˜  . Thus , Nathan become NTtN and Naphtali become NPTtLY for 2 serious examples of slipping out of 'AI 'knots.

Having a copy of the Torah is not equal to receiving a proper mark of redemption.  Sincc I do not know if I am going to be able to submit another post, here is why I do not agree with the 'acts of the apostles' experiment of 'having all things in common', since that is equivalent to 'you will own nothing'. Ownderhip of property is clearly permiTted and encouraged by. Commander ื™ื”ื•ื”.  Sometimes, people have to be forced to practice what they preach before they realize they have been preaching an unjust message that was never from Commander 26. Forget using the word LORD or HaShem as a substitution for ื™ื”ื•ื”  anymore, since those terms are too weak , too common and both lacks a connection to warfare ability.

I received a message from Commander 26 when I tried to explain to a Muslim why Biden's declaration of student loan forgiveness was a way to have a multitude of unethical borrowers become uncommon thieves. Here is a non-parable that illustrates literally why a 3rd party cannot erase a covenant agreement between 2 other parties.

When you go into a restaurant to dine, you are given a short term loan of food and a set price has been displayed for what you received in foods. The person who prepared and loaned you his or her food expects payment in full before you depart from the restaurant's turf. If a person goes into 'Little India' and owes money for the purchase they agreed upon, is it just and righteous for the owner of a Subway diner to go into Little India and declare that the diners in Little India do not have to pay for the food they received? OF COURSE NOT, but essentially Biden is acting as though he is a Subway owner declaring that people going into Little India do not have to pay for the meal they were trusted with prior to  proper payment in full..  

A college education is a purchase like unto food. with a preset price evident. I chose not to go to M.I.T. because my family could not afford the tuition and I was unwilling to take out risky, huge loans when more affordable colleges  or no college was a more realistic option.

A lone T is like a Milwaukee Tech sports major.

If you don't pay back a federal loan, you are a thief stealing from others for your own selfish gain. If you do not pay back a  private loan from an individual family member, you are also a thief unless that family member excuses your debt personally.

Think before you rejoice over becoming trained by wealthy politicians to become a thief by not repaying your loans. Sell your house. before it goes into foreclosure if you know you cannot afford it so you do not lose the equity you put into it.  Blacks and hispanics who are being baited by RACIST housing loans, in 

the USA,  do not take out loans that are foolish only because there is little or no interest attached, because you could still lose ALL the equity you put into it eventually, which is likely to happen when you think you deserve better treatment than non-blacks and non-hispanics and thus you partake in unfair lending, which is not going to get you any angelic protection form Commander 26. Negotiate a loan with some interest if you understand that banking is an important business,  not a hobby for many people.

I finally understand why my parents didn't tell me I was born during the time of Thanksgiving in 1960 since that has been their right of marital  privacy.

Do you really know how to behave like a true ShTtN, Mr. H8366? ๐Ÿงฑ๐Ÿงฑ๐Ÿงฑ๐Ÿงฑ๐Ÿงฑ๐Ÿงฑ

Consider me to be as a QSTt influenced by QShUT and by QShTt. ๐Ÿน  

This is a Princeton Gold update, not Goldilocks and  the LuLu Tin Ski might club bouncers.

Now, is is safest to pass through Jonathan India or Drew Waters @ 6, since passing through the  eye of a sewing needle is not possible for 6the year, 6th month or 6th decade students?

Tall Order Time In To Recall Christobal Huet

 It's a bit difficult to have totally serious output, since humor does in fact alleviate the total collapse of the mind, especially when you have been abandoned by father, mother or employer and ruled over by the dictator who you preferred over the father, mother, employer who had very reasonable expectations from you compared to what you chose instead of your parents or past employer.

It would be ridiculous to suspect that there indeed could  not be a renting into pieces of the  United States of America, Canada or other nations who have abandoned teaching from the Old Testament in schools. I've heard that Russian schools do now teach from the 'Bible' and at least that gives their children and teachers an opportunity to contemplate and discuss the differences between ื™ื”ื•ื”   and various versions of  'Jesus Christ' and choose to lean toward either one of those very different choices

I don't really see any indicator that.ื™ื”ื•ื”  taught the concept of incarceration, though temporary segregation occurred in cases of real diseases such as leprousy or real bodily functions such as times of emergening bodily fluids.   Thus, when New Zealand, Australia, China or Australian dictators order healthy people to mask themselves and incarcerate themselves, they are surely anti-ื™ื”ื•ื”    and many would say also anti 'Jesus Christ'. I watch the videos of heathen  nation's military employees be masked and I can see why Russia would want to use those people in a battle, since they are already trying to harm  themselves with excess carbon dioxide being recycled into their lungs, thus they are expendable forces and not necessary to the long term interests of an earth that needs to get the sanity rates back up to about 67%.... a 2 to 1 ratio of the sane, pro-decency warriors  vs. the insane dictator lovers.

I suspect not many people bothered to prepare their minds for what or who might undermine or overthrow their lazy, wicked, greedy and apathetic government employees, but really there is no good option other than to have hard-working, charitable and alert forced try to dethrone the thieves who collect money but do not deserve that income due to lack of good works.  A complete change in a reasonable system tainted by those working to destroy it  might result in perfection of eradication, but a diseased system cannot continue without either returning to it's original healthy state which takes plenty of good efforts or tossing out the adults with their swimming pools waters and starting new like a healthy infant with parents who trust the.ื™ื”ื•ื”   plan, not the Clinton/Obama/ Biden/Trudeau  plan that merged with  wicked Catholic Nancy Pelosi.

I am not a Catholic anymore and will never be again.  My religious beliefs changed, but I will always be a female. Females should have a difficult time seeing toddlers sitting on empty, plastic milk crates so they do what they can to get milk in the household, as any real, caring mother should do until her children are old enough to bring food supplies to their mother when she is aged longer than sharp cheddar cheese blocks.

There is a FINE line between incarceration and warnings; a warning is a beautiful action if it comes from a prophet of.  ื™ื”ื•ื”  .  A fine is what must be paid in order to restore that which has been collected or received illegally and unrighteously.   A  death penalty is very fair when a warnings, a fine or short term incarceration did not cause a thief, an abuser of parents, an abuser of children, an adulterer or a person who assaults and maims others without just cause  DOES NOT RETURN TO   THE ื™ื”ื•ื”. PLAN.

Billions of humans now have an anti-intelligence and anti-holiness program inserted between their ears, and that has been inserted into them by computer technology.

Stop staring into your cell phones as though those items of folly are a lamp unto your feet, since they are not.

The 16th letter to appear in the 5 Books of Moshe is the letter.  ืŸ or ื , but only one of those forms looks like a hockey stick .

It's the 16th day of   ื™ื”ื•ื” 's right side count, and I have no intention of traveling to the UK, because that is not where my decent parents, my family or my friends are from. The Queen of England's haughty facilities is not where the throne of  ื“ื•ื“ nor his scepter went, no matter how many propaganda pandas try to insist that's where it is.  ๐Ÿ“จ

In billards, the 16th ball is the pearl-colored cue ball. Let that be a reminder unto the power of non-electronic communications.

➑  Stupidity can be repaired.

What defines a  safe, reliable, righteous and trustworthy G now, since the word good is not longer sufficient to identify a hero?

⏳ A sand-filled timer. is often used in chess  and sometimes in Scrabble games, since timing and efficient use of the brain matters.  A. ⏳ is not a ⏰  .

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Armada: Strike 2 For Foul Football Stench

For reasons that were unjustifiable, the Armada High School refused to accept USA currency to purchase a ticket to their 'home' football games. Was it the school board who decided to become Justin Trudeau's disciples instead of being hypocritical when school taxes can be collected without a wicked, electronically devised code but real USA citizens can't use real USA currency except at the CONCESSION stand after they went along with the WEF type of anti-constitutional electronic gaming.

I now have to boycott all the stores in Armada until the citizens of Armada decide to contend for their right to use USA currency to support and add funding to USA public schools, and I suppose that will mean  condemning the adults who made such an anti-USA decision. For those us law-abiding citizens who were denied access to the Armada football field, it's no worse of a feeling than Novak Djokovic has toward others who  think that refusing to tote expensive cell phones with nonsense 'apps' around with us is best for our body's health. Ideally, far more than 10% of the USA population will resist and refuse to be forced into electronic 'app' crap games. Mikell Clayton of Franklin, NC is the fool advertising for PayPal and electronic button pushing for financial anti-discernment, not me.

It won't hurt me not to purchase products from Armada, but it should hurt Armada residents to feel so much like Justin Trudeau's Canada that the American Legion #93 should be ashamed of their high school decision to reject USA currency when I assure you plenty of other businesses are ready, willing and able to appreciate paper currency and coins, ESPECIALLY when electronic circuits fail and electronic payments cannot fall into accounts receivable or accounts payable.

Less than 1 month ago, Armada 'athletic' team representatives were asking for cash donations during the Armada Fair; I suppose those cash donations weren't received with thankfulness at all.

Go Yale! Psalm 18 is wonderful to reflect upon without G. Bertier appearing to fail another driving test.  

 Good teams don't always run the football score up to 42 Marie Street in Collingwood, Ontario.

Wow, is it the 4th day of the 6ht month already?  Resist and boycott business that refuse to accept USA currency as legal tender if you truly want to understand the modus operandi of being a living hero of anti-Pelosi tactics.

Yale, Michigan  gets the billiard  ๐Ÿ”ต and  blue  bunting crew  ๐Ÿ‘• idea  .

ืฆ is 18th, unless you prefer the ื“=4 indicator.

๐Ÿข๐Ÿข๐Ÿข๐Ÿข Turtles look up carefully.

Legal tender shoots matter,  Isaiah 53:2 tells me so. 

Does veteran Milwaukee police officer Max Taylor like Sauer-Broten combos? I know he knew how reliable Kenneth Cecil had to be in a crisis situation but does he know what side of Mama Mia's pizza that Riverside Tigers might slide to?

Milwaukee's real Max Taylor looks like Vito Scotti, not  scary Scotty Bowman, and not anything like Stephen Basting.

"The hole process was amazing..."  ๐Ÿฉ  Non-virtual  Princeton Gold code is 15 and Greenfield Pumpkin is 40 for those who truly can scramble with the legend of New York Rangers. 

4.0 Ending To 15 Actual Semi-Pro Hockey Games

 Matt Recchi had 4 points listed on QnantHockey, but I suspect he scored many more than 1 goals before and after the 4 points he obtained with the Victoria Cougars. Maybe Matt Recchi didn't have as many divorce problems as Mark Recchi. Matt Recchi is not Mark Recchi; cousins are not identical to brothers, and I suspect there is no such beings known as 'identical cousins'.

Proceed with confidence and don't be influenced by Mikell Clayton's anti-flippant comments, since MIkell Clayton would not take the effort to sing the Song Of Moses in Markham, Ontario

I'm not ashamed to sing the 'Song of Moses', with the lyrics already translated several decades ago into  North American , African, European, Asian and South American languages  from Exodus chapter 15.

ANCIENT Ontario license plates are a matter of transportation history, as is EPHOD7.

It's 6/04 and I don't trust the radio show 'God' Great Outdoors' since their unresponsive state is as wretched as Richard Belmore and UWM.ORG.

๐Ÿšฆ Got Iron City beer? ๐ŸŒฝ๐ŸŒฝ๐ŸŒฝ๐ŸŒฝ๐ŸŒฝ๐ŸŒฝ

๐Ÿ” 10 point chickens eventually become silent, with or without the legend of Kuhhandel's deck of cards.


No One In Their 40 Right Mind...

 No one in the 40 right mind would ever again desire to become a professional tennis player, and that is based on the arrogant, anti-purification rulings against Novak Djokovic.

Choose baseball like Steve McQueen in 'The Great Escape'.


Hauser's Superior View Farms is as memorable as Table Rock, North Carolina to me and thankfully I have no signs of Alzeimer's, even if I did recall Ted Linsdsay yesterday.

Who left Marquette University to go to Michigan State? Oh, that  Joey Hauser  must have gotten pressure from the needle point gang.


The date palm produces good fruit, not a Christmas tree.