Thursday, July 7, 2022

The 'Catholic Prayer' Err Unto Blasphemy

Have you ever been improperly trained  and then uttered the wicked words 'Bless me father, for I have sinned" to a Catholic priest?  If so, your internal wickedness was made evident and DESIRED by the Vatican-paid thugs. Basically, the child of Rebecca known as 'Jacob' is probably the wicked root of that prayer after being prodded by Rebecca to intentionally deceive his father by pretending to be Esau.  Then,  partially incoherent 'Jacob' rewards the son who sinned at the prompting of his mother.  Did Rebecca ever really get punished for instructing her non-hunting child to pretend he was a hunter who was capable of obtaining venison BY actually having hunting skills ?

No respectful child in their proper mind would go up to a good, discerning parent and ask for a reward after sinning.  No perfect, discerning parent would reward their child for intentionally sinning either against them or others.

Verily, verily I type unto that I actually lifted up my voice toward no nothing visible while believing in sound waves and uttered the following request:

" Defender  יהוה , kindly go onto offense on my behalf."  If יהוה  is not an actual being or unit of  potent power, what won't occur?

I have a natural resistance toward going on offense; is that a weakness or a virtue in your religious modus operands?

APRAM's and MNShH's problems were incited by their grandfather's stupidity of ignoring the purpose of the 1st born  male descendent of YSP.  

Dead people can't be corrected.  🦅

🐂  Wild, Wild West side A team was identified in Numbers chapter 2. Tony Robinson might be correctable,  Rob Skiba, the science fiction enthusiast and Bradford Scott formerly of 'Wildbranch Ministries' is not longer correctable since there is no purgatory.   🦁

                                        😢.    🐢🐢

What can a couple of turtle witness?  Turtles can witness much more than a used dental floss pick.


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