In anti-heaven, displays of thoughtful, non-vulgar sidewalk chalk drawings is forbidden or despised by brute beasts who resist that which is good and decent while those same brute beasts are often embracing their Coca-cola products and lifting up their cigarettes as the 'higher power' that controls their $.
A French Sucker Knife combo is merely 3 rivers in a row on the eastern Minnesota border, but it certainly sounds like a nifty kitchen tool. Hugo , MN near Route 61 is what I was studying yesterday after once again realizing that 'New2Torah' speaker Zach Bauer is loading his offense against his leader Yeshua without even trying to do so.
How is that a man who instructs his followers not to take any thought about what they shall eat or what they shall wear before' seeking the kingdom of God' later implies that those without specific wedding garments will be tossed out of such a exclusive location as the 'kingdom of God'? How is that Zach Bauer is telling people to take plenty of thought against wearing Nike clothes because he claims it's the name of a false goddess, yet there is no mention of that Nike name in the books that Bauer preaches from? Why doesn't Zach Bauer preach against 'Fruit of the Loom', a company that openly stole from it's investors by claiming bankruptcy, restricting and never restoring the money that investors like me had trusted them with? I'd boycott 'Fruit of the Loom' before I'd refuse to wear Nike gear, and yes, I do take thought of what I shall wear.
Where is the location 'kingdom of God' that Zach Bauer preaches and the person he chose to be his messiah rather than sticking with H3068? Does Zach Bauer think that once his followers find that kingdom of the God that 'New2Torah' implies has equal or more authority than יהוה , Bauer's disciples automatically have a wardrobe supplied and chosen for them like Tony Evans's wife picks out his outfits in his Dallas God-preaching mansions? Tony Evans preaches the same post-Zechariah 'God' that Zach Bauer preaches, but God isn't interchangeable with. יהוה from what I have read, even if Bauer and Evans interpret his instructions differently.
Is there any names of so-called 'false gods' on 'Victoria's Secret' labels to make that company not take a verbal lashing from Zach Bauer, or is to only people wearing 'Nike' he has made his case for Jesus against?
Well into the 13th month of the count up to 390, I admit I'm getting a bit exhausted and weary of doing good in an area that seems to be unreceptive to the messages from the allies of the prophet . However, what I do know is that in the places where places his name, writing non-vulgar thoughts or calculations with chalk on the ground in private and public access areas is allowed, but not repaying those who you stole from is not allowed.
I won't buy Fruit of the Loom products for a very different reason than Zach Bauer is anti-Nike gear. There's plenty of clothing labeled 'Bauer', and how is that title so different than Nike? Sure, I don't approve of the 'Just Do It' slogan, but I don't wear shirts that say 'Just Do It' and I don't wear hats that are labeled 'FUCK BIDEN'.
Take even more thought about what you shall eat or wear after you think you have been clouded with the congregation of יהוה . The final 2 months of the 430 day count up do matter to me, and I have not yet been told any specifics about those upcoming 21 days on the left that then will shift to the right.
The height, depth and length of the French, Sucker & Knife rivers in Minnesota are not in my control, but the matter as much as the so called 'Bible Belt' area in Hazard Kentucky that Zach Bauer wants you to relocate to where his followers can compare their undergarments to make sure they don't have the 'Nike' label on them if they want to.
Lake Eleven is in Minnesota, Lake Twenty Six is nearby in Wisconsin. Table 112 and Table 6 are not 1,126 so be careful at numerology codes which BANKS use in credit card numbers a very different manner than issuer's of driver's licenses do.
MnUCHIN people might want to discover what manganese means to the number 25.
What does 14 + 49 mean to 63 pointers? Shouldn't Zach Bauer start preaching about what is new to female juvenile Torah Hallas of northern Wisconsin since he wants to keep preaching the antics of Jesus Christ rather than only preaching 'Torah'
Look up to the western skies on July 29th and 30th, 2022 to see the beginning of the moon's next cycle; read Psalm 90 and learn to number your days somehow so you know when to enter into the 7th day of rest methodically rather than by random selection. Vision tests don't have to keep occurring in the Armada high school parking lot, where a reference to Psalm 46 is barely visible but McDonald's still gets plenty of advertising.
Do I dare go to the Armada on July 30th, when some will be claiming 'Peace', yet I know not what diety they have 'Peace' with, or shall I prepare for a trip up to Yale, Michigan again to avoid tennis balls and seek beef bologna?
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