Sunday, July 10, 2022

Highway HH In Portage County: 1929 Caution

Read YCZQAL Chapter 30, including verse 2 if you want to know what the word הה  (Strong's H1929) is connected to with no י  or ו included to make it safely to Strong's  H3068. 

There are too many people in the Whiting/ Plover area of Portage County who haven't denounced Brian Berg's arrogance for me to waste my time trying to 'save' those unkind, unrepentant anti- חף   people.

Maybe Jiri Kulich , the 28th NHL draft pick, or Tom Kulich the quick Tech Trojan want to redirect those rude, unrepentant County HH  people toward 'Where There is Valor, there Is Hope'  considerations of the dead or 'Where The Wild Things Are' to consider the living. legends extended from Numbers chapter 2.

As my Grandma B. from the smart Kluck area would say...." Bye Bye".  🔵

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