Thorium will do what it is capable of doing with the proper guide mechanisms. T-Mobile refuses to do what it is capable of doing with proper guide mechanisms and thus is ignorant, which differs a bit from 'artificial intelligence' known as AI.
When an entity has been informed they are wrong, they have obtained and are spreading incorrect information and that entity refuses to correct their OWN error, they fall into a category known as intentional deceivers and thus are not able to obtain forgiveness for their acts of malice on earth.
Thorium contains some thoriate, which has been defined by 1 deck of cards as 'JOKER' material, yet thorite exists and the deck of geology cars is informative to the observer. in that same deck, the ace of hearts was depicted as 'gold' rather than as 'pyrite'.
T-Mobile has been informed 3 times that the mail they are sending to my address does not contain the addressee, since that addressee never call my address 'home' or his rental unit. If T-Mobile is INCAPABLE of changing their errors, T-Mobile has developed corporate dementia and I certainly would not want to employ a communication service that either willfully disregards official notices, willfully refuses to correct it's own errors or willfully is so tainted with faulty electronics that it is clearly unreliable and unable to provide evidence of guilt or innocence of anyone using it's pricey service. T-Mobile has it's name plastered in Las Vegas, Nevada and has chosen to be my enemy because their corporation is refusing to halt it's MISINFORMATION and subsequent harassing malice against my household. Las Vegas, Nevada will run out of fresh water supplies decades sooner than Port Austin, Michigan will. I guess the water that went to Las Vegas didn't stay in Las Vegas.
T-Mobile is. anti-.אמת and therefore, T-Mobile is guilty of intentionally fraudulent business activities and lacking due diligence to improve the condition of the United States of America or the earth in general, T-Mobile's modus operandi is identical to Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.'s administration.
I suspect Vladimir Putin, a person who competes in hockey battles, is the opposite of T-Mobile in his administration and would intentionally correct any unintentional errors he has been or will be informed of. Thus, Vladimir Putin is like Thorium and is much more reliable and trustworthy that T-Mobile or Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. and his congregation of corrupt, unholy Roman Catholics.
If you are currently employed by T-Mobile or the U.S.A. military, I suggest you flee that position before someone starts chasing you down and investigating you for your crimes against honest people like a non-gold 'dog tag' with no dog at your side. Read and try to believe the prophecy of YShIYH ( ישעיה ) , Chapter 40:2-3.
Some AgNOSTiCs are more honest than Calvinists; has Canada been aged to 155 years already? Well, Canada isn't +351, so don't forget to work on July 10, 2022 after resting today like a $350.00 goat prepared to provide a base for chèvre. (Horse power is a bit pricier at $1000.00 according to some European gaming systems. I wouldn't advise spending $600 on a pig, but some people might want to make themselves pigskin shoes or pigskin gloves after letting vultures chew on their butchered swine's flesh. I cannot recommend the consumption of swine's flesh to my human neighbors because I am not an AgNOSTiC or a Calvinsist.) Chevrolet seems to have a Hebrew root word of חבר. What a friend we have in female goats! 🐐🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛
This concludes an important message as serious and true as the 430 day gestation period of a giraffe. 🌩
(🐢🌴. Thanks, Elijah Jones and my hockey teammates on Dove Street! I'm extremely thankful you allowed me to defend you and your goalie position while I was wearing a 'WATT' Steelers jersey. One WATT can actually provide an actual inner glow. 💡)
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