Friday, April 22, 2022

Yczeqal's !18 Left..Who's Your Last Tin Woman?

I considered what a grain offering is supposed to represent. I have not yet started the  50 day omer count but that will commence on April 24th, a very special day in the USA 9 years ago but there is no need for me to elaborate on why. 

Do we still lose our first born makes to Egyptian gods? It sure seems as though that plague has not ended every Cnristianity snares another person away from the instructions from יהוה  and goes the way of Vatican variations. Pachabel tones had less variations than Sunday pew personnel and there still is a place in my ear for good music without misleading lyrics.

Last year's grain was ground barley used in my unleavened batter, Downer Avenue' style. This year, some friend in Pullman, Michigan directed me toward khorasan flour and I'm not disappointed at all. A batter made up of   khorasan flour, pure water, salt, ginger, cinnamon and a duck egg mingled into pure olive oil really SHOULD please even the most finicky agricultural genius or יהוה  who might be trying to lure Al-Jaami away from Biden $ and  Pelosi $.    I'm not sure what Muslim 'disgracer' #25 signifies, but it is not the description of the first nor the last in their 99 names  options for their anti-lesbian spirit guide.

Holiness is not achieved instantaneously. It is ludicrous to trust ANY spiritual  or political leader who would not respond to a  call for help, who would not answer a questions by voice or by letter, or who would not be willing to speak to another person because they chose khorasan grain instead of barley. Any post-toddler person who cannot define what a woman is  has  a severe lack of intelligence and signs of mental depravity, thus such a person would never know how to handle a problem properly with grace, humility and reasonable human cognitive skills.

Do legends matter? If so, 1-306-298-2009 and 1-306-298-2022 seems like a 13 year legend of Val Marie. Khorasan has been called 'prophet's grain' and 'camel teeth', long before I learned that 390 days is about  how long it takes for a baby camel to emerge. 

Several different heroes cared enough of my body to raise up khorasan wheat, olives, ginger, cinnamon and duck eggs and to invest in a water distiller. I certainly couldn't provide all those items near the arrogant Christmas crap spirit of  Air Force's Frank Finney. Milwaukee squad 91 is nothing like  creepy Joe Biden or  Air Force's Frank Finney and never was.  Milwaukee Squad 91 learned to speak to another and rely on one another on Squad 91 for our own safety during times of trouble or peace and safety. 

Compare the captain's of the Toronto Maple Leaves (#91) and the Tampa Bay Lightning, captain (#91) and then decide who is more like Wesley Ashley and who is more like Jeffrey Chase, since neither of them is like Squad 50.  Meanwhile, I've heard from a woman of courage who live on Bunting Road and am looking forward to hear about the little boy Erustas I recall named Erustas who I helped to sound a shofar  in autumn of 2009

🐧🐧 Puck 537 has it's own legend.  Hockey rule 105 and hockey rule 306. 

It's time for me to send a grain offering to my Black Forest Girl noodle form. If we know not how to give good, precious grain gifts to our parents, we haven't learned etiquette. I have a double sabbath to prepare for.

Thanks for taking the time to read something significant and truthful other than the book of Jude or Mr. Paul's  NHL stats from the Tampa Bay arena last night. 

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