Saturday, April 16, 2022

Last Call Prior to PeSaC Regatherings: Most 'Pet' Food Has Leaven

Many dog food have yeast. Is your dog or cat now the unclean animal god that  casts you out of  ישראל  or prevents you from being grafted into ישראל ?  You'd have been wiser to buy a bag of dried crickets than to load up on food for your dogs or cats, which indeed many view as their worshipful master.

Some grandmothers know that a dog is not a good leader, nor SHOULD any of her descendants have more regard for a dog, cat or stranger that has no part in their family history. Yet, many children and grandchildren shall choose a dog or a stranger  as the object of their unnatural affection, then choosing to dishonor their mother or grandmother.

The  natural female component of a family is not replaceable by a '3 man trinitarian beast'. Maybe Mario Lemieux understands this concept better than Aedan Hanley and Karen Dubis.  🐧

Beware of frauds, dogs, cats and whoremongers that lead you and your family away from    אמת   .

You'd have been better prepared for the current battle had you been lead away from 'home' by  אמת   .

The rear guard has a serious duty.  🐺 

Jasper reflects light, but does not let light pass through it.  Who's the light bearer that cannot pass through the stone of the tribe of BenYamyn?

Since 'Shadyside Locust' has no followers anymore; there has been a recent change of mindset and a one of a computerized  '95'. What we subscribe to or unsubscribe from is not a secret matter.

I prove my love by warning....truly I do.  Righteous vengeance and righteous compensation are completed by a righteous judge who submits to יהוה  , not to  Mrs. and Mr. Biden, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi.

Now, back to +63 considerations or Val Marie's 17th 'down to the wire' 306-298-2009 choices that are tied to 306-298-2022 anti-liar connections.  13 years of retraining is difficult, not impossible. 2009 to 2022 are years that cannot be repeated by those who failed to become sanctified and who have refused to be sealed in the 144,000. 

 The right to refuse a position might have been best viewed as the right to accept a different position.

🐸🐸 Can 2 frogs sing the 'Song of Moshe?'

It looks like Bozrah is in Jordan. Isaiah Chapter 63 is a wonderful chapter to read if you have fled from the   unrighteous Jewish traditions flopped near you by Nehemia Gordon or Mikell Clayton, the man who publicly REFUSED to sing the 'Song of Moshe' in Markham, Ontario yet he  still clings to and lifts up his Disney idol in the form of a 'Tigger' cup on a weekly basis.

Clayton isn't a good leader.

Here's a Sivi Aberg warning at Germany's Kathi's Bar Code 5996901064  'Black Forest'  level:

A truly holy person is not afraid to FORBID  women or men who are under-dressed or in whorish fashions from being in his or her dwelling or place of business. This expected qualification for a 'holy person' eliminates so many people  including HIndus, Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Israelites and Jews from actually being truly HOLY, spiritually decent and morally discerning  in deed as well as in word. It does no good to attend a government meeting, church, mosque, temple or synagogue dressed properly and decently and then to let indecently dressed and scantily clad strangers and  lewd, lascivious lunatics enter your place of business, government buildings or dwelling places.

Sivi Aberg was dressed more modestly in a Hogan's Heroes episode than the women that should have been turned away from a Muslim owned restaurant today but weren't. It does no good to fast for Ramadan, slaughter goats properly and to avoid unclean meats if you refuse to eject skanks, harlots and strumpets from your business, government or dwelling. Thus, what enters a building can defile a building and what is ejected from a building reflects your ability to oppose actual sin.

The 25th name of Allah is associated with dishonoring rather than honoring.  In a house or your business, you can actually control your television easier than you can control a strumpet dining near you after a careless owner chose $ rather than good& clean family atmosphere with a proper dress code included as TERMS OF SERVICE!!!!! It might take 7 more years for some men to take the reputation of their business turf  more seriously than Dino Ciccarelli does. No television is an Ok baby step toward avoiding indecency, but if you allow strumpet attire in your business you are as guilty of  harboring lewd and lascivious occupants as the owners of the New England Patriots or a Hooters tavern.

The tattooed driver of rather new olive green Subaru plated with Michigan Freemason place 8CJ95  is not my rear guard, though he was dressed better than women in PINK  V.S. attire or Speedo swimwear. If you feel frightened or politically influenced into mask-wearing, you should not be going into public dining or drinking area  to then unmask yourself there like a double-minded  hypocrite. 

Sivi  Aberg isn't the 13th sieve, and Aberg Avenue is still in Dane County, Wisconsin.

It is hypocritical to jail a man for life for murdering a 14 year old minor in Armada, Michigan and not arrest and condemn a person who does commit an abortion or murders an infant far younger than 14 year old minor.  A dog named 'Penny' would agree with me, even if the 101st Michigan State legislature is stupid enough, unholy enough, hypocritical enough  and heathen enough to disagree with me. 

If you are not anti-abortion or you advocate abortions, you are   more wicked as the man who murdered April Millsap on July 24th, 2014 since an infant in or out of the womb is actually innocent. 

Facts can be learned from 'Animal Planet'.  For instance, the Russian frogs turn blue 🔵 the Madagascar frogs turn orange 🟠.  Virginity matters. Don't mate with another person if you don't intend to parent  and financially provide for your conceived child.

This has been an urgent and valid message from a very narrow casting network.  Val Marie isn't  anything like Sal Richard if Sal is short for Salutitorian. I have learned a practical lesson today, and can no longer go to a Muslim restaurant on any 7th day or sabbath day.

Keep the פסח  dressed decently and in a dwelling you not only have authority over, but also in a location in which the desire of Yehowah's heart would be to protect and defend that  bodily dwelling. Whether one in a city or two in a family, it's not a sin to cry over your lamb that has been mercifully slaughtered or your grains that have been beaten before becoming part of your unleavened bread.


There is no Y in Subaru.  Here's the Subaru GaLa split  numerology second for  Mr. Srok's Milwaukee retiree enthusiasts and  billiard color codes on the frog, not the fly:

S U Ba Ru = 208  🟠  Cleveland Brown Helmet Heads

S U B Ar U = 223  🔵  Blue London Topaz Class

Blue Moon isn't Pabst. Milwaukee District V isn't Milwaukee District II. 

New York Rangers goalie Igor  the 31st might want to check the Benjamin Moore codes HC 223 and HC 208.  Yes,  coded numbers can cause trouble and derision.

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