I often watch a Rumble program labeled 'Prophecy Update Top News Headllines', typically about a 15 minute compilation of worldwide events usually not reported by total nonsense news networks. This week's 'Top News Headlines' is worth watching if you think it's time to reposition your own 'grain head' or 'lamb's ear'. Even though I don't believe they're simple religious message at the end of those updates, the film footage seems credible. Here's a bad report about the lousy results from my past attempts at Christian 'missionary work' in several global areas which I had taken very seriously and invested much time and money into.
I'm admit I have been part of a failed attempt to spread peace and safety on earth in many previous years. Had I known 30 years ago what I know and am able to observe now, I never would have suggested that people become followers of "Jesus Christ' because the evidence is clear that those claiming to follow 'Jesus Christ' as their personal Lord and Savior have been allowed far too long by 'Jesus Christ' to commit too many sins and continue in lawlessness while allegedly in his service. whether paid or unpaid for such works. The multitudes of denominations have become not only puzzling and confusing, but are a spiritual snare tactic to the genuine seeker of mercy, correction and righteous judgments.
I also do not believe that Yahweh and 'Jesus Christ' are identical nor equal, and actually I never did believe that to be true. I do believe that those who truly trust יהוה as their household's Judge, Teacher and Protector are appropriately disciplined and NOT allowed to continue in blatant and intentional sin nor are they allowed to reject the instructions and warnings from the prophets of. יהוה. The state of Israel certainly is detached from יהוה and the Muslims never did choose to Moshe Ben Amram over their Muhammad, thus they made a choice similar to Christianity, they have been trying to succeed without the protection of יהוה. .
If my failures have offended you and 'Jesus Christ' kept you from trusting יהוה as your leader, those outcomes have been your non-Calvinist decision . You can look at the results for yourself, but if indeed there is only 1 in a city that while scattered has learned to become faithful, true and sealed by יהוה , it is unlikely you will see the evidence of the ongoing miracles of יהוה .
When scattered grains of barley or wheat are immersed in different soil types, the outcomes will vary. If I would have avoided or resisted being truthful today, I would actually be a false witness that was unworthy of the defense systems of יהוה that are not controlled by nor generated by the state of Israel or the Palestinian rioters . I'm not ashamed of my admission of failure, and I am appalled by the unholy, unrighteous behavior of humans with less tact and good behavioral skills than a swarm of locusts.
On the same day, some crossed the Red Sea zone on dry ground, and others got drowned by Red Sea waters. When we start a spiritual journey, it eventually becomes a physical test that produces evidence for or against the leader you chose to follow. Evidence for and against followers of sects or leaders also accumulates over time.
If my opinion is going to change, behaviors of those claiming 'Jesus Christ' as their Lord would also have to change drastically and start behaving like properly behaved, reconditioned Yahwehists, but that scenario is improbable, though not impossible is "Jesus Christ' teaches them how to become like Moses and Elijah or Eldad and Medad.
Now I need a dose of 'Hogan's Heroes' and inspiration from the behavior of Freddie the chimpanzee'.
This announcement will no longer be posted at the end of this week.
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