There is a commonplace case scenario that occurs in cults and in societies of unjust stewards and it typically unfolds in this manner.
A family decides to be part of a 'flock' that has spiritual and social identities. When a member of that family strays whether due to injury or flees with in intent to protect itself from injury, the bad shepherd does not go out to seek that sheep. Because the shepherd is bad, the family members that remain under that shepherd also become bad and do not bother searching for their family member that left. Foolishly, the sheep that stay with the bad shepherd trust that stranger that seduced them in for his monetary gain more than they trust the sheep that was warned to flee or that departed due to injuries that were not being tended to by the bad shepherd. The sheep that left might have been the ewe that gave them milk when they were young, yet instead they trust the $ collector on Sunday.
How many 'churches' have you left that never again bothered to seek you out? Those churches are led by bad shepherds. How many family members have shut you out after you decided to depart from the bad shepherd who not only refused to tend to your wounds but did not care about your family remaining together? Those family members who shut you out I order to remain with their bad shepherd are much worse in spirit than the father of the prodigal son.
Think about these valid and truthful points the next time you refuse to take a call from a family member who is not part of your cult or your assembly of wicked sheep taught by a bad shepherd.
Does the parable of 'the prodigal son' really comply with the non-fatherly message of Titus 3:10, all you New Testament experts? If Yahweh behaved according to Titus 3:10, how many people would be within the flocks of Yahweh? Would you prefer to be like the father of the prodigal son, who kept the commandments of Yahweh and showed mercy or would you prefer to be like the author of Titus 3:10 who then arrogantly wants to decide which doctrine is false and which doctrine is true when a peaceful dispute arises? The father of the prodigal son was able to handle conflict, the instructions of Titus 3:10 lead toward an inability to handle NON-VIOLENT conflict. I'd rather be like the mother of the prodigal son who agrees with that father who roasted beef, not pork to celebrate. I'm not in gender identity changes for myself and don't recommend them for any other human or animal because Yahweh clearly forbids such genetic manipulation. I understand that many people rather flee than be in a violent conflict, but theological discussions and differing lifestyle discussions don't always lead to violent, bodily conflicts and require a degree of mercy and graciousness in those discussions which often involve a broken family.
If a family member hasn't sought you ought or refuses to allow. you in for a meal when you desire to spend time with them, that family member is either only a very bad shepherd or a has become a horrible sheep after being ruined at mind by a bad shepherd.
Ewe have feelings and ewe are not stupid when a ram, a good sheepdog or good shepherd is not present. The good ewe is not afraid to die alone or become part of a group of good goats being protected by a good goat keeper. Goats and sheep can get along and actually thrive under similar conditions, but pigs and sheep do not combine well, since the pig will attack and eat an injured ewe.
Put the parable of the prodigal son on a scale against Titus 3:10, and decide how you want your 'Heavenly Father' to behave toward YOU after you decided to be anti-commandment person not just once or twice, but every time you committed a sin intentionally after reading the 5 Books of Moses.
Special thanks to those who did not forget the role Wally Floody, DOB 04/28/1918, which happened to be much different than the role of George Harsh or George Fuhr.
馃惡馃惡. At least 2 wolves got on the ark and ended up 'Riding' the Tide' for many months. Such wolves had to eat while being shipped, and one slaughtered steer can feed many carnivores.