I prayed to this morning after being accused of being manipulative by a Christian who claims he does not want any conflict and he will not be manipulated. Accusing people of being judgmental when a person was actually being discerning used to be the norm, but maybe the norm has gotten shifted . Without flipping open a dictionary, I'm going to attempt to explain the difference between demanding, commanding, manipulating and requesting.
D) Demanding a certain behavior or possession of an object is what a person with perceived authority often does. If a demand is spoken or written and it does not occur, that person does not have the authority that they assumed. A parent might demand that a toddler relinquish a dangerous object, and even that might result in conflict requiring the use of physical force. If the toddler wins', the what was thought to be a demand was actually only an attempt to take control of a dangerous situation. Demands could be good or bad, depending on the spiritual condition of the hearer of the demand.
C) Commanding means it is your duty to try to condition the behavior of those under your authority. When a person agrees to be under another person's authority for employment purposes, not obeying commands typically will result in termination of employment. In rare conditions, not obeying a command with good reasons might change some of the employer's policies but such an instance typically requires diplomacy on the person refusing to comply to an idiotic or unholy command.
M) A chiropractor actually used the term 'manipulate' when attempting to restore a the structure of a body to proper positioning. If the body has been out of alignment dur to trauma or lack of self-discipline in strength-training routines, it might be impossible for a good attempt manipulate to succeed as the chiropractor and the patient might desire. If a person detects a problem but knows he or she is not able to demand change but might attempt to manipulate a situation to cause improvement and change a bodily course that will clearly worsen over time. An attempt to manipulate or adjust a situation to obtain improvement or lessen discomfort is a GOOD attempt. Likewise, getting judged by a holy and pure judge ( including fiscal or bodily penalty) sometimes is the best option after repetitive sinful behavior is evident and attempts to peacefully manipulate have failed.
R) Requesting a behavior or a object is what any person is able to do, but if they are viewed at as being of low degree or an idiot, that request is often denied EVEN IF the request was reasonable. When a reasonable request is made and denied, it is the requestor that then has to manipulate AKA adjust to an outcome did not result in what they had hoped for. A parent might request that their adult child write to them or visit them, but if that request is denied that parent has to adjust/manipulate their mindset to resist severe depression, unlawful retaliation and uncontrollable anger. When requests are denied, divorces occur, engagements are broken, contracts are not completed, customers leave and wills get changed; such actions are only a short list of the consequences of having a request get denied. I requested Vincent LoCicero to return the money he stole from me but he refused. I requested a former spouse to go to couseling with me to prevent divorce, but he refused and pursued his adulterous companion. I requested my son get a P.O. Box so I could write to him by letter, and he refused. In all those situations, I then had to manipulate myself into another mindset toward people who did not desire peaceful end to conflict.
No shepherd, good commanding officer, business owner, employee, parent or head of household expects a life or job without conflict and in fact, if sane they will prepare for conflict not expect conflict to be erased from LIFE. Death actually eliminates conflict for an individual and El Shaddai understand that conclusion is sometimes necessary. However, consider how you view your spiritual commanding officer. I view Yehowah as a person who first makes a request of an enemy. Secondly, Yehowah has to manipulate and adjust after a good and holy request has been refused. In the manipulation process, Yehowah uses patience and does not try to destroy the person who does not trust that the outcome of Yehowah's request will be good nd not evil. Actually, all of what people have called 'commandments' are actually a manipulation formation designed to change an enemy into an teammate and ally and dispose of conflict within Yehowah's team. I do not view Yehowah as a person who forces worship or obedience, but rather Yehowah does seriously try adjusting and manipulating a person's mindset to align with Yehowah's expectation and eventually Yehowah's demands. Failure to do so results in death or tragedy and an inability to cope with conflict as a properly trained commander or or household official should be able to do.
Is 'Honor your father and mother' or 'Thou shall not steal' or 'Keep holy the 7th day' being manipulative, a request, a demand or a command from your superior officer? Obeying those commands certainly adjusts your behavior and manipulates your mindset.
61&AL-MUMEET is the name and number that Muslims associate with the ruler of death. 60&AL-MUYHEE is the name and number that Muslims associate with life. I view Yehowah as being the Protector of sanctified/innocent Life and The Guide toward holiness. Yehowah does not pardon intentional wickedness but can pardon unintentional sin. Where does the Muslim's #94 Guide lead people? I believe that יהוה is able to delegate death as was done in the 10th plague of Egypt. Since no name was given to the angel of death, why not refer to that angel as AL-MUMEET until another name is revealed unto those who have trusted in יהוה's name? It is my understanding that Muslims are supposed to be anti-abortion rather than being manipulated into the mindset of the current governors of New Jersey, Michigan, New York and California.
I do not regret trying to manipulate and adjust my son's behavior to be less hostile and less evasive toward me since he initiated serious conflict by obtaining a tattoo ( he has not metioned regretting the tattoo) against my multiple requests that he not marr his body in such a manner. I do struggle considering I may never see my son again, dead or alive, because I have loved him and it's tough to believe that any request I make of him is now viewed by him as horrific manipulation, including asking him to obtain a P.O. box. Since he will open his doors to practically any Milwaukee Buck or person from Woodlands church, but has demanded I not set foot near his Christian doorstep, isn't a P.O. box reasonable to reach out to one another? I thought so, but he prefers that I publicly blog. I've adjusted to his demands since I'm not interested in conflict with the active, hired Wisconsin law enforcement officials again AND I don't want him to waste his time seeking a restraining order. I proven a multitude of times I'm capable of restraining myself from premises and private property that have hostility or adversity toward me.
A few tears, after getting more demands from representatives of 'Christianity 2022' and a manipulated myself to try and better understand what AL-MUYHEE's position is rather than go into an angry tirade and damage myself or my neighbors. I'm not afraid to be adjusted or manipulated into an improved course of reactions to lousy news, leaders who demand they remain in a no-conflict zone* and unreasonable expectations.
*Robots don't have conflict. Every living soul and sane person has to prepare properly for conflict.
Parents, children and Yehowah all have to face conflict thought they might approach it in differing ways. Aaron lost 2 sons who refused to be manipulated by Yehowah's commands. King Zedekiah lost 2 sons and his own vision when he refused to be manipulated and adjusted by the words that were not whispered by Yerimiyaha AKA Jeremiah.
Does 60 and 61 ever agree with יהוה ? If 60 and 61 don't agree with יהוה, I don't agree with AL-MUYHEE 60 or AL-MUMEET 61. Time will reveal if AL-MUYHEE and AL_MUMEET are the same as the glorious AL-ALEE #36 or if in fact they are divided against each other. Whether or not Wisconsin Sparta Legion 60, J,C, Haussenauer or Sean Garnet Whyte gets involved in these questions is their choice but I certainly am convinced that trying to adjust a person's mindset away from fear of conflict and toward Yehowah's authority rather than Protestantism is not a wicked nor evil nor unlawful attempt to manipulate the leader of any household without the intent to cause a flesh wound.
Ulcers are flesh wounds that often begin from fear and anxiety in addition to choosing to call unclean animal products 'food', contrary to El Shaddai's instructions to Abigdor.
I actually love the people who read my blog as much as I love the Troy Sting youth hockey teams even if they are as distant as Viktor Koslov now.😎
I suppose Isaiah 3:5 is accurate.
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