When people in temporary positions of power do not charge, PROSECUTE and discipline a person guilty of a sins or crimes, they are PERSECUTING the victim that properly reported the sin or crime against them. Referring a problem to an attorney is not a proper place to send the victim of a crime in a venue that already has paid law enforcement officials, yet horribly trained, lazy deputies and their policing counterparts often do such evil referrals. As a result, less crimes are reported and it only APPEARS as though crime is low in an area, so a community deception commences.
Children in families who are harassed by siblings sometimes encounter persecution when they truthfully report to their parents a sibling problem and the parent(s) do not discipline the offender, and as a result the persecute the victim. Those undisciplined children typically do not grow up in law-keeping citizens, which is why lawlessness abounds worldwide now.
When persecuted victims of sins and crimes do not see proper discipline in the venue they are in, they often try another venue, be it another religion, another state, another nation to attempt to find peace and safety, leaving behind those who didn't prosecute the guilty and those that persecuted them by not doing their duty. Difficulty arises when your 1st 'god' does not seem to be doing his or her duty and you cannot directly complain to your 'god'' because he or she has been contrived in fiction or has had falsified information told about his abilities. Does Yahweh have the ability to prosecute those that sin against him or does Yahweh leave the nasty work to Satan, who had been willing to relinquish his power to a Judean centuries ago, but no such deal was made. Yeshua of Galilee had Ram family parts in him, not Levy family parts.
As I heard the vain repetitions ' O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?', keep in mind that is a QUESTION not a statement and the fact is that the truly brave often do not bother raising up the flags of a venue that has persecuted them as a victim rather than prosecuting criminals, nuisance starters and mortal sinners that create fictitious or real violence for financial gain. Only animals are truly free in a typical nation, state or city so loaded up with unkept laws and puffed up with PRIDE signs that it is no wonder that a persecuted human being admires a real duck or a butterfly or a bumblebee that is not only free, but doing it's duty properly.
Day 1245 revealed a word that starts with a B, not an A or a G. Beit Qoph Shin is found in Amos 8:12 and it means 'require', a requirement in a process that must happen. 1618, which might be pronounced 'Jarob', means scabs that fester up and a curse. When a person tries to reconcile a past offense and the offended is hard-hearted and proud, problems fester up and the person who knows that it is required by Yahweh to forgive those who properly repent is even persecuted by the vain, hard-hearted former victim or a sin, thereby causing a real role reversal in a process that is not funny. Sons often do become as unjust as their fathers, not just like their mother who was used, abused and cast away by the husband of her youth.
1975 'Hey Lamed Zayin' means to get 'swept away' and identified by a mark or a sign.
Before I release some of my own tension by continuing with a non-violent process intended to assist me and those who have properly shunned violent computer gaming and casino lifestyles, once again I noticed how out of place Virginia, the businesswoman daughter of George Halas, seems to in Chicago. Virginia and her Bears represent a serious choice do eject and 'sweep away' strumpets with pompoms in their stadium, yet her workplace is still infiltrated with millions of people who prefer vile sin to holiness, who prefer lesbian lifestyles with the prodding of the god, Oprah Winfrey; and who have rejected the commandments that Paul, Silvanus, Timothy and Jesus accepted so many times that it would take a miracle for them to repent.
Soccer balls, footballs and other toys are not the commandments able to convert the vile to the redeemed BUT if a person cheats with the rules and regulations of their chosen profession, they will continue to cheat unless harshly disciplined by their venue officials. Participation in sports is not the same as keeping the commandments delivered from the Amram family to the descendent of a Ram, and sadly the time put into sports actually prevents a person from focusing proper time and attention on the commandments intended to save and protect society from a 'gerab', a disease of family pride that prevents them from ever getting into the Holy of Holies because of obvious sickness and mental diseases that result from illness that is not properly reversed from it's destructive course.
1st Thessalonians verse 2 is vague and wide, but the genuine scrolls that starts with a Beit are narrow and do fold up like the heavens taking away their signs and instructions. Day 888 word is Beit Aleph Shin means 'distressed', looks like 'bash' and is worth observing in Daniel 6:14 . Once again, HGTV rolled out its unholy , anti-commandment prideful house hunters who wrongly thought that '8' is some sort of lucky number so they arrogantly purchased a Chicago house with an offer pirce ending in 888 to lure others into their foolishness as Jeffrey Dahmer did with his skull worship that is similar to Halloween mentality.
It was not luck that protected Noach, not was it luck that sent forth the 8th plague. The 8th foundation of Zebulun is not lucky, and it has a purpose and a role that demands perfection, a state of being which anti-commandment beings never can achieve. It isn't even an easy task to properly write down your own golf score, which is why a real caddie who KNOWS, keeps and studies the rules of their venue is a paid position that is more honorable of a job than choosing to be a president, a governor, a mayor, a deputy or a religious preacher who refuses to obey and enforce the laws he or she has outwardly professes to align with but in reality, outwardly and inwardly rejects with his or her actions on a regular basis.
Gretchen Whitmer, the hypocrite of Lansing, Michigan, is much like Scarlett Overkill since she outwardly wants to stop 'vaping' and also outwardly wants to continue abortions which are crimes of hate against an innocent child. Vaping is an act of ignorance started by a person uneducated enough to make a good health decision for themselves and they become equal to the habitual Coca-Cola drinkers, the unclean animal eaters and those who raise up pitbulls in an area already laoded up with vicious, vile anti-commandment humans.
Persecution results in grief, sorrow and distress to a person. Proper prosecation and proper discipline after a sin is so rare that it is nearly extinct on earth and protected only by the few who have set their feet on jasper with Benjamin first or possibly last if the 12th foundation of amethyst is actually represents the most shallow tribe of LARShY *YShRAL stones on earth.
Golf balls are not good foundation material unless crushed and used in outdoor garden paths or exterior roadways.
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