Recently, a naked man was arrested in a Detroit area airport for NOT selling his naked image and it is good to prohibit public nudity. The huge beast of Michigan and USA hypocrisy rises up like Jeffrey Dahmer beasts from the pages of a recent edition of ESPN magazine loaded with hundreds of photos of nude people selling their images in and out of Michigan stores with no resistance from the same people who openly condemned public nudity in airports... the same airports that typically sell pornography from their magazine stands.
T Club Course 4, Hole 3 opposes fornication with good reasoning; public lewd and lascivious behavior is a component of fornication or at the very least, a pre-curser to the sin of fornication. When a nation allows lewd and lascivious behavior to so SOLD and profited from in the form of ESPN magazines and similar vile video, movie and paper publications, the leaders of that government have chosen to start a war against men like Paul of Tarsus, a war which will have an end eventually after a horrific battle. In order to prevent possible err by people following me in and out of M&T auto, I marked the ESPN magazine 'rated X' , thus people with the desire to be like Jeffrey Dahmer will open the magazine and those choosing to prevent fornication and lust will pick up a different option at a local mechanic's semi-private business such as Dr. Seuss with an ostrich as their guiding flight specialist or a gun activist magazine loaded up with bucks that look nothing like Sidney Pottier. My mechanic and I have had a discussion no different than I have had with heathen immoral men such as Daniel Teske, Jeff Sonnentag and Shane Hendrikson, but Todd Rivard has better instincts when it comes to understanding the intent of his paying customers such as me, when compared to those customers who have not paid their bills. Mr. RIvard knows that I, as an adult, can make good decisions not only about my car but about how I handle an awkward situation on his property. I have the option of going to another mechanic as easily as I have an option of trying to find a grocery store in Michigan that doesn't have vile books and vile movies available to be sold to the USA's reprobate immoral majority, but it is nearly impossible to find a truly rated 'D' places in the USA anymore, and here D =decent. Once I find a decent place, it is often the customers who come in dressed shamefully even though the staff is expected to dress modestly and then I have another 'choice' to make to defend myself from those shamefully dressed. Honest mechanics are difficult to find anywhere in the USA, so unless Rivard rejects my business, I'll keep going to his post-Army base and do what I need to do to prevent myself from being a' Shane Hendrikson' type of blatant hypocrite. Daniel Teske wasn't walking around passing out Bibles before hanging up lewd and lacsivious photos up in his water closet. Former USA Marine Jeff Sonnentag wasn't complaining about a Linda Hendrikson's adultery before Shane David Hendrikson decided to shack up and sack up with Cheryl Brown without Mrs. Shane Hendrikson consent and without the approval of Jesus Justus.
Morris Fisher does not shoot nor stop bullets the way Corpus Christi Icerays Noah Bull and Shane Bull launch or stop a puck. Richard Bull had his glory days kissing up to his MacGregor idol in ways an actual bullhead fish would never do, since animals usually are not inclined to intentionally go against Yahweh's plan for them.
It's month 6, day 13 and I don't want the Talmud to be my spiritual guide. 'Beyond' is a juicer that has decent standards for it's employees and sells what is allowed by Yahweh and often used as medicine. I don't recommend the Brad Ausmus plan, since he only toyed with Yom Kippur while with the Detroit Tigers. Yom Kippur to be toyed with, no matter what day you have chosen to observe it. Babies and toddlers make errors in judgment that people over 7 years old should not be making.
Likewise, a recently baptized adult, as a babe, is likely to be excused for making errors in their spiritual decisions when a 7 year old will not be excused for the same sinful behaviors. In 1997, I was less than 3 years old spiritually after being baptized as an adult with the intent to be saved nd with the intent to improve my conduct. 22 years later, I do believe I meet the qualifications of a saint, including completing over 6 years of no fornication but constantly having to try and defend myself against the USA media whores, nakedness sellers and lewd and lacsivious , immodest vulgar humans sent by Lucifer to attack the pure of heart. Shane David Hendrikson, even after he filed for a 42 month restraining order and a divorce, came to my apartment while I was still legally his wife and desired to commit fornication with me, and I wrongly thought he was interested in repairing our marriage. Technically we were married so it was not sin on my part to be subjected to his emotional trickery, and it was not wrong for me to hope he would repent of his business crimes, his unfaithfulness with Cheryl Brown and his desire to destroy his 'Christian' testimony with one swift divorce request being fulfilled with as much resistance as he gave to Linda Maria Hendrikson when she desired James Costa Jr.'s money rather than a stable household for her children.
' Never forget' should not only apply to the disaster of September 11, 2001. Never forget who it has been that decieved you, lied to you and stole from you after you befriended them with sincerity.
Counter attacks are not a laughing matter when trying to resist becoming an habitual fornicator or an habitual pornography buyer increasing the fiscal power of the evil makers and sellers of pornography, also known as lewd and lascivious methodists.
In proper historic non-fiction books, the 14th team represents the Ayin, not fake silicone breasts purchased by naturally flat X people. In weaker segments, the 14th team is only represented by the letter N, which is the alphabet end zone of Reuben, Trojan, Spartan, Hendrikson and shoved into LiNda and wolveriNe but not into Badger or my given name at birth .
Marshall Holman knows that bowling is not always fun nor relaxing. WWF.Org is claiming to try to clean up the oceans for endangered turtles; let be known that the 144,000 are also an endangered species of pro-lawfulness saints whose turf is polluted and attacked by vile, filthy humans too depraved to resist criminal activity, fornication., Playboy products and Baphomet rituals and sadly too depraved to be attracted to the modest households of the 144,000 sealed military forces of Yahweh.
In a state of pro-modesty, acceptable attire at a water park or public beach area would be a water ski suit that covered the entire torso and the thighs, not a speedo or a bikini. Islands loaded with bikini lines and rum and Coke drinkards get wiped out as a testing process but like Pharoah in Egypt, the proud dog and cat worshippers never changed their behavior between natural disasters.
Time to enter into sabbath rest before teeing of from verse 3 of the 1st T Club Course 4. In the meantime, compare the legal and anti-Yahweh works of Steven DeVougas and Kenneth Munson, who have chosen to represent the mindset of anti-Yahweh attorneys rather than choosing to represent the mindset of Mrs. Christ the strict and decent public school English teacher.
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