Saturday, September 7, 2019

Course 4 Thessolonians: Hole 2 Tee Area=Length x Width

I was reminded that the poor of YShRAL should have access to food, but not bag it up. Sites like this are viewed by a few, but since I am not selling nor profiting from site visitors, I am actually keeping a commandment, namely to provide output freely for those who NEED my type of nutrition. I recall getting blood test and finding out that some people have rare deficiencies which can be met safely with natural elements or vitamins contained in ground forces known as fruits and vegetables.

I can observe Esaac Israel teaching a few on the 7th day and he won't block me from his site if I am not contributing funds to him. He seems to enjoy being a father that knows discipline is a blessing, contrasted to Ben Hogan, never a father and fatherless for most of his years. Ben Hogan was assisted by a few financially, but was evicted from places in cruel fashion.... places as uppity and unjust as the ice rinks of the Suburban Sports Group in Michigan.

Every 7th year, people who have been working and toiling in the turf are supposed to let it rest.  I have been working and toiling in this electronic turf from Michigan since July of 2013, so this is my 6th year. My true family members have been known to work in fields, work in factories, work in dangerous city ghetto areas and work with others very unlike us, but what my family members have not been taught to do BY example is let the turf rest every 7 years. My son in Europe has not been taught BY example the instructions for Yahweh's people with those he has aligned with, so I will prepare the rest of this Thessolonians course with the intent to stop blogging in summer of 2020, after putting in 6 years and gaining enough output for me to survive and others to scrounge from as needed.

Ben Hogan did teach me a bit when he was forced to stop doing what had been not only his livelihood, but also helpful to his state of mind. Ben Hogan had no children to stand by his side and encourage him, and I have not had that either. Ben Hogan had the encouragement of a decent wife, and I have had encouragement from decent parents and real brothers. Like Ben Hogan, I used to have a hook, but mine were attached to fishing poles with fine, closed face reels that Wittenberg Shane tried to bully away from me. Ben Hogan's façade often had a closed face.... silence was chosen rather than a chatterbox method of operation. When he was forced to withdraw from competing against others after a collision with a bus, he competed against pain, agony and suffering and won.

I will have to enter into a 7th year form of rest in order to test the spirit of the commandments of Yahweh. I have already proven in writing that I am anti-Talmud, since I signed an anti-abortion petition in the presene of frends and adversaries; what politicians do with such as list might cause a change of heart, but who knows if that change will be softening of hardening?  My friends now know that I  did not want to sign a petition in the hands of Catholics and I wanted to reveal publically that I am no longer the person I was in 1981, when I let the horrific laws of the USA guide my daily decisions.

There have been plenty of children offered to Molech recently, as they were murdered and cooked inside an automobile that became hot as an oven. Do not be so stupid to think that Yahweh would ever excuse such a murder of a child by a guardian, nor does Yahweh allow genuinely REPENTANT people to go unpunished for past sins, knowing that trying to bribe Yahweh with animal sacrifices or money is not acceptable, neither is 'sparing the rod' of post-sin discipline an option for a fair and just family leader.

I chose not to go to the Ox Roast this year, since the 2nd amendment is not important to me any longer. I have heard it reported that cannibis oil was included in the holy oils used by the Levitical priests, but smoking marijuana was quite possibly the strange fire problem that caused Aaron to lose his 2 sons very quickly.  Had I known 6 years ago what I know now about Michigan, I would not have decided to reside her. but I also would not have learned what strengths I have yet when facing daily life without a good husband after 3 anti-good husbands went on the merry anti-Yahweh paths and took many of their anti-Yahweh people with them.

Hole 2 will be a par 4, not a par 3 like the 1st hole was on this course.
 U has honors, E will tee off 2nd, followed by B and then L on the Hole 2.

There is no intent to turn this course into a costly game of violence which has been the OBVIOUS intent of far too many wicked sellers of electronic games and military weapons of chance.

Mass shootings don't occur with a bow and arrow in the hands of one skilled hunter aiming for a buck with the intent to acquire venison for his household. Consider your turf tools carefully if you intend to stay with this humble course through the 18th hole.  It's not as simple as a game of 'Uncle Wiggly' to be tried and tested by FOLLOWERS while 'watchers'  are not watching my foursome anymore.

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