And on the 24th day, the 6 month, are you prepared to start building Yahweh's temple? Since the vessel for Yahweh includes the scattered 144,000, today is a wonderful day to change any lousy habits you have acquired. Lousy habits that dishonor your vessel include laziness, lack of ChQ keeping ( Chet Qoph), eating items that are unhealthy for the body even if those items are 'cleam' and refusing to rest on the sabbath day.
It takes a pro-Yahweh mindset to rest on the sabbath day and not feel GUILTY for refusing to work on the 7th day of the week. Building the sanctified body, the vessel of Yahweh not made by Solomon's stone cutters, should start TODAY, and I must not learn to do exactly that to a degree of success I have not achieved recently.
Haggai chapter 1 sets a historic and prophetic timeline that is far more urgent in nature to our scattered vessels than the folly of unsanctified and dishonoring NFL Superbowl acts. An intact body has many blood vessels that are aligned, adjacent and work together like the scattered 144,000 are supposed to work together to avoid Yahweh-designed punishments such as drought in the mountains of Tennessee, where Nashville acts are accepted but Yahweh's ChQ's are typically rejected.
A USA Army boxer I have spoken typically only went 4 rounds rather than 15 to preserve his own body. Gentiles and Greek types often go to extremes in physical games and thus will fail most spiritual tests due to an over-emphasis on winning public popularity and awards from their like-minded buddies who won't read and believe Haggai but will read and believe 'Guns and Ammo' magazines which steer them AWAY from the mindset of the good master of locusts, hail and drought.
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