Wednesday, September 25, 2019

LaBatt's Problem at Hole 3:Front Checking The Incorrect Attitude of One Wicked Man

A wicked man approached me on the HOME bench of a Port Huron arena and told me I should stop playing drop-in-hockey because I wasn't as skilled as he thought he was in his Labatt's jersey. I, in my Coffey 7 jersey, represented a totally different spirit and was attacked in a way typical of former experiences in Lapeer. The wicked old man of Labatt's, surrounded by his black team, was an irregular attendee while there has been a core group of only about 6 to 8 people who normally go to the Port Huron weekday drop-in. Often, there are not even enough people to have 2 full teams, so my regular $10 therapy session should be appreciated by other regulars, and it is usually is.  The wicked Labatt's man tried to order to me 'Stick and Puck' sessions, but that does not get my heart rate up enough for cardio. Stick and puck is usually more dangerous because there is no rules nor organization to follow, and structured behaviors of a 'game situation' are good for a person with my physical limitations and put good stress on my brain function.

The wicked Labatt's man qualified as a 'bully' with an arrogant attitude that didn't match his skills.

The wicked LaBatt's man was outskated by most of the other players and I know the rules of drop-in hockey, namely you pay your fee, you skate at your own risk and participate with others people of VARIED skills. The wicked Labatt's man can join a league if he wants to be playing against people that he considers to be as skilled as he is.  My spirit was wounded, but not crushed, and I asked very important questions to my teammates and I know I got honest answers from them. Dalton, a Marysville Viking, told me NOT to quit and always has treated me kindly. Dana and Joel, 2 regulars, know I don't play half ice because of my lack of quick turning abilities and Joel, a very talented skater, has never told me to go to the 'other team' because he knows what drop-in hockey is meant for.

I asked our goalie if he felt afraid when I was playing defense and our non-Gretzky goalie said I was doing well rather than horrible. Oakland Grizzlies #15 also was encouraging to me, rather than telling me to depart without a restraining order as the wicked Labatt's man wanted me to for his own selfish reasons.  Lastly, I asked one of the opponents I faced, with a #19 helmet, to answer the following question for me:

"On a scale of zero to ten, with zero being clueless and lacking any hockey skills but ten being understanding hockey and doing the best with my capabilities, what number would you give me?" He told me he'd give me a ten, because as a truly good hockey player, he not only understand the purpose of drop-in hockey, he also had respect for an older woman who was trying to participate in a sport that I have passions; he told me not to quit and that he though I did a good job for my age and my abilities.

One wicked player can ruin an entire teams reputation, can cause dissension in an area that typically is peaceful and if that wicked attitude is allowed to spread, it leads to something worse than stupidity since arrogance and cruelty to a person who trying to counter her disability with structured difficult tasks is worse than stupidity.

The wicked Labatt's man typifies people that do not believe in the D.A.R.E. program and also have a spirit very evil compared to Jeff Sauer or Dan Bauer.... 2 coaches who never tried to chase away people with physical limitations as long as they had the mental capabilities to handle the stress involved in non-professional hockey.

Time will tell if the wicked Labatt's man ever corrects his own spirit or if his spirit spreads to others like Lucifer spreads his arrogance against Yehovah's disciples. I'm hoping the Port Huron owners are nothing like the owners of the Suburban Sports group and that the men who were in the '3 hole' today decide if they want to be more like Ramon Galaviz, who never once suggested I quit being a police officer even though there were plenty of officers better equipped than I was. or if they want to be like Cheryl Hendrikson who wanted me to depart from my own HOME because SHE wanted to be more than a visitor with Shane David Hendrikson.

I do recall the nasty hot tub commercial of Labatt's, when 'a bear' was made to look like a stupid pimp surrounded by 2 skanks in bikinis. The 2 female bears that assisted the prophet Elisha were not hockey people in black and blue jerseys.  The BLUE golf team is now going to switch their legend to the REDS as a reminder that Labatt's Blue doe not represent the tribe of Dan nor does it represent a blue London topaz; women usually play from the RED tees, not the blue tees.

I was angry, but I did not sin against the wicked Labatt's man, who would fit in much better at Macomb or Lapeer so he can go try out for the Detroit Redwings roster with the blonde of his choice to cheer him on while wearing black and prove he is too good to skate with regular drop-in non-league athletes such as Dalton the Viking, Joel, Dana, Chris the Jehovah Witness and I, a mother trying to combat the sadness of losing her son by participating in hockey rather than drugging myself into apathy and laziness.

If that wicked 'LaBatt's'  man feels no shame, it is because his conscience has been seared by the man he sees in the mirror. People with a seared conscience have no compassion, no willingness to encourage those with physical limitations and try to TAKE over turf like Adolph Hitler did in Germany or Andrew Jackson did in North Carolina.

People with a seared conscience often feel the most comfortable around people who also have a seared conscience. When a wear  Coffey jersey, I recall how HUMBLE he was compared to people such as the man in 'LaBatt's' when I was combatting the wicked spirit of Shane David Hendrikson.

What would Anthony Wirth do?  I had once seen a close relative of mine who had been a brave varsity high school hockey player become AFRAID to stand in front of a hockey net during stick and puck time for reasons only he can explain. I was bewildered at his fear, and I don't want to have fear of participating real hockey sessions. My close relative wasn't afraid to play in drop-in games, but stick and puck time was possibly too unstructured for him, who's hockey talents far surpassed the   'wicked 'LaBatt's' man.   I certainly can't go to Dwight Stick and A.J. Puk to keep my brain function exercised with reasonable pressure placed upon it.

I told the arrogant people ( not all were arrogant) on the black 'visitors' team that maybe they can try to get Gordon Howe to replace me if they want someone equal in ability to their chosen  'LaBatt's' man. Andy Brandt the Badger never told me to quit playing drop-in hockey on his side at the Greenheck center, and his abilities were far better than the arrogant 'LaBatt's' man.  I also did question whether the 'Labatt's; man was going to order Kyle Okposo to quit participating in hockey or if he would have told Jacques Plante to quit playing hockey. Depression isn't a disease, it is a attitude problem often created by being bullied, getting treated unfairly and unjustly when you are abiding by the rules of a venue or by failure to properly repent of your own sins.

Yahweh's people often have to face Lucifer's and Jebulum people to test their willingness to represent HVHY on earth, even though the odds are still about 55,000:1 against them in a typical area. Of the 55,000 people, it is possible that 2/3rd of those people will align with Yahweh's sealed people eventually and 1/3 or the 55.000 will continue to rebel  with pride and arrogance against Yahweh aka Yahuwah aka Yahovah aka YHVH or YHWH.

Should I have told the 'Labatt's' man to 'Go to Helbach or Adam Kawatski' ? What some people think SHOULD happen actually will not happen.

Monday, September 23, 2019

On The Way To The 5 Hole, It's Haggai Time In

And on the 24th day, the 6 month, are you prepared to start building Yahweh's temple?  Since the vessel for Yahweh includes the scattered 144,000, today is a wonderful day to change any lousy habits you have acquired. Lousy habits that dishonor your vessel include laziness, lack of ChQ keeping ( Chet Qoph), eating items that are unhealthy for the body even if those items are 'cleam' and refusing to rest on the sabbath day.  

It takes a pro-Yahweh mindset to rest on the sabbath day and not feel GUILTY for refusing to work on the 7th day of the week.  Building the sanctified body, the vessel of Yahweh not made by Solomon's stone cutters, should start TODAY, and I must not learn to do exactly that to a degree of success I have not achieved recently.

Haggai chapter 1 sets a historic and prophetic timeline that is far more urgent in nature to our scattered vessels than the folly of unsanctified and dishonoring NFL Superbowl acts. An intact body has many blood vessels that are aligned, adjacent and work together like the scattered 144,000 are supposed to work together to avoid Yahweh-designed punishments such as drought in the mountains of Tennessee, where Nashville acts are accepted but Yahweh's ChQ's  are typically rejected.

A USA Army  boxer I have spoken typically only went 4 rounds rather than 15 to preserve his own body.  Gentiles and Greek types often go to extremes in physical games and thus will fail most spiritual tests due to an over-emphasis on winning public popularity and awards from their like-minded buddies who won't read and believe Haggai but will read and believe 'Guns and Ammo' magazines which steer them AWAY from the  mindset of the good master of locusts, hail and drought.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Thomas Best's Non-Bell Tones For 1st T Course Hole 4

Bell bottoms used to be found at the Indianhead Golf Course in the valley of the 7th fairway, but now it's tee off at someone else's RISK line.  I almost started redoing some plantings, but decided to avoid the appearance of me doing work today, a regular sabbath. Sit by, stand by or walk around until I get this hole in Wholey fish order...……..  538 yards to try and par with a 5.

L) Silvanus
The BLUE 4 expects the gallery of onlookers to know how to cover their  own blood vessels in decent attire, and I am an example of such proper coverage. Know ye not that the best golf courses have dress codes? Self-control is often as difficult as trying to control a small boat on Lake Michigan, so knowing what you should do to maintain control of yourself is a prerequisite to controlling you body of blood vessels.

E) Jesus Justus
Since most have seen illustrations of Jesus the crucified when he was publicly dishonored by the PILaTe shift, do not do as the PILaTe crew did! Try to encourage your companions to cover the vessel honorably, with attire that reflects a mindset given over to modesty and bodily coverage that is more like Bucky Badger or the Cleveland Browns rather than the Michigan Wolverine cheerleaders who worship the image of basketball beast Michael Jordan.
Score: 3  An honorable eagle!

U) Timothy
Each of you following me on this course understand that possession of the body occurs and as such, make sure your body is not possessed by Dallas Stars promoters! A body possessed by a sanctified and honorable spirit will not need Formula 1 nor Formula 977 designed for Elwood and Harvey the rabbit, thus keeping your vessel clean includes resisting the intake of dead, unclean animals!
Score: 4  A birdie as nifty as Snoopy's buddy, 'Woodstock'!

B) Paul
Since we of BLUE 4 golf know we must be prepared to go left better than Baker Mayfield, it is imperative that we cover our vessel to deter those who know not Yahweh. Going right is not always the correct way to protect your vessel, especially if there is a very unsanctified captain on your right and a honorable, sanctified chief of a sealed tribe on the left!  Such covering of honor are sometimes known as tents, a common sight in golf tournaments but more often our possessed body should be covered in  tunics and 'tops' that cover the rump we possess if loose lower body  'gangster' clothing is not an option.  Know ye not that some people have to wear tight jeans to add pressure to varicose veins and that such tight trousers must be covered by a tunic rather than troubling the BLUE 4 with skin-tight upper body wear fit for a demonic spirit?

Score: 7   A double bogey is good for Eli Manning fans and even better for John Mack's UWSP Pointers!

Caddy version:
"each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor"

The 5 hole is a 350 yard par 4 according to Cracklewood's guiding light.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

1st T Course 4, Hole 3: Are You Yahwehphobic?

Sexual immorality is soon earth that sexual purity is as difficult to locate as a Noodle in a poison ivy patch.  It's time to start to start using the word Yahwehphobic to counter the those who are trying to force us to think contrary to Yahweh's instructions. U has honors on this hole.

U) The goal for Yahweh's people is sanctification, not staged shows on Sunday mornings  that attract a crowd dressed worse than the Cleveland Browns active roster! Sanctification includes choosing sexual purity rather than sexual immorality. There is no sanctification without sexual purity!  Sexual purity does not mean resisting a person who would be a good, sanctified spouse but it does mean resisting people who are Yahwehphobic and appreciating homophobic attitudes that actually dissuade sin and sexual immorality.

L)  If sanctification is not your goal, don't associate yourself with Gd, Gd's sisters or any of his brothers. Even the tribe of Gd must desire that the 11 other tribes that get sealed have already retrained themselves to abstain from sexual immorality.  Why did the Atlanta Falcons cheerleaders and New York Jets cheerleaders add more fabric to their 'Catwoman' attire?  More clothing might be a start to sexual purity, but wanting yourself to be the sideline attraction after your face is caked up with more make-up than Michael Redmond wears to his athletic club and your body parts have been unnaturally altered with the intent to ruin Yahweh's plan for your body, namely believe if Yahweh's instructions.

E) Chet Qoph, HQ key words, are  the instructions delivered from Moshe to Jesus to whosoever wants to be sanctified rather than petrified.  How is it that Myles Garrett did not resist being photographed for ESPN photos when he had more strength than an infant being photographed with no clothes on by parents without wisdom from Yahweh?  Changing rules is what the NFL is known for, not the consistency that Yahweh has always had from the beginning. Can you expect a man trained to sack like Reggie White to instantly convert to less manly behavior against mentally weak quarterbacks? Changing takes time and is not a magical process; likewise, resisting sexual morality has to start  before you reach the GOAL of abstaining from sexual immorality!

B) Every body in your foursome should know....yada, yada, yada, yada... how to secure his or her own body honorably like a proper uniform division not bogged down with guns and fireworks but with an iron on this 196 yard par 3. The Pidgeon hole man has subjected his readers to the 376 note of  kavode, which actually has a beit in it before a Vav. Do not forget that it is the Vav/Waw that looks like a golf club but is often seen as a hole that looks like a u or an o  in shifty English translation attempts that lead to inconsistent communications! Attire yourself gloriously as a Vancouver Canuck and with clothing appropriate for conditions. When at a football game, dress like a football player. When on a golf course, dress as well as Vijay Singh but discourage females from dressing like Vijay Singh while encouraging the females you love to stop dressing like Tina Louise island girl skanks, televised Yahwehphobic strumpets or 'catwoman'   who was Adam West's problem after she departed from her Dorcas role. Sanctification is POSSIBLE with actual good efforts which can complete good non-fire works!

Strokes on this hole include instructions while attempting to complete a 4th hole on this course.

U) 8  ( Watch Luke Falk's progress after being surrounded by NYJ cheerleaders now trying to be  big  green mermaid types  and compare him to Dan Uggla's U team.)
L) 5  ( Study the Yod team of Chris Chelios to establish whether his conduct has improved since his father died and compare his progress to Robert Scott Smith's L=30 team.)
E) 8  ( Study Koslov's HEY team or Calvin Ripken C team or the role of locusts in history and prophesy, not the A team of Curtis Joseph.)
B) 11 ( Study Mike Gartner if you are able to and decide if he is Yahwehphobic like most other people who claim to be Christians and compare his works of Jaromir Jagr's Beit team who is unlikely to be Yahwehphobic after choosing to be a New Jersey Devil for a short time.)

Avoiding sexual immorality increases your ability to be strong and of good courage, even near a brick wall  of Sourhampton, Ontario that has train 1532 painted on it instead of Ben Hogan or me.  The 4th hole will include a  Todd Norman test for Guelph Storm alumni when going up against Greg Norman types or Lake Norman types tossed about in North Carolina.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

1 T Club Course 4 Blue Tee Hole 3: Stretching Like Simeon Strong in 1735 AD

Here are your warm-up stretches  for hole 3 that Charlie Partridge won't refer  to Robert Windsor the 54th:

1. Listen to Jake Grant's testimony on  NYSTV about being born again in a mental hospital.  People who have been listening to 'The Way Biblical Fellowship UK' have become unresponsive and their shepherd should check on them.  When police officers become unresponsive to questions, their supervisors often called for an ambulance or sent out others from their team to find them.

2. Listen to Esaac Israel's sabbath class of September 14th titled ' The Feasts of the 7th Month'  rather than watching Sean Clifford with his double number 98 Penn State kitty litter .

3, Read Isaiah chapter 56, not excluding verse 6 and remember that Strong's #517 is EM, which means mother not 'strange auntie Zarah McClean'

4. Name your golf ball ' Shane Gabriel Roy'  or 'Bobby Orr' and try not to lose your bearings in 'The Owl and the Pussycat' lines of Temple, Penn State and Pitt University, all of which have rather suspicious roster choices and Ulysses Smith is not on Temple's roster.  Establish your bearings with Asher at 4, Yahudah at 4, Brett Hull, the letter Shin=300 at 4 ( Torah scroll position) or Dolly Madison at 4 to oppose the wicked practices of Hillary Clinton and Thomas Brady the extremely unholy Patriots.

5. Try to establish what the actual difference is between the extremely aggressive driver  of Michigan plate ECB-2995 (possibly on a white Hyundai Velostar) knowing the 1st 3 letters might not be correct but 2995 is accurate) and  the  non-aggressive owner of  disabled plate 1454G1. This is only a way to enter unusual data into your computers and see what information you can retrieve without a subpoena and without paying fees into a computer system.

6. Try to determine if Judge Culpepper #77 is created equal to Paul Coffey #77.  If they aren't created equal, compare the works of Norman Lear to the hockey records of Todd Norman, DOB 01/29/77 starting with the Guelph Storm all the way through the St. Francis Xavier team and keep them in mind as either fact or fiction.

7. Listen and observe tha North American duo on 'Kingdom in Context', Sean and Ken, on their prsentations  "Tobit Prophesies: The New Jerusalem' and learn not to despise the youthful truthful. Try to edit their speech when they utter 'God' to  something similar to 'El Elyon' and hear ' 'LORD' as  Yahuwah, the same NAME I heard uttered with respect and grace from the lips of Mr. Shimon, a Muslim by practice, who moved from California to Michigan to escape earthquakes ….. who also happened to have a possible topaz on his wrist rather than a tattoo on his body.  Tobit is from the tribe of Napthali, not from a Lac Du Flambeau casino. Ken of Canada does a wonderful of reading in HVHY (Yahweh) where the corrupted protestant texts of Isaiah have LORD inserted.

The state of Michigan has at least 4 copies of Simeon Strong's book about the prophet Isaiah ( which I hope to get access to within 1 year)  published in Northampton, MA not Southampton, ON.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Beware of The Big 10's 14 Team 'Sports' Hypocrisy While Walking Toward Hole 3

Recently, a naked man was arrested in a Detroit area airport for NOT selling his naked image and it is good to prohibit public nudity. The huge beast of Michigan and USA hypocrisy rises up like Jeffrey Dahmer beasts from the pages of a recent edition of ESPN magazine loaded with hundreds of photos of nude people selling their images in and out of Michigan stores with no resistance from the same people who openly condemned public nudity in airports... the same airports that typically sell pornography from their magazine stands.

T Club Course 4, Hole 3 opposes fornication with good reasoning; public lewd and lascivious behavior is a component of fornication or at the very least, a pre-curser to the sin of fornication. When a nation allows lewd and lascivious behavior to so SOLD and profited from in the form of ESPN magazines and similar vile video, movie and paper publications, the leaders of that government have chosen to start a war against men like Paul of Tarsus, a war which will have an end eventually after a horrific battle.  In order to prevent possible err by people following me in and out of M&T auto, I marked the ESPN magazine 'rated X' , thus people with the desire to be like Jeffrey Dahmer will open the magazine and those choosing to prevent fornication and lust will pick up a different option at a local mechanic's semi-private business such as Dr. Seuss with an ostrich as their guiding flight specialist or a gun activist magazine loaded up with bucks that look nothing like Sidney Pottier.  My mechanic and I have had a discussion no different than I have had with heathen immoral men such as Daniel Teske, Jeff Sonnentag and Shane Hendrikson, but Todd Rivard has better instincts when it comes to understanding the intent of his paying customers such as me, when compared to those customers who have not paid their bills.  Mr. RIvard knows that I, as an adult, can make good decisions not only about my car but about how I handle an awkward situation on his property.  I have the option of going to another mechanic as easily as I have an option of trying to find a grocery store in Michigan that doesn't have vile books and vile movies available to be sold to the USA's reprobate immoral majority, but it is nearly impossible to find a truly rated 'D' places in the USA anymore, and here D =decent. Once I find a decent place, it is often the customers who come in dressed shamefully even though the staff is expected to dress modestly and then I have another 'choice' to make to defend myself from those shamefully dressed.  Honest mechanics are difficult to find anywhere in the USA, so unless Rivard rejects my business, I'll keep going to his post-Army base and do what I need to do to prevent myself from being a' Shane Hendrikson' type of blatant hypocrite. Daniel Teske wasn't walking around passing out Bibles before hanging up lewd and lacsivious photos up in his water closet. Former USA Marine Jeff Sonnentag wasn't complaining about a Linda Hendrikson's adultery before Shane David Hendrikson decided to shack up and sack up with Cheryl Brown without Mrs. Shane Hendrikson consent and without the approval of Jesus Justus.

Morris Fisher does not shoot nor stop bullets the way Corpus Christi Icerays Noah Bull and Shane Bull launch or stop a puck. Richard Bull had his glory days kissing up to his MacGregor idol in ways an actual bullhead fish would never do, since animals usually are not inclined to intentionally go against Yahweh's plan for them.

It's month 6, day 13 and I don't want the Talmud to be my spiritual guide.  'Beyond' is a juicer that has decent standards for it's employees and sells what is allowed by Yahweh and often used as medicine.  I don't recommend the Brad Ausmus plan, since he only toyed with Yom Kippur while with the Detroit Tigers. Yom Kippur to be toyed with, no matter what day you have chosen to observe it. Babies and toddlers make errors in judgment that people over 7 years old should not be making.

Likewise, a recently baptized adult, as a babe, is likely to be excused for making errors in their spiritual decisions when a 7 year old will not be excused for the same sinful behaviors.    In 1997, I was less than 3 years old spiritually after being baptized as an adult with the intent to be saved nd with the intent to improve my conduct.  22 years later, I do believe I meet the qualifications of a saint, including completing over 6 years of no fornication but constantly having to try and defend myself against the USA media whores, nakedness sellers and lewd and lacsivious , immodest vulgar humans sent by Lucifer to attack the pure of heart.  Shane David Hendrikson, even after he filed for a 42 month restraining order and a divorce, came to my apartment while I was still legally his wife and desired to commit fornication with me, and I wrongly thought he was interested in repairing our marriage. Technically we were married so it was not sin on my part to be subjected to his  emotional trickery, and it was not wrong for me to hope he would repent of his business crimes, his unfaithfulness with Cheryl Brown and his desire to destroy his 'Christian' testimony with one swift divorce request being fulfilled with as much resistance as he gave to Linda Maria Hendrikson when she desired James Costa Jr.'s money rather than a stable household for her children.

' Never forget' should not only apply to the disaster of September 11, 2001. Never forget who it has been that decieved you, lied to you and stole from you after you befriended them with sincerity.

Counter attacks are not a laughing matter when trying to resist becoming an habitual fornicator or  an habitual pornography buyer increasing the fiscal power of the evil makers and sellers of pornography, also known as lewd and lascivious methodists.

In proper historic non-fiction books, the 14th team represents the Ayin, not fake silicone breasts purchased by naturally  flat X people. In weaker segments, the 14th team is only represented by the letter N, which is the alphabet end zone of Reuben, Trojan, Spartan, Hendrikson and shoved into LiNda and wolveriNe but not into  Badger or my given name at birth .

Marshall Holman knows that bowling is not always fun nor relaxing. WWF.Org is claiming to try to clean up the oceans for endangered turtles; let be known that the 144,000 are also an endangered species of pro-lawfulness saints whose turf is polluted and attacked by vile, filthy humans too depraved to resist  criminal activity, fornication., Playboy products and Baphomet rituals and  sadly too depraved to be attracted to the  modest households of the 144,000 sealed military forces of Yahweh.

In a state of pro-modesty, acceptable attire at a water park  or public beach area would be a  water ski suit that covered the entire torso and the thighs, not a speedo or a bikini.  Islands loaded with bikini lines and rum and Coke drinkards get wiped out as a testing process but like Pharoah in Egypt, the proud dog and cat worshippers never changed their behavior between natural disasters.

Time to enter into sabbath rest before teeing of from verse 3 of the 1st T Club Course 4.  In the meantime, compare the legal and anti-Yahweh works of Steven DeVougas and Kenneth Munson, who have chosen to represent the mindset of  anti-Yahweh attorneys rather than choosing to represent the mindset of Mrs. Christ the strict and decent public school English teacher.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

T Club 4 Hole 2: The Mam E Graham Hole

The gallery of Michigan onlookers should know there will never be any such entity as a 'good morning' in a state or nation that tosses out over $11,000,000,00 dollars to a woman who did not try to defend herself properly when oddballs tried to wound her unclean spirit with words.  Let me assure you, asking a person if the had chitterlings is no worse than asking a person another German USA legalized food such as pork chops and sauerkraut.  A GOOD judge would have tossed a box of Kleenex to the female plaintiff and given her supervisor a choice to either suspend and fine all employees anytime pork products are mentioned  or send all employees to an anti-bullying class which would teach them how to better respond to being called 'Mam E or Sir E'.   If the brownish female had any integrity, she would reject the obvious overcompensation for being overly sensitive to non-vulgar language and should have requested only a paid 9 month leave of absence to retrain herself, knowing it is unlikely that her-co-workers will change like lousy T club into Yahweh's heroes.

To count your strokes, a period in your team's paragraph is 1 stroke, a question mark is 2 strokes and an exclamation point is 3 strokes. ? is tied to balls that end up in water, a period is a fair Way ball and when a ! appears, consider yourself in a bunker which is difficult to get out of.

Let me  off the BLUE Bunni unit Cotton Davidson bunch here:

E) For you Sir E and Mam E level people should recall the word EARTH, and correct any Heckle's who refer to you only as Mam E so they know that Mam E is like Eisenhower and Sir E is like the Empty -headed Ashley Wilkes. You ought to know what neither Trent Grisham nor Charles Grisham provided to Milwaukeeans not Thessolonians  @2 or D4! Think like you are 512 days old, for Todd Richard's sake! Although you may never have had a chance to toss an edited version of rules and regulations over and back to Nanette Haggerty the Dame of Popcorn , you can change all your allegiance to Gd before hole 3 seals are determined instead of a chief as corrupt as James Craig the fake-rainbow ruler of Christmas garlands and bottomless pit bulls. Now, for the tribe of Dan's sake, study the instructions received from the anti-Talmud ring of Mam  L watchers passed, from crazy 8 team all the way to Mark Stone's Malachi puckers so you don't end up with weak and beggarly plaintiffs in courtrooms run by pompous buffoons in black robes! ( Sir E gets a 11 on this hole 2, since the Mam E team of Michigan provoked Sir E as in Eddie Jackson's caddy.)

U) For ye of Lawson Little faith know what instructions Jesus Justus gave the gallery of the Blue Square, who is like unto Brett Hull and the St. Louis Blues, knowing now and later that you can fully repent of tattoo marks as easily as Esaac Israel can speak to Muslims who have hired him to do electrical works. Be careful at the 3rd hole,since it is only an 196 par 3 and everyone in this foursome is taking a Cracklewood turn in order to form up with less chaos. ( Terrific - you got an eagle on this par 4, so write down 2.)

B) For what U's guys and U All detergent buyers ought to know how and why hireling Charlton Heston  warned  hireling Yul Brynner about in MGM movies, yet their movie-makers did not take heed to their own warnings! MGM corrupts scripture like the Talmud and Underwood boys corrupt the 116th Congress while the are trying to abstruct Yahweh! Nevertheless, recall the solitude and works of Benjamin Hogan, for not everyone has been blessed with a parenting team that remains together according to their own witnessed VOWS.  Have you confused the Dodge Ram line with the Molitor Ram line?  Trucks immersed in water are getting more and more common, so if you drove your uninsured Molitor Ram into the water do not react with anger.  The Amram line must try not to collide with the Ram line, since DNA samples are often tampered with by fools and by criminals trying to redirect blame like Fred Schultz toying with Lawrencia Bembenek. For Mrs. Christ's sake, study the rules and regulations delivered from the biblical leader of your choice, knowing the original language was pure but what we have been given is impure as Jesus Colon, Jesus Aguilar and Joseph Erato's Trojan class. ( 12 strokes on 2 for the B team, and this 2nd hole concludes 58 years of my works, with neither a birthday party in sight nor any recent kindness from my adult class E child, which makes me try to think a bit more like Ben Hogan who had no children yet lived with dignity and leadership skills I only recently have learned to admire to to a non-PBS documentary on his life.)

L) Hear ye all Mam L unit! Do not try to switch to the Mam E team since it is Mam L that is similar to Adam and Eve L units. This 340 par 4 does not require silence of the lambs not silence of the BLUE Bunni unit, lest you become as full of folly as Miranda warnings that apparently should be given to any employee of Michigan prior to their courtroom appearance before judges as horrid as Greg Strausser and Vincent Howard! For even though you in and off of St. Lucia know what commandments were contained in the tiny protestant Bibles, known as a best seller , why is it that so few people have had decided to follow the instructions from Yahweh toward the Mam E and Sir E people? We isn't THEY, so is We is Silvanus, Timothy, Paul  the Benjamite and Jesus Justus, THEY, the 4 some following is, is a HUGe problem that maybe Jean Gabriel Pageau can solve in the distant 18th hole, a par 5 at 556 years.  Especially in Canada, referring to a person as Mam L is better than being a Carmela type at 19029 25 Mile Road near Cracklewood who slurs out terms worse than Mam E when she wrongly accuses her BLUE team neighbor of being a 'fucking bitch' and then refuses to repent due to Catholic fallacies and an impure, unholy pork and chitterling appetite that cannot be quenched with a Ram line.  ( This unit got 11 strokes, rather than 39 or 40 like the Romans whipping a Ram man who, unlike Patrick Wilson's Milwaukee mammy and daddy, never decided to complain to attorneys and hirelings like Steve DeVougas, since the Ram strand man trusted in Yahweh to handle vengeance after unjust governments REJECTED Yahweh, Yehovah and HVHY's protection system which includes the keeping of the fast of Yom Kippur and keeping the feast of Tabernacles to the best of our fishy BLUE  Jay Cutler  28th ranked football quarterback skins  or exiled Mam L Graham Kerr Putney abilities.)

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Low Ram On Hole 2: Trying to Trouble Ernst Money Lines

SKOL is a par 4 word designed to avoid other 4 letter words that start with F or look like COAN, CONE or KOHN,  You must stay with the letter you chose on the 1st hole, since I am anti-cloning and apparently Robert Smith has been involved in cloning. If this hole gets to you, you got past Navy TOM but not past Jerry Jaeck's good guys. The Hebrew Gimel is not the Freemason's G, and the letter Pey should be the  antithesis of Freemason G string sections.

( site digging has begun on the 'About Fab Health Network in order to discern if this hole is on rocky, sandy, clay or  Gritty hockey soil...…). Icebergs have patience as well as melting points...…..

Huram#2361 is superior to Hiram 2438; beware of the Superspade Wolverine Steve Devougas vs. Lodge 331 Freemasons, since I am not in the middle of those bad old boys anymore.  Let Dan Sebring be in the middle of those 2 Trojans since his mother is a Pulaski Ram of 1951 and his father was the organist of the Polish National Church in Milwaukee, where talent was not a necessity.  Secrecy is not part of any good holy golf game, which actually is played in the true outdoor natural light. not in secret chambers or government darkness of Milwaukee County building hallways and Watertown Plank Rd torture facilities.

Please notice that Huram #2361 has a vav in his Benjamite name and is not Hiram #2438, the Luciferian king of Tyre pumping down profits while pumping up structures more unsafe  than an outdoor sukkot booth which allows natural light to  illuminate it during the day and night hours.   Dan Hinote should be able to outwit Dan Sebring's 11th district Y line and masonic Hiram worshippers who have erred in their desires with a little help from this 18 hole course openly  opposed to the Dan Sebring's political bumbles , Steve DeVougas 's spade escapades and Robert Skaradzinski 331st past or current  cult activities taken over by' Mr. Scott', not Mr. Robert Scott Smith.

Hole 2 is still in progress; don't pretend you have a sling on your right arm nor place your right hand to the left of your heart if you want to be anti-Hiram in outward form and pro-Simeon topaz signals.. Make an 'uncatchable forward pass' signal as needed! Don't repeat George W. Bush signs, since it is the right hand that has the power of the 7:10 defense, not the left. ( Real bowlers please not what non-thumb fingers do NOT go into the bowling ball abyss!)

Course 4 Thessolonians: Hole 2 Tee Area=Length x Width

I was reminded that the poor of YShRAL should have access to food, but not bag it up. Sites like this are viewed by a few, but since I am not selling nor profiting from site visitors, I am actually keeping a commandment, namely to provide output freely for those who NEED my type of nutrition. I recall getting blood test and finding out that some people have rare deficiencies which can be met safely with natural elements or vitamins contained in ground forces known as fruits and vegetables.

I can observe Esaac Israel teaching a few on the 7th day and he won't block me from his site if I am not contributing funds to him. He seems to enjoy being a father that knows discipline is a blessing, contrasted to Ben Hogan, never a father and fatherless for most of his years. Ben Hogan was assisted by a few financially, but was evicted from places in cruel fashion.... places as uppity and unjust as the ice rinks of the Suburban Sports Group in Michigan.

Every 7th year, people who have been working and toiling in the turf are supposed to let it rest.  I have been working and toiling in this electronic turf from Michigan since July of 2013, so this is my 6th year. My true family members have been known to work in fields, work in factories, work in dangerous city ghetto areas and work with others very unlike us, but what my family members have not been taught to do BY example is let the turf rest every 7 years. My son in Europe has not been taught BY example the instructions for Yahweh's people with those he has aligned with, so I will prepare the rest of this Thessolonians course with the intent to stop blogging in summer of 2020, after putting in 6 years and gaining enough output for me to survive and others to scrounge from as needed.

Ben Hogan did teach me a bit when he was forced to stop doing what had been not only his livelihood, but also helpful to his state of mind. Ben Hogan had no children to stand by his side and encourage him, and I have not had that either. Ben Hogan had the encouragement of a decent wife, and I have had encouragement from decent parents and real brothers. Like Ben Hogan, I used to have a hook, but mine were attached to fishing poles with fine, closed face reels that Wittenberg Shane tried to bully away from me. Ben Hogan's façade often had a closed face.... silence was chosen rather than a chatterbox method of operation. When he was forced to withdraw from competing against others after a collision with a bus, he competed against pain, agony and suffering and won.

I will have to enter into a 7th year form of rest in order to test the spirit of the commandments of Yahweh. I have already proven in writing that I am anti-Talmud, since I signed an anti-abortion petition in the presene of frends and adversaries; what politicians do with such as list might cause a change of heart, but who knows if that change will be softening of hardening?  My friends now know that I  did not want to sign a petition in the hands of Catholics and I wanted to reveal publically that I am no longer the person I was in 1981, when I let the horrific laws of the USA guide my daily decisions.

There have been plenty of children offered to Molech recently, as they were murdered and cooked inside an automobile that became hot as an oven. Do not be so stupid to think that Yahweh would ever excuse such a murder of a child by a guardian, nor does Yahweh allow genuinely REPENTANT people to go unpunished for past sins, knowing that trying to bribe Yahweh with animal sacrifices or money is not acceptable, neither is 'sparing the rod' of post-sin discipline an option for a fair and just family leader.

I chose not to go to the Ox Roast this year, since the 2nd amendment is not important to me any longer. I have heard it reported that cannibis oil was included in the holy oils used by the Levitical priests, but smoking marijuana was quite possibly the strange fire problem that caused Aaron to lose his 2 sons very quickly.  Had I known 6 years ago what I know now about Michigan, I would not have decided to reside her. but I also would not have learned what strengths I have yet when facing daily life without a good husband after 3 anti-good husbands went on the merry anti-Yahweh paths and took many of their anti-Yahweh people with them.

Hole 2 will be a par 4, not a par 3 like the 1st hole was on this course.
 U has honors, E will tee off 2nd, followed by B and then L on the Hole 2.

There is no intent to turn this course into a costly game of violence which has been the OBVIOUS intent of far too many wicked sellers of electronic games and military weapons of chance.

Mass shootings don't occur with a bow and arrow in the hands of one skilled hunter aiming for a buck with the intent to acquire venison for his household. Consider your turf tools carefully if you intend to stay with this humble course through the 18th hole.  It's not as simple as a game of 'Uncle Wiggly' to be tried and tested by FOLLOWERS while 'watchers'  are not watching my foursome anymore.

Friday, September 6, 2019

After H1, Remembering Reuben: Water is a STABLE compound!

Ironic as it is, Jacob the father of Reuben compared to water. but the pure compound of water is actually a stable compound, not an unstable compound. Lack of scientific knowledge can make a man's words sound extremely  foolish, especially since Reuben did NOT want his sibling Joseph murdered. Getting sealed 2nd seems rather important in leadership squares.  Construction of hole 2 will begin after the OX Roast in St. Clair County is over on Saturday, September 7th. 2019.  Enjoy your Shabbat and invest in a water distiller to prevent purchasing too many plastics that do not improve ground soil forces.

What if the anti-Yahweh mark most people take in their hands and on their forehead is a SOCCER BALL?  Cautious thinking leads to interesting questions.  I actually do not like soccer, since there is no helmet of salvation on  the participants. Even and odd baseball batters wear helmets, as do hockey and football players!  Soccer seems to be leading in the world idolatry systems based on international popularity.

Dan Plesac has had some valid pointers.

The Thessolonians 4 Walk From 1 to 2: Persecution

When people in temporary positions of power do not charge, PROSECUTE and discipline a person guilty of a sins or crimes, they are PERSECUTING the victim that properly reported the sin or crime against them. Referring a problem to an attorney is not a proper place to send the victim of a crime in a venue that already has paid law enforcement officials, yet horribly trained, lazy deputies and  their policing counterparts  often do such evil referrals. As a result, less crimes are reported and it only APPEARS as though crime is low in an area, so a community deception commences.

Children in families who are harassed by siblings sometimes encounter persecution when they truthfully report to their parents a sibling problem and the parent(s) do not discipline the offender, and as a result the persecute the victim. Those undisciplined children typically do not grow up in law-keeping citizens, which is why lawlessness abounds worldwide now.

When persecuted victims of sins and crimes do not see proper discipline in the venue they are in, they often try another venue, be it another religion, another state, another nation to attempt to find peace and safety, leaving behind those who didn't prosecute the guilty and those that persecuted them by not doing their duty. Difficulty  arises when your  1st 'god' does not seem to be doing his or her duty and you cannot directly complain to your 'god'' because he or she has been contrived in fiction or has had falsified information told about his abilities.  Does Yahweh have the ability to prosecute those that sin against him or does Yahweh leave the nasty work to Satan, who had been willing to relinquish his power to a Judean centuries ago, but no such deal was made. Yeshua of Galilee had Ram family parts in him, not Levy family parts.

As I heard the vain repetitions ' O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?', keep in mind that is a QUESTION not a statement and the fact is that the truly brave often do not bother raising up the flags of a venue that has persecuted them as a victim rather than prosecuting criminals, nuisance starters and mortal sinners that create fictitious or real violence for financial gain. Only animals are truly free  in a typical nation, state or city so loaded up with unkept laws and puffed up with PRIDE signs that it is no wonder that a persecuted human being admires a real duck or a butterfly or a bumblebee that is not only free, but doing it's duty properly.

Day 1245 revealed a word that starts with a B, not an A or a G. Beit Qoph Shin is found in Amos 8:12 and it means 'require', a requirement in a process that must happen. 1618, which might be pronounced 'Jarob', means scabs that fester up and a curse. When a person tries to reconcile a past offense and the offended is hard-hearted and proud, problems fester up and the person who knows that it is required by Yahweh to forgive those who properly repent is even persecuted by the vain, hard-hearted former victim or a sin, thereby causing a real role reversal in a process that is not funny. Sons often do become as unjust as their fathers, not just like their mother who was used, abused and cast away by the husband of her youth.

1975 'Hey Lamed Zayin' means to get 'swept away' and identified by a mark or a sign.

Before I release some of my own tension by continuing with a non-violent process intended to assist me and those who have properly shunned violent computer gaming and casino lifestyles, once again I noticed how out of place Virginia, the businesswoman daughter of George Halas, seems to in Chicago. Virginia and her Bears represent a serious choice do eject and 'sweep away' strumpets with pompoms in their stadium, yet her workplace is still infiltrated with millions of people who prefer vile sin to holiness, who prefer lesbian lifestyles with the prodding of the god, Oprah Winfrey; and who have rejected the commandments that Paul, Silvanus, Timothy and Jesus accepted so many times that it would take a miracle for them to repent.

Soccer balls, footballs and other toys are not the commandments able to convert the vile to the redeemed BUT if a person cheats with the rules and regulations of their chosen profession, they  will continue to cheat unless harshly disciplined by their venue officials. Participation in sports is not the same as keeping the commandments delivered from the Amram family to the descendent of a Ram, and sadly the time put into sports actually prevents a person from focusing proper time and attention on the commandments intended to save and protect society from a 'gerab', a disease of family pride that prevents them from ever getting into the Holy of Holies because of obvious sickness and mental diseases that result from illness that is not properly reversed from it's destructive course.

1st Thessalonians verse 2 is vague and wide, but the genuine scrolls that starts with a Beit are narrow and do fold up like the heavens taking away their signs and instructions.  Day 888 word is Beit Aleph Shin means 'distressed', looks like 'bash' and is worth observing in Daniel 6:14 .  Once again, HGTV rolled out its unholy , anti-commandment prideful house hunters who wrongly thought that '8' is some sort of lucky number so they arrogantly purchased a Chicago house with an offer pirce ending in 888 to lure others into their foolishness as Jeffrey Dahmer did with his skull worship that is similar to Halloween mentality.

 It was not luck that protected Noach, not was it luck that sent forth the 8th plague. The 8th foundation of Zebulun is not lucky, and it has a purpose and a role that demands perfection, a state of being which anti-commandment beings never can achieve. It isn't even an easy task to properly write down your own golf score, which is why a real caddie who KNOWS, keeps and studies the rules of their venue is a paid position that is  more honorable of a job than  choosing to be a president, a governor, a mayor, a deputy or a religious preacher who refuses to obey and enforce the laws he or she has outwardly professes to align with but in reality, outwardly and inwardly rejects with his or her actions on a regular basis.

Gretchen Whitmer, the hypocrite of Lansing, Michigan, is much like Scarlett Overkill since she outwardly wants to stop 'vaping' and also outwardly wants to continue abortions which are crimes of hate against an innocent child. Vaping is an act of ignorance started by a person uneducated enough to make a good health decision for themselves and they become equal to the habitual Coca-Cola drinkers, the unclean animal eaters and  those who raise up pitbulls in an area already laoded up with vicious, vile anti-commandment humans.

Persecution results in grief, sorrow and distress to a person. Proper prosecation and proper discipline after a sin is so rare that it is nearly extinct on earth and protected only by the few who have set their feet on jasper with Benjamin first or possibly last if the 12th foundation of amethyst is actually represents the most shallow tribe of LARShY *YShRAL stones on earth.

Golf balls are not good foundation material unless crushed and used in outdoor garden paths or exterior roadways.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thes4 Hole 1: :Addressing The Teammates Which Will Respond Better Than Frank Finney

When trying to survive in neighborhoods where genuine 'love of neighbor' is non-existent due to a lapse of fearing Yahweh's instructions, don't become attached to your computer systems. Brad Penny might know what to do with Brad Seymour, but Virgil Trucks wouldn't know what to do with Seymour's date lines. As Ruth Johnson might say in her sleep "FISH4Me isn't UR DONE'.

Golf courses are like other pieces of turf, namely if they are not maintained properly they start looking 'ghetto'. The military golf courses I've been on look 'ghetto' when compared to courses such as Indianhead in Mosinee because unlike Yahweh, irrational government systems invest more in items to destroy the earth than they in agricultural wisdom, interesting landscaping and vegetable gardening. Humans such as Frank Finney have anti-neighborly problems I can't control nor solve, but when a fee-payer complains to the fee collector that there the area the fee collector is in temporary control of is starting to look unkept, sloppy and 'ghetto', the fee collector exposes whether he is evil or good.

The good fee collector will be thankful you pointed out a problem and try his best to correct it, with or without the fee payers help. I offered to do the weeding in common area that Air Force man Frank Finney desired CONTROL of for $20 per hour, and my genuine offer to help solve a problem was witnessed by the owner of lot 65. When Frank Finney then s asked me if the spreadind horsetail weeds 'bothered me', I mentioned that if they are not eradicated they will spread quickly. Finney rudely rejected my fair offer, refused to discuss with me his 'problem' and only told me that I had no idea what was going on.  I asked him to tell what was 'going on' and he rudey said ' I don't want to tell you' and kept digging up some soil away from the horsetail problem.

The owner of Lot 65 should not have been appalled when I openly compared Finney to Gretchen Whitmer, since he typically uses'ghetto' terms for worse than calling people Whitmer. The owner of Lot 65 also should have realized that I, unlike many others, do not pretend to 'like people' and when people treat me with no respect, they reap in return what they have sown in their arrogance. I really had been willing to do the work to clean up the common turf which Frank Finney has been collecting fees to maintain but is NOT maintaining them due to either stubbornness or intentional sabotage, since letting an area become 'ghetto' is a from of sabotage that affects more than property values.  1 or 2 days of hired hands doing good works would be all it takes to weed and mulch the common area that Frank Finney is intentionally neglecting, possible due to a mental disorder similar to what Shane David Hendrikson has called 'anti-commandment syndrome', but since Frank Finney discuss his problems with me nor allow me to help with turf improvement, he is obviously far worse of an HOA president than the previous female who had wonderful socials skills and who had done good works to an area now being ruined by Frank Finney's lack of due diligence of the living while he boasts of his dead Christmas wreath protection plan.  Eventually, men like Frank Finney do more to destroy the potential for good in an area, and more and more people live in their homes as though they are in side-by-side jails cells, trying only to fend for themselves after making a stupid decision that landing them in a lousy  subdivision.

Getting out of a mortgage and moving is not as easy as getting out of a deep bunker on a golf course, but it is the gold course than can teach you how to talk to yourself properly, how to complain to your clubs when they are not getting you where you wanted to go and how to try to tackle one problem hole before facing another.  Golfers usually do try to  get along with strangers they might be paired up with and certain crude behaviors can get your tossed off many courses, which makes a well-kept proper golf course better than a jail cell course.

Now, let me embark on an English translation that might help me achieve my goals, knowing full well that men like Frank Finney are not only dangerous but also have the ability to choose to do good or evil since humans are not robots. When a leader chooses to do evil rather than good to irritate or disrupt his own community, he has the mindset of a terrorist. Now that I know that Frank Finney has the mindset of a terrorist, I still have to try openly oppose myself to his tactics lest I be suspected of being one of his buddies  like some others have chosen to do. Choose which letter you want to align with of the BLUE 4 some, peacefully gathered together today, and continue to add up your score  the author and starter of this course instructs you with between the  (     ) sites through the 18th hole.

Hole 1 optional stroke language; Silvanus has decided to tee off 1st.

L) Additionally, we 3 people of Triangle forces, namely Paul (B), Silvanus (L) and Timothy (U), desire and request by Master Isous or his replacement Jesus Justus (E), as ye have received of us, whether it be in fees paid or information revealed, how ye ought to WALK and properly peacefully deploy yourselves, exiting each  tee area with the intent to obey instructions so that NY guy unto you 'Ranger Theos' would be pleased as Gd the brother of Asher, profiting and gaining a positive opinion of all others on this Thessolonians course #4. It is imperative that you try NOT to anger you family and others on this anti-ghetto course since you and the entire Blue Square Unit are expected to defend yourself if attacked by another team. Did you notice that  German Edwin Jackson in hole #19 was counter-attacked by the Kansas City Royals, not by Edwin Watts? Your ball should be addressed  with an 'X' or simply name it 'Glenn Ford'. ( Write down 6 for this 1st hole; I'll explain the stroke system at the end of the 18th hole.)

U)As 33 For the rest of us Latin U bankers and Hogan junkies , brothers like Bill and Max Quackenbush without  McBroom in sight  , we beg you like weak and beggarly elements and exhort in Lord J-paw, even as you received from us how you ought to walk to please the Ligure Figure drivers ,supposing that you SHOULD ( not a given like 'SHALL' or WILL) abound more than the theme paper from Man Dough Kane, knowing full well our opponents might be as evil as the occupants or 545 Orange Grove Avenue in Orlando or as unrealistic as Bob  the Builder ,  Scarlett Overkill and  a plastic ruby grapefruit gang invented by the anti-peachiest people of magazines and  the bearers of diseased Cavendish bananas. U is often used in words like JUDAH, REUBEN and DOUGHNUTS, so try not to get lost at hole #2, since it is a lot like Grebe's Bakery on Lincoln Avenue in West Allis, Wisconsin. Your ball should be addressed with a '32' or simply name it 'Urlacher'. ( Write down 4 for this ONE hole.)

B) Ideally, we Benjamites, being unashamed to write down a 6 like Ben Roethslisberger on a yards gained course in this 6th month, knowing this is a first non-KJV hole without Virgil Trucks, implore your like Burleigh Grimes to try to maintain control of not only your temper and 1st ball, but also try to maintain all the equipment you received from someone more real and in better shape than Santa Claus,reminding yourself and others on this Valvoline LUBE hole, that walking   pleases those who know that the ark of the covenant was not to be moved on WHEELS. Willfully and skillfully try to abound less like Thumper and unrealistic Disney Donald Duck on ice and rather behave increasingly more like Benjamin Bunny or Javier Cornejo out of a brown rabbit Conejito taco joint , since understanding Navy golf is as important as Black Knights outscoring Wolverines in football games.  Your ball should be addressed  with an O, which allows you to name it  the Orange Flyer, even if it appears to be a white dimpled Dizzy Trout. (Write down 5 for  hole 1.)

E) We of non-Minion opinions, getting shifted to follow Titus by the Pidgeon hole keepers, are going to try and work through the course set before us straight as Doris Packer, not gay as Doris Day, not getting stuck like Colon or Aguilar, but as the exterior department of Jesus Justus, knowing in part that Dennis Justus does exist in case of use of ginger snaps in Larry Hovis scenes when dealing with multiple choices at Roberts or immigration status when our ball hooks over to another hole's fairway like Moonlight the 499th sheep or Mason Smart.  Furthermore, then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by ADONAI YAHUSHA, that as ye have received from Stephen Pidgeon's translations, how ye ought to walk and to please YAHUAH, whom the L team knows as HVHY, so ye would abound more and more like Thomas Hendricks and Chad Pennington the 124th or more or less like Thomas Stigler, who bounced around from team to team in municipal funding.   Your ball should be addressed with a D, which allows you to call it Dorcas or  Grover Cleveland Alexander. ( Your score is 4 on this  Beit hole if you chose to be an E.)

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Putting Green Time: Timothy vs. Muhammed

As an amateur hurricane observer, I would speculate that hurricane DORIAN would head toward the path of least resistence and with low pressure settled in the Gulf of Mexico I wonder why most  paid professionals would believe the track will be toward higher pressure in the Atlantic?

A person labeled 'Christian Prince' indicated that although according to the Qur;an, a certain man have sworn on the Torah after setting it upon a cushion, and then later began kissing the naked upper body of a man, that man had chosen not to align with the FAITHFUL Israelites, knowing the contents of the Scripture. The man who was kissing another man's body is equal to Timothy Severud.

The Talmud is full of anti-Yehovah instructions which those contrary to Moshe, Caleb and Yoshua have devised in their attempt to create Jews not faithful Israelites.  Since hearing a report that horse meat can now be labeled as 'beef' in some sectors of earth, be more careful than a pig in what you consume.

Scarlett Overkill is not a redeemer, nor is a stuffed brown bear more important than reality.  IN order to better establish a good line for Silvanus, I reluctantly observed what 'Minions' agenda is pushing other than Mike Hoffman's stick and puck.  It is no wonder that 545 Orange Grove Dirve in Orlando is so vile and so evil of a concept to steer toward children, so contrary to the spirit of Milwaukee's  319 W. Virginia Street in 1979, when the classes of the  1970's were even allowed to have a Bible Club.

From a short audible, I detected hearing that although Moshe and subsequent prophets were sent to earth, hardness of heart allowed unfaithful and unholy men claiming to be prophets to flourish, and Muhammed is not mentioned in the Torah for a prefectly good reason.

How much clothing are the Jacksonville Jaguars cheerleaders goin to take off for Muhammed's followers?  There is no good NFL team in Florida, since being 'good' has to include a standard of bodily coverage that can be properly labeled as modest whether on a male of a female.

The typical gathering of Christians is equal to the typical gathering of Muslims, since neither have chosen to align with 26=HVHY ( Yahweh, Yahuwah, Yehovah).  As I told my son, I am thankful that I am not in charge of bengeance, since I would be far to lenient on those who have denied me ( refused to assist me when I needed kindness, not drugs and imprisonment). I'm not worried at all about those who have revealed the TRUTH about me.

The  ESPN Owl constant at 4044134 is Isaiah Graham from King of Prissia, PA in order to avoid  the problems associated with a - sign. The ESPN  Pussycat constant is  477, Viktor Koslov.  I know nothing about 'The Owl and the Pussycat' fiction, but am aware that Temple Owls competed against Bucknell, not PearlBuck or Nellie's diner in Pittsburgh on the day that Calvin Hall's death was considered.

 Phyllis Holman can decide what kind of   golf equipment Muhammed should use since he gave wedding gifts to her daughter Amber Lee and James Rich about a decide ago.  Whosoever can complete one computer round of golf with Jesus Justus is often weaker than whosoever was boxing in Bevent, Wisconsin or who was bowling with  Paul Pachniak or the Golembiewski brothers, Scott and Bruce.

I am now going to stretch before I continue and investigate whether Gd was the 7th or Gd was the 9th son of a corrupt Jacob's servant woman. I am content being aligned with Yahweh and therefore not grafted into Catholicism, Jewish Talmud Rings, Christianity nor Muslim politics, considering the works of those 4 anti-Yahweh  gangs.

The 6 month has commenced, putting day 147 and Rick Nash behind me.