If you don't want to be deceived, don't build in the town of Macomb, Michigan. The hypocrite that smiles in your face is worse than Satan, since it is justifiable to be angry after you have been intentionally deceived. For instance, the letter X only is a sign of distress to some people who agreed on that variable sign; to others, X is only a road in Marathon County that has far less signs of distress on it than the roadways of Macomb County in Michigan.
A Macomb employee claimed he personally decided to remove the writings of another woman who was leading Macomb Corners park visitors toward the Bible, not toward Walt Disney. The foolish young man did not THINK he was anything like a Nazi, but I told him the Nazi government did not want the writing of the old testament to guide them nor others and the young man might have rethought his former decision to prefer Hansel and Gretel or 'Rambo' to biblical passages that were in fact not fables.
The young man had co-workers who listened but did not interfere with our intelligent conversation. If the young man making chalk lines on hardball fields thought the historical details of the Bible were only stories, he might as well also deny the existence of dead General Eisenhower or the books the had gruesome details about the Battle of the Bulge. Once you deny historical records from 4000 years ago, you also will be willing to deny historical records from 20 years ago or 75 ago TO BE CONSISTENT about rejecting second-hand information.
As it was in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, so it is Macomb Corners, Michigan. The wicked hatred of facts written in chalk is just as dangerous to a community as a dietary plan that includes Coca-Cola and chewing gum which doe not benefit the human body in any way, but eliminates good suggestions such as 'Eat cabbage' or 'You have the right to resist criminals' even after you have lost the right to refuse drugs do to wicked medical practices.
Land developers often actually are thieves... they steal from the earth what the earth needs, namely, natural areas to counter unnatural areas. The city of River Hills, Wisconsin was designed with an intelligent plan, but the town of Macomb, Michigan doesn't seem to think that a golf course on 24 Mile Road has the proper idea when they are resisting development of neighboring natural lands.
The golf course owner DO have the right idea, and sadly, even Mario Grillo has decided to sell only his land to the wealthy rather than sell everythinghe has and give to the poor. I am openly countering the decision Mario Grillo has made to add a huge development of duplexes, condominiums and single family houses to what is not truly good land that is best undeveloped, but that does not mean I hate Mario Grillo.
I hate greed, and I despise laziness. Lazy people refuse to walk their chewing gum or dangerous digarette butts into a trash receptacle as a good citizen of purgatory would, and choose to make their neighborhood be UGLY, not beautiful as heaven. There is a woman from Rochester, Michigan who comes to Macomb and gets PAID to pick up all the used chewing gum in the Macomb County park ground areas, and she literally had about 2.5 gallons of gum collected in a short period of time.
Mario Grillo said there is about a 2 year window of time before his plan goes through. I hope his plan fails, and that he learns to appreciate the 80 acres of woodlands he currently owns without any debt on it, which would be a reason for golfers to rejoice.
The role of Satan is not the same as the role of Yahweh, but both roles have been deemed necessary in a system where HGTV and Kevin Hermening are not even as wise as Satan when it comes to understanding approaching an enemy or an adversary who can then choose Yahweh or Whey Cool LLC investigations of 'disappearing investment money'. If Joseph Biondo made some deal with 5/3rd bank to get my house appraised higher than it should have been SO THAT Fifth Third banks could profit from me when I was at a low point, I had no suspicion that that may have occurred until Mario Grillo suggested that had happened. Fifth Third bank did recommend Joe Biondo as a builder in 2012, not Morton or Cleary and I did not suspect I was being tricked by their combo. When you have an urgent need for safety and protection, trying to find the best bargain is not always an option due to TIME constraints.
I might have been wrong, but I did not sin by deciding to build on a lot already set aside for a house in a somewhat rural area. Overbuilding an area can lead to unforgivable sin because the temptation a rich man has to profit even more has not been quenched by a flood or a fire or come other disaster that overdevelopment CAUSES.
Taxes won't go down as long as men like Mario Grillo keep wanting more money but do not desire good local security nor taxes lower than Clinton or Roseville simply because they forgot what it was like to have trouble paying a mortgage off after being the victim of a felon.
I would sell my house to Mario Grillo, but I rather see Mario Grillo learn to appreciate natural branches and natural water ways while he tries to resist inground sprinkler systems and more chemicals dumped into extremely unnatural lawns.
Even Satan cares about the earth, since Yahweh's representative allowed Satan to get behind him when he was countering Peter's lack of good thinking. The rear guard is a serious matter, and Macomb, Michigan's hockey rinks are anti-Yahweh by choice, not by design.
It is sign of ignorance to withhold biblical accounts from young people and to expose them only to the wickedness of 'The Little Mermaid' or 'Snow White' or 'The Pit and the Pendulum'. Purging the dross from squad 79 is tougher to do than passing through 13 sieves to prove you are like fine wheat, not chaff.
Lead will always be much heavier than silver in equal states of volume. I might be able to survive in Macomb for a while longer, but this area will never really be considered my 'home' , it was only a place I fled to that now might be as apathetic as France was when Poland was invaded by Germany before anti-Moses Italians aligned with the Nazi mentality.
Since giving sound advice is not contrary to my holy spirit, I would suggest that Mario Grillo build one beautiful house for himself on his 80 acres and live out the rest of his days like th king of Macomb rather than ruin his reputation as a lord of 80 acres of land.
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