When traveling in an area you are not familiar with, asking a correct question does not mean you are going to get a correct answer, especially from a professional deceiver. After a wonderful day of viewing the water-logged province of Ontario, I sought a place to have a light dinner. I walked in 'Walker's; on High St.. not too far from a lighted outdoor crucifix with nobody on it. Since Walker's was rather crowded, a walked across High Street to 'Duffy's' and noticed that only people who appeared to be women were in Duffy's. I clearly asked if it was a lesbian tavern and I was told that it WASN'T , but I was lied to. If you ask if a pace is a Nazi tavern and you are told it is not BUT you see a swastika flag, you know the audible you heard was wrong. At Duffy's, I noticed the lesbian flag after I had been told it was not a lesbian bar; after seeing the anti-Moshe lesbian flag, I paid by bill for a bowl of halibut bisque and a Strongbow cider, and left without leaving any tip. Needless to say, I will not return to that tavern even if I am offered a free fish dinner. A female Southampton police officer also hiked in and out of Duffy's who said she came from Thunder Bay and did not know where 243 Front Street was..... nor who Murray Wing the famous -2 Detroit Redwing is!
I then walked back to 'Walker's' and stated I had been lied to at Duffy's since Duffy's did advertise openly ON THE INTERIOR as a lesbian tavern but verbally said Duffy's was not a lesbian tavern. I was told Walker's is 'In Clue Sieve' and did not observe any lesbian flag displays as night 804 was well under way. I ordered a cup of coffee, left a good tip while well-covered in a' Roy' # 33 jersey and considered the difference between audibles and visuals. I told the staff at Walker
s I am straighter than George Hill, and they treated me kindly without pushing an anti-Yahweh agenda. Duffy's is like the city of Detroit under James Craig policies or Larry Mizewski's anti-Yoshua policies. Walker's is like Swan Valley, ID in 1996.
When anti-Yahweh nations have weather problems, don't blame Yahweh if your crops fail. If a person who does not want to defend your lesbian flag leaves your lesbian-pushing business without tearing your flag down like Christopher Plummer tore down a Nazi in 'The Sound of Music', know that you can remain anti-Yahweh by choice but don't lie to a blind person and claim you are not a lesbian bar when you have the mark of a lesbian tavern on your walls.
If you wouldn't attend a church congregation that raises up the LG blah blah blah fake rainbow flag, don't intentionally dine in an establishment that raises up a flag that is clearly so anti-Yahweh as the non-feline PRIDE gang.
Real natural felines that entered the ark with Noach's tiny family of 8 are heterosexual.
In the state of Wisconsin, Congressman Sean Duffy and Mrs. Scott Walker are probably as different as Duffy's and Walker's in Southampton.
There really is a Holyrood ON and it is a long way from Hollywood, CA. When Moshe gathered the Israelites for audibles on Mount Sinai, he had not been impressed with the immoral majority's raucous, carnal and unholy behavior who then got a CHANCE to prove which deity they really wanted to align with.
Is anyone going to rename Route 3 to Route 40 in Bruce County 'The Chelios Montreal Bypass'?
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