There are times when your hopes get shattered by persons of interests, but an actual idol can easily be destroyed. An idol is a created THING which fills a void in the life of a person of interest. For instance, some person carved a black bear image which now is placed on my porch to send a visual message to others than I prefer the Chicago Bears football team to other NFL teams with tacky cheerleaders. If I could, I suppose I rather have a person of interest standing on my front porch such as Khalil Mack or Lance Briggs, but the fake bear is filling a void. It is impossible to let an idol LEAD you, unless it is an idolatry object that is also a beast known as a robot which has no conscience but can often lead you to places you should not go.
There were horrific days when I was instructed to bow down to lifeless statues in Catholic churches, but it is also horrific to bow down 'manger scenes', to war memorials or other costly displays that lead to a dead and do not to life. If and when you choose to put another ruler in front of Yahweh, you are trying to change the chain of command of designated for true Israelites and those who prefer to be aligned with the leader, judge and ruler of Moshe Ben Amram. Yahweh knows if and when he or she needs to have another person of interest in the front lines, and certainly would not wait for commands from a speechless idol.
Persons of interest can lead you away from Yahweh or lead you to Yahweh, but an actual lifeless idol can only waste your time or cause temporary amusement to relieve the pain of not seeing a good leader in person. Many children have been given little idols as gifts and toys, and such items will be relied upon by a child who is not acquainted with a good ruler of good angelic forces. If a child is not told that a stuffed bear might cheer them up but cannot teach them purity from profane, the child will 'worship' rather than only appreciate the token gift intended to improve their countenance from time to time. Persons of interest can do more good or more evil than an idol. Carrie Underwood has been a person of interest as profane as Danny Gokey, since both desired to be labeled as an 'idol'. Other persons of interest might be someone who has a mixture of qualities like dross who you think you can learn something positive or something negative from. Sheldon SOuray happens to be a person of interest to me, not an idol in my life. He has errored in less ways than Shane Hendrikson has because I never have heard Sheldon Souray claim to be a bible-believing Christian.... but because he is not a toy idol, he might someday become as good of a spiritual leader as _______________ or as bad as Robin Michael Ortiz.
Since I was told by 1 person that Robin Michael Ortiz of Milwaukee decided to get married, he officially and permanently proved that God is not part of his lifestyle. I had testified in court that our relationship was not irretrievably broken because I knew although I had been tempted and stumbled, I never sunk as low as he did when he was married to the cigarette-smoking mother of his children. Now he officially made his courtroom testimony true, and I decided to NOT be anything like Carrie Underwood when a final dagger hit my foolishly hopeful spirit. Here is what Carrie Underwood never suggested doing when feeling angry, because she was too busy suggesting criminal damage to property that she did not own:
I had a 'Tom and Jerry' t-shirt as a purchased legend in s spiritual battle, knowing Robin Michael Ortiz DOB 4/14/56, had a childish affection for that cartoon when he wasn't tossing his eyes toward into 'Lake Emily' Hartley in lousy counselor positions. I decided to take that t-shirt, and write additional information on it before tossing it harmlessly onto the lawn of 1321 E. Morgan Avenue after it was verbally established that Robin Michael Ortiz never lost his parents property but didn't help me retain the property my parents had hoped would have helped both of us.
The additional information on the front was cat character Tom being under the name WAHL and thinking 'I am not ORTIZ 1532!' and mouse Jerry the mouse being under the name JONES thinking 'He (Tom) is not a greyhound!'. People who like the Seattle Seahawks are as profane as people who like the Dallas Cowboys, but people who like the Chicago Bears actually like FOOTBALL without nasty skanks ruining the field. On the rear, I wrote "Clothe your enemies" Old Jewish Theory of Relativity and people who really know me know that I am not Jewish because I respect the writings of Moshe Ben Amram rather than trying to ALTER them like Jewish, Catholic, Jehovah Witnesses and Protestant churches has altered them. ON the T-shirt, cartoon mouse Jerry has an image of a bomb/grenade behind him making him as dangerous in character as Jarob Ortiz, the Air Force quitter and cartoon cat Tom has the image of a baseball bat behind him, making him as dangerous in character as Vincent LoCicero, the wicked, evil businessman of Michigan.
At worst, I suppose I could get charged with an ordinance violation for littering, but it would be rather troubling to any judge to fine a person for contributing to the wardrobe of a person who decided to be my enemy rather than repent of his past cruelty when I was sickened by using legal prescription drugs roperly and temporarily lost my discernment. I can afford a littering ticket, but I cannot afford to make any more contributions to the clothing department of 1321 E. Morgan Avenue in Milwaukee. I relieved my stress and inner sadness by delivering something useful, not dangerous, to my former husband on behalf of Fred Bengert and as a token sign of a completely broken covenant.
Some young people wear 'Independent' skateboard gear not knowing what the sign of the German military is, and others like me know exactly why we dress the way that we do during ongoing times of warfare. I did briefly explain the t-shirt revolt of 2019 AD to my son, because he still has to lern how to release his inner anger and inner stress in a way that does not counter the verse 'Be angry and sin not'. Earthquakes near Cleveland Ohio might alarm some as much as seeing me refusing to shake hands with Al Schoessow alarmed others.
Carrie Underwood Fisher is a dangerous person of interest to way too many men and carnal women of anti-modesty units; a Chicago Bear statue is a better sight to a child or holy adult who has noticed Objibwa bear clan attributes and who can't afford to hire Jared Allen as a porch Panther.
How can it be that the 420th day of 2nd year students is closely tied to the 1532nd day of 5th year students at the Hebrew word for 'BARBER'? It can be, and it actually is closely tied even without the name 'Suzette' in the sequence of alphabetical biblical word studies which even people labeled as mentally ill or mentally unstable can ponder if given something better than a bottle of Playboy cologne, a grenade and a movie filled with actual prostitutes who get paid to lay around in beds with Steve McQueen or the horrible Paul Newman. What I learned from Morey Amsterdam was better than what I observed ' Mr. Slade E. Hendrikson' doing in Elcho, Wisconsin with his vulgar family members approval.
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