Thursday, June 13, 2019

Alternative anti-Tobacco Chew Recipe

 All of these ingredients should be or could be ordered from 'The Spice House' in Milwaukee:

Mixture proportions

 3 portions of organic  dried peppermint leaves
 2 portions of dried hyssop leaves
 1 portion of shredded dried ginger
 1 portion of fennel seed
 1 portion chopped cinnamon bark ( sweet cassia)

Take a spoonful of the mixture, toss it into your jaw, chew until well moistened and go ahead and swallow it a little at a time if you are not allergic to any of the above herbs and spices!  It is such a refreshing combination of plants that an intelligent holy person would prefer it to chewing gum, since chewing gum  is  actually lousy for any human being or earthly environment in or out of a person's mouth.

Peachy keen Esaac Israel of Georgia  is starting Shavuot on the evening of June 15th, but I'm not sure how he calculated the start of Firstfruits since his congregation started the new year at the dark of the moon, not the crescent sighting.

For some reason, I don't think it would have been a good idea to spend USA Flag Day in a Milwaukee's Grainger's tavern since their flag didn't have any red in it, only blue, black and white. I highly doubt that I would have been missed at my 40th class of 1979 Milwaukee Tech reunion.

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