Saturday, June 29, 2019

Fireworks are Sign of Ignorance, not a Good Choice For Bible Students and Good Angels

Esaac Israel made his pitch for fireworks, but a priest who understands true pace and safety would steer his flock AWAY from buying or selling fireworks, which clearly are not only a waste of money but also would fall into 'strange fire' category which the sons of Aaron had been arned againsr.

Rarely seen anti-sweet information can improve your  otderly conduct and holy behavior patterns.

Is Rod Serling Prediction of 2043 AD Disaster in 'Quarantine' Reasonable pr 'Jericho'?

The leaders of evil empires usually do try to save their own 'skins' with no real concern for people who are not as evil or greedy as they are, and  the 1985 episode 17 caused me to rethink the fact that my greedy bank loaned me money until 2043 after a greedier Shane David Hendrikson wanted me to become homeless and 'lose everything' to him in a spiritual battle that became a physical battle.  According to Rod Serling's thought patterns, he suspected trouble on earth to maximize by 2043 AD/

I had an interesting dream I am not quite ready to share, but I did write down the details because it seemed like a very important lesson. First, let me share 2 senior non-golf lessons I developed after trial and non-sinning errors.

1. Running as fast as you can for even a short distance is hazardous to your knee joints if you have not been running since 1987.  I am using my knowledge about the human body to try to heal after injuring myself with a stupid 'football running' plan, and when I restart it I will still be spiritually better than any  candidate planning to try to try to become president of the USA.   I will restart my running by trotting at a slow pace for a short distance, give my knee joints a chance to evolve properly and work my speed back up  rather than restarting at 'worst case scenario' fastest pace possible.  Unlike many people, I am still capable of learning from my past errors and improving my conduct after declaring a war against sin in my life.  Now I know that hockey, tae kwon do, light weight lifting and bicycling are 'safer' on the knees than running, but I had always suspected that.

1987 was the last time I intentionally ran to get a job on the police department in Milwaukee and 32 years later, I still have dreams about co-workers. I expressed to my son that dreams,, even nightmares, can release stress from your body about fears you have not dealt with properly. Good dreams often reveal hopes you haven't revealed to others, but maybe should have or never had a chance to.  For instance, dreaming about being loved  by a person of the opposite sex who I believed may have been unmarried is interesting, especially if  I never bothered to tell  that person  I have loved him for years because I did not think it was possible for him to love me in return.

Now, back to reality...…….

2. Tom and Jericho is a fun card game that I developed to teach PATIENCE and teamwork.  Here are the non-computer instructions to play 'Tom and Jericho'

1. Shuffle 2 full decks of cards. Do not include JOKERS in this game of biblical chance. The object of the game is to slowly acquire 7 cards in a row of the same suit and then shout 'Jericho' when you let the cards be shown down on the table.

2, Deal 2 cards to each TEAM of 1 to 3 platers. Place the remaining cards in a stack, face down.

3. Team 1 picks up 2 cards from the remaining stack of face down cards ( stacked neatly) and discards 1 card face up.

4. Team 2  then can pick the discarded card or 2 from the 'face down' pile' of unknowns. Each team discards one card face up, whether they have picked 2 from the unknown pile or the card last discarded by an opposing team.

5. If there is more than 2 teams, they continue step 4 until 1 of the teams  can yell 'Jericho' after legally gaining 7 consecutive same suit cards.

6. If 2 players are on a team, even toddlers can be instructed to hold onto a suit of cards to build up.

7. The team captain should consult with his team regarding which suit to build up, knowing a secondary suit might build up sooner than the first suit tried. The team captain holds onto 1 suit, his assistant (A) hold onto the second suit and if there is a 3rd player on the team, he or she is in charge of the weakest suits to be discarded.  It's better to have 3 teams of 2 people than 2 teams of 3 people if playing with adults to have the Ontario Route 21 'Joshua Crescent' and Cale' team effect, but 3 on a team is the maximum amount to appease trinitarians.

8. The 7 SAME SUIT cards in a row can be Ace through 7, 2 through 8 or any consecutive numbers up to 7 though King.

9. This game can also be played by trying to get 10 in a row and shouting 'MOSES' when 10 cards in a row of the same suit are attained and displayed such as Ace through 10 or 4 through King.

Don't get puled into the LONDON, England 'Sweet Caroline' musical  MLB  trap games played in front of  an imbecile prince of corruption.. A person that feels FINE often has collected a FINE that had been unjustly levied against an innocent person after evil hands were making deals with other evil hands.

Fowler, Ping and snares often connect to a wretched Wittenberg, WI or Carl Allen's Las Vegas drum lines, not to a shofar and good Shavuot rehearsals on Canada.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Woe Unto the Greedy: The Little City of Omer Is Wiser than the Huge Town of Macomb

If you don't want to be deceived, don't build in the town of Macomb, Michigan.  The hypocrite that smiles in your face is worse than Satan, since it is justifiable to be angry after you have been intentionally deceived.  For instance, the letter X only is a sign of distress to some people who agreed on that variable sign; to others, X is only a road in Marathon County that has far less signs of distress on it than the roadways of Macomb County in Michigan.

A Macomb employee claimed he personally decided to remove the writings of another woman who was leading Macomb Corners park visitors toward the Bible, not toward Walt Disney.  The foolish young man did not THINK he was anything like a Nazi, but I told him the Nazi government did not want the writing of the old testament to guide them nor others and the young man might have rethought his former decision to prefer Hansel and Gretel or 'Rambo' to biblical passages that were in fact not fables.

The young man had co-workers who listened but did not interfere with our intelligent conversation. If the young man making chalk lines on hardball fields thought the historical details of the Bible were only stories, he might as well also deny the existence of dead General Eisenhower or the books the had gruesome details about the Battle of the Bulge. Once you deny historical records from 4000 years ago, you also will be willing to deny historical records from 20 years ago or 75 ago TO BE CONSISTENT about rejecting  second-hand information.

As it was in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, so it is Macomb Corners, Michigan.  The wicked hatred of facts written in chalk is just as dangerous to a community as a dietary plan that includes Coca-Cola and chewing gum which doe not benefit the human body in any way, but eliminates good suggestions such as 'Eat cabbage' or 'You have the right to resist criminals' even after you have lost the right to refuse drugs do to wicked medical practices.

Land developers often actually are thieves... they steal from the earth what the earth needs, namely, natural areas to counter unnatural areas.  The city of River Hills, Wisconsin was designed with an intelligent plan, but the town of Macomb, Michigan doesn't seem to think that a golf course on 24 Mile Road has the proper idea when they are resisting development of neighboring natural lands.

The golf course owner DO have the right idea, and sadly, even Mario Grillo has decided to sell only his land to the wealthy rather than sell everythinghe has and give to the poor. I am openly countering the decision Mario Grillo has made to add a huge development of duplexes, condominiums and single family houses to what is not truly good land that is best undeveloped, but that does not mean I hate Mario Grillo.

I hate greed, and I despise laziness. Lazy people refuse to walk their chewing gum or dangerous digarette butts into a trash receptacle as a good citizen of purgatory would, and choose to make their neighborhood be UGLY, not beautiful as heaven.   There is a woman from Rochester, Michigan who comes to Macomb and gets PAID to pick up all the used chewing gum in the Macomb County park ground areas, and she literally had about 2.5 gallons of gum collected in a short period of time.

Mario Grillo said there is about a 2 year window of time before his plan goes through. I hope his plan fails, and that he learns to appreciate the 80 acres of woodlands he currently owns without any debt on it, which would be a reason for golfers to rejoice.

The role of Satan is not the same as the role of Yahweh, but both roles have been deemed necessary in a system where HGTV and Kevin Hermening are not even as wise as Satan when it comes to understanding approaching an enemy or an adversary who can then choose Yahweh or Whey Cool LLC investigations of 'disappearing investment money'.   If Joseph Biondo made some deal with 5/3rd bank to get my house appraised higher than it should have been SO THAT Fifth Third banks could profit from me when I was at a low point, I had no suspicion that that may have occurred until Mario Grillo suggested that had happened. Fifth Third bank did recommend Joe Biondo as a builder in 2012, not Morton or Cleary and I did not suspect I was being tricked by their combo. When you have an urgent need for safety and protection, trying to find the best bargain is not always an option due to TIME constraints.

I might have been wrong, but I did not sin by deciding to build on a lot already set aside for a house in a somewhat rural area.  Overbuilding an area can lead to unforgivable sin because the temptation a rich man has to profit even more has not been quenched by a flood or a fire or come other disaster that overdevelopment CAUSES.

Taxes won't go down as long as men like Mario Grillo keep wanting more money but do not desire  good local security nor  taxes lower than Clinton or Roseville simply because they forgot what it was like to have trouble paying a mortgage off after being the victim of a felon.

I would sell my house to Mario Grillo,  but I rather see Mario Grillo learn to appreciate natural branches and natural water ways  while he tries to resist inground sprinkler systems and more chemicals dumped into extremely unnatural lawns.

Even Satan cares about the earth, since Yahweh's representative allowed Satan to get behind him when he was countering Peter's lack of good thinking. The rear guard is a serious matter, and Macomb, Michigan's hockey rinks are anti-Yahweh by choice, not by design.

It is  sign of ignorance to withhold biblical accounts from young people and to expose them only  to the wickedness of 'The Little Mermaid' or 'Snow White' or 'The Pit and the Pendulum'.  Purging the dross from squad 79  is tougher to do than passing through 13 sieves to prove you are like fine wheat, not chaff.

Lead will always be much heavier than silver in equal states of volume. I might be able to survive in Macomb for a while longer, but this area will never really be considered my 'home' , it was only a place I fled to that now might be as apathetic as France was when Poland was invaded by Germany before anti-Moses Italians aligned with the Nazi mentality.

Since giving sound advice is not contrary to my holy spirit, I would suggest that Mario Grillo build one beautiful house for himself on his 80 acres and live out the rest of his days like th king of Macomb rather than ruin his reputation as a lord of 80 acres of land.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Area Code 810: A Jarkko Ruutu Lesson of 68 Seconds

 It takes  reasonable good fighter to  win a short fight against an equal opponent. It takes a miracle to change a pro-abortion person to an anti-abortion person.  Here are some extremely interesting timeline comparisons, keeping the  letters of the NON_LUTHERAN  NON-CATHOLIC apostle Simon  known as Peter in mind:

1. If 1000 years is as a day, then 20.83 years is like 30 minutes.
2. If 20.83 years is as 30 minutes, then 9 months is s 68 seconds.  A infant in the flesh is usually unable to prevent it's parents from aborting it, but it is totally possible for a thinking adult to be born again in 68 seconds IF they are willing to put up a fight against wickedness as liars in order that they might start obeying Yahweh's will for their lifetime behavior.
3. The 5 month life span of a locust is as 37.78 seconds when 100o tears is as a day.

After seeing a rainbow near the county park I have not been ejected from even though I represent the spirit of Yahweh, I heard another 3 sample from a silly show known as 'Green Acres'. A fake irrigation salesman  stated there are 3 options for irrigation:
1. digging furrows
2. installing sprinklers
3. the oldest method: rain

I've reconsidered what it means to have an enemy FLEE from Yahweh's people who were willing to t and able to win a 68 second battle against Lucifer types.  Sometimes they flee into their own houses or their own anti-Yahweh businesses and shut Yahweh's people out rather than relocating into another area after fleeing from truth and the spirit of Yahweh.  Opening a door and welcoming a person who REALLY represents a pro-commandment lifestyle is a very serious matter, and only those who don't have an anti-Yahweh mindset will continue to welcome Yahweh's representatives on earth who have not been elected in voting booths by illegal aliens.  Indeed, the criminals fell most comfortable around their own kind, liars prefer mating with liars and  eventually the people who really do represent Yahweh have very few true friends and even fewer places that they really feel 'at home', since their idea of home is a place that is an anti-lawlessness pro-commandment location.

I started a short running workout that is very hard for me because of my lung function, maybe as hard as a child trying to resist being aborted. only 80 days into the current year, I am trying to think like an infant in a womb trying to build strength with what I have access to nearby and even though I cannot see the face of anyone really willing to protect me, I believe there is an angel protecting me and someday I hope to meet that angel face to face with as much excitement as a newborn babe who is comforted and protected when out of the womb.  I try to surround myself with plenty of positive and negative reminders of other people in my past who are nowhere to be seen in order to gain perspective and inspiration when trying to coach myself again. My son suggested I try roller-blading because it would be more fun in his opinion, but fun is not important when you are trying to survive in an area where enemies abound and true friends are rarely seen. I experienced joy, not fun, when I observed a real rainbow and joy even comes from watching a real duck sitting nearby me in my garden and trusting me as it's neighbor.  The real duck is a sign of intelligent life in an area where fireworks and government waste is sign of stupidity and useless nonsense that should be prohibited by law.

I can leave plenty of useless things behind like a piece of paper with sports trivia on it, but what I don't want to forget is watching people like Jukko Ruutu( #37) engage in a fight a bit longer than 68 seconds against a seen adversary because that image becomes a living example of the effort it takes to defend yourself while onlookers stand by and do nothing other than try to encourage or discourage you depending on their perspective of your opponent. Sadly, many idiots rejoice when a baby is aborted and few consider what  serious fight Daunte Culpepper won while in his careless mother's womb.

I wanted to review information about a person who's name was very light on my back when I was struggling through my new workout, and I also notices a Vancouver goalie named Dan who  sat by and knew that it is not a shame for 2 men to engage in physical non-bomb non-gun warfare for a period of time that seems to go by as quickly as 9 months does for a pregnant woman  who wants to protect her team reputation.

Jarkko Ruutu got 810 assigned to him by ESPN; his Vancouver goalie Dan got 164 assigned to him for a reason I cannot explain other than alphabetically his  last 'C' name is after Chelios at 151.

Freddie Mercury was very wrong when he said having mud on a face is a big disgrace; as a matter of fact, mud on the face is fine and having a cigarette or marijuana joint in between your lips is truly a big disgrace. See if you can win  the next 68 second battle against a cigarette or a  dangerous pill on it's way to your mouth rather than aligning with Lucifer  time and time again.

When I realized it will only take 24 years for me to be as old as my friend Barbara Ashley is now, I know that my time remianing is short and the list of enemies that has fled from me is long enough for me to rejoice for various reasons on most days. Who  knows the difference between Vance McDonald and Vance Jonathan? I do know there is no difference between David Blissett, a former friend who my family provided temporary living space for in central Wisconsin , and David Abbott the fireman from Arkansas who is a stranger to me to me, since I am not able to assist either one of them in their current tasks at hand.

I have plenty of tasks that me, myself and I will compete with the assistance of the spirit of Yahweh.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Equinoxville Day 429 During 2nd Trimester: Beware of New Hypocrisy In Canadian Parliament

An audible report indicated that the nation of Canada is trying to forbid the wearing of religious symbols in the workplace, but I was unsure if they were trying to impose that rule on only government employees or anyone that pays income taxes to Canada.

In certain sects of numerology, the following non-secret codes were deployed by someone other than me or HVHY via April 28th, 2019 USA Today shifty down and across checking heathens:

58. FUROR ( not beaver)
17, TAN
666. PONE
676. DARE
42. GOGOGA ( not recommended by HVHY)
710. FREE

In Yehovah's Psalm 119 poetry circles, at 17 you start the gimel series and at 8 you complete the aleph series, which is not actually part of the title of the ruler of Gd, the tribe  Canada has been singing about for decades in their national anthem. There is no ALEPH in Yod Hey Vav Het!

Justin Trudeau's tattoo is a religious symbol, since it indicates he has been anti-Yahweh and has what is uncommonly known as a spot and a blemish rather than spotless and clean as a perfect lamb or perfected 28th kangaroo. Therefore, all tattoos should also have to be removed that currently exist on Justin Trudeau in order to avoid his own problem of wearing HIS religious symbols to his workplace.  Since Canada is still a suburb of the unholy baby Archie of England, it is not surprising  that Canada's lawmakers are continuing in an anti-Yahweh direction.  Again, the wearing of your Israelite tribe stone, uncut or cut and tossed into a ring setting, should be the best way to avoid being accused of wearing a religious symbol while you can prepare to complain about the religious symbols tattooed onto Canadian government employees.

  Before I exit Canada to protect my 2nd trimester rights between Shavuot and Yom Teruah, here is what GOOD got accomplished in Ontario.  After getting a New York guide to lead me to my first lacrosse game in Port Elgin, Ontario, sadly I saw that Port Elgin police department is now lead by an equal to Detroit's James Craig since the lifting  up of the 'PRIDE' stripes does equal the raising up of Nazi flags in Norway during World War II.  Without proper resistance, those who hate the messages of the prophet Ezequiel will gain turf easier than in areas where people LOVE and admire the style of the prophet Elisha or Elijah ( common English translation).

The lacrosse competition was interesting, and I traveled on through Jackson to Owen Sound on the regular Shabbat before my observance of the Feast of Weeks on June 16th. While in the arena formerly inhabited by Jordan Binnington, the music became nasty and women dressed as improperly as 'Cher' started to invade section W, so I departed section Y before the high Shabbat started at sundown. Thankfully, I was served a wonderful KOSHER CLEAN meal by my weary friends at Sabatini's and headed back toward ground E=Ezequiel As the reckoning of time indicated to me it was the starts of the 11th day of the 3rd month ( to others it was about the 15th day), I sounded my shofar that was not a free gift from Eric Dan Danson, a Jewish conGREGationalist.  The intersection of 3 and 11 is a double RED sign on a billiard table and the double maroon sign is a strong and evident tie to the start of Sukkot at the 7th month and 15th day to a person who knows a crucifix is not a GOOD religious symbol.  I did not get arrested in Canada this time for carrying an unconcealed shofar and inheriting enough wind to sound it publically, but who knows if Canada, so filled with haughty PRIDE flags will try to forbid real men from wearing their blue fringes or will  turn away Gideon checkers and living saints like me at the border because I have aligned with Yahuwah's perspective?

As I considered what a second wave offering meant, I dined with a family who observed a first Shavuot wave on June 9th, 2019 and assisted me the keeping of my observation of the feast of Weeks with a second wave at a Port Elgin neutral zone.  We dined like true saints and were served by a stranger who was Hindu and desired to work on what many considered as a normal Sunday and not day of rest. What a lonely earth it is when I literally had to travel about 200 miles to find the closest family willing to help me, living as a widow, keep the Feast of Weeks properly. It was much easier retaining enough faith in Yahweh when plagues attacked Egypt and the people of Moshe Ben Amram could SEE which houses were protected because they were in the same vicinity. It is much tougher BUT POSSIBLE to retain hope  and trust in the directives of Yahweh when we cannot see 200 miles away on the night of pesach, nor can we see between Stevens Point and Collingwood during the feast of tabernacles.

If I had to travel 200 miles to locate a non-Muslim family willing to help me observe an importance day of grave importance, I am thankful I had the means to do so and that the desires of my heart were not rudely interrupted by a PRIDE parade or the Toronto Raptors offensive play men.  Kincardine actually ends with the name of the daughter of Jacob.... more often seen as Dinah, which means 'judge'.  The name Zadina is not the same as Jebulum, and Justin Trudeau has a religious symbol tattooed onto his body which must be removed for him to obey his OWN governments laws in order for him to PROPERLY lead by example.

Ideally, this information has helped people who are contrary to Carrie Underwood Fisher and are interested in the 3rd and 11th billiard ball connections near the Temple Ezequiel, which still bears the NAME of a prophet who is not able to pardon intentional sins of marijuana worshippers and political hypocrites and apathetic cowards who have attained the mentality of Norway  during World War II.

The Panini hockey man alignment of June 17th, 2nd year day 425, happens to be Dustin Byfuglien, not Sean Burke and Tom 'the imposter cop' Selleck.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Alternative anti-Tobacco Chew Recipe

 All of these ingredients should be or could be ordered from 'The Spice House' in Milwaukee:

Mixture proportions

 3 portions of organic  dried peppermint leaves
 2 portions of dried hyssop leaves
 1 portion of shredded dried ginger
 1 portion of fennel seed
 1 portion chopped cinnamon bark ( sweet cassia)

Take a spoonful of the mixture, toss it into your jaw, chew until well moistened and go ahead and swallow it a little at a time if you are not allergic to any of the above herbs and spices!  It is such a refreshing combination of plants that an intelligent holy person would prefer it to chewing gum, since chewing gum  is  actually lousy for any human being or earthly environment in or out of a person's mouth.

Peachy keen Esaac Israel of Georgia  is starting Shavuot on the evening of June 15th, but I'm not sure how he calculated the start of Firstfruits since his congregation started the new year at the dark of the moon, not the crescent sighting.

For some reason, I don't think it would have been a good idea to spend USA Flag Day in a Milwaukee's Grainger's tavern since their flag didn't have any red in it, only blue, black and white. I highly doubt that I would have been missed at my 40th class of 1979 Milwaukee Tech reunion.

Holyrood Split At Walker's Vs. Duffy's

When traveling in an area you are not familiar with, asking a correct question does not mean you are going to get a correct answer, especially from a professional deceiver. After a wonderful day of viewing the water-logged province of Ontario, I sought a place to have a light dinner. I walked in 'Walker's; on High St.. not too far from a lighted outdoor crucifix with nobody on it. Since Walker's was rather crowded, a walked across High Street to 'Duffy's' and noticed that only people who appeared to be women were in Duffy's. I clearly asked if it was a lesbian tavern and I was told that it WASN'T , but I was lied to.  If you ask if a pace is a Nazi tavern and you are told it is not BUT you see a swastika flag, you know the audible you heard was wrong.  At Duffy's, I noticed the lesbian flag after I had been told it was not a lesbian bar; after seeing the anti-Moshe lesbian flag, I paid by bill for a bowl of halibut bisque and a Strongbow cider, and left without leaving any tip. Needless to say, I will not return to that tavern even if I am offered a free fish dinner.  A female Southampton police officer also hiked in and out of Duffy's who said she came from Thunder Bay and did not know where 243 Front Street was..... nor who Murray Wing the famous -2 Detroit Redwing is!

I then walked back to 'Walker's' and stated I had been lied to at Duffy's since Duffy's did advertise openly ON THE INTERIOR as a lesbian tavern but verbally said Duffy's was not a lesbian tavern. I was told Walker's is 'In Clue Sieve' and did not observe any lesbian flag  displays as night 804 was well under way. I ordered a cup of coffee, left a good tip while well-covered in a' Roy' # 33 jersey and considered the difference between audibles and visuals.  I told the staff at Walker
s I am  straighter than George Hill, and they treated me kindly without pushing an anti-Yahweh  agenda.  Duffy's is like the city of Detroit under James Craig policies or Larry Mizewski's anti-Yoshua policies. Walker's is like Swan Valley, ID in 1996.

When anti-Yahweh nations have weather problems, don't blame Yahweh if your crops fail.  If a person who does not want to defend your lesbian flag leaves your lesbian-pushing business without tearing your flag down like Christopher Plummer tore down a Nazi in 'The Sound of Music', know that you can remain anti-Yahweh by choice but don't lie to a blind person and claim you are not a lesbian bar when you have the mark of a lesbian tavern on your walls.

If you wouldn't attend a church congregation that raises up the LG blah blah blah fake rainbow flag, don't intentionally dine in an establishment that raises up a flag that is clearly so anti-Yahweh as the non-feline PRIDE gang.

 Real natural felines that entered the ark with Noach's tiny family of 8 are heterosexual.

In the state of Wisconsin, Congressman Sean Duffy and  Mrs. Scott Walker are probably as different as Duffy's and Walker's in Southampton.

There really is a Holyrood ON and it is a long way from Hollywood, CA.  When Moshe gathered the Israelites for audibles on Mount Sinai, he had not been impressed with the immoral majority's raucous, carnal and unholy behavior  who then got a CHANCE to prove which deity they really wanted to align with.

Is anyone going to rename Route 3 to Route 40 in Bruce County 'The Chelios Montreal Bypass'?

Monday, June 10, 2019

Idols Vs. Persons of Interest: 'Tom and Jerry' Conundrum

There are times when your hopes get shattered by persons of interests, but an actual idol can easily be destroyed.   An idol is a created THING which fills a void in the life of a person of interest. For instance, some person carved a black bear image which now is placed on my porch to send a visual message to others than I prefer the Chicago Bears football team to other NFL teams with tacky cheerleaders. If I could, I suppose I rather have a person of interest standing on my front porch such as Khalil Mack or Lance Briggs, but the fake bear is filling a void. It is impossible to let an idol LEAD you, unless it is an idolatry object that is also a beast known as a robot which has no conscience but can often lead you to places you should not go. 

There were horrific days when I was instructed to bow down to lifeless statues in Catholic churches, but it is also horrific to bow down 'manger scenes', to war memorials or other costly displays that lead to a dead and do not to life. If and when you choose to put another ruler in front of Yahweh, you are trying to change the chain of command of designated for true Israelites and those who prefer to be aligned with the leader, judge and ruler of Moshe Ben Amram. Yahweh knows if and when he or she needs to have another person of interest in the front lines, and certainly would not wait for commands from a speechless idol.

Persons of interest can lead you away from Yahweh or lead you to Yahweh, but an actual lifeless idol can only waste your time or cause temporary amusement to relieve the pain of not seeing a good leader in person.  Many children have been given little idols as gifts and toys, and such items will be relied upon by a child who is not acquainted with a good ruler of good angelic forces.  If a child is not told that a stuffed bear might cheer them up but cannot teach them purity from profane, the child will 'worship' rather than only appreciate the token gift intended to improve their countenance from time to time.  Persons of interest can do more good or more evil than an idol. Carrie Underwood has been a person of interest as profane as Danny Gokey, since both desired to be labeled as an 'idol'.  Other persons of interest might be someone who has a mixture of qualities like dross who you think you can learn something positive or something negative from.  Sheldon SOuray happens to be a person of interest to me, not an idol in my life. He has errored in less ways than Shane Hendrikson has because I never have heard Sheldon Souray claim to be a bible-believing Christian.... but because he is not a toy idol, he might someday become as good of a spiritual leader as _______________ or as bad as Robin Michael Ortiz.

Since I was told by 1 person that Robin Michael Ortiz of Milwaukee decided to get married, he officially and permanently proved that God is not part of his lifestyle. I had testified in court that our relationship was not irretrievably broken because I knew although I had been tempted and stumbled, I never sunk as low as he did when he was married to the cigarette-smoking mother of his children.  Now he officially made his courtroom testimony true, and I decided to NOT be anything like Carrie Underwood when a final dagger hit my foolishly hopeful spirit. Here is what Carrie Underwood never suggested doing when feeling angry, because she was too busy suggesting criminal damage to property that she did not own:

I had a 'Tom and Jerry' t-shirt as a purchased legend in s spiritual battle, knowing Robin Michael Ortiz DOB 4/14/56, had a childish affection for that cartoon when he wasn't tossing his eyes toward into 'Lake Emily' Hartley in lousy counselor positions. I decided to take that t-shirt, and write additional information on it before tossing it harmlessly onto the lawn of 1321 E. Morgan Avenue after it was verbally established that Robin Michael Ortiz never lost his parents property but didn't help me retain the property my parents had hoped would have helped both of us. 

The additional information on the front was cat character Tom being under the name WAHL and thinking 'I am not ORTIZ 1532!' and mouse Jerry the mouse being under the name JONES thinking 'He (Tom) is not a greyhound!'. People who like the Seattle Seahawks are as profane as people who like the Dallas Cowboys, but people who like the Chicago Bears actually like FOOTBALL without nasty skanks ruining the field.  On the rear, I wrote "Clothe your enemies" Old Jewish Theory of Relativity and people who really know me know that I am not Jewish because I respect the writings of Moshe Ben Amram rather than trying to ALTER them like Jewish, Catholic, Jehovah Witnesses and Protestant churches has altered them. ON the T-shirt,  cartoon mouse Jerry has an image of a bomb/grenade behind him making him as dangerous in character as Jarob Ortiz, the Air Force quitter and cartoon cat Tom has the image of a baseball bat behind him, making him as dangerous in character as Vincent LoCicero, the wicked, evil businessman of Michigan. 

At worst, I suppose I could get charged with an ordinance violation for littering, but it would be rather troubling to any judge to fine a person for contributing to the wardrobe of a person who decided to be my enemy rather than repent of his past cruelty when I was sickened  by using legal prescription drugs roperly and temporarily lost my discernment.  I can afford a littering ticket, but I cannot afford to make any more contributions to the clothing department of 1321 E. Morgan Avenue in Milwaukee. I relieved my stress and inner sadness by delivering something useful, not dangerous, to my former husband on  behalf of Fred Bengert and as a token sign of a completely broken covenant.  

Some young people wear 'Independent' skateboard gear not knowing what the sign of the German military is, and others like me know exactly why we dress the way that we do during ongoing times of warfare.  I did briefly explain the t-shirt revolt of 2019 AD to my son, because he still has to lern how to release his inner anger and inner stress in a way that does not counter the verse 'Be angry and sin not'.  Earthquakes near Cleveland Ohio might alarm some as much as seeing me refusing to shake hands with Al Schoessow alarmed others.  

Carrie Underwood Fisher is a dangerous person of interest to way too many men and carnal women of anti-modesty units; a Chicago Bear statue is a better sight to a child or holy adult who has noticed  Objibwa bear clan attributes and who can't afford to hire Jared Allen as a porch Panther.

How can it be that the 420th day of 2nd year students is closely tied to the 1532nd day of 5th year students at the Hebrew word for 'BARBER'?   It can be, and it actually is closely tied even without the name 'Suzette' in the sequence of alphabetical biblical word studies which even people labeled as mentally ill or mentally unstable can ponder if given something better than a bottle of Playboy cologne, a grenade and a movie filled with  actual prostitutes who get paid to lay around in beds with Steve McQueen or the horrible Paul Newman. What I learned from Morey Amsterdam was better than what I observed ' Mr. Slade E. Hendrikson' doing in Elcho, Wisconsin with his vulgar family members approval.

Attention Governor Whitmer: It's Unforgivable To Support Intentional Abortion

Gretchen Whitmer and her political pro-abortion allies are living examples of wickedness which leads to perdition, not to salvation. Fools seem to think it is not just to have a child of the age of understanding severely punished or subjected to a death penalty for repeatedly sinning, contrary to the desires of their parents who the child refuses to honor.  The conflict between pro-commandment parents and their children shifts to peace between them when the children start to observe, study and put into practice the commandments delivered to unholy and unruly children by messengers of Yahuwah. According to Yahuwah, it is appropriate to stone the child of decent who is unwilling to behave according to Yahuwah's good and righteous laws, which results in the child progressively ruining his own family from within, a process that it is proper to STOP.

In nations such as the USA, people like Gretchen Whitmer want to see families ruined from the inside out. With her ugly smirk and Leslie Ann Warren stupidity, Gretchen Whitmer has declared that she is pro-abortion, which means she rather see a wicked parents destroy a totally innocent child than think Yahuwah's way and let holy parents allow a totally wicked child to be pur to death.  Pro-abortion people teach wickedness and they are not even close to being as innocent as a child in a womb.

In a hypocritical nation, a parent who leaves an infant or a child in a hot car to cook them clearly had the intent to perform a very late abortion, so why are they punished but the parent who want their child murdered in the womb is not punished? UNJUST SCALES!  If a parent is not prosecuted for acquiring an abortion, it is hypocritical to punish a parent who murders their child by leaving them in a hot car, an act which cannot be unintentional. If a parents is not prosecuted and charged with murder for acquiring abortion services, neither should a parent be prosecuted for demanding that their wicked, evil sinning child be put to death since that olde wicked child has proven he or she has no desire to honor and respect their parents or respect good, pro-life laws.

After having one abortion, many females realize they had believed a USA law that was passed with the intent to destroy families, destroy the conscience and destroy innocent children. The parent with a conscience that has not been seared would never repeat their act of perdition and therefore has a change of heart and mind that allows them to be forgiven.  People who support  abortion on demand cannot be defined as good people and in fact they are intentionally wicked because they rather allow women to be fornicators and whores who get pregnant rather than teach those women how to live like real saints should live. The are billions of 'Gretchen Whitmer' types on earth, which means it is as it was in the says of Noach. when he was peculiar and building a ship.

Gretchen Whitmer does not have to have a swastika on her forehead to prove she is wicked and hates Yahuwah, since her speech patterns prove she is wicked.  A Lutheran church on the corner of 24 mile road and Romeo Plank Road in Macomb, Michigan has a sign with Germany's sign of the Axis armies openly displayed on it, which proves that the 3rd Reich mentality was not destroyed during World War II. Nobody WON World War II, since none of the nations involved ever became a pro-Yahuwah nation. The Lutheran school agenda, similar to sister Catholicism, is to teach AGAINST keeping Yahuwah's commandments and therefore they are also ineligible to obtain salvation through any representative of Yahuwah. When signs on schools or churches are so obviously aligned with the German/Nazi history, at least you know the people who go there have no desire to believe in and trust prophets like Moshe Ben Amram or Ezequiel and a wise person will be on defense against their German Axis anti-commandment mentality.

The man that people casually refer to as Jesus Christ ( but whose name is under the name of YHWH/Yahuwah/Yehovah) cannot save NOT ATONE FOR anyone who is openly and continuously sinning by choice, no matter how wealthy or poor that sinning person is.

The typical term of a governor or governess is almost as long as a 7 year tribulation period.  Gretchen Whitmer is a beast, and I did not taker her mark on a ballot.  Grieving alone is not a sufficient reaction to a beast who believes in killing innocent children; either the standards of HVHY must be explained to them so that they can repent from their own wickedness  OR we can do nothing and see what forces and nations Yahweh allows to go on offense against them to counter their depravity and pro-murder bodies of sin.

Do you know what it means to be in ten sieve care with 3 more sifting processes to go? If your 10th sieve is a 'vav' ( the Hebrew letter that is 10th to appear and looks like a gold club) rather than an X=10, you might be caught up in practical sieve rather than getting caught out of a sieve because you are as worthless as chaff based on your works on earth. Just suppose it is only the 418th day of the tribulation and that you have a very SHORT time to prove you desire to be holy and can stop sinning before the 3 night sequence of 1531, 1532 and 1533.  I have never seen Lake Superior as high as it is, and Lake Erie's water level is extremely high.  Yeshua ( not Stephen Pidgeon's spelling' did not instruct people to build as close to lakes and waterways  in Matthew chapter 24; go ahead and check your altitude after you check your own attitude toward abortion sellers.

The 1st wave of Pentecost keepers should be on their way to preparing for Yom Teruah if they want to avoid getting an INCOMPLETE. Don't let opposing forces such as Catholic Sunday school teachers intercept the repeated messages from Yahweh to keep all prescribed appointed shabbat times  to the best of your ability while still in captivity and in a sifting process. The second wave of Shavuot keepers is on day 44 today, and I am part of the 2nd wave that will not defend those guilty of abortion crimes against humanity nor will I defend those who  chose to reject Moshe Ben Amram and have not believed the prophets who have aligned with Yahweh.

 Frank Finney's types are actually Christmas bullies who continually try to push on others what is contrary not only to Yahweh's holy prophets and anti-heathen saints, but also is contrary to wise fiscal decisions. Perilous times have arrived.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

What Is the 2 Point Difference Between 4001 W. Hemlock and 4001 S. 20th Street?

In Milwaukee, District 6 is not District 4, but there is a 2 point difference between 6 and 3, not a 25 point difference.  There are times when numerology can help clear up a formerly unclear matter. For instance, if there are 22 4point students that graduated from Arrowhead, the materials being taught are TOO SIMPLE and the curriculum should be made more difficult. As it was in 1979, it is not in 2019.  I observed the choice that Vincent Pope made, not only for meal options but also for a June 14th gathering at a place labeled 'Grainger's'. Grainger's is place that Linda Toy or a Tom Kane might want to gather on a sabbath, but I doubt if Brenda Angelo or any other pro-Bible student SHOULD feel comfortable there. Some people might think it is a joke to place me on Highway 36 on the day my son completes 36 years of life without ever having a decent father from the state of Wisconsin, but I can do much better on June 14th that Grainger's house of tasteless fried chicken.

A safety is worth 2 points and there is no such  thing in a golfer's world as a par 6 hole, and with 36, the typical golfer might only have completed 5 or 6 holes, not 9 holes. A 36 for 9 holes is a difficult score to achieve, even for Russell Kempka.  The gathering of friends I met with fellow Tech Trojans Mary Kaplan and Robert Lopez was peaceable, full of sobriety and full of non-artificial behavior. The people who were our actual neighbors in the 1960's and 1970's were often the friends closer than a brother who UNDERSTOOD the  struggles of the neighborhood.  Without a computer to write on, it was far more difficult to lose everything you wrote with the err of your typing, but with computers, what you had been working on for years can suddenly disappear without being able to recover it.

Vincent Pope admired Christine Fellows bodily structure more than he appreciated the works of Shirley Brockenborough, so I understand but do not agree with the reasons he chose a tavern so far from his old neighborhood.  319 West Virginia is no where near 35th and Loomis road, and I do not want to be surrounded by nasty gambling machines, greasy fried chicken and reminders of men who were a lot like my former husbands who never appreciated my good works. I am nothing like the youngest daughter of Trudy Groth, who sadly has been financially abusing her parents for years rather than getting married to the father of any of her children and giving  them a chance take responsibility for their seed.  Christy Groth has no divorces on her record, she did not stop trying to bring more children into her life after she proved she had no interest in providing a normal, 2 parent household for her original child and as a result, I am the anti-thesis of Trudy Groth's younger daughter and took from my financial reserves to aid a widow BEFORE I was told how much her youngest daughter had been leeching off of Robert Groth and his wife.  I hope Trudy finds the strength and wisdom within her to battle against her own lazy, selfish immoral daughter who NEVER was divorced because she never took her sexual behavior seriously and it has been a game to her.

Now that unrepentant and childish Robin Michael Ortiz has gotten remarried, I am so free of lying, hypocritical former husbands that my biggest regret is that none of them really loved my son and as a result, my son does not really know how to love me as his mother.  Vincent Pope can chew on the details of why he lost his wife to a hockey player in Minnesota in the presence of female bartenders dressed like skanks, and I will continue to try to represent what the people of the church of Philadelphia in the book of Revelation represents, namely having the testimony of Yeshua while I am keeping the instructions from Yahweh in my mind because I want my defense to be secure. Getting abandoned 3 times after trusting Christmas and Easter men is not my sin; people like Chisty (Christine?) Groth have plenty of sins they have refused to face because they wrongly believe they are vain and alluring, without a beautiful conscience to guide them.

Wilson Park Ice Arena is where the child and stepsons of the former Mrs. Robin Michael Ortiz used to play hockey and where Shane David Hendrikson decided to try to impress me with his 'funny' behavior in 1997..... 22 years ago. 4001 West Hemlock Street is where the vain wealthy grandparents of my son decided the desire of their hearts was for me to struggle financially while they lived in their luxury Milwaukee dwellings, courtesy of Local 215, not local 21. Donald and Jesse Jackson were not good grandparents and I was deceived by their son, who might decide to make an appearance at Grainger's, were he can blend in with his anti-Yeshua and anti-Yahweh Tech Trojans who might even ask him the standard Milwaukee County route 80 bus question' " Got condoms?'

2 points can lead to nothing more than 1 line. I don't respect USA flags that are black, white and with only 1 blue line across the middle and that is what Grainger's strangers have decided to put up with, rather than respect the original color codes. Only non-cheating golfer's might realize that the final form of the tsaddi looks like a golf tee, not a bottomless pit. I celebrated Paul D. Coffey's birthday in the presence of my friends and at least one enemy in Iblis mode,  a Rocky Blier kind of guy who insulted me by calling me a Hun, which I regularly denounce.  Now that Antonio Brown can fit in better with the Carrie Underwood Fisher strumpets, maybe someone in Pittsburgh will tell Michael Tomlin to remove the offense from his neckline and help him stone himself with a malachite around his neck for a positive sign toward the survivors of Squirrel Hill or the members of the Sudbury, Ontario police who did not get murdered by the Outlaws.

4001 is not 4005; be cautious at Max Pacioretty lines and Pabst beer #220731, knowing a former Wolverine with one liver inside might start hating the Las Vegas attitude of lawlessness and anti-Yahweh marketing strategies. I'll exit the Adam Graves ESPN 321 with a  little paper trail to remind people that being -25 is not as good as being -1 like Scott Gomez!  Every detail matters to sports enthusiasts, and every detail matters in the Holy of Holies described in the books compiled by Moshe Ben Amram.

Carey Price has had 321 wins, by the Michael Rood way, as well as 68 tie games, far more ties than Timmy Cheveldae.