Even though I am not Yahweh Almighty, I might be a Gadite who is interested in comparing green- winged teal code options for omer counting to common goldeneye. Bird watchers are often less offensive than ring-necked pheasant killers. so the Ottawa National Wildlife refuge is a decent destination and much more educational than Disneyland.
The sequence for Sunday omer school should be similar to this for most:
For atlas students, Christmas Michigan was placed near route 28 and the Pentecost Highway is wisely labeled as Route 50, which proves atheists were local dictators in Michigan mapping.
Here is 'David's' bird code entries:
15 - the common goldeneye (ttrouble with a golden calf comes to mind)
22 - the green-winged teal ( Ignore 'Casablanca' propaganda)
29 - gadwall ( Gd is a tribe than is unlike the tribe of Dn)
The first 'Pentecost did not occur after the reported ascension of Yeshua, but in fact occurred at least as early as the days of Mt. Sinai and Moshe Ben Amram, which preceded the days of Elijah.
Due to Jacob Leinenkugal wars, I will not freely release more birdie info on this blog. 36 is sometimes as weighty as Joe Nathan and sometimes as light a krypton bulb. 29 stretched across Wisconsin and with the center of apostacy spreading all the way to the offices of Stuart Rottier, maybe only someone like Curtis Martin understands the gadwall attitude after facing rather than denying the existance of real struggles of a mother who has lacked true love from his father.
Since it is the 16th day according to the count I am respecting, I am wearing letter NUN gear to remind me of the natural order the Hebrew alphabet has laid out in the books of Moshe. Samech appears 22nd in the scrolls after Gimel at 21. Some trust in New Jersey Devils, some trust in palladium, but I do trust in the name of Yod Hey Vav Hey to the Nth degree.
My grandson Levi looks brave and very handsome in his 'Tavares' Maple Leaf jersey #91, and that jersey is a light burden in a world where too many people ingest heavy metal music and have refused to appreciate the sound of Doug Cameron, George Winston, David Lanz, Bobby Sherman or Bobby Delgadillo telling firefighters what to do in case there is trouble at a Greyhound station.
I delivered an important message to the city of Marinette regarding the cowardice of off-duty city of Chippewa Falls officers who rather pray to Helios than get involved in face-to-face counseling with in-laws, thus making him lower than the Outlaws who rather get involved in a discussion than pray to the sunday god of the Babylonians.
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