As my grandson and I are both starting our 8th year after what has been 7 years that has been difficult for each of us to survive, a reminder than families destroyed by divorce are not repaired with drugs, Las Vegas casino chips and hypocritical Bible carriers who don't know the difference between Noach Ben Lamech and the letter 7th letter to appear in a scroll that wasn't created by Mr. Hendrikson scroll saw complaints, the Lamed. Completing 7 years while surrounded by hypocrites is possible, but not easy. Completing 7 years of plenty in Egypt was easy compared to the 7 years of famine that Joseph guided his neighbors through, difficulties harsh enough to cause his brothers to become weak and beggarly and more shocked than James Garner in 'Move over, Darling' when they observed Joseph alive, angry and eventually able to forgive HIS BLOOD brothers for their crimes against him.
The 10th letter to appear in the books of Moshe is the letter V or W.... the vav. The vav looks like an golf club; the yod does not look like a gold club. Intentionally switching a V for a Y is an illegal substitution which Yahweh would not be pleased with under any circumstance. Villanova is not Yale, as Jay Cutler might state.
Stupidity in parenting starts when spiritually immature people start lying to their children about things that do not exist, but there is not a fine line between stupidity and ignorance. Ignorance often comes from the lack of good teachers, stupidity comes from a lack of discernment. If a fragile person asks for a decaf coffee and a person intentionally gives then caffeinated coffee, the results could cause a form of physical trauma to the fragile person. An ignorant person might not have known decaf coffee exists, the stupid person knows the difference between decaf and caffeinated coffee but did not respect the FRAGILE person's needs and requests and clearly did not LOVE the fragile person by ignoring their request.
It can be said that many parents who smoke cigarettes cause physical trauma to the non-smoking members of their household, and most have started smoking not in ignorance of the hazards but because because they refused to use discernment with a hazardous object. When those parents start demanding that doctors cure their bodies at much expense, stupid people 'insure' those claims which is as stupid as letting an arsonist collect insurance money after they know he burnt down his own insured dwelling! When there is no fine or punishment for stupidity, people continue stupidity. Is the person who is smoking cigarettes IS NOT loving their neighbor nor themselves. People who drink to excess into a state of drunkenness are also not loving themselves or their neighbor or their family members, and of course Yahweh knows what I written thus far is truthful and accurate.
If a known person burglarizes your house and you tell your children that 'Santa Claus' was the burglar, you commit an illegal verbal substitution. If a known person gives good gifts to your children and you tell them the 'Easter Bunny' gave them the good gifts, your verbal illegal substitution slanders the actual giver and it causes harm to the hearer or the lie. One a person stops illegal verbal substitutions when testifying for or against people, they have discernment after knowing the truth.
A doctor who is baffled because they have not been given truthful or intentionally been given ILLEGALLY substituted information might never be able to do good toward a sick patient because of the intentional deceptions he was told. A child who has intentionally lied to or for 6 YEARS has been faced with an illegal substitution for his real grandmother has NOT been loved by his parents and the doctors treating the child for traumatic brain injury SHOULD be told that information especially if symptoms of severe trauma commenced after the child found out he was the victim of an illegal substitution done in wickedness by people who were not ignorant of the law. To avoid giving such information to an expert doctor would be equal to a non-smoking asthmatic failing to tell a pulmonary specialist that a member or your household intentionally smoked cigarettes near you for 6 years. The doctor who MIGHT be able to do good will be prevented from having good results with the victim of an illegal substitution just as a doctor would be unlikely to protect and defend a patient whose parents, co-workers or household members continue to smoke cigarettes near a person already injured by their stupid decision to smoke.
If I was allowed to contact the doctor of my grandson, I would want to know if INTENTIONALLY illegally substituting Mrs. Cheryl Hendrikson for his actual grandmother, Marie Hendrikson, for 6 years could result in physical trauma to the child. If the doctor says 'no', the doctor is either ignorant or stupid. If a parent willfully chooses to exit or abandon a family , it is not an illegal substitution to try and replace that unloving or selfish parent, it is a legal replacement that remaining family members do not need to be ashamed of. Even Jerry Mathers knew Barbara Billingsley was not his real mother when an extra 'mother figure' wanted to profit as a fake member of Mathers household.
I regret to inform others that my son and daughter-in-law, with the consent of evildoers, did commit a form of treason against me by willfully illegally substituting Cheryl Hendrikson into their family WITH the intent to HURT ME, but in fact that not only have hurt me, they have hurt their own children. I am angry, but I am not sinning by revealing these facts in the hopes that this information trickles all the way to the Mayo Clinic in case I am not allowed to inform doctors of a POSSIBLE cause of the onset of my grandson's woes.
Shane David Hendrikson and his family should be ashamed of themselves, and if their conscience is seared, they won't be ashamed and will continue their illegal substitutions rather than allowing me to be a proper loving and loved member of my son and my grandchildren's team. IN conclusion, do not think that people that have committed illegal substitutions in their family are any less guilty of crimes than the waitress who switches pork for chicken, knowing the person she is getting paid to serve is ALLERGIC to and will have a dangerous reaction to the pork! Sadly, millions of people have suffered due to illegal substitutions, which even included stupid people substituting a calf of gold for Yehovah while being impatient with Moshe Ben Amram.
The best detectives have been able to get truthful confessions from suspects; the worst detectives don't even care when crimes are committed against the members of their own household. The best angels are able to bring their enemies to repentance of sins, the worst angels participate in the sins and often consider unrestrained violence entertaining. I would rather be the best than the worst when it comes to trying to protect the fragile members of my household. Weeping for or sending good gifts to a child in severe pain is typically not good enough to stop the cause of the pain. What
I have taken reasonable risk again like many victims of crimes, prosecuting attorneys,doctors and police officers do on a regular basis. Couples and 'supporters' of the current Mr. and Mrs. Shane David Hendrikson have taken unreasonable risk because of stupidity, lack of a fear of Yahweh's good forces and their common love of the Las Vegas casino atmosphere that stems from hating who I represent on earth, namely an unseen ELOHIM that demands truthfulness,holiness,purity and good works.
For awhile, Barbara Bengert Ortiz was a loving 'grandma' replacement to my son Richard when his real grandmother, so-called 'black' Jessie Jackson, did not think it was her family members duty to contribute to the COSTS of raising up her son's son. Barbara Bengert Ortiz was a much kinder person than the mother of Shane David Hendrikson, but maybe that's because her father was a kind copper. The letter B is not in the name 'David Ortiz', but it is in ElizaBeth and Bengert.
Lamech survived 777 years, not 206,970 years. Lamech fathered Noach, who was not lazy nor did Noach seem to be ignorant and stupid and as a result, he was 'favored' above other fathers. Ceasar Rodney only made it to head quarters(25 cents) marked with a Delaware sign. Had the people who were nowhere near the Olive Garden in Rib Mountain, Wisconsin not taken such good care of me today, I might never have noticed the name of a dead attorney on the back of a USA quarter on this last day of the 1st month of the current biblical year according to a few cautious moon sighters.
Did RAMADAN start on May 6th or May 7th this year? Did it make a difference that Drew Brees had number 383 and Adrian Peterson had number 384 assigned to them by Panini people? Who other than me suspects that it really is not a myth that Dallas Stars fans go to their disgusting home arena to view the female cheerleaders of that nasty team which is an offensive unit as unholy as the Dallas Cowgirls rather than actually encourage their male hockey players until the end of a battle?
Columbus Ohio seems to be a good hockey town now and a wise free agent would stay there even if it meant not getting a raise in salary.
Olive Garden Pepper code of the month for Wisconsin county route checkers: 7 107 (Marathon county) 200 164 ( Waukesha county). or an audible Hader Zero Fisk 00 Hedberg BURRESS (64TD or the Gd River men) would be a interesting twist of coded utterances.
Natural order puts the letter Resch at 2; unnatural order keeps a B at 2, supernatural order puts Patrick Roy at 2 with 551 wins and tribal order splits at Reuben seals, Simeon's seed and Dan's foundation to keep their enemies in derision in and out of New York dollar trees.
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