I sought a place of peace and safety, but could not find it on the east side basketball court of the Mae Stecker Park. I compared 2 court systems, and the court system with 'Jet Box' boy #24 and an arrogant pale male with 'Isaiah 41:20' or 'Isaiah 40:21' tattooed on his left rib cage was horrid without peace and safety. The male with the tattoo on his rib cage had his 'smart phone' on and I could see my image in his screen, so I suspected he trying to be as evil an Kendra, the female goalie who got her 'way' into an arena when she got me kicked out of the Rochester Hills Onyx Garbage rink. Eventually, he covered up the tattoo and put on a 'Cochran 19' shirt, lilac in color. For some immature reason, he seemed to pretend as though he wasn't filming me and then when I took a photo of him without pretending he got rattled and started acting suspiciously. Since he had a strong delusion printed on his rib cage, I uttered 'Be angry and sin not'.
He and his 3 buddies then congregated in the back of a Ford Pick-up while his CYO Catholic buddy in the 'Jet Box' #24 continued to behave like a ferret who couldn't be trusted, this making his very inferior to Jim Corte, who started up the Jet Box program.
Once the male with the dirty Cochran 19 shirt slithered over to his vehicle, I returned to the west court where the males competing in basketball were NOT trying to draw attention to themselves with tattoos that can never even feed a flock sheep! I told the men on the west court about the rude and crude behavior of the hypocrite with the tattoo, and settled myself in among the better men for my own protection. Eventually, the rude tattoo brood left, but they certainly are not heading in a good direction toying around with the cameras, maybe even trying to embarrass me and put what they filmed onto some website I'll never see.
The day all the so called 'smart phones' and 'smart' televisions' STOP working properly and start completely malfunctioning will be a day that the real saints will rejoice because the efforts to secretly film people in public or private places is vile behavior and never will be considered 'good works'.
If that tattooed pale male thought I took a picture of hi because he was he thought he was attractive, his mindset is not sound. As a matter of fact, the tattoo looked ugly and certainly looked like a real beast much worse than a sheepskin which is intended to have ink printed on it. Young men like that might even intentionally get bible verses on them to trick young foolish women who might be deceived into thinking that he believed in 'Jesus Christ' but he didn't even understand the required penalty for sins.
Yahweh, but his actions proved he didn't believe in Yahweh. The word of the day that can get split up is:
Ra I Nb O W
88+53 can go to Marinette Wisconsin routes and 41+8+74 = 123 is a double Brook Lopez check up into possible gambling activity.
The good guys in a RAINBOW system aren't going to be as stupid as Judy Garland and might be as smart as an old vacuum cleaner that had a water well system to swallow up the dirt and dust picked up by the hose.
When Ra88In49B5O8W74 becomes a factor of 224, don't be as proud and arrogant as Larry Mizewski, the town of Pelican BUS BOY who was more afraid of the number 50 and biblical verses than 'Cochran 19' shirt boy was of the number 26.
I don't have any 'huckleberry friends' but have been acquainted with grief, despised by people with tattoos and even have been curious about pianists ability in the Milwaukee's jazz band 'Rainbow's End' . Marcia Cunningham double trouble games might start at 789 N. Water Street, but they are more likely to start at Mike Gnatkowski and his 'Wife's Advice' on page 50, where Ray Wolski trails start and hypocrisy of anti-Ezequiel people never seems to go full steam ahead at ROland Hendrikson, Coy Sawyer, Shannon Wahl and Doug Allord!
Who is the Little Old Lady from 'Pass Zadina'?
A) Not Chara the 33rd
B) An Old Lady who now lives in a shoe.
C) An old lady who doesn't want to Fail Zadina'
D) India, the very thin dark employee of Steak and Shake on Schoenner Ave near Hall Road who saw a David Ortiz' 34' jersey that made Chara look like he is -1 now when compared to Franco Harris in a Seattle Seahawk jersey.
Lastly, a stranger in non-paradise Wausau, Wisconsin had seen me in a 'JOVANOVSKI' jersey and asked if he could take a picture of me. I told him I did not want my picture taken and the man treated me respectfully by restraining himself from taking a picture of me. That Wausau man behaved like a real 'Christian' , not like a rude immature youth with a video weapon of war in his hand sitting on a bench during a basketball game who was way very much like an IBLIS in his mannerisms.
The Holy One of Israel would not create, buy or sell tattoos.
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