In my former post, I did try to illustrate that information collected and put into data systems that is incorrect can cause actual serious problems to the status of the person who submitted false information. What will Ms. Gaspar do if she finds out that John Smith isn't the son of John Gasper? Racing boats from Newport, RI 'around the wrold' is not a good way to spend your time or treasure if you understand or care about prophecy.
I have become somewhat specialized in how I approach certain topics or information that continues to puzzle me, but I do not want the spirit of apathy to take over my household. Greg Strasser had a spirit of apathy that caused him to 'fight' for the fees he charged while refusing to work hard enough to properly represent me against a hypocritical beast labeled 'Shane David Hendrikson'. I have watched some people who claim to be 'First Nation' victims of a Catholic priest's lusts in serious trouble mentally and spiritually because they have NOT been taught how to react properly to criminals that are unrepentant.
1. Consider the possibility that IF you decide to forgive people who knew what they were doing was a sin and a crime AND you decide to forgive the criminal before he repents, you might be with the people you forgave but YEHOVAH did not forgive for eternity. Yehovah's disciples know it is contrary to the spirit of Yehovah to forgive unrepentant sinners.
2. The suicide rate and rate or alcoholism is still very high in 'First Nation' and other areas where leaders have taught their followers to 'forgive' unrepentant and unpunished sinners. Clearly, forgiving an person who is still evil does not assist the spirit of the victim as much as warning others of the danger the unrepentant sinner is while still loosed in society.
3. If I had not carefully scrutinized paperwork that was 'completed' by others with the spirit of apathy or the spirit of cruelty, I would not have been able to publicly or privately object to their method of operation and lack of accuracy. The information I posted earlier today was already made public by others years ago, and it does take courage to look at a time period of your life that did not go as well as you might have intended it to go. What the victim of atrocities must attempt to do is gather enough truth, self-defense tactics and courage to avoid having another situation turn out 'bad' rather than 'good', even if paid apathetic hirelings have decided to ignore their sins and continue in more sinful behaviors.
4. Greg Strasser might be a lot like James Neal or Nate Schmidt now. He got 'chosen' to fill a spot in a horrible city full of anti-Christ behavior that seems to have gone 'unchecked' for decades. Strasser might be able to lift up his own cup in his costume as easily as Tatar can lift a puck in his costume, but neither Strassr nor the Las Vegas Knights represent the spirit of the Hebrew letter Vav, nor do they represent holiness and perfection. In order to avoid becoming full of anti-Yehovah powers, you must DESIRE to be like Yehovah, being prepared to battle and lead others in battles against unrepentant sinners such as Jill Falstad or Randy Hoenisch and possibly people aligned with Jenna Creger, the 'Wickersham' gang, Richard Peterson and Thomas Wahl.
5. When in a spiritual battle, causing a flesh wound to another is not recommended unless your adversary is requesting circumcision of his penis ( scientific word for a male body part). Typically, causing a flesh wound to your adversary or enemy will get you launched into jail long before the most wealthy deceivers ever get caught in their own snare or a snake pit. Obviously, I tried to prevent causing any flesh wound to my enemies and as a result have not caused any flesh wounds to my enemies. Sadly, my lack of restraint was not appreciated by my enemies but enemies of Yehovah's tactics rarely appreciate blessings from below such as frogs, blessings from above such as locusts or blessings from the hand of a well-trained police officer.
6. Once you have realized it it PERFECTLY GOOD NOT TO FORGIVE THE UNREPENTANT, focus on those who have treated you properly and not sinned against you. I might focus m positive thoughts on Canada's OPP, special K. Cornell rather than Kelly Hrudy and focus my attention to 'anti-Golden Knight' details on the Albany Empire's only Malachi Jones. In order to avoid self-inflicted symptoms of Alzeimer's, keep trying to recall people from your past, including criminal suspects and possible allies in you war against hypocrisy and against sin. Such activities keep you from being accused of being preoccupied with religious thoughts since you are being occupied with names that are clearly not in the Books delivered by Moshe Ben Amram.
7. Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy and remember that part of the commandments delivered to potential saints includes the instruction to WORK on Sunday, not rest or play games on the 1st day of the week. If you disobey the instructions for the FIRST day of the week, what good works you do the rest of the week most likely will not be credited to your behavior except in rare circumstances. Working on Sunday is much more important than testing the results of the typical Ramadan fast, and this post in considered work to me, not a ring-necked pheasant game bird display of anti-Blackhawk feathers.
8. Try and bless the earth with natural gardening practices rather than cursing the earth with chemicals and loosed garbage. The earth will react better to your blessing than your enemies will react to a plague that might slide their way with the permission of Gad almighty or the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Letting your natural safe grass blades increase in size prevents lawn mower noise pollution, increases the oxygen released and is as serious and LEGAL as preferring long hair to short hair on a female. If people complain about your natural gardening, tell them to go look at their own landscaping efforts or go to Las Vegas if they prefer seeing evil earthling activities and unnatural affections.
9. Yeshua of Nazareth never claimed to be a gardener, yet some people were looking for a gardener. Yeshua of Nazareth did not come to bring peace on earth and he succeeded in his anti-peace earthly objective. Yeshua also never claimed to forgive people who KNEW what they were doing when they committed sin and committed crimes against him or against a neighbor.
10. Peoplw who have a crucifix on their neck usually are very apathetic and suspicious. Suggest to them that Barabbas is missing from their crucifix if their is no replica of a body on it, even though legally Barabbas should have received the death penalty. If their is a replica of a body on the crucifix, suggest that it is the man who mocked Yeshua and he looks ugly.
11. My neighbor Terry, a waitress at the Riviera in Marine City, stoned herself and went 'turquoise' and seemed to match up with the helmet color of the Philadelphia Soul arena football team. She properly stated she does not worship her crystal bracelet, so she is bright and alert and the opposite of the 'chai knees' protestant, Nancy Peterson with a LKA on Willow Street in Mosinee. Make sure you are as prepared to sell or misplace your jewelry as I was to toss my pearl-laden ring made by Ayers jewelers in Stevens Point with the aid of Joel Breitzman who eventually decided to become my enemy. Choices can break up into chemistry, so notice this anti-bipolar display of intelligent designs if you can't notice that it is the 2nd month and the 4th day of the Danish ( reformed tribe of Dan) calendar:
C H O I Ce S : 6+1+8=58+16= 89
C Ho I C Es : 6+67 +53+ 6 + 99 = 231
C Ho I Ce S : 6 + 67 + 53 + 58+ 16 = 200
Now, try to expand 'HOISIN SaUCe' into various chemistry/numerical forms to avoid becoming an enemy of scientific facts, anti-Roman numerals and chemistry codes. I already helped you with SaUCe, which has 92 in the middle, not Malcom Morgan.
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