Sunday, May 27, 2018

Discerning Spirits at Typical Mormon 'Service'

Don't get caught up in a 'Al Kaline' worship team.  Men like Alphonse Salinas or Alex Ovechkin know Kaline isn't 'letter Vav' material nor is K(19) Al (13) I(53) Ne(10)  'Rod of Iron' material.  Hopefully, you have realized that buying 'Barbie' dolls is not good, mrs. Verlander is a version of a Klaus Barbie doll and that Klaus Barbie is anti-Yehovah. Hooters, 'Charles Townsend Agency' and "Barbie' dolls are similar in their unholy Detroit Tigers and anti-Christ Tom Hanks direction; real saints have to try to know a bit about current business alliances in order to properly boycott anti-Abbadon and anti-Yehovah products.

 Going to 'drop in' Babylonian festivities  on a Sunday can be more dangerous than going to 'pick up' hockey in Stevens Point, WI.  I was given accurate location information by the Jolley brothers, and had already warned them that the Mormon's teaching have made them anti-Yehovah.  When I arrived and saw the Jolley brothers where their family expected them to be, it was something like seeing prisoners of spiritual war involving 'ground forces'. About 10 years ago, I decided to go into the Salt Lake City 'temple' since that would have been like checking a horse's anus without enough fresh water for an enema; going into a Roseville church in Michigan is more like looking into an ear to see how much wax has built up in it without taking in any Q-tips.  Real terms  of Leviticus include body part discussions which are more necessary than trashy television shows with Marie Osmond or Oprah Winfrey on them.

I learned a bit more about the protestant Mormons, and I know I will never be a Mormon. Would Robert Holman of Pocatello, ID describes the Mormons as 'meaning well but they don't know what they are doing'?  In my opinion, Phyllis Holman might mean well but SHE doesn't know what she is doing because her husband is also anti-Yehovah at works and anti-Simeon at mind.

The 4th speaker correctly stated '2000 years and we still haven't gotten it right'.  He also mentioned that they should keep the commandments, yet Moses was not even read. Honestly, you are more likely to get saved by going to a Catholic church initially until you realize that the readings might be from the Tanakh but the Vatican does not BELIEVE what they read because they, like the Mormons, have rejected the instructions for the tribes of LARShY and have decided to make Abbadon and Yehovah their adversary, not their ally or leader.

A speaker ( Mr. Williams, not Wiley) who seemed similar in nature to Donald Jackson, my former father-in-law from 4001 West Hemlock Street in Milwaukee's wealthy section of District 4. He indicated that he decided to believe the book of Mormon because it came from the ground, but many parts of the WORD come up from the ground such as olive trees, the stones of the tribes of LARShY and burrowing animals that made it onto and off of Noah's ark. His viewpoint seemed simplistic and he clearly has neglected his studies and tossed Moses out when he dipped into the Mormon bath water.

It appeared as though the Mormons are anti-tattoo, which makes them very unique from many other  anti-Moshe Ben Amram religions. According to Brad Scott, his Mormon neighbors have an attraction toward guns similar like any other typical USA gang. It was hard to have any encouraging words for the young Jolley men, but I did say that the Mormons are as far away from Yehovah as Jupiter is from Mercury and that in fact they should study the books of Moses, reminding them that in the acts of the apostles it is written that St. Paul instructed Gentiles to go where MOSES is read on the 7th day. Mormons are Gentiles and are as anti-Yehovah as any other Sunday church gathering BY CHOICE, not by force.

I understand that family pressures often cause people to remain where they feel most comfortable, but becoming one of the 144,000 is not going to be a 'comfortable process' for anyone. If you are not willing to put your own spirit to a test when surrounded by courteous enemies, do you think you will respond well under pressure from cruel enemies?  The Mormons might not SEEM to be cruel, but deceivers usually start out as THE DECEIVED that never decided to oppose those who deceived them for some cowardly reason.

I would have to say that the people in the Jehovah Witness congregations are more welcoming toward a new person and because they have rejected 'Christmas' and 'Easter' they have at least 1 foot in the proper direction even if their entire body hasn't advanced up to the counting of the omer yet of the keeping of the feasts beyond Abib 14.  The JW.ORG people also seem to  be focused on the actual Scriptures rather than on Steve Young's paper trail or Bushman's #89 'scissors' trail, so they might be more likely to understand a solid tribe of Dan stone, properly preferring it to a crucifix or a statue of Henry Winkler.

When one of the male leaders referred to  the antics on a horrid television show called 'The Voice', any person with ears to hear knows that man is a horrible leader no better than Duane Jass who suggested that 'The Titannic' was a good movie while he was leading a 'Baptist' church. Jass's words caused me to leave his flock of pork-eaters, and I hope this report causes many to leave the Mormon church and other anti-Yehovah congregations for their own safety.  The bread crumbs and water distributed at the Roseville Mormon church only proved they were not fasting with the Muslims, even though the wheat grains and water might have come up from  the ground with very little effort.

Contrary to Todd Dugard and his worse than lukewarm 'Billy Joel' gang, I rather cry with the true saints than laugh with the sinners while they are sinning.  Numerology buffs might want to know that the songs chosen were :

A Rod of Iron

No mention of the Sesame Street character 'Murray' was made, and a pointy needle-type steeple is not part of Ezequiel's temple! If you cannot face outward signs of trouble, how will you discern trouble at inward parts of your own body? For uniform division junkies, I chose my San Jose ( area code 408) Boyle #22 covering while going deliver a non-Rood non-Vatican omer count message to the Jolley men, who once again were extremely polite and as  courteous to me as Dan Vogel used to be in my high school chemistry class.

For a Rodney Hicks 'bottom line'  87 cent Butterfinger tip, it's still better to see what your local Mormons are doing than wasting your money on a Detroit sports team 'home' game.

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