What is left ahead of you most likely wasn't put there by you, it was left behind by some other entity. Here are a few tips to reveal that you are not on the side but are on the side of George Washington even if his name has been yanked out of a Virginia church by people trying to create a lukewarm neutral zone.
W)' Team Byfuglien' should start uttering the phrase 'My regrets' rather than 'I'm sorry' or 'I'm Souray' if some sort of non-sin error occurs such as dropping a puck or unintentional contact in Eric Close quarter games. 'My regrets' indicates you know you did not sin, but regret the outcome of a situation. DO NOT say you are sorry IF YOU DID NOT COMMIT A SIN!!!!! Politicians, lazy lawyers and medical personnel prescribing drugs usually commit more intentional sins than the typical Wheat King and then are wasting their breath when they only say 'I'm sorry' after they intentionally did not defend you or did not go on offense against actual criminals.
N) If you are trying to stay on 'Team Skaradzinski', you can play it both ways in policeman or fireman lines, which bigots like Virgil Smith (former Gratiot, WI resident) is not able to do.
O) Do not rely on O'Leary's if you are trying to stay on the John Dorsey/Marie Xavier' cheery "O' team, and remember that Chris OSgood did play G-man for the Saint Louis Blues in recent history.
V) Sodium (the 11th element) has a molecular weight of 22.9, not 23. Do not get Vanadium confused with Sodium!!!!
A) If you are still trying to remain on the tribe of Dan, make sure that if either of your parents tell you not to bring a dessert, carved idol or unclean animal casserole to your weekly feasts, you obey their wise instructions. Coke Zero and cream pies are more dangerous than the 'SNNOPY' thanksgiving meal of water, popcorn and Boston Brown Bread toast if you avoid what a 'jellybean' has to offer.
M) The 'Mem' is central to Aleph Mem Tav, not central to the word ' MIlwaukee'. Interesting .Mapquest' results claimed there was a 'Milwaukee' in NOrth Carolina and Pennsylvania, but scrutiny of the map looks like Mapquest is coming up with fake places. Trust Abbadon when he says "George Burns mocked God and John Trovolta mocked Michael the Archangel, which is why Burns and Trovolta are unrighteous, not good 'actors'. The letter Mem is also tied to the word for 'mother' as in 'Aleph Mem', not ties to the 95th element of a 243 swing action firearm.
B) If you can tell the difference between Bell Ambulance squad 412 and Bell ambulance squad 477, you might be able to tell the difference between a Thrasher and an Oriole. 20/20 vision is not required to be a good, honest witness but a willingness to be disciplined and corrected while on earth is a requirement for actual sainthood. The first letter of any Torah Scroll os a BEIT, not David Beth and a sheriff's office. Do not abandon your Hebrew word studies and do not play violent video games that wrongly imply you are fighting Nazi's that way. (NFL Madden Sports 2007 is not violent, it's just has necessary roughness).
D) Donald Trump should have been a bit more specific when he told Eric Trump not to drink, not to smoke and not to use drugs. He should have said "Drink water when you thirst, smoke salmon and other clean meats and beware of pharmaceutical sellers! . Donald Trump is not leading enough people toward Elohim and the prophets, he still is luring people to 'Christmas projects', which makes him more of a spiritual danger than President George Washignton ever was. Remember Jeremiah if you are in the 900 series and at the Hebrew word for 'pit,prison'.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Monday, October 30, 2017
Beware Of Evil@Eble Locker Room C Span
The typical citizen is foolish if they rely primarily on 'public servants' to guide, protect and lead them away from temptation. Here is an accurate report of real moral dangers that occur at the Eble Ice Rink. Just as imbecile television shows labeled 'The Brave' typify the problem with Francis Scott Keyes, so too does immoral majority behavior prevent real blessings from occurring in the United States. "Never trust a deceiver such as Morgan Freeman, but many slave owners were reasonable, kind and will be trustworthy under oath." - pro-discipline woman of light brown color
On Gregorian date October 30th, 2017, a wee bit after 10:00AM (CDST) I signed in 4th down on a paper roster that is supposed to provide true information to Waukesha County. I was the only that provided my family name, not just my first name, and it is unknown if anyone who signed in after me provided a reasonable amount of information to help investigators or medical personnel in case of emergency or criminal activity.
Today, the plastic board on the east end was more intelligent and displayed real signs of grace compared to the only female that showed up desiring to be a 'goalie'. As I walked into locker room C prior to the scheduled semi-public hockey game, an obese female told me that C is a 'co-ed' locker room, even though it actually never is a co-ed locker room when only I have been in it in the past. As she had in past occurrences, the female goalie welcomed another very young male into the locker room with her, as she and he took way too much time alone in the locker room considering neither of them even took a shower. The obese female was wearing only a very low-cut bikini-type top and was bending over to reveal as much cleavage as she could to the other male occupants. Because I knew her behavior was not only unlady-like but actually dangerous to herself and others, I informed her she was acting like Linda Maria Costa when she would be picking up her children and told her and her male companions to inform me when they were out of locker room C so I could safely take a shower in the area shared with locker room D, which I was is.
I described the suspicious immoral activity going on in locker room C to the male employed by Eble Ice Rink who was at the front desk,but he only knew the female goalie as either 'Jess' or 'Jessie'; the female 'goalie' might actually be a Jessica since she behaved as unrighteously as Jessica Simpson. I told the female goalie I had no intention of defending her and was there only to defend myself and the right and left wings, since I am not going to protect and defend a woman who behaves like a sexual lure for men who are not her husband. One of her male locker room companion(s) was operating his communications device and possibly his camera, which was another reason I did not want to be any part of the Locker Room C unjustified typical USA activities. The male had his ugly green, jumpsuit hanging on the wall which he described as a 'Riddler' outfit and seemed to think Jim Carey was OK, but Jim Carey is not 'OK' in my books.
I took reasonable actions to protect and defend myself from unrighteous activities and sexual immorality, which is what every person who claims to be a Protestant or a Catholic ought to do. After protecting and defending myself from the error of the Locker Room C 'team' ways, I took additional reasonable actions to try to prompt the staff at Eble to make it clear that use of cameras either should not be or is not allowed ( the Greenhack Ice Arena has rules posted outside of locker rooms) and that they should suggest to the female goalie and her male companion should rent a hotel room if they want to behave in an anti-good and morally improper way rather than bringing their behaviors worse than 'Hooter's' into a building intended for HOCKEY. With 'Hooter's' places, at least a morally decent person knows to stay away and a morally decent person should be able to go to Eble Ice Arena with reasonable expectation of decency and proper behavior being REQUIRED in the building locker room by local law. Decent behavior and modest dress while in front of anyone that is NOT your spouse is already required by the statutes and precepts of Yehovah to avoid a mental disorder of choice known as 'strumpet' syndrome which often leads to forms of adultery and dangerous lusts that lead to sexual assaults.
Sadly, the female goalie also walked out wearing a Blackhawk-type cap. If I recall correctly, she stated in the past that she has been married ( might still be) and that she has been some sort of 'health care professional' Her obesity is probably not her biggest problem since her lack of discernment and lack of dressing room decency IS a real problem that spreads like a systemic yeast infection throughout communities. There may have been something stolen from my hockey bag when I was on the ice, but it would be no use reporting it to Waukesha County law enforcement is they are equal to Marathon County Sheriff's employees. I can replace underwear that has been stolen much easier than I can try to install a conscience into 'Jessie' or 'Jessica' or the male with the 'Riddler' outfit. It is a fact that the female goalie known as 'Jessie' is deliberately leading men who aren't her husband into temptation rather than trying to deliver them from evil reputations. A female like the goalie in locker room C today would be better off surrounding herself with lesbians to defend her rather than trying to insist on co-ed locker rooms in semi-public Waukesha County buildings and then expecting me to pretend to think she is 'good'.
What would Pewaukee police officer Matthew DePrey do if female officers started entering his locker-room area wearing only an undersized sport-bra on top and possibly trying to entrap him in a sexual harrassment lawsuit if he told her that she was obese, unwise and not behaving appropriately on earth? It is the right of all humans to counter-attack obvious offense with the truth and a plan of defense that includes warning those who not only are behaving suspiciously but also are a danger to people like me due to their lack of good judgment and their lewd and lascivious behaviors in semi-public buildings.
My written and verbal warning might prevent some other person entering Eble Ice rink from getting trapped into a situation they never wanted to be in, namely as a witness aligned with the possible husband of 'Jessie the goalie' or worse, getting photographed by the male who had the 'Riddler' outfit and then having pictures posted 'online'.
The female with a serious lack of good moral character might have had a jersey that had 'Robison' on the back with a 50, and on the front I think it said 'RIGO', not St. Lawrence Saints. The large piece of plastic is always more reliable at defense than a proud, immodestly dressed, lewd unholy woman or an adult who wears a disguise to go to 'Halloween' parties.
Merry Benjamin Sheets Decade to Squad 94 and 96!!
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Don't Put Your Trust in 'The Gifted' Depraved Buffoons of FOX
I need to lighten my burden after the former 'heavyweight' post about Detroit and the UW-Badgers.
If you had a wonderful 'Feast of Booths' and were blessed by a few others while you were blessing Yehovah with your display of obedience, surviving the next 5 to 6 months away from the few who blessed an protected you can be discouraging, especially if you are a hot (98.6 degrees F) single saint or a cold angel named Abaddon in North America. Try the following allegorical methods of natural operations to avoid getting stuck inside of the Milwaukee Police bus labeled 477 like a few others might be.
A) A locust is not born knowing it only has to survive 5 months in order to do it's duty. Locusts have no king and operate in bands, so make sure your music choices are holy and good, not evil and as unrealistic as the tunes from 'Paul Blart' forms of extremely unrealistic expectations.
B) A dragonfly survives one day and does good not evil during that 24 hour stretch. Try to be as good and useful to society as a dragonfly, and do not harm your own species unless they have become so anti-natural and full of lawlessness that your own species is trying to destroy you.
G) It should be emotionally difficult for a child who loves and honors their parent(s) to be away from them from long periods of time. Trust is actually a more useful word to use if you have in fact trusted some type of chosen Israelite as your personal Lord or Messiah. (Try to eliminate the word 'faith' from your language and use the word 'trust'. 'Trust without works to prove who you have trusted results in hypocrisy.' Do you hear and see the difference in my non-KJV? Keep in mind that an infant in the womb cannot SEE his or her parents for months but can actually hear them, so frequent telephone contact does help a child who loves their parents survive while they cannot SEE their parents face to face.
D) I certainly am not going to trust the Joy Street gangs or any other anti-good citizens who are clearly anti- Israelites to mentor me or lead my household, but I also know I either have to ignore them, fight them or counter-act their demonic spirits in order to prove who I have put my trust in. Be prepared to defend yourself against evil flesh as well as openly audibly rebuke demonic spirits emitted from television and radio productions whether you APPEAR to be alone in your home or are in a semi-public or public area.
H) The name 'KOSLOV' is not a joke, and you will decide what name or number you will wear if you are not an inmate or temporarily ensnared in professional sports team by recent history choices. Do not wear the name of a person you would not want following you or facing you in an adversarial eventually. As in all sports jersey selections, never wear the name of your enemy of your back but always be prepared to see the names of your enemies in print and of course, always be prepared to try to accurately and truthfully CORRECT your enemies, which is a form of doing good.
V) I went to the MItchell Park Domes and the Show dome and Desert dome were ruined by political and anti-Moses forces. The Tropical dome still looks terrific, and be sure to check the 'game changer' legend that starts with barley as well as view the miracle of the date palm tree that is nothing like the 'Bramble' ship docked in Michigan. Even if you were never a valedictorian or a college dropout, a desire to keep learning facts and trust in the words of the book of Amos might actually save your flesh and your spirit sooner than Dean Cain's blabbing USA televised apostacy units.
Z) The goal if you are unable to see your parents face to face is to survive until the next passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread OR be prepared to accept your appointed to of death with grace, keeping yourself 'anti-sin' and pro-lawfulness in the process. Do not create or take away any of the existing laws that are intended for current Israelites who trust the Yod HeyVav Hey god who is, was and always will be aligned with a specific Elohim by Tanakh lines, not Tanabe lines.
C) Since its only the 9th day of the month of Asher, we do not know if there will be a month of Benjamin this year ( a 13th month). HIndsight is NOT 20/20, and good foresight is what men like Rob Steffans sometimes have had on golf courses. Chet Ulickey smoked cigarettes, which are strange fires not aligned with 'Jospeh is a Flame' historic Calgary facts that at one time might have been thought to be only an allegory.
T) A reminder that defense expert Ezequiel Delfino and hockey athlete Ron Soreanu best represent the letter Tets should stop you from trusting Kershaw and Stafford combos, but what should occur is not the same as what SHALL occur.
Y) Y- men are not the same as X-men, so be cautious not careless on a 'Minute by MInute' basis. 'Oct' still suggests it is actually the 8th month, not TENTH!!!!!!!!!!!!
K) Special knitters and crochet experts might be able to bless you with an ALL BLUE hem or knotted fringe to add to your Numbers 15:38 plan. Do not overpay and do not buy a 'tassle' or fringe with white in it, since the instructions are to have a BLUE line, not a blue and white line to remind you of your desire to be pro-commandment and a grafted in Israelite.
'National Geographic Channel' Reveals Detroit REALITY
'Little Ceasar's Arena' is not going to be the answer to eliminating or even decreasing the amount of evil criminals in the Detroit area and certainly won't increase goodness and holiness in the Detroit area. The National Geographic channel revealed a lot of criminals and humans with less manners than a hungry rattlesnake ( a rattlesnake does not try to destroy it's own species) and Detroit has more year round demonic activity that reportedly increases on 'Halloween' than men like Timothy Severud ever could have because men like Timothy Severud are influenced by the biblical instructions not by video games and beasts recording vulgar anti-kindness presentations.
Watching the attirude of the Detroit police gang squads was better than watching the attitude of Army reserve women singing at a UW-Badger Men's hockey game. Singing a national anthem is not how tough battles are won on our own country's soil. The day we have a commander-in-chief who is willing to pull our military forces OUT of foreign nations with drug and gun problems and deploy them to fight gangs in our own USA cities will be a day to REJOICE, not fear our own military.
I contend that most men and women who are employed and trained by the USA military are more frightened of the USA street gangs than they are of getting stationed in Israel, which proves Israel doesn't need any USA forces on it's soil. Even on the worse day in Israel, it is safer than visiting Detroit, Chicago, Los Angelos, Las Vegas and almost any other USA city that is still being trampled with brute beasts who cherish their bullets, cuddle up with their guns and dogs and hate their NEIGHBORS and obviously hate any good 'God' that might be able to convert them to decent, healthy and good men who can lead families out of poverty instead of into constant danger.
I might not agree with everything Peter Salemi teaches, but I do agree that having the USA military in Israel when our own nation is out of control with thugs, bullies and anti-peace criminals is a shame, a disgrace and another pivotal point of horrible decisions made by the USA military leaders. Survival instincts improve when the most evil human activities are displayed on series such as those compiled by 'National Geographic' television crews, just as a wise person is more likely to try to encourage the St. Lawrence Saints than the New Orleans Saints based on observation of what real saints surround themselves with. The saints that went marching in and out of the 'Kohl Center' should not envy those under the reigns of Tony Granato, but should be thankful that they are unafraid to face a Goliath type in a venue that is no better than the Eble Ice rink. Real saints do not want to be surrounded with PROUD, haughty scantily clad females that intentionally lure and attract lesbians and unholy men, so real saints won't be wearing 'New Orleans Saints' NFL gear. Real, courageous saints might look exactly like the hockey team from St. Lawrence University who actually won 6 to 3 over the Tony Granato gang. Tony Granato did nothing to improve the CITY of Detroit when he there, and he will not do anything to improve the city of Madison. I chose to cheer for St. Lawrence before the game started, not after I saw the results of the battle. Just as Reuben was much different than his brother Judah, Tony Granato could be much different than Rob or Don Granato. I never considered Cammie Granato a 'good' influence' Family names can give some people a false sense of security, and a surname labels you but does not FORM you into what you are.
I didn't have any warm, 'fuzzy' feelings or some emotional breakdown when I returned to the Kohl Center in Madison. I know I have more friends in St.Clair, Michigan than I do in Madison and I just needed to do some 'back-checking' at Zirbel, Strobel and apparently 'Hurley' level. I already know that Herb Kohl is not a good name nor a name that I desire to have on my 'home ice'. What I did not know is how lukewarm tha UW-Badger fans have become compared to the Jeff Sauer years when the UW-Men's hockey program was run by a decent man with an excellent attitude which he carried on to helping disabled athletes. Too much nepotism can ruin a place of employment, and too little regard to hire people who already have settled in the area they when HIGH paying jobs arise in a community results in unstability in communities. The rich get richer and then move out as soon as a more lucrative offer arises or they withdraw from the community and then retreat to their expensive mansions and try to hide from regular disciples of Yeshua and irregular, decent folks who are tired of trying to survive living next to desperate single men who are criminals and rather live next to a humble leader of a family household that is well kept and SAFE in a nation. One Berry farm system is not going to prevent starvation in a nation, and a Berry is not part of the Tree of Life that is still protected for a reason. Names and words do influence others, even if the mean 'locust' or 'cricket' or 'carbuncle'.
From the small portion of evidence I witnessed of the Detroit Gang Squad, they were not prevented from praying before they went out to face demons with less force than we wasted going into France during World War II. I drove through a few of the streets of Detroit and never saw the following Murray-Hills alumni that reportedly went on to play college hockey:
Frank Xavier | Denver |
Tom Xavier | Denver |
Bob Young Meanwhile, I do know that there is a Bob Young who sells AAA insurance in Michigan and who is rather 'pushy', maybe due to his affection for uselss boating activities. I do remember Frank Zillner and Tom Pietrzak who went to UW-Madison but probably graduated and I do remember that going back to a suburb of Detroit is not 'heaven on earth', but that mu household and my flesh needs to remain to be a place suitable for the temple of the living Elohim if I am even going to have a chance to do good rather than evil works while on earth. I do not want to be anywhere near Detroit on October 31st ever again, and that is a desire of my spirit which influences my flesh. Drug sellers and drug buyers can destroy each other and remain as unjust as they are by CHOICE. Like Dustin Byfuglien, I hate Halloween and so will any good teacher, good principal , good police officer and good real saint who is interested in protecting those who trust him or her. |
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
The Actual Trouble At 'Hyatt Place' Starts At 'HBO'
The horrid, spiritually deranged and morally disgusting television channel options at the typical USA make the Minnesota Vikings cheerleaders look like the typical northern Catholic school graduates. The FCC is actually party to all the crimes committed as a result of not FORBIDDING the cable companies from selling all their pornography to business that are actually supposed to protect and serve their customers rather than lead them into temptations the typical 'Christian' or non-atheist won't resisit even if they could resist the television porn if they tried with reasonable effort.
Complaining to hotel owners is like trying to make a formal complaint to Edward Flynn, since neither complaint is likely to get a response the HOly One of YShRAL would approve of. The best move the typical living saint can do is try to warn others of the danger and offer strategic advice for them to combat the ungoly Assyrian-type attacks that occur against United States citizens on a daily basis because the United States governing bodies do not really want the United States to succeed and win the war against any and all forms of SIN.
After getting 'surprised' by sightings of Jimmy Ortiz, Steve Wesolowski, Marlene Osse and Eileen Wolf, the conversations that occurred were very relevant and decent. I was able to remind Jimmy Ortiz how the cowardly Larry Mizewski us afraid of Bible codes and met Mrs. Jimmy Ortiz for the first time. Steve Wesolowski recognized me and claimed I was a copper, remembered I was a valedictorian and seemed far less grouchy than he was when I visited him in the hospital after the loss of one of his lower limbs. If he had gotten into legal troubles in the past 20 years, he didn't mention his past err and only mentioned he was Pulaski class of 1972. Marlene Osse seemed very concerned that whatever drugs she is relying on are covered by her health care and Eileen Wolf is still one of the most honest and decent human beings on earth. All of the people mentioned in this paragraph are more considerate and reasonable than my daughter-in-law and her family when it comes to facing reality and discussing the facts of survival skills while we are still surrounded by very corrupt and unholy systems.
It's more difficult for me to 'skip' a drop-in hockey game to let a minor muscle strain recover than it is for me to properly describe 'HBO' channel as the Horrible Beast Offense channel or the Bureau of Barack Obama, who also does not really want the United States to e filled up with commandment-keeping pro-Abaddon or Pro-Moses tribulation saints. While getting an overview of Isaiah chapters 54 and 55, i do not see that the abandoned woman is 'Israel' nor do I try to brush away facts of prophesy by trying to claim they are only an allegory. In order for something to be a clear allegory, there has to be a comparison between two identified nouns similar in action or appearance but clearly not identical if set side by side. When has 'Israel' ever been barren or abandoned by Yehovah? NEVER!!!! The teachings of Moses have always been available in various forms since Moses TRIED to lead Israelites away from Egyptian gods with often disappointing results. Those who claim to be 'Jewish' abandoned Yehovah time and time again, with only a few actual scattered Israelited remainind true enough to form and function to be a light shining in the darkness of 'religious' Assyrian and Nazi types and political elected whorish men and women who create cruel burdens but never are able to offer and maintainn peace, truth, financial wisdom and safety to their neighborhoods.
If political paid 'mouthpieces' like Sarah Huckabee are too ignorant and spiritually depraved to invest in attire with modest, high necklines necklines, is it because they ate too many candy bars labeled 'FLAKE' or 'BOUNTY'??? I realize that I need to be ashamed of many of my anti-good achievements in my past, but shame alone does not lead to proper repentance and ultimate forgiveness for past sins. Reading or understanding correct audibles from the God who expects honesty, decency and righteous deeds from humans to PROVE they believe his WORD is what moves your inner spirit from shame to acts of grace with the power of Yehovah within you, not excluded from your household or tenporary dwelling,
29 years ago I incorrectly thought I made a good decision when I became the wife of Robin Michael Ortiz but I eventually ended up a barren, abandoned woman, and that it not an allegory. My name is not Israel, and it took many years of studying the Scriptures for be convinced that Yehovah is a God who never does abandon those who respect his authority and those who are willing to deliver his messages and obey his directions without hypocrisy to the best of their ability. I didn't feel like today was a good day to deliver any messages at Eble Ice Rink, but I will once again return to one of my favorite paces in Milwaukee, the Mitchell Park Domes, before a ignorant government officials waste money on a streetcar system instead of preserving and protecting signs of life contained in desert, jungle and garden plants. MIlwaukee is still a violent city filled with political imbeciles and as a result, that only a few are even willing to try to protect and defend the city of Milwaukee. MOst fools are too bust trying to protect their remote control and their 'right' to prove they are perverted as they sit around and watch channels such as HBO instead of investing time and money into the Milwaukee County Park system.
Jeremiah might have spoke and even written in Arabic, but I am not Jeremiah. I relay what the Spirit of the Living Elohim allows from time to time to encourage myself and others to do good rather than evil. I, like a few others on earth, also try to discourage sinners from continuing to believe or utter falsehoods while they claim to be part of a nation 'under God'. If you try to discourage a person, you actually are trying to reverse some of their courage, and it is a fact not an allegory that humans often use their courage AGAINST actual holy angels and anti-Vatican real living saints, thereby using their courage in totally wrong ways.
'Anti-Shane David Hendrikson' Word #2016 : Hey Pey Kof (contrary, reverse)
Tribulation count up word #1303; Beit Resh Qoph Nun (briers, thorns)
Anti-strumpet Word #946: Beit Vav Nun Hey (discretion, not covert spyware stupidity)
Terrible Towel or Fred Rogers Headline Word #564: Aleph Mem Resh (talkative)
F-117's don't actually deliver very safe messages from the holy prophets.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Stuart Morris's Projects Are Anti-Audobon, anti-H and UGLY!!!!
The above is artwork rated 'F'uzz for Atlanta Thrashers and rated G for Chicago Bears Cohen units.
Karen Pence's wide ideas aren't as good as 'The Narrow Margin', since 'art therapy' forced into public areas can actually cause much more trouble than an advised 'family trouble' in Squad 21's area when Melvin Givens and Marie Ortiz appeared instead of 'Santa Claus' on December 25th. Stevens Point, Wisconsin has also revealed its unnatural, brute beast practices when it's executives 'permitted' a horrible looking assembly of what appears to be fishing lines raised up waiting to entangle actual living birds in what once WAS a beautiful, natural wooded area.
Ugly, obtrusive and often expensive and wasteful SEMI-permanent displays in public areas that do NO GOOD are nuisances, curses and unable to protect and serve the living. No man-made display is actually permanent since a greater act of force can relocate a nuisance back to it's 'creator' or could legally ( earthquakes or military action) demolish it in anger when certain ignorant and/or obscene forms of 'art therapy' plans backfire. Stuart Morris's art will not cure his heathen mental illness he most likely has due to lack of appreciation for nature and an improper lack of fear of negative reactions to his outdoor ugly, anti-good new development. A better cure for Stuart Morris and the fools who aligned with him from WAOW channel 9 in Wausau would be for him to use their time and money to help the elderly and disabled non-veterans rake their leaves or for him to repair their homes, which is NOT a nuisance. If I identify an actual problem, I should try my best to offer a GOOD solution to remove or correct the problem or seek another power source to correct or eliminate the problems that anti-nature brute beasts like Stuart Morris and Janet I. Dunn deposit onto land they do NOT own with the consent of other brute beasts who do not own the land but behave as if they do for some anti-ELHYM ('eloheem') reason.
Another problem in Stevens Point and other areas is offering complimentary (not free) transportation only to military veterans. It is a matter of unjust scales when 'military veterans' are given preferential treatment, especially when those who are not in the military often do and have done more good works for their country than anyone IN the military offensive forces ever could do. Men and women who have served their nation honestly, paid their taxes as required by horrible laws and developed or boxed products such as 'Pumpkin Spice Frosted Mini-Wheats' are the real heroes of society who deserve complimentary transportation just as much as a gun nut case who may have been more careless and more anti-commandment during battle than I was playing defense for the MIlwaukee Tech Trojans and the Saint Matthew's Greyhounds softball team in the 1970's.
If 'art therapy' is your anti-drug choice, make sure you embrace and try following these 'good neighbor' stategies:
A) Try to keep most of your unnatural, most radical, far from 'neutral' semi-permanent art inside of your house or car.
B) Try to keep your yard area as natural as possible, choosing plant like rather than ugly 'art' stuctures that serve no good purpose. An outdoor fountain does serve a purpose for birds, by the way.
G) If you are a politician that desired power and got it, try to save yourself and others by getting as many pieces of useless 'art' removed from publicly owned areas as possible and auction them off to a private foundation. Statues of real men like George Washington are not useless 'art' but even they may be better on private land so room for a fruit bearing tree to feed wildlife and poor people.
D) Do not put pro-cruxifixtion symbols into your temple; if you are studying on the pro-cruxicfistion Roman apostacy groups, point out that a a crucifix does not save or protect lives as well as a gumband and a round, smooth mossy agate stone.
E) Write 'South Carolina State' or ' ESPN Raleigh Roundtree disorder' on a piece of paper if you think this is day 1299 and close to the midpoint of the tribulation period. I am not convinced that Raleigh Roundtree is an actual real person or just a substitute for 'wonder woman'.
I use chalk 'dust to dust' lines to communicate in many areas for more than 'art therapy' reasons. 'Ashes to ashes' is not my precept to deal with due to loss of a useful working firepit area to the Roman apostacy team at 1602 Mary Lane, 54455. The State of Wisconsin tried to silence me when I was combatting crime, so I use what few rights they have allowed me to keep to wage legal and spiritual wars with my hands, using my mind as the force above my hands. What I write in chalk only lasts as long as the next heavy rain storm or could be gone quickly when anti-Truth groups such as those who are employed by Macomb county parks force my dust trail away with leaf-blowers and water hoses. A fool will try to eliminate good and sometimes safely flippant prophesying in order to prevent others from getting saved and then redirected from their foolish desires and obvious err lines to a good and holy Aleph Lamed Hey Yod Mem system.
Keep in mind that a blue heart line is not the same as a blue line club. A blue heart line has read and understands Numbers 15, verses 38-40, even if they refuse to believe the instructions of . A blue line club might only make it to the next fishy Kershaw lines that appear contrary to 'A Sliver of the Moon' tonight....
Many liberals rabbis are offside when it comes to the beginning of the 8th month. I wouldn't even bother believing a female 'rabbi'!! It is the 30th of the month of Gad to Gunnites and Israelites who walk by faith to view the new moon rather than try to sight it on a paper calendar. You can't sight a NEW MOON on a calendar, you can only determine the approximate time of the dark side of the moon with a calendar or computer memo. Those who have eyes to see in Jerusalem what I cannot seen also have to be willing to send out a reliable report for the few to believe.
The best Blue Angel fighter verse should be: The design and production of the United States Flag, including the flag of the Confederacy, is better works of the flesh than any anti-Elohim scheme devised by Stuart Morris, Vincent Howard, Jimmy Howard, Walt Disney or Stuart Rottier.
The Best Blue Diamond fighter verses for recovered Napthali forces are: Ezequiel chapter Vav (Carbon the 6th), verses Vav (Carbon the 6th) to Yod (Neon the Xth).
Please notice the Vancouver Cannucks team jerseys seem to have an interesting deep blue line along their hem for a reason, and the best C level at month 8 is sometimes a Hebrew Chet, never cannabis. If you were 'born again' in the 7th month with other Sukkot-keeping humans, your chance of spiritual survivial is better than those winding for Halloween parties, since Halloween is not approved by Dustin Byfuglien, me, or Moses, Eldad and Medad.
Monday, October 16, 2017
Caution: Donald Trump's Christmas 'God' is Mythra
The wisest humans areen't going to be pulled back into 'merry christmas' lines by a president who is anti-George Washington' not only in his method of operation but in his lack of debt control. A 'christmas tree' is not the tree of Life, and many people iihe United States USED to know that fact but the blloody Romans have pushed and preached their anti-Yehovah system of lawlessness for centuries with no good results in the world. Since the Truth should be told, the Vatican is a weak and beggarly system that the founding fathers of the United States did not embrace when they ejected themselves from the horrible world of heathen English king practices.
What's your Big 'D' sign? If it is D=500, the end of the WORLD probably won't go well with you. If your Big 'D' is Delaware, at least you are keeping United States history in mind. If your Big 'D' goes to money made in Cleveland, you can avoid becoming as ignorant as Disney idiots who never learn what they need to become sanctified.
It is impossible to convince someone under Mythra that they lack the faith not only of gearge Wshington, but that they also lack the wisdom to seek a 'god' who is better at defense and much better at correcting horrible spending habits that currently still have every United States citizen in a form of slavery more wicked than a 6-year Israelite slavery program designed to get people OUT of debt they incurred by providence, by lack of caution or by stupidity and a gambling lifestyle of lawlessness.
Men like Daryl Iscykowski who seems to be tkeeping his wife Shirley fed and sheltered might not be the biggest problem in the Jim Trempe/Marinette gambler traps on earth, but when 'hospitality' becomes an issue, Catholic shurches keep begging for money and never make their own real 'Catholic' fathers such as Theodire jackson pay up child support to the Catholic women they abandoned, there is no good reason to trust that system of apathy toward parents who remained faithful and finnancially responsible after their 'Catholic' spouse decided to disobey commandments AND current national laws.
'Merry' is tied to the Hebrew word for 'rebellious', not a term tied to soberness and fear of the holiest proper ruler that was, is, or will come your way. Being anti-CHristmas is still a better George Washington way that aligning with the German druids and Molech plans that push deceptions and reject good, realistic systems of learning that leads to a true conversion from willful ignorance and evil to proper discernment when facing both good and evil forces. The wisest rulers will not want his people traveling in December to appease families who have rejected the spirit of the United States in 1776.
I did do a spot inspection at 'St Francis Xavier' of Knowlton and left as soon as some little gorl pranced down the aisle with a replica of the hoorible anti-Israelite atrocity their Roman 'team' committed as they conspired with other sitizens who rekected the renewed covenant system of sanctification delivered by Moses to a crowd that was ejected from anti anti-Yehovah system to be tried and tested in a desert wilderness which still proved to work better than going to Las Vegas, Nevada or wasting your assets on a Tim McGraw show full of lies and delusions in or out of Miami.
Former sheriff David Clarke is a quitter by definition now and in my opinion deserted MIlwaukee County due to his own slefish desires elsewhere. Beware of people, especially men like David Clarke, who abandon the position they desired, for such men are as bad and unreliable as a man who deserts his household for a another female lure that leads him to break a covenant rather than reassure those who placed at least some trust in him.
Some people are forced into positions they never wanted because cowards have abandoned 'turf' they obviously never had repsect for in the first place.
Should there be an internaitonal ad that rreads : For sale to highest bidder: The United States of America'; acquisition of such a nation includes the transfer of all debt to the winning bidder and thankful gratitude if we still have the power to speak and read Hebrew by choice.'?????' Whcih decent nation on earth understands debt ration and is willing to try to fortify the land south of Canada and wisely is not afraid to start demolishing casinos to build something useful and good in society?
Thursday, October 12, 2017
'Kingdom Hall' Groups Are Troubling Not Perfected
In seeking a 'holy convocation', I decided to check on the spiritual condition of a non-Israelite unit known as 'JW.ORG' people. In Stevens Point, I know it is the beginning of the 8th day, and my Leviticus 23 branch location at my parents' house suits the conditions for Psalm 27, vs.5. Even though Psalm 27 was read in part, it seems once again the JW.ORG group does not know how to treat a peaceful stranger as one of their own, and then that stranger becomes a hostile witness against them. Certainly, they could not believe that a Montreal Canadien full-coverage sweatshirt was not modest or proper attire for their assembly with no real branches in sight.
I had lifted my right arm prepared to give testimony that would have assured them that even if their brick fortresses are demolished, the Yehovah the LORD wants his people to learn not to trust in bricks but to trust in literal BRANCHES at a SPECIFIC time set by Yehovah, not set by JW.ORG every year. When a leader fails out of fear or out of a prejudiced mind to hear the words of a stranger sent to them by spirit first and then appearing in the flesh, his whole unit loses an opportunity to be edified and encouraged to align with rather than isolate themselves from the statutes declared for those born of Israel, which includes the Tribe of Judah as well as Zebulun who was mentioned but then ignored, since I am not afraid to represent the spirit of Zebulun in assemblies that are not yet fully willing to trust Yehovah's DIRECTIONS. 'Brother Rudolph' gave his input as I carefully studied proverbs chapter 30, the description of the wise and the content of Proverbs which was not written by Solomon.
Boasting in well-built buildings is not what Yehovah desires or instructs those that trust in HIM to do.. It takes a humble spirit to prop up a shelter of twigs and branches on property that you do not own but are wandering through. Matthew chapter 21 now seems very likely like it is referring to the Feast of Tabernacles when branches were waved, not the week before Passover in the springtime!
I did ask why I was not recognized or allowed to speak as the others were, and the old male stated he would have called on me if I raised my hand one more time, but I had already lifted it up at least 7 times. Did he have a problem seeing a '8' Philadelphia Flyers jersey on the beginning of the 8th day which he is clueless about due to his willful ignorance of the original Scriptures of Moses? He asked for my name after their meeting, but I did not give it to him because he ignored my presence during their meeting, which did not meet the requirements of the SPIRIT of the 7th month feast at all. Before I left, the anti-Recchi male gave me a mild punch in my right arm, and I thanked him for transferring his power to me rather than bothering to file a battery complaint since I was not injured and I am wiser than Shane David Hendrikson in spiritual, physical and intellectual battles due to my training and willingness to study both enemies and allies from a distance.
I will have another holy convocation with my uncle, Andrew Beine, tomorrow during the day and a FEAST, a clean meal will be shared. '2 or more' people that have some fear of Yehovah is better than an assembly of Sunday gathering Egyptian types. My father, maybe by instinct, kindly beckoned me to sit at their table this evening after sundown and we feasted on roast ox, broccoli and apple dessert, which is exactly what Yehovah wants parents and pro-commandment children to do this time of year. My parents did not reject the 'branch office' of a reborn Israelite in their beautiful outdoor garden area because they are not afraid to align with symbols of Israel or the suffering servants of 'Yod Hey Vav Hey'.
The woman who drew out Psalm 27 verse 5 was not unwise, but still does not understand or desire to live even more fully as an Israelite has and will continue to do because the leadership of JW.ORG has rejected the practices of the elect angels of Yehovah. Lukewarm leadership has an effect worse than a trickle of rain coming through plant leaves overhead. Next week, they claim to be bringing up Judah for some reason at the Stevens Point location and I said I intended to return, unless a stronger angel prevents me from doing so.
The best news of my week in spiritual warfare was being able to see and identify Richard Peterson of Willow Street in Mosinee as 'Mr. Laodecea' , and was able to express my anti-coward attitude without breaking any commandments or local heathen laws. I really 'licked' him in that spiritual battle, and never once even came close to touching his unclean, pompous flesh. Some unexpected battles occur, and it seems as though I was better equiped for battle against Richard Peterson this time, remembering very clearly Peterson refused to render any assistance to me after I was released from my prison cell in Marathon County after lies of injury rather than the Truth were uttered to deputies by Shane David Hendrikson about 7 years ago. Such anti-Christ actions are not going to be forgotten until the King of Kings and Lord of Lords sets his offense and defense in actual fully and without recourse.
Chad's Breaking Root Beer Point
Before I meet with Chad Ellis, I made it clear by telephone that I wanted my former company's sign removed from the Mosinee Hockey Rink for the following holy reasons:
1. I do not want my spiritually motivated designs to be anywhere near the carna;, putrid, horrifying displays of the lazy, inept and unrighteous Marathon County Sheriff's department.
2. The sign I paid for is not 'nominal value' and my former employee already stole my company's sign that had been in the Greenheck Center.
3. The word 'Jesus Christ' is not a name that can save anyone, even if they bother to read the Book of Isaiah'.
4. The Mosinee School District did more harm than good to me when I first arrived in Mosinee and wanted to home school my son and I was threatened by their teacher union bullies. Breaking ties with the Mosinee area will be as easy as being 'anti-Shankland', another name does not have a discerning spirit.
For some reason, Jewish synogogues have been claiming that their Lord is 'eChad', and Chet + Dalet (DC, Chet before Dalet ) means one, not many. I have no idea why more people of Israelite faith do not say that 'Yod Hey Vav Hey' is the Lord their God, (HVHY=26), but most don't. Which eChad will be the chosen Chet+Dalet=12?
i) Chad Pennington of Knoxville, the tricky 14th NFL quarterback
ii) Chad Hendricks, the son of a copper and known firefighter of Milwaukee
iii) Chad Campbell, the PGA's anti-thesis of Naomi Campbell listed as #68 on ESPN links
iv) Chad Ellis, who might be familiar with sieve lines but might be too much like a 'Pink 4' ball to respond quickly enough to my legal and serious request to get eject my works from the Mosinee rink
State Farm representatives, which includes Aaron Rodgers, and their agents can't be sealed in the 144,000 because a good, non-amputated hand will save a person sooner than a '3 watermelon' plan.
Keep in mind that the Cincinnati man-child is not a kid, and might be David Justice of even Maurice Harvey by now...
Here is another possible link to extreme cheating going on between Hitchcock and Chelios teams involved in Penny games:
Portage County Youth Hockey Candy Ass Line-up:
30. Calvin Coolidge school: Twizzlers has always been linked to Shane David Hendrikson, and that couples with excessive Coca-cola consumption may be why his lower teeth dissolved away sooner than mine did.
34. Eisenhower school: 3 Musketeers has always been linked to Robin Michael Ortiz
35. Israel Camel &andy Moog school: KitKat has been linked to Chris Chelios by me, not by the FBI or the CIALIS group.
In military family wars, Ashley Maria Hendrikson tossed a Dallas Star camo hat on her head when she ws supposed to be representing Army and the USA. Her cowardly Uncle Slade had been a Detroit Redwings fan. 4 pucks went behind #34, Petr Mrazek and only 2 pucks went behind Ben Bishop #30. I did not go behind Mrazek or Bishop, and I currentlyknow that the LaCrosse diocese has an idiot for a leader, especially if you look at the gun distribution center of Polonia, which now is part of the Catholic church. The Catholic church is as corrupt and dangerous as the city of Las Vegas, and even the name 'Dombrowski' and 'Groshek' no longer impress nor will rule over the true Redeemer of (Hebrew read) 'LARShY'
Now, pay attention to the Radek Dvorak sequence if you are on team 48 and the musical theme from 'The Snake Pit' movie, since he is 48th in short-handed goals and knows what 'Ceske' means in a Mark line. Ignore, go on offense against or mock Green Bay Packers #47, 'Ryan' if you are actually a good saint, since Ryan#47 is not a god, is not Ryan Braun and definitely not Ryan Longwell.
'Rocky II' true news: the number #2313 ( on the pretend real estate of Adrian) is associated with 'resisting deity', and the fake 'Rocky' was getting ready to battle the fake 'Apollo' with 'Butkis' as his back-up plan, not 'Bullwinkle' or 'Paw Patrol' characters. If you are anti-Brickner's like I AM, you try not to use the word 'House' and will shift to words like 'taxed shelter', 'overly-taxed shelter', 'mansion', dwelling'.
Stevens Point Block Head point of interest: At ' Temple Beth Israel', the cornerstone has Hebrew word that indicates that the number '1905' is deceptive, and it is most likelw because the Israelites know the year would have been somewhere between 5666 and 5905 to be more accurate from a 'Swift Sword' fishy point of view.
Purdue has XXX Root Beer Indiana history, not Twizzlers for their 'Glassberg' checkers. Matthew Light should be a better guide than 'Rudolph and Molech teams' to guide their Boilermakers toward or away from Jay Cutler lines. The UW Badgers still have a tough connection in a skins game, but certainly do not represent what the works of Moses, Eldad and Medad have done to save a remnant of people from getting caught up in the 'Paul Blart' anti-Ezequiel spirit of err.
The 7th day of the holy week is not the great 8th day. This year, make your great 8th day special by recalling the following men tied at '28' in a certain hockey category:
Jeremy Roenick, Rod Brind'Anour,Todd Marchand, Bernie Nicholis, David Reid,Mark Howe, Doug Smail, MIke Richards. I have been working 'short-handed' for many years now against a cruel and corrupt Babylonian-based system, and I have learned more about the department of Scriptures, the prophets and what it means to have my 2nd Amendment rights WRONGFULLY taken away from me than I learned while working on Squad 28 on the southside of Milwaukee. Beware of people who trust in their guns and too many firefighters who want to extinguish the good flames you might have on your CORRECT Israelite 7-flame lampstand. California's fires actually are causing less damage to society and communities than the typical 'Playboy channel' production or the typical liar on earth.
Truth is not always that difficult to read if even you reject the Truth from your mind. Truth is only sometimes 'silly', but silly is better than drunken and oblivious due to 'pharmacia' AKA drug problems caused by drug consumption. When you are sick, praying and hoping is not sufficient to turn the tide of disease away from you. Praying, fasting and KEEPING as many commandments designed for the Israelite people as are you are able to keep is the best health care remedy for spirit and flesh and your finances.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Michael Pence's Real Problem Isn''t Men On their Knees
Good hockey goalies are actually on their knees quite a bit during a battle, even with all kinds of national flags surrounding them.
Word #1290: Beit Resh Koph 'berek'; a knee
The United Stated leadership will never be described as good is they refuse to identify the biggest present evil in a gathering. 2 bent knees on the ground resembles the letter Tsaddi in a non-final form and reminds me of a plea for help in desperate times of despair. The final form of a Tsaddi is upright like a form of a staff, maybe even a long twig that has been pruned off one tree waiting to be grafted into another. When humans voluntarily place a knee on the ground in the presence of their friends or their enemies, in Hebrew mindset it is a form of attempting a BLESSING, not cursing over the land. I do not like Colin Kaepernick's attitude toward the race of people who sheltered and fed him, but even worse is Michael Pence's exit strategy excuse. Sometimes people have been forced to their knees, which usually involves forms of some kind of punishment or undeserved cruelty such as when Yeshua fell from the burden of the Roman crucifixtion rituals.
A good and decent leader would have stayed long enough to compare the sight of decently dressed men on a knee against the whorish sight of the Indianapolis Colt cheerleaders. If Michael Pence would have walked out once the Colt's cheerleaders started disgracing the turf with their whorish attire which would be more appropriate for Tammy Baldwin's lesbian parties, he would have properly started to protect and defend the position of his WIFE and his marriage and as a result , he would have resembled a man of integrity and wisdom.
Trump and Pence are proving themselves to be lacking the moral fiber necessary to start the proper pro-decency revolution we NEED in the United States to strengthen our families and our future. Even I have to return an Anaheim Ducks jersey that I was going to give to one of my best little friends after seeing the whorish Anaheim Ducks cheerleaders in front of television cameras. I do not want my young friend going to the Anaheim Ducks website and getting trapped into a whorish cleavage display when he expected to find out about a game that could be good called HOCKEY.
This could very well have the verbage that took place between Yeshua and the little children that were sent to him:
Yeshua: Why did your parents bring you to me?
Child: To hear the Truth, and the way of Life.
Yeshua: If you continue to disobey your parents as you have been, you will be found worthy of death for dishonoring those who love you. Do you want to avoid such a harsh but necessary penalty?
Child: Yes, Yeshua. I want to live, not die.
Yeshua: Then go back to your parents, study the laws with them, and do good, not evil in OUR nation.
Child: Thank you for telling me the Truth, Yeshua. I will try to be a blessing to my parents.
When it comes the the current country of Israel's problem, they might have to look to Ezequiel Chapter 2 vs. 8. A rebellious house wants to be only a JEWISH state, but a wise house wants to be pro-Moses, pro-Torah and be willing to test and then PROVE that the original commandments, statutes, judgments and precepts studied year around in synagogues and Messianic Hebraic gatherings is meant to be trusted and applied. If it cannot be applied in a 'Jewish' state, it is because the 'Jewish' state has become the synogogue of Satan as prophesied by John at Patmos.
I do not hate the country of Israel, I just know that they have allowed too much anti-Moshe sentiments and laws to permeate their government. For instance, forcing young women into the military is NOT what the Law delivered by Moses recommends nor commands.
For those who are willing to put forth reasonable effort, it is more probable that you can get sealed into the 144,000 elect of Yehovah than the probability of winning a lottery. A 1 in 55,000 chance is much better odds than trying to figure out why Michael Pence is too cowardly to denounce the behavior of cheerleaders and try to understand why taking a knee is actually not a sign of disrespect for the land you are occupying. What Kaepernick may have intended for an evil, antagonistic sign, Yehovah originally intended for a good sign.
I am preparing to go my first UW Badger game as a freed former slave of a cruel former anti-commandment husband. Maybe then I can study the progressions of the ants, the conies, the locusts and the spiders or the Book of Job 4 level split of a lion, a greyhound, a goat and a king without being accused of being 'loopy'. I'll be in row H, seat 9, so I suppose I will wear a Kozlov jersey or some token Simeon or Issachar outfit or even my best 'W' jersey just to keep testing theories of providence versus predestination.
God save the Chicago Bears! I still am a Chicago Bears student and fan, not an inhabitant of rebellious Green Bay House #31.
Dennis Stanchik=Anti-Israelite Attitude
Trying to help an obese swine eater is not always a pleasant task. I checked the perimeter of an area labeled '1910' and 'Saint Barthomew' and asked if Moses was read there, only to be asked numerous times if I was 'Jewish' by the Babylonian sun worshippers. I knew they weren't reading from Moses after checking the 27th week expecations from a Casimir road Catholic Babylonian congregation from the book of Isaiah, An apostle labeled 'Matthew' and their Benjamite report to the Phillipians. One male adult in a 'Miner' shirt said he was from Lebanon, then chamged his mind and said he was from Bessemer, Michigan. He heard my explanation about the majority of the tribes of YShRAL not being labeled 'Jewish', and I explained how to split the sheep from the goats. As he left in his truck possibly with WI plates 4HC-U99, he changed his 'skins' from Juniper Hill green to billiard ball orange and headed eastbound on highway M toward 'Club 10'. He was actually seemed a bit more intelligent than Dennis Stanchik.
I had given Dennis Stanchik a good gift representing a tribe of YShRAL, but he claimed he no londer had it, implying it was of no value to him. Woe to his unholy and unthankful acts of the flesh! His flock has no hope of being steered toward the proper Messiah with his anti-Benjamite, pompous attitude toward anything other then the stench that emits from the Vatican system. Under the jubilee rule, I have no intention of trying to mend, and or take part of the lousy tasteless wafer party of the LaCrosse diocese, mostly because Milwaukee Thomas More spoke against my presence in any of their apostacy zones that couldn't even make Joseph Raczek, brother of my grandfather JOhn, repent of his sexual assault against me at the age of 4. I can't break through the gates of 'hell', but when family members try to hide or cover up the facts of other family members, the entire family might get rdecieved, and many do unless they start to believe those who are reliable, honest as witnesses.
When I pointed out to "Porky' Stanchik that the sealing of the 144,000 is a literal figure, not a myth of Mythra or a contrived number of the Donald Trump clump of chumps, he proved he does not believe that 1 in 55,000 wil be protected by and aligned with Abaddon. Mr. Stanchik rejected the notion of calling a member of the tribe of Yudah 'Yeshua' instead of the Greek 'Jesus', so it's time everyone with eyes to see to start calling Dennis Stanchik : 'Porky' Stanchik to prick his anti-Hebrew ears. Porky Stanchik also rejected Moses as he claimed Paul the Benjamite did not fully endorse teaching from Moses NOT ONLY every accurate sabbath day in an assembly, but also DAILY in the household of those who trust tribes such as the Levites, Gadites and Asherites to steer them safely away from habitual sin.
Dennis Stanchik actually mocked the reputation and faith of the original Saint Bartholomew, and such aan anti-apostle position will be unforgivable for any self-proclaimed teacher of obvious hireling nature. It will be the choice of misled or pro-YShRAL people to leave their Babylonian Sunday gatherings on a voluntary basis in order to corrected PRIOR to judgment by an actual Holy Spirit.
Many people switch from various forms of anti-Yeshua Christianity to a form of atheism, but a few do decide to fit the qualification for the Synagogue of Philadelphia while understanding that there is a synagogue of Satan in an adversarial role for a reason.
Next, I will complain about Michael Pence's weak audibles and lack of courage when it comes to MORAL fiber in my next post. Until then, try to understand and accept the TRUTH, the Aleph Mem Tav, that tribes such as Zebulun, Dan, Asher, Rueben and Joseph are not Jewish, even though they are part of YShRAL and sometimes even adjacent to the tribe typically spelled 'Judah'. Since it is the middle of the holy Sukkot week, I only want to clearly break with the Catholic and Protestant systems on this Canadian Thanksgiving day without Snoopy. It is also exactly 2000 days since Shane David Henrikson proved he is an anti-commandment man in front of his enemies, his hirelings and his unholy girlfriend 'Cheryl'.
If it were not for men such as Dan Bauer, my father,my brothers and other kind, intelligent athletes such as those who gather at the Greenheck Ice Center for adult hockey, I would most likely have ended up in a much worse health attitude position than I am in at the present time. Soundness of mind is a goal, not an instant condition at birth.
I had given Dennis Stanchik a good gift representing a tribe of YShRAL, but he claimed he no londer had it, implying it was of no value to him. Woe to his unholy and unthankful acts of the flesh! His flock has no hope of being steered toward the proper Messiah with his anti-Benjamite, pompous attitude toward anything other then the stench that emits from the Vatican system. Under the jubilee rule, I have no intention of trying to mend, and or take part of the lousy tasteless wafer party of the LaCrosse diocese, mostly because Milwaukee Thomas More spoke against my presence in any of their apostacy zones that couldn't even make Joseph Raczek, brother of my grandfather JOhn, repent of his sexual assault against me at the age of 4. I can't break through the gates of 'hell', but when family members try to hide or cover up the facts of other family members, the entire family might get rdecieved, and many do unless they start to believe those who are reliable, honest as witnesses.
When I pointed out to "Porky' Stanchik that the sealing of the 144,000 is a literal figure, not a myth of Mythra or a contrived number of the Donald Trump clump of chumps, he proved he does not believe that 1 in 55,000 wil be protected by and aligned with Abaddon. Mr. Stanchik rejected the notion of calling a member of the tribe of Yudah 'Yeshua' instead of the Greek 'Jesus', so it's time everyone with eyes to see to start calling Dennis Stanchik : 'Porky' Stanchik to prick his anti-Hebrew ears. Porky Stanchik also rejected Moses as he claimed Paul the Benjamite did not fully endorse teaching from Moses NOT ONLY every accurate sabbath day in an assembly, but also DAILY in the household of those who trust tribes such as the Levites, Gadites and Asherites to steer them safely away from habitual sin.
Dennis Stanchik actually mocked the reputation and faith of the original Saint Bartholomew, and such aan anti-apostle position will be unforgivable for any self-proclaimed teacher of obvious hireling nature. It will be the choice of misled or pro-YShRAL people to leave their Babylonian Sunday gatherings on a voluntary basis in order to corrected PRIOR to judgment by an actual Holy Spirit.
Many people switch from various forms of anti-Yeshua Christianity to a form of atheism, but a few do decide to fit the qualification for the Synagogue of Philadelphia while understanding that there is a synagogue of Satan in an adversarial role for a reason.
Next, I will complain about Michael Pence's weak audibles and lack of courage when it comes to MORAL fiber in my next post. Until then, try to understand and accept the TRUTH, the Aleph Mem Tav, that tribes such as Zebulun, Dan, Asher, Rueben and Joseph are not Jewish, even though they are part of YShRAL and sometimes even adjacent to the tribe typically spelled 'Judah'. Since it is the middle of the holy Sukkot week, I only want to clearly break with the Catholic and Protestant systems on this Canadian Thanksgiving day without Snoopy. It is also exactly 2000 days since Shane David Henrikson proved he is an anti-commandment man in front of his enemies, his hirelings and his unholy girlfriend 'Cheryl'.
If it were not for men such as Dan Bauer, my father,my brothers and other kind, intelligent athletes such as those who gather at the Greenheck Ice Center for adult hockey, I would most likely have ended up in a much worse health attitude position than I am in at the present time. Soundness of mind is a goal, not an instant condition at birth.
Monday, October 2, 2017
Every Intentional Felony Is A Terrorist Attack
Although I am not writing about Brian Wojtecki today, what I am thinking and what I have done today might matter to another angelic force. Since BBC News is intelligent enough to report that the United States has 30,000 murders annually. Even if that number is off a bit, a truthful person knows that the United States is at war within itself and has been for decades and because of that fact our nation is a disgrace, not an example of the perfect law of liberty ruling and reigning in society.
Today's reported 'car jacking' in Detroit, Michigan was a terrorist attack and a hate crime, just as any intentional felony is an act of terrorism and an act of hatred. Cities that revolve around casino areas are not ever going to be spiritually good or morally good areas, no matter how much the media, the police and the politicians gather in them. As soon as 'crime reporters' and criminal investigation units do not try to make a lesser crime out of a burglary, a car jacking or adultery than a airplane hijacking in 2001 or the murder of 'Cheli's Chili Bar' restaurant employee several years ago, they might reduce the amount of hypocrisy in their utterances. The crimes that are being committed in the United States are not my fault, and I do not intend to join along in Mark Biltz's group prayers asking for forgiveness for illegal or sinful actions I have not participated in. I am not a mediator who is able to intercede on behalf of an out-of-control violent and immoral nation, but I can and will pray for mercy and grace for those few who do act lawfully, and who deter themselves from obviously ungodly and unsafe gatherings.
As I considered the courageous acts of Uriah the Hittite while drinking a peach sangria and being served at 'The Olive Garden' by a young lady as kind as Colleen Jacoby, I was thankful I had a place to go other than some unsafe medical facility to be treated properly when feeling rather sad. I do have some extremely bad memories of the Olive Garden in Rib Mountain, Wisconsin because at that location I had tried to make a peaceful and fair settlement with divorce petitioner Shane Hendrikson, but he decided to be anti-peace, just like any other human who does not have a good mind. Driving into Sterling Heights, Milwaukee police officer Roger Sterling comes to mind, and I try to exercise as much caution as I can in a very dangerous part of the world. While many people spend thousands of dollars putting up security cameras and alarms that actually don't prevent crimes as much as teaching citizens to believe biblical teachings would, I rely on angelic protection and do not feel frightened, even when I am sad and feeling lonely.
Shane David Hendrikson did commit an intentional act of domestic terrorism and felony theft against me, his former employer, and in contrast, I do not believe that Jim Staley had malice in his heart and mind when he got involved in a financial business that ended up being corrupt. Jim Staley did not try to flee when charges were brought up against him, and in fact he had been doing many good works, much better works than the disgusting O.J. Simpson or Shane David Hendrikson ever did. I was able to laugh when I heard Jim Staley yell 'SNOOPY!' in a 2014 video about 'Yom Kippur' , and I hope he has the strength to survive what I think was an overly harsh sentence considering Jim Staley had no signs of a violent nature.
As many United States citizens are acting lazier and more helpless after a hurricane than Polish Jews in the Warsaw ghetto during a Nazi invasion, laziness is a condition often exacerbated by reliance upon computers and other electronic devices. FEMA isn't an omnipotent angelic force and the fact is that the bigger you build, the more you should be mentally and physically prepared to clean up your own post-hurricane, post flood or post-tornado mess. Hiring out others is not always an option, and if it is an option you end up on a waiting list that gets very long when too many people are too lazy to do at least some of the hard post-disaster clean up work. I once had a very long driveway, but now have a very short driveway so that if I am as healthy as my father, I have enough strength to shovel snow from it rather than rely on a mechanical snowblower. I built more than I needed to have room for family when I had quite a bit more hope that my grandchildren would be near, and what a flood or storm hasn't taken away from me the banking industry has taken away in interest on my building loan. Sometimes you do have to 'get angry and sin not' in order to get things accomplished. I know that there are days I am very angry that my son is unwilling to help me in my times of need, unwilling to respond, and is less caring than the Cleveland Browns about my safety, but that anger inside of me causes me to prove to others that my GOD has not abandoned or deserted me and that sitting around and waiting for help from a person or entity that doesn't love me isn't going to do any good.
Ezequiel chapter 7 is worth reading, even if you never survived what I survived in October of 1994 in Milwaukee. Sailing into the Milwaukee harbor District #2 between Yom Kippur and Sukkot might be more emotional for me than the first time I set foot in Tel Aviv, Israel. The days of Fadia Campbell's bread and Moses studies in Saint Lucia will probably never be repeated in my lifetime, but respecting the news of the sliver of a moon seen in Jerusalem means I have not set myself against Jerusalem and that for some reason, Yehovah allowed me to survive another month and try to prepare properly for the next month.
I did wear pretty white cotton attire as I played the piano, took a nap and studied the Bible on Yom Kippur this year, but I know if and when I ever am blessed enough to be the wife of a holy man who loves me and who loves Yehovah, I will be wearing blue, not white when confirming our covenant. If I give up hope of being a good wife someday, it would be a sign that I do not believe Psalm 37. I'm thankful I never tried to rush into another romantic relationship or another marriage after surviving a horrible divorce from a cruel anti-commandment man, since being a single saint is better than being married to a spiritual hypocrite or a immoral master of deception.
Yehovah never intended for any widow or unmarried mother to live alone, but an anti-biblical culture of divorce proponents coupled with distant, uncaring children has resulted in many households that have only one elderly or one female occupant who really rather not be struggling alone. My parents know if they need me, I will be there to help them or have room to shelter them because that is part of honoring them. I, like many others, am thankful for the ability I have even if I am much weaker than I used to be in the 1980's. Somehow, I just don't think that Yehovah would expect a woman who has been discarded by her son and her former husband to leave her shelter in order to try to clean up areas that a natural disaster has gone through and where the biblical instructions of Moses have been rejected in for decades or even centuries now.
My mind repaired much slower after serious injury than the 5 months it took for my broken humerus to mend in the 1980's, but my many broken bones repaired much faster than most areas of Houston, Key West or Puerto Rico will get repaired. Most important message of the year: 'Don't get lazy and stay lawful if your spiritual day count is up to 1280.' 10 days from now, day 1290 might have some prophetic occurrences as it will be the end of the week of Sukkot. Starting the annual year at the 1st of Abib does affect when day 1290 arrives, and it usually arrives around the time of Sukkot.
Now, I will choose a photo for the beginning of this non-constitution article..... especially if it is only day 543 of trials and tribulations. Bad news sometimes travels very slowly, and future good news might only be found in the Book of Revelations or in the closing statements of Moses regarding the remnant of YShRAL.
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Lack Of Faith In Instructions Is Troubling
What good does it do to have 48 hours of some Rosh Hashana festival and not properly discern Yom Kippur? The below set of information is accurate and from a reliable site, and even an amateur musician knows that timing matters:
Date * | |
"New Year's Day" (only for reference) | March 30, 2017 |
Passover/Pesach | April 12, 2017 |
1st Day of Unleavened Bread | April 13, 2017 |
7th Day of Unleavened Bread | April 19, 2017 |
Pentecost/Weeks (Shavuot) | June 4, 2017 |
Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruah/"Rosh Hashanah") | September 22, 2017 |
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) | October 1, 2017 |
Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) | October 6-12, 2017 |
Last Great Day (Shemini Atzeret) | October 13, 2017 |
The following editorial report is my own commentary , not the viewpoint of Nathan Cooper, Spurgeon, Watterson's fake 'Miss Wormwood' or Jerry Mather's actress labeled 'Miss Canfield'.
Another matter has come to mind regarding Isaiah Chapter 53. I did check 'The Continuing Church of God' videos and I was rather disheartened by his rabbinic style of 'pre-planning' certain appointed times without waiting for barley news or new moon sightings. No one can know now when the new Hebrew year will start at this point in time if they actually have enough faith to follow the instructions for keeping appointments! Even Mark Biltz is extremely careless and like many others, went 'offiside' with his followers, as he tried to change a regular sabbath followed by a High Holy Sabbath into one day. This is a good article if you want to compare biblical faith regarding the start of a new month to scientific calculations relied on humans that prefer to be IN THE DARK since that do have have the proper heart to look UP for the new moon, and instead they look down at their own paperwork:
I read through through the above link after hearing the voice of person who did not have the heart of a shepherd, but did have the mind of an astrologer. I am not happy that so many people are relying on calendar's and NASA calculations, but I rather be correct and agree with Nehemia Gordon on the beginning of monthly cycle. Those who are trying to keep a sabbath are doing so like the typical Catholic somehow tries to keep 'Pentecost' without trusting Yehovah's instructions. When a Catholic 'Pentecost' dinner has a baked slab of swine for it's centerpiece, even if the Catholics got the day of Shavuot right, they didn't get the anti-abomination message or heard it and rejected rejected it due to a hard-hearted stiff-necked anti-commandment mindset of any other being who does't trust Yehovah or the writings of the Tanakh.
The controversy regarding the book of Isaiah, chapter 53, is also worth examining on 'Yom Kippur' or any other day you want to consider anti-adultery facts.
Since Isaiah's chapter 53 is almost always translated in the PAST tense, I reread the accounts of the death sentence David gave to Uriah in 2nd Samuel chapter 11. Could this be the '2 Eleven' in progress that resulted in one of the most serious felonies in history not covered by 'Adam-12' episodes? Getting drunk with military associates can get you numbered with the transgressors, and there is a strong possibility that Isaiah chapter 53 is referring to Uriah, who was smitten and died because of David and Bathsheba's sins, noting that David's sins are part of Israel's sins just as much as John F. Kennedy's sins were part of the Catholic church sins. Indeed, for those many people who have rejected the person labeled 'Jesus Christ', have you also rejected the sacrifice that Uriah made for his wife that had gone astray? There is no description of Uriah's physical appearance, but since Isaiah is clearly referring to a past tense occurrence of a person in Israel's military and community history, many would have known what Uriah looked like and it is possible he wasn't as attractive as David, so Bathsheba easily was lured away by David's seducing spirit.
It isn't blasphemy to imply or consider the possibility that Isaiah may have been referring to Uriah in his writings, especially since Yeshua of Nazareth often did have large groups of 'admirers' and may have been very attractive . I rather consider a more realistic historic past-tense option than not believe the reports about Uriah, even if all the information about Uriah has not been made available to me.
In other word study news, it is possible that the Hebrew word for 'thumb' is the same as the word for a person's big toe is that they seem to be very close to the same length on most humans.
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