Not all humans named 'Elijah' are as wise as a Ford key chain, since the key chain doesn't lie or mislead a Honda key chain. Because I don't need to hide servers or organists in my basement like the cowardly and corruptible Clinton and Comey Folks, let me try to redirect the Disciples.
When the word 'Folks' is used, please remember that the city that Barack Obama calls 'home' is not sweet, but filled with violence and that the word 'Cobras', Kings' 'Folks' and 'Disciples' do often work in the 'Street Justice' venues, often without an attorney or without regard for their own football safety dance. I prefer to keep the 'safety' concept as my priority, and verbal attacks are easier to ignore than a nail being driven into the palms of the hands of a prophet.
James Comey denied the proper 'handcuff chain' of command when he indicated that arrests leading to trials only should be brought about when a human is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, so James Comey is too ignorant to be respected or relied upon for peace and safety. Even Miraslav Satan has more angelic power and self-control in spirit that an elected official, since certain hockey players are CHOSEN by people with genuine power play designs, not elected by the immoral majority. James Comey is now 'party to a crime' committed by Hillary Clinton by refusing to react properly and go on offense against her, an anti-TORAH female government leader who IS REQUIRED to know all the humanly contrived laws she has claimed she would be willing to defend but instead has chosen to ignore and intentionally BREAK. HIllary Clinton might be better off trying to get a job as a State Farm agent based on her lack of intelligence and obvious disregard for the the book of Nahum.
Elijah Cummings represents the typical 'Graceland' T-shirt, which means he is still unaware of the snare he has been caught in with his own foolish lips that are not going to pass a book of Isaiah test. The Evis Presley and deranged Michael Jackson administrations are unholy,bad and unrighteous and are more like HGTV Brother vs. Brother desperate anti-D.A.R.E. and out of CONTROL Las Vegas programs.
The young dark brunette man of wisdom and courage who was interrogating James Comey impressed me and should be good enough to be a Cobra or in the Mizuno B=5 unit. B is for Benjamin, even in 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.' B is also for Brautigan and Brezovar, not for infidels. If you choose blasphemy rather than Boron, you disqualify yourself from attaining sainthood and required perfection of thought, WORD and DEED.
Since I refuse to vote for a lying female like Hillary Clinton and I can't vote against my godfather, Andrew Beine, who reminded me that Donald Trump's filing for bankruptcy is improper conduct in business practices, I will only watch and pray that Newt Gingrich can frog his way into the 2nd position in pro-morality and pro-honest Snow Fort type battlegrounds rather than give up on the Trump vs. Kuklinski battles that have been ongoing since I was lied to by the unjust parents of Brock Kuklinski regarding the ability of grey aluminum siding to fade to the Reggie Howard White team.
Rules for the Packers who still suck:
A) The Packer G is for 'Guilty' or the reformed and soon to be released Darren Sharper team.
B) B is for the 'bottomless pit' crew in the basic Worth Smith basketball transition to B is for Badger State lines and Bobby Delgadillo Junior Admiral slot formations. B is also for Bleu Cheeseheads and never equals 1, no matter what your German algebra teacher tries to tell you.
G) The good G team still has to be a good hockey goalie on the right side of Simeon's blue London topaz plan. The good G fits into 'The Great Escape' PenGuin plan and does not fit into the Gregorian calendar system which has caused more chaos than any sighting of the new moon in Bevent ever could.
D) If you D=500, you also think that IM=999. Such paths will only lead you to L=50 and a stupid tin man line rather than back to the D=Dorsey and the Old School of Dewey Cherek defensive planning against Wittenberg and HItler Methodists who celebrated with Shane David Hendrikson rather than mourning with me on April 20th, the day I started my tribulation survival series, which is now well past 1500 days in progress.
E) Since the 5th letter of my legal first name is E, the first letter of my middle name is E and the 3rd letter of my maiden name is E, the letter E cannot be eliminated from the important Helen Richmond 377 series, and only has a #2 spot in my son's legal and very unholy surname. Maybe Richard Isaiah Hendrikson will change his surname to 'Elmo' and end up with the name of a faithful and courageous dog rather than trying to redeem blasphemers like LeBron James or trying to raise and insert pork chops and a dead pheasant under glass into his next Audrey Stafford and Szymanski programs. The name 'Stafford' is not as weighty as the name Elias at 26.
F) IN order to get away from the failed Austrian system of 'Do Re Me Fa So' Watt lines, stay with F=Atlanta Thrashers or F=Zero(Candy Kane lines) in your Elizabeth Cummings Saint Matthew Greyhound Football systems. F-Troop is still better to laugh with than F=Karen and Roland Hendrikson, who literally failed more tests of genuine faith in the teachings and instructions of the Bible than my Allstate agent. The Wittenberg , Wisconsin bunch can put all the F into Faith Hill and will only find out that they would have been better off trusting a Jim Furyk line or F=9= Trojan Nation horse game that still includes Robert Parker and Dennis Ware but has eliminated Kevin Smith due to his lack of proper English skills in the company of a real holy angel.
7. Remember Michael Sieve and N is for Napthali, and continue to denounce Denzel Washington and reject the television methods of Matt Damon, a fool who is in his own version of a failing water-ski show. Good Judeans do not run, but hold their positions until the proper draw plays bring the claen fish to your table instead of unclean Playboy rabbit paws. What is up on your housetop does not matter as much as what was allowed to enter you esophogus after you finally properly believed, heard from or read from the books of 5 basic books of Moses, which have been a free gift to the world for centuries.
C) Do not think that people choosing to go to Hodag country music gathering are on the proper 7:10 defense plan. It is better to be in a bowling alley with your sights on fearless bowling pins than to worship and adore unrighteous daughters and unrighteous sons of perdition tied to the music industry. Calvinists have been a problem to Armenians for years, and choosing wisely is what real justified Bereans do. Rejecting the foolish 'Brooks and Dunn' and rejecting 'Sammy Kershaw' lines reveals spiritual maturity and will keep you alert at 15=Hospital Block divisions.
T) Trojans undertand Roman numbers just as well as Spartans do, but not all Trojans will be saved unless they repent and discontinue lawlessness. Don't be a 'James Comey' if you understand the Law of Gravity and the Book of Revelation orderly patterns of necessary divisions.
X) Remember Grover Cleveland, Joseph Cannan's Wells Fargo game and X=Jason Arnott if you stuck at plan '24' but not stuck at Y.
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