If this was the first year you bothered to change over to a biblical mindset, you are only 108 days old and the word you should remember is 'grieve'. I can observe exactly what tendencies destroy rather than protect citizens. The following are equally destructive in any common public area:
1. Drunkards, whether driving a car, in a boat or on foot
2. Humans who dress immodestly in public places, for such people either entice others to sin or become a public nuisance often worse than a prostitute
3. Cigarette smoke
Most communities already have laws limiting the areas where cigarette smokers can smoke. Likewise, any and all defense-wise communities should immediately start passing laws prohibiting immodest attire in public areas such as parks or any licensed business that is open to serve minors or adults, which includes just about all stores, restaurants,medical facilities, schools, goverment buildings, professional, amateur and semi-professional sports venues. It is not unreasonable to order citizens to have their midriff section covered, have their cleavage or buttocks areas covered and require shorts to provide coverage at least 3 inches lower than the 'crotch area' on males or females. This would even allow for strapless dresses that fully cover the cleavage area, since bare shoulders are usually not the problem when it comes to child enticement such as is typical in NFL and NBA cheerleader line-ups. Even in public beaches, civil orders for one piece bathing suits in public places that fully cover the torso and 'more than the typical Speedo coverage' on males is not so restrictive that wise citizens would complain, since such laws would possible get Muslim-type nations to start backing up communities rather than attacking communities. Let people who insist on being unholy and immodest with or without their spouse get into private housing, their rental hotel area or facilities licensed to cater only to adults, let them act however whorish they want to but no public safety offieers should be forced to 'protect and serve' people who are totally inclined toward behaviors that would be considered unacceptable in any local public school building and who clearly rather entrap, entice, aggravate,accuse and offend rather than defend good decent public servants who are expected to dress DECENTLY such as police officers and fire department personnel.
It was very sad for me to realize that when young and old females jump or walk around in bikinis on public beaches or in parks and then trouble occurs, very decent married police officer might be required to arrest her for disorderly conduct and the officer degrades himself by placing hands on the whorish woman or becomes wrongfully accused of mishandling the whorish woman. Private hotels and private beach areas can have their own dress codes IF they do not allow minors in their hotel, and that allows for those who do not believe in decent biblical values or decent public dress codes to spend their money in private hotel areas that only serve adults over the age of 21. Protecting our children from being exposed to too much immorality and indecent exposure is like a plague that prevents a healthy mind from developing. Improperly attired women or men, whether single or married, are as dangerous to ANY COMMUNITY as a drunk driver, since they often lead to family troubles, divorces and areas of prostitution and crimes rather than leading to to wisdom, safety and goodness.
If there is not a holy elected leader that starts changing the direction of United States laws back toward the decent, common sense attire that was typical in the 1950's and 1960's, don't be surprised when more natural or unnatural disasters occur. Building up the military is not as important as correcting the behaviors in local communities toward decency, humility and knowledge of self-defense so that there are fewer areas that make our nation look like a giant Playboy Bunny zone, Hooters or a Dallas Cowboy stadium on game days. The United States would be much better off again if people restarted the 'Leave it to Beaver' neighborhood attire trends and rebuked the 'VIctoria's Secret' slut look by fining those who do not meet a minimum dress code that should be applied NATIONWIDE, just as drunken driving laws should all have the same penalties NATIONWIDE . If you're afraid to point out what a 'trigger point' is for a religious zealot, you are also too much of a coward to be a living saint or a good public safety officer.
I much rather seriously identify the biggest problems with the United States indecent and immodest ATTITUDES than be the cause of an attack on myself or in my vicinity because of a lack of a fear of God. Certainly decent dress code enforcement ('Public nuisance/indecent attire' ordinance violations should have set fines that could be used to fund public schools or local police departments) should lead to less of a need for divorce attorneys, reduce the need for curfews caused by excessive violence and should lead to a better expectation that a prayer by the Cleveland Police chaplain at the Republican national conventions might actually be answered.
Indeed, a women dressed in whorish fashion is as dangerous as a drunken soldier in a community that longs for peace and safety. Standard equipment for a squad car could now include a supply of 5 decent t-shirts donated by 'The Salvation Army' that could be used in cases of a first offense by an unsuspecting foolish female rather than issuing her a ticket for indecent attire. Maybe the t-shirt could say 'I was shown mercy by a police officer when I had the traits of a hooker so I now look like a decent citizen'. 2nd offense should be a minimum of $500.00 or 24 hours of public service picking up trash/litter in the jurisdiction of offense.
Of course, all movies, commercials and printed media made,sold and distributed in the wisest nation on earth would also have the same dress code suggested in the body(bold type section) of this very serious public communications policy message. When will the United States choose to become the wisest nation on earth instead of one of the most dangerous nations on earth to raise a family? The United States elected officials are entirely to blame for allowing our media systems, movie industry, magazine industry and even our JUDICIAL systems to become so corrupted, indecent, disgusting and despicable rather than decent and helpful in times of peace or in times of war.
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