Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Good God Isn't A Seattle Seahawks Fan

In this era which seems to have forgotten about Gumby and Magilla Gorilla, most people have the wrong perspective of  'good defense'. Teams with cheerleaders won't pass a 'good defense' test even if they know how to pass the pigskins to North Melbourne Kangaroos. Pete Carroll is not a good coach yet and by the age of 64, he should have been wise enough to get away from the teams that look more like a Playboy club on the sidelines than like a St. Matthew's Greyhound football team when Stachowiak boys were running upright and downfield.

Now that you might have been mentally redirected into appreciation of the Chicago Bears, The Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, let me remind you of a few other biblcal facts for those struggling with dirtary intake for saints that does not rely on the Ray Black, Jr. NASCAR results.

1. God did not create Coca-Cola and God has not claimed that Coca-Cola products are good.
2. God has tred to direct his chosen people toward milk, honey and water , not toward a land flowing with Twizzlers,Kevin Bacon bits,cigarettes and Bud Light. Sometimes it is not what God has officially said 'no' to that matters as much as what he has cleary said YES to to when determining which purchases to pursue and what products to reject..
3. Certain bugs are not to be eaten, even during times of famine. 'Bugs Bunny' is not meant to be food, and a reminder that cartoon figures never end up as actual angels delivering reliable messages needs to be taken into serious consideration. When given a choice between a comic book or a bunch of carrots, a wise human will choose the bunch of carrots as a precious gift.
4. Since this is only the 4th month according to the Levite line of historical leaders, a reminder that 4;28 will be in August this year is as a good as a reminder that Revis Stevenson rented out a nice log home in Wisconsin with an outdoor hockey net included in the price, but that was about 6 or 7 years ago. If you cannot switch from going between Genesis the grandaughter of Lynn Snyder to Torah the grandaughter of Sidney Hallas, you will get caught in a Jamie Sharper vs. Nick Hallas problem sooner than if you already moved on to 'memra lines' in your holy spirit discussions. Naming your children inappropraite names can cause all the wrong people to be coming your way online or offline. Thankfully, my parents did not name any of their children inappropriate names.
5. Home actually has nothing to do with where the heart is unless you have traveled through HOme Pennsylvania. Blood circulation is where the heart is and hopefully home is where the fresh water, milk, honey,fruits, vegetables and  some sort of defense plan actually works.  When my heart is in Wittenberg, Wi because I wanted to see what my enemies were doing, I knew Wittenberg is not my home and it never will be even though my heart, lungs, hands and kidneys were there for awhile.Returning to literal facts of anatomy and earthly ground coverage eliminates the trend for too many wrong theories about 'home'.
6. Make sure you can recall places you have lived in during your current life and don't worry about past or future lives you think you may have had. Memory retention is as important as any face to face proper combination of physical contact; notice I did not say 'face to buttocks' as a reminder to those few who have wisely decided not ot trsut the Mark Gunger perspective on marriage. If you go worng at face to fact contact, you might never get a chance to understand why Streit talk is better than George Strait talk once you have exited the Blakeman zone and moved forard toward Pabst Theatre concerts.

i hope this helped you remember that Peter Dylan Campbell is a better Peter than Pete Carroll. I don't know why Tyler Harris has the number 18 and I have no idea whatever happened to Ruth Palkans after  she substituted for a doctor named Beltran at Milwaukee Good Samaritan hopital back in the early 1980's.

Some levity is better than laxk of effort in reliable and accurate communications.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Solution To Reduce 'Too Many Governments'

I've been thinking about the most serious errs which lead to chaos and obvious mismanagement of the United States and the fact remains that there are too many layers of government officials in each state. The wisest state in the United States would start and complete the following transition:

1. The existing state legislature compares the local ordinances of the biggest city, the capital, the smallest city and the most fiscally sound municipality.
2. Once the most fiscally sound municipality has been determined, have a state-wide referendum to make the city with the best local ordinance expand statewide in order to ELIMINATE county boards and city legislators. All laws would become statewide territorial laws.
3. Once there is a uniform statewide law system, law enforcement should be a state position unless a city wants to retain their own department. A STATE sheriff would then be elected and he would have a chain of command similar to any police department, but county foolishness would be eliminated and it is at county level that the most corruption exists.
4. State police would no longer have to answer the stupid question 'What jurisdiction did the crime occur in?' and money currently being dumped into  politicians pockets would be better used by state police departments in areas where a city is unable or unwilling to have an appointed chief and a non-political police force. The elected statewide law enforcement leader would have to operate as a counter-balance to appointed chiefs, with wither the statewide sheriff or the local chief having the power to bring charges against one another. Currently, there is very little that is done when a sheriff or a police chief is party to a crime by lack of sufficient investigation or lack of proper complaints being taken.
5. The state takes over all existing park systems after step 2 has determined what the citizens of the state prefer for uniform statewide laws. As a result more people are then in the same pension pool, which reduces the chance of failure.
6. Let schools systems remain in local hands OR let the municipality vote themselves into a central state education system. School systems are not as big of a problem as the excess of local politicians adding to and taking away from laws just to pretend as though they deserve their salary.
7. After the referendum, there would only be uniform state laws which simplifies the entire state legal system and eliminates the current confusion which currently exists with crimes where the crimes have occurred in different counties but IN EACH AND EVERY STATE that obviously needs a better system of law enforcement.
8. Once it is proven that the above system works, all 50 states should eventually have uniform laws rather than continuing the current system of that lacks judicial continuity and that  realistically shoulde be described as the Divided States of America.
9. State governments would still be needed for infrastructure systems including roadways, snow removal, state park workers, state law enforcement and state colleges but all the stupid local government corruption would be eliminated or reduced substantially. Either a municipality chooses by a referendum to continue to exist or it annexes itself into state territory to eliminate a layer of county government. Areas could also vote themselves out of state annexation and start a municipality or expand an existing municipality such as Mosinee expanding into Knowlton to add city oversight and double (city and state) their non-federal government coverage rather than having only federal and single state coverage. Federal,State, city and county government layers would not longer exist, only double coverage or triple coverage. Non-federal isn't the same as anti-federal, by the way.
10. If a city wants to retain a mayor and allows him a budget to hire a 'cabinet', no problem. However, if there is no longer any local laws to vote on except by the state legislator, the only thing the mayor might do is try to guide the police departments, fire departments, school systems and any other system that the individual cities want to actively support independently of the state option.
11. County lines could be eliminated, and existing county deputies would have to make a transition to 'state police officer' under ONE leader who ideally is competent enough to manage a difficult but not an impossible task. The state sheriff's salary should be at least the same as the governor's salary.
12. Small states such as Rhode Island or Vermont should easily see the benefit of eliminating the county level of government and only being under state laws with public municipality services provided by city taxes or a state tax that could be higher in areas that city taxes are not collected. This would add healthy competition between state government efficiency vs. municipality efficiency when it comes to basic services such as fire, police, schools and infrastructure improvements.

Such changes could take  ten or twenty years for a smooth transition , but I believe my suggestions would reduce taxation and improve the United States.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Dress Codes: The Best Solution To Improve Any Nation's Defense

If this was the first year you bothered to change over to a biblical mindset, you are only 108 days old and the word you should remember is 'grieve'. I can observe exactly what tendencies destroy rather than protect citizens. The following are equally destructive in any common public area:

1. Drunkards, whether driving a car, in a boat or on foot
2. Humans who dress immodestly in public places, for such people either entice others to sin or become a public nuisance often worse than a prostitute
3. Cigarette smoke

Most communities already have laws limiting the areas where cigarette smokers can smoke. Likewise, any and all defense-wise communities should immediately start passing laws prohibiting immodest attire in public areas such as parks or any licensed business that is open to serve minors or adults, which includes just about all stores, restaurants,medical facilities, schools, goverment buildings, professional, amateur and semi-professional sports venues. It is not unreasonable to order citizens to have their midriff section covered, have their cleavage or buttocks areas covered and require shorts to provide coverage at least 3 inches lower than the 'crotch area' on males or females. This would even allow for strapless dresses that fully cover the cleavage area, since bare shoulders are usually not the problem when it comes to child enticement such as is typical in NFL and NBA cheerleader line-ups. Even in public beaches, civil orders for one piece bathing suits in public places that fully cover the torso and 'more than the typical Speedo coverage' on males is not so restrictive that wise citizens would complain, since such laws would possible get Muslim-type nations to start backing  up communities rather than attacking communities.  Let people who insist on being unholy and immodest with or without their spouse get into private housing, their rental hotel area or facilities licensed to cater only to adults, let them act however whorish they want to but no public safety offieers should be forced to 'protect and serve' people who are totally inclined toward behaviors that would be considered unacceptable in any local public school building and who clearly rather entrap, entice, aggravate,accuse and offend rather than defend good decent public servants who are expected to dress DECENTLY such as police officers and fire department personnel.

It was very sad for me to realize that when young and old females jump or walk  around in bikinis on public beaches or in parks  and then trouble occurs, very decent married police officer might be required to arrest her for disorderly conduct and the officer degrades himself  by placing hands on the whorish woman or becomes wrongfully accused of mishandling the whorish woman.  Private hotels and private beach areas can have their own dress codes IF they do not allow minors in their hotel, and that allows for those who do not believe in decent biblical values or decent public dress codes to spend their money in private hotel areas that only serve adults over the age of 21. Protecting our children from being exposed to too much immorality and indecent exposure is like a plague that prevents a healthy mind from developing. Improperly attired women or men, whether single or married, are as dangerous to ANY COMMUNITY as a drunk driver, since they often lead to family troubles, divorces and areas of prostitution and crimes rather than leading to to wisdom, safety and goodness.

If there is not a holy elected leader that starts changing the direction of United States laws back toward the decent, common sense attire that was typical in the 1950's and 1960's, don't be surprised when more natural or unnatural disasters occur.  Building up the military is not as important as correcting the behaviors in local communities toward decency, humility and knowledge of self-defense  so that there are fewer areas that make our nation look like a giant Playboy Bunny zone, Hooters or a Dallas Cowboy stadium on game days. The United States would be much better off again if people restarted the 'Leave it to Beaver' neighborhood attire trends and rebuked the 'VIctoria's Secret' slut look by fining those who do not meet a minimum dress code that should be applied NATIONWIDE, just as drunken driving laws should all have the same penalties NATIONWIDE .  If you're afraid to point out what a 'trigger point' is for a religious zealot, you are also too much of a coward to be a living saint or a good public safety officer.

I much rather seriously identify the biggest problems with the United States  indecent and immodest ATTITUDES than be the cause of an attack on myself or in my vicinity because of a lack of a fear of God. Certainly decent dress code enforcement ('Public nuisance/indecent attire' ordinance violations should have set fines that  could be used to fund public schools or local police departments) should lead to less of a need for divorce attorneys, reduce the need for curfews caused by excessive violence and should lead to a better expectation that a prayer  by the Cleveland Police chaplain at the Republican national conventions might actually be answered.

Indeed, a women dressed in whorish fashion is as dangerous as a drunken soldier in a community that longs for peace and safety. Standard equipment for a squad car could now include a supply of 5 decent t-shirts donated by 'The Salvation Army' that could be used in cases of a first offense by an unsuspecting foolish female rather than issuing her a ticket for indecent attire. Maybe the t-shirt could say 'I was shown mercy by a police officer when I had the traits of a hooker so I now look like a decent citizen'.   2nd offense should be a minimum of $500.00 or 24 hours of public service picking up trash/litter in the jurisdiction of offense.

Of course, all movies, commercials and printed media made,sold  and distributed in the wisest nation on earth would also have the same dress code suggested in the body(bold type section) of this very serious public communications policy message. When will the United States choose to become the wisest nation on earth instead of one of the most dangerous nations on earth to raise a family? The United States elected officials are entirely to blame for allowing our media systems, movie industry, magazine industry and even our  JUDICIAL systems to become so corrupted, indecent, disgusting and despicable rather than decent and helpful in times of peace or in times of war.

Monday, July 25, 2016

'The Zelma Lea Superamerica Classic' To Be Held In MIchigan

On July 26th,2016 the Zelma Lea Superamerica Classic will start at 11:00 AM at a eastern MIchigan location all participants are already aware of.   This will not be a shotgun start but the name' Carl Zuberbier' might slip out when bad shots are launched unintentionally. No political speeches will be allowed by any participant and this is not a fund raiser, only a blood pressure raiser from time to time depending on sand trap play.

It is important to remember all of the golf classic's participants who risk their lives and loss of golf balls to make sure really old former Superamerica  employees are remembered for their courage, especially in Milwaukee locations.

Without any gambling lines, it is expected that there will be a former employee from the following Milwaukee area stations: 9th &Greenfield, 27th &Cherry, 40th & North, Green Bay&Bender and East Layton Avenue as well as former employee representing Madison Fitch Hatchery Road crew. Any and all former co-workers of Marie Swedowki ( also legally known as Marie Jackson and  Marie Xavier temporarily due to a marriage to a fellow Milwaukee Tech Trojan that was annulled  by the Polish Catholic Church due to  huge deception by the father of Richard Edwin Xavier who is now known as Richard Isaiah Hendrikson) are invited to be in the United States during this historic event that will not be held in Bevent.

No caddies will be allowed in this Classic but stuffed DARE bears can ride along in the golf cart with any or all participants according to good humor rules.

Beware of The 'Third Reich' Remnant

If you are on proper&pro-commandment self defense, there is a reasonable compaison you should be able to accept, namely that A group of typical motocycle gangs taking over or swooping into an area ia equal to a group of homosexuals or lesbians taking over an area. In order to remain holy and safe, I suggest the following:

A) Verbally identify the anti-commandment group without being afraid.
B) Depart from their area, since you if you have not been hired to protect them.
G) Warn others in an open business of their presence. In a real Almont, MI situation, I recognized the black cross that the German forces used during in World War II and identified them as a group of Nazis; it is not always a swaztikas or 'gay pride' signs that identified anti-commandment gangs.
D) Do not stop them from conducting legal business, but make them aware they are not worthy of your attention and go to a location that is spiritually safer since Nazi-type motorcycle gangs, just like any lesbian or similar anti-Israel unit, often decide to antagonize saints and break local laws, not just commandments.  The last thing you want to do is end up in a countroom testifying against them as an unpaid citizen witness rather than an expensive paid expert.
H) If the group that entered Almont, WI yesterday afternoon was some undercover ATF  or FBI vice squad unit, any one person saint squad is safer and wiser leaving because like a Milwaukee vice squad hooker, they might try to bait you into a crime such as trying to deny the right to a Pabst or a Pepsi in a local bar.  You are not supposed to lead yourself into temptation, and I was tempted to say they all looked like LeBron James, which might have caused them to lose their temper.
V) Remember that the Messiah of Israel sent out his MEN in 2 person details and did not send women out alone or in pairs to go on extremely short term  very serious mission trips.I have no idea if the 'Toews' #19 Blackhawk jersey I was wearing drew the motorcycle gang to the area, but at least they weren't drawn to a casino.
Z) I noticed a local police squad in the to the south of the motorcycle gang, took my time in his presence adjusting my local anti-lawlessness communication system at the Speedway store, and left ehr area after saluting the risen police officer who was not afraid to be seen near me; that fact makes him better than my daughter-in-law in common sense and in tactical '604' checking which has to go back to 'God's Great Outdoors' level.
C) Make sure you eliminate any and all actors and actresses as your 'hero', lest you end up as stupid as 'Goldblum' on Hill Street Blues leaving his fake wife Rachel to visit some actress in apartment '405'.  Keeping an eye on trends in number games is like comparing Hugh Beaumont's  fake home '211' address to Chuck&Cindy Goldsmith's real addresses over the years. Few, if any, humans in the business of professional deception and 'pretending for their paycheck' will be saved due to the fact that they would have to openly repent and LEAVE the business of pretending for a living in order to have proper repentence, at which time their hero should become those who are actually doing real good works and are no longer sinning and deceiving others for their source of income.
T) HVHY's court system does not work like the faulty USA judicial system. If you are an attorney and you chose to get paid by a liar, a rapist, a murderer, a thief or  even by a vow-breaking divorce petitioner who was committing adultery , don't expect to be considered any less guilty than your client before the holy true ELOHIM when a more serious trial&tribulation period begins that  demonic females like Cindy Crawford, Carrie Underwood, Faith Hill McGraw or Kate Jackson can't  defend their own 'family' with using their disgusting forms  of soliciting .  Long sentences are necessary at times when a short sentences like "Jesus wept." or 'Stella's dog line is not Brett Favre's jersey.' does not affect your Blenker,Bronson Viking or Lake Gogebic mind properly.

i hope this free safety report helped you realize that lesbians and homosexuals  are no worse than Hillary Clinton and Nazi motorcycle gangs, just make sure they don't force you to remain in their presence or  force you to join in their Prancer,Ode, Shelby Sylvester or Kyle Rudolph's Usinger beef football games.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Time To Take 'The Good Sheep' Test

If in fact the 'good shepherd' spot has been filled according to people who say they have trusted 'Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior', can those same people pass a 'good sheep test' so they get spared to reproduce after their kind rather than getting slaughtered by an enemy who doesn't appreciate a living continuous wool and lamb  supply?

1. You can admit you have never seen the good shepherd who call 'Jesus Christ' face to face yet. This is a typical jasper Benjamite foundation.
2. You have chosen to trust a reliable 'shepherd' who teaches like an Israelite and is willing to obey the laws ordained for Israel rather than choosing a Protestant or Catholic shepherd.
3. You let your chosen shepherd know when you will be absent from the sheep assembly so that he knows you haven't been slaughtered somewhere.
4. Once your chosen shepherd knows you expect him to be concerned if you do not return to the sheep assembly at one of the appointed times such as on a regular sabbath, upon your safe return your chosen shepherd should understand good sheep just don't dissappear and abandon their fellow sheep and the shepherd they chose to trust.
5. If naughty sheep leave and have not let their shepherd know that he should expect to see them again at an appointed time after a necessary absence, don't expect the shepherd to care if the naughty sheep gets slaughtered when the naughty sheep chose to depart from the sheepfold without official notice or without  relocation information.
6. Keeping point 5 in mind, if you let your secular employer know when you will be gone for a period of time, it is not proper to give your chosen shepherd any less respect? If you respect your secular employer more than you respect your 'pastor'/shepherd, you have too much 'state' in you and not enough of the proper church of Philadelphia mindset in you. If your current chosen shepherd does not care when you come and where you go, he is a worse shepherd than the typical police department supervisor at heart and mind. Believe me, the typical good police supervisor does care when you do not show up as expected and does care where you go.
7. If you claim that you are not expected to adhere to the rules of Israel because your 'Lord and Savior'  already did follow the rules, you are blaspheming. For instance, if you trust 'Donald Brown' or 'Ronnie Bass' as your personal coach and leader, hear everything he said and studied how he moved and lived but then choose to  live your life like Tom Brady or Michael Jackson, you actually rejected the directions and leadership of the person you CLAIMED to have trusted as your personal leader. Likewise, the majority of people who have claimed that 'Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior' reject the very instructions that the Judean 'Jesus Christ' followed, believed in and taught, thereby denying 'Jesus Christ' in their works.
8. If you chose and trusted a secular college like a typical year of the monkey mammal with your 'life and money', but then disregarded their curriculum, you would not only fail to graduate but would also have proven that you never really had faith in the college you chose; you also should not be trusted to teach others in that same  secular college. Good Israelite sheep will follow the instructions that their Good Shepherd left for them and then will be suitable parents for other sheep rather than road kill for the turkey vultures.
9. If anti-Moses people who do not exhibit 'good Israeli sheep' traits discourage or ignore you, be thankful they left your zone coverage without killing you. This is a tough mutton suggestion that I did not learn fully until I reported back to the metro Detroit area shepherd of my choice after being intentionally deserted but not destroyed by my anti-Israelite son, Richard I. Hendrikson, in Wisconsin again.
10. If you claim you trust your chosen medical doctor but then ignore his instructions, it means you are a liar because by your actions you prove you do not trust or believe you medical doctor and have chosen to trust yourself. If you claim that you trust and believe in the Bible but then ignore the health care instructions, you prove you do not believe the Bible and cannot be saved by or have your sins atoned for by the method  the Israelites will rely upon, so you have to come up with a different anti-Israel plan of redemption in at your own Gentile risk.
11. The Hebrew word for the teachings and instructions for Israel starts out with a Tav followed by Vav, Resh and Hey.  The force that keeps coming at you referred to as the Hebrew ' law' starts with a Yod followed by a Resh and a Hey.  Now you should realize that the Tav Vav Resh Hey has to come before the Yod Resh Hey can be the proper messenger and teacher system.  The holy Israelite force keeps coming at you tryng to deliver the Tav Vav Resh Hey to you, but if you willfully resist and subsequently reject the good Israelite forces, a different national earthly force still comes at you delivering their more complicated city, county, state and federal laws at you that you are expected to obey to prove your loyalty to that national force.  I learned this only because of Avi Ben Mordechai. This is a typical jacinth/iolite Gadite foundation.

Since a lot of refueling occurred to me at an appointed time, I had to shed some light on a few contrasting situations.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Basic Requireents to Pass a Fitness Test This Year

This basic human fitness program can be started at the age of 3 and continue until you are 118 or even 138.

 BUild up your strength until you can doo 1 push up, 1 sit-up or abdominal exercise repetition, and 1 proper squat for each year of life you have completed. IN this program, Do this 'human trifecta' program at least 6 days a week. For instance, I will do 54 push ups, 54 squats and 54 abdominal crunches at least 6 days week, but the daily 54-54-54 minimum does not have to be done all at the same time even if I can ideally can do them during a 10 minute period.

A 'normal' 10 year human under the proper care of decent parents, teachers and health care practitioners should  be able to do 10 sit ups, 10 push ups and ten squats a day with their own body weight or their parents should be considered negligent in their family health care and fined. Rejecting drugs for treatment should still be allowed by law due to religious beliefs.  Any 30 year old that can't do 30 push ups, 30 sit ups and 30 squats a day should be considered a danger to themselves and others which should lead to a 'mentally ill' diagnosis in the state of Wisconsin.  What good is it spend money at Menard's on trinkets for hour house or hire contractors to fix your 'mansion' when your own body is so neglected, in medical disrepair and in a state of voluntary weakness?

Some people still don't want to read about religion or politics, so itness programs should be neutral zone topics.  I am confident that age 94 I will be strong if I keep up this basic health care program, even if  unrighteous Marathon County Nazi types in cirbuit court sears permitted Shane David Hendrikson to steal most of my company's fitness equipment after forcing me into a 'no contest' situation to save my own flesh from their evil and greedy spirits..

Donald J. Trump Deserves A Chance To Serve

The bottom line on this editorial does matter.

I rarely bother to endorse a secular leader, but there is no doubt in amy sane person's mind that Donald J. Trump would actually WORK rather than play around with huge deceptions like the HIllary Clinton congregation of liars. Anyone who claims that the spirit of the UInted States is better now than it was before the Barack Obama administration took over is a liar, since the attack against our own local defenses have increased and attacks against our own literal neighbors have increased. Hilary Clinton HAS BEEN in a position of power while the United States has increased in racial tension and our local polce departments are filled with people who probably can't afford to quit even though they might desire to. The Barack Obama types do want people like Hillary Clinton in office so they can keep push their racial wars and their Islamic wars without any resistance from the UNited States White House. Donald Trump is not a coward, even though he may have offend4d others, and Donald Trump has the RIGHT to participate in any ordained holyday of the God of Israel if he wants to have have his sins atoned for and be refreshed and forgiven as only a few others have even desired to be.  Because Donald J. Trump is NOT an attorney, he is not the type who is going to defend those that are obviously guilty of lawlessness; too many attorneys have follishly tried to defend their own acts of lawlessness by refusing to turn themselves in for corruption.

A man can change very quickly in a positive or negative way depending on what forces are behind him and even more importantly what forces he must face. I will pray that Donald J. Trump does win th election in November and that self-proclaimed 'blsck people' understand that they need to start going on personal defense rather than continually choosing to go on offense against other humans if they want  real hope and good change in their neighborhoods.  It is the duty of the man of a household to protect and serve his family and good men, regardless of their thnicity,  will respond better to a another good man than to a pushy, abrasive and manipulative white female like Hillary Clinton.

I do not like the fact that Donald Trump claimed bankruptcy in the past, but bankruptcy has been legal even though it is not a profitable way to handle debt. Bankruptcy laws should be repealed and lending laws should be adjusted to disallow any loans exceeding 7 years so that banks no longer are guilty of being the cause of financial disasters in communities. In such a case, United States citizen would be forced to seek less costly housing and unrab renewal would probably occur rather than suburban sprawl that eats up good farmland. Briclayers, electriicians and carpenters could get plenty of work updated older housing that those with the reasonable 7 year mortgages could save for instead of wasting their money on electronic games, movie tickets and overseas trips to nations more vile than the United States such as France and Carrinean islands that promote the display of too mush flesh and not enough copies of the TORAH scrolls to be studied and believed.

The United States will become weaker, more violent within its own borders, a laughstock and a disgrace if Hillary Clinton gets elected, and pompous anti-biblical females like Michelle Obama would go into some type of party mode worse than anything Goliath ever came up with.   I don't want the United States to be deceived and disgraced by the Clinton family again. Donald J. Trump HONORED the names of his mother and father in public, so he is much more deserving of grace and mercy than my own son, Richard Isaiah Hendrikson. The influence of a proper woman can strengthen a husband, but the influnce of the spirit of Jezebel ( one who attacks rather than velieves the prophets of 'Yehovah' can destroy a nstion and a husband and prevent him from being counted with the the righteous. Donald J. Trump is NOT anti-Israeli, and indeed he was wise enough to consider the name Michael to be important in history, right up or right down to the angelic forces of my child, Qeset Charise.

I already said I would not literally vote in the next election, and I will keep my word. I will pray that the decent MEN of the United States will come out on force and vote for another male to try to lead out out of the bondage and debt that we have been in, even though we have escaped the disgraceful 'throne' of England many years ago. It was our foolish slide back to legalizing abortion clinics and idiotic Christmas parties that has weakened out nation and our sense of wisdom, Truth and pro-commandment actions. Infants in the womb matter, and it is sickening to their unbiased angels of HVHY to see a shirt that says 'Black Lves Matter' rather than a much better pro-life and pro-lawfulness shirt that says 'Fear God and Keep His ommandments'.

I have been forced to live as a widow due to the hatred of certain people affiliated with the Nazi-mentality of Shane David Hendrikson and the state of Wisconsin. I know that I am justified by my faith that leads to the keeping of the commadments, redeemed and not in bondage to Egyptian Sunday school gods, wise, beautiful  in character and moral conduct and am holy, even if my exterior is unattractive to the typical Gentile or bigoted anti-Israelite humans.  If the spirit of an unseen male archangel is protecting my household, it is because I believe in the arcahnegls of HVHY and I openly reject the spirits of Hitler, Easter, Christmas and Halloweek just like any other  Book of Revelation church of Philadelphia member is required to do without drawing back and being counted with the unbelievers who have rejected the spirit of Reggie Howard White, the martyr Uriah, Eldad and Medad.

The lives of those who obey the commandments of HVHY matter and will be prolonged and protected. Are you willing to start defending your flesh by keeping the commandments rather than worshipping and trusting those who willfully choose to choose sin rather than sainthood?

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Skunk Line Warning In the Post-Buxton Zone

Marlena Evans might as well be invading the Downtown Detroit area with 4 dogs named Thunder, Lightning,Wolfgang and Elmo rather than the Joel and Victoria Olsteen  'useless toy boxers' with their anti-Eldad 'Buzz Lightyear'  foolish 'lukewarm church' program.  FOX2 media women who have such obvious fake blonde 'skunk lines' on their skull  wouldn't know how to be attracted to a clean Saint Uriah or real Saint Paul the Benjamite line, and they certainly are too preoccupied with their anti-Ox system to notice that on G is for Gad and Jerome the Giraffe, not for  Oakland University Sigma Pi makers.  The elect of HVHY WON'T  get drawn to the Joel Olsteen traps and are also too spiritually keen to believe or trust Billy Joel and 'Purple Rain' lines, even though the NV types keep pushing them out like Cole Zero lines.

If you were one of the few who got some wisdom at Pabst Theatre lines deposited your way at 'Real Chili' in Milwaukee,  your biggest problem might be deciding which way to go at the year of the pig lines, especially if your only choices of counter-pig movements are now Templeton the rat, Kermit the Frog or a  politician who understands the 12th billiard ball system and MIlwaukee Tech Trojan trends. Since I do not have any problem rejecting pig problems, I have to notice year of the tiger problems. In some circles, people think 1=rat, 2= ox, 3=tiger rather than using billiard ball theology and 'Heatley=15Maroon'.

I am to the pint of realizing that when I enter my house, it is about the Robert Clary entering a comfortable 'cooler' until I decide to let myself out of my comfortable cooler to continue real warfare against Nazi mindsets and those who wrongly believe that what has happened on earth for the past 6 or 6000 years doesn't matter.  Did it matter that the Boston Americans defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1903?  It certainly affected the world in the wrong way when humans decided to fo the 'moonwalk' in 1969.  Do not be deceived by politicians who appear to be 'comfortable' in their skins, and be thankful if you are not afraid to belong to a good uniform division, even if it is only a Zenoff Park softball team. Remaining humble and walking according to the remnant of biblical faith that George Washington deposited in North America is what Olsteen, Donald Trunp and Hillary Clinton types have FAILED to do.

Rod and Carl Allen Jr.'s 11th Coomandment Rizzo Sectional Question for people who won't be voting for 'Mickey Todd': Is Buxton of the Minnesota Twins better than Joe Xavier on North Carolina offense when a Xavier Rhodes copper line gets tripped up at Bumblee Series and Franco Harris  lines? This question is better  for Trojan Nation jokers than playing 'Pass the Pigs' with Wittenberg, Wisconsin high school graduates.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Nations Are Reaping What Has Been Sowed

Since there is a promise that the entire earth will not be flooded again, remember there have been plenty of warnings about 'lawlessness' abounding and as a result the love of many grows cold, but love does not get obliterated from the face of the earth.

A literal lot has changed while I was  spending time with my parents as is expected of the living saints. My parents are not living saints, but it is because their 'church' and the nation they were brought up in has sown falsehood rather than the COMPLETE Truth in their minds and their daily lives. It is only a few that do search the entire Scriptures that end up incorruptible because they have decided to see and believe the God of Joseph and other saviors in history such as Moses. Indeed, there are many saviors, but there is only one God who will prove to be true as history keeps unfolding and heaven continues to be rolled up like a scroll.

My area of housing is very unique with 66 lots. What if every person in my housing area decided to become an expert on the corresponding book of the Bible that is numbered according to our lot? I suspect we would all get along much better and not try to survive alone or in states of individual seclusion like so many people in affluent and impoverished areas foolishly CHOOSE to do. I read the 64th 'book', namely the 3rd Book of John, and I noticed what I had not noticed before. John and his associates were not welcome by certain churches, and it is not unholy nor ungodly to report those who refuse to accept 'God' in the form of the entire Scriptures at the time John wrote to his associates. It is a common fact that most if not all police departments and sheriffs departments no longer tolerate biblical methods of defense or offense, and as a predictable result the military and the paramilitary figures are divided and often unaware what has lead to their loss of respect from those who do not fear God.

Those who do fear God are not going to physically attack themselves, nor would they attack their neighbor except in cases of self-defense. People who fear God are not going to physically attack a local law-enforcement officer, nor are they going to physically attack their own government representatives. Those who fear the true and holy God of Zebulon and Issachar might verbally rebuke a person who does not fear God, even if they never are able to judge evildoers. When I read the 3rd book of John, placed in the 64th position in the typical 'Christian' bible, I noticed that those who do evil still have not seen God, and since my God is fully represented in the Old Testament books up to Malachi, those who continue to do evil have refused to look upon the WORD which fully represents God. If you look upon the words of God, seen what they mean and acted according to the Word, you are not blind and you should have stopped committing sin. If I read a golf instruction book by an expert but then choose to disregard any or all of his suggestions, I might have another golfer that has a different plan to master golf. When it comes to religion, most people do not believe that the words of the Bible can lead you to spiritual perfection, so they seek some other author to believe rather than the author(s) of the Old Testament books, which the later biblical writers trusted in fully.

Since I am on lot 1, I decided to notice how the book commonly referred to as 'Genesis' ends, and the children of Machir are mentioned as being brought up alongside of Joseph. Joseph lived to be 110 years old, and it is possible I could live that long as well, which means I could have another 55 years to try to dispel darkness and to become an expert on the 50 chapters of the Book of Genesis. How much would start changing in the United States if every state representative started studying and believing in every chapter of Genesis that leads up to the state's number they represent? For instance, Wisconsin citizens and representatives should start to study and believe Chapters 1 through 29 of the Bible, and then goes on to study and believe Psalm 29 as a form of adult education that leads to peace rather than to evil and lawlessness.

Since it has brought to my attention that Ohio is in fact the 47th state based on the time of the Congressional vote in 1953, only states 1 through 16 have remained the same ( Delaware through Tennessee). Whatever state is commonly listed as 18th should now be listed as 17th, Michigan is actually the 25th state and Nevada is the 46th state based on commonly unknown facts of United States history. Since NV is really only a short form of 'Nominal Value' in the perspective of a person who prefers holiness to prostitution, what might be the outcome of Stuart Rottier, an attorney who assessed over $300,000 in hard assets which belonged to my former company? I would not expect the outcome of Stuart Rottier and his fellow evil anti-commandentist Shane David Hendrikson to be 'good', since both willfully chose to attack that which was operated by me according to the law and according to biblical principles.

When the majority of voters desire that which is evil rather than that which is holy and good to rule over their nation, the expectation is that the nation will never achieve a state of peace and safety, even though a few within in will continue to battle properly against the forces of evil WITHOUT committing sin.  It is not a time to party in a nation that has so openly rejected the Truth and the directives of the Torah, it is a time to fast, to pray, to assemble with others who love the God of Moses, and to understand that every nation including the United States has real wars being fought on a daily basis. I am not fearful of the future, but I am also too wise to be pulled into video games and other areas where unknown sources are manipulating the minds and daily activities of unsuspecting fools of circuit trees rather than trying to understand  actual living fruit bearing trees.  Whether your  post-trauma pro-commandment pro-holiness survival count s up to day 1551  or only at day 100, if you reject or attack those who boldly prophesy against lawlessness don't expect to receive angelic protection.

If you really want to change and stop sinning, then you have to 'see that your adversary is  actually the 'God' of the Israelites. You actually have to start at Genesis and continue reading though as many Scriptures as your heart and mind is able and willing to accept in order to replace the teachings of liars, false gods and  and  pompous atheists in your 'temple', which is your body. At the point of salvation you will agree with your perfect adversary, who actually is a living 'God'  and not a volleyball or some man-made object, in order to learn how to treat your friends properly and defend yourself against enemies properly.

I don't feel well prepared for the 'Saint Uriah Memorial anti-'Ghostbuster' Golf Classic tomorrow, but a good night rest might change that. Remembering the brave who were forced into battles by unrighteous leaders is necessary to avoid being drawn to the wrong King system.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Optimist's Heart Beats a Club

If you have an optimist's heart, you are in the red zone and not focusing on black and white lines. An optimist's mind knows Howe to Read names without stuttering at Level 42 vs. Heatwave lyrics.

I decided to go on an 'anti-Mike Webster' plan and only sleep in my car if I have to. I am not going to invest in earthworms other than trying to increase their survival rate in my rented Michigan soil by using little to no toxic lawn chemicals. The local robin association can handle the earthworm population properly. In a fair and balanced mind that is no longer being harmed by prescription drugs that do more harm than good, the pessimist club is still a natural legal option to associate yourself wirh, especially in a community with a severe lack of single, honest men who are not afraid to study the Scriptures and use n apply the instructions to their life or household in order to provide proper defense. 'Laugh YOur Way to A Better Marriage' is NOT a plan that actually works, just like 'Fireproof' and Cameron lines are filled with more errors than a MIwaukee Purifoy and Pulcifer  TIger checkpoint. TBN programming is also laughable and full of unrealistic expectations if you continually force yourself to believe that the name 'Jesus CHrist' has more power than the name 'Eldad' or 'Yehovah'. Accuracy matters, and severely altered variations of a given legal name leads to confusion and trouble, just as confusing or comparing Robin Lopez with Robin Ortiz could lead to a real Kevin Lopez breakthrough for cardinal and real rather than FAKE fire departtment lines.

Watching portions of  unholy  and corrupted media presentations '48 Hours' was as troubling as it was trying to get the Marathon County, Wisconsin sheriff's department to take an accurate felony report, file an accurate felony report and than arrest rather than appease a liar, an adulterer and a corporate felon known as 'Shane David Hendrikson'.  Normal periods of justified anger does not mean you have a mental illness, and in fact surpressed anger and lack of proper actions hen you are a victim leads to more physical damage than a Hershey's bar with almonds. The typical person rejects the notion that proper offense against lawbreakers is a necessary reaction by real saints and select angels, and the typical person without wisdom also rejects the notion that demonic spirits are not controlled with KLonepin or forced sedation and only are forced out of a body or a nation by using the power of the word of HVHY, which includes the knowledge of phrases such as  those used by Elijah at MOunt Carmel against typical evildoers such as Elijah Cummings types.

Todd Cunningham is as misleading as Gary Woodland when it comes to Calvin Sprick slobs, and in this case 'clob' is not a compliment. Just remember, I named my dark-haired platic doll 'Polly' after Polly  Read, not after a parrot.

Oshawanoe  Problematic Optimist  'OPeration NINeBArK'  question: Why don't more people name their child 'Cardinal','Raven', Canary',  'Oriole' ,Thrasher' or 'Chickadee' when many people still name their child 'Robin'?

Thanfully, I know how to fight depression,combat hypocrites and deal with the reality of rejection rejection from anti-YHVH types such as Rachel& Richard Isaiah Hendrikson  family. I fight a good fight of faith LAWFULLY with my DARE bear 'Sergei and uitlize Israelite  wisdom, courage, legal amusing language and a proper balance of healthy foods and bodily exercise which still profits me a little.

For those who work in the hotel and motel industry, be thankful you are not employed by dangerous medical hosptials, since more crimes against humanity and dangerous experiments  regularly occur in hospitals than in the typical licenced motel or hotel.

Friday, July 15, 2016

For Sale: #7 Chris Chelios Jersey'

When it's time to buy and sell clothing, it's not a joking matter. After realizing thst Chris Chelios has a serious inferiority complex and lacks the intelligence to talk about religion or politics, he becomes as much of a spiritual loser as Cindy Crawford and John Cusack types.  Real defensemen are not afraid to hear the word 'Israel' of study the prophet Elijah rather than flipflop in Mailbu lines with beach baby bingo bratsI am now willing to sell my game worn ( it was worn by me in a game) 'Chelios #7 Blackhawk' jersey for no less than $2000.00 in cash or to my worst enemy for a lot more than $2000.00.  If I don't get more than my asking price, I might as well keep it for a joke in Advice Lord games and  mentally IL  anti-Halloween Field Marshall Rudolph Richter 'fowl play' station to Stanton games.

If you want to learn about a local hero, find out about Jimmy 'the shepherd' Morris, a man of integrity with the ability to learn in and out of church pews.  NOt all USA military veterans are worthy of the title  'wiseman', but Jim Morris of Knowlton, WI is a man who is trustworthy, kind and he is NOT drawn to trashy immoral conduct areas.  I  reported to Jim Morris on the day I knew I had to leave the presence of a beast named Shane David Hendrikson, and te Jimmy Morris family understood my fears and agreed I had to do whatever it took to protect myself. Jimmy Morris does not boast about his time in Vietnam, but his experience might have taught him to respong properly to a person trying to defend themsleves rather than tell them to return to an evil anti-commandmentist spouse.

Milwaukee's North side story is more important to understand than tstudying Braodway traps like 'West Side Story', since real gangs don't rehearse their lines.  The problem with unjust carnal leaders like Edward Flynn is that he believes in Dr . Suess instead of believing in people like me or in the prophet Nahum.   An accurate defender of France would start to order a ban on beach nudity in order to increase the possibility that demonic spirit will flee their 'turf', but fllthy, immoral nations  are too anti-morality to realize it is their own nation's policies that aggravate situations rather thanbringing peace and safety to their homeland.   Reasonable MODEST dress codes in public areas and in media will more likely cause a Muslim to seek a different target to attack, and such facts are only revealed by peope like me who are courageous enough to align with the sealed saints rather than continue to support or defend lawlessness which is actually making the 'choice to sin' rather than to trust the MOses and the prophets.

Some of my messages have been rejected in Stevens Point, but some people have received my messages.  When people say they will never play for a certain team, they should keep their word or expect to be labeled  as an intentional deceiver, easily deceived, as 'bipolor' or 'double minded and unstable in long-term decision making.

I am still not embarrassed to wear my KRIVOKRASOV jNOrthstar jersey, especially since it has a yellow star on it rather than a yellow rose on it.. A rose is not as good as a head of cabbage during times of real wisdom tests.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

'Five Minutes' Isn't 'About a Half an Hour'

I won't get drawn into the Frank Lloyd Weber blasphemous version on 'Joseph', since the book of Genesis contains the Truth, not strong delusions. The life of Joesph, brother of Benjamin, was not 'Fu and Games' and it is a shame that locals in Stevens POint, WI have tried to make theaccount of Saint Joseph be as trivial and useless as water parks in Wisconsin Dells.

When the son of Theodore R. Jackson made an appearance to attempt to convinve me he 'loved me', I was not convinced but he got over his fear to admit in public that I am his natural mother. Visiting me while I am 'free' instead of forced into a torture chamber that the state of Wisconsin has ;abeled 'mental health facilities' should have been a reason for my son to rejoice, but instead he remained as hard-hearted and anti-Israelite as Thomas Wahl or Roland Hendrikson, and the following  report is necessary for my personal history book:

1. My only living son was not easily identified by me until he spoke. He appeared to be slightly obese and nervous.   I congratualted him for overcoming one of his fears, and the convrsation coninued in a fashion no less dangerous than a suspect talking to free legal counsel before a scheduled court appearrance; in other words, we are practically complete strangers at this point in history.

2. I tried to establish his level of spiritual growth or genuine interest in had facts and science by asking him if he was interested in the stones of the tribes of Israel, and he quickly denounced any nterest in such a PERFECT topic for 2 people who claim to believe in the 'Bible'.  This indicated he was still an uneducated opponent with about as much power over me as as my former dog, 'GOrbachev'. I knew when he left I would be sad, might never see him again and that while he was in my care he was treated better and been protected better than anyone who has ever signed up for the United States military under the current administration.

3.  My son allotted me only 5 minutes, but that got extended to about ten minutes of his political time, since he does not care about the facts and prophesy of the tribes of Israel. He claimed he did not receive the email I sent to him about a month ago offering choices of places to attempt to reach peace and meet his grandhildren, but those could have been deleted by his wife. I stated I would resend the email.

4. I asked him what he wanted to talk about and he described his 3 children in a positive manner; he did not  mention his wife, and in the past he had given 'glowing reports' of her.

5. I asked him who his 'boss' was and he gave me no answer, which increased my lack of trust in his motives or his integrity.  Maybe he should have said ' the president of France', but instead, he thinks he does not have to account to anyone other than to himself. II reminded him that Simon Bourne had been his past supervisoer, and reminded him that on his 1st anniversary I had tried to show support for his marriage, but that kindness was NEVER RECIPRICATED and as a result his father filed for divorce from me. When immediate family does not care about a divorce, there is no reason to exhibit mercy toward the hard-hearted uncaring family members.  They reaped what they sowed into my life, and such is part of spiritual laws.

6. He asked if I was still living in Michigan, and I let him know i would not be moving alone again. He asked if I was going to move closer to my parents, but that seemed like an illogical question that I might have redirected to him, but I chose not to. My parents have one son nearby and often are as anti-Moses as their Jesuit pope.

7. My son did not offer me any hope of meeting his children, and when he claimed his oldest daughter knew Jesus CHrist as her personal Lord and savior, I asked if she knew Yehovah, and my son scoffed at the name of my God and at the notion . He wrongly believes that his French line is more important than my Hebrew abilities and knowledge of history and prophesy.

8. Lastly, I informed him that he should clear up his juvenile reputation by returning to Milwaukee and confessing to the proper authorities that he fabricated the account of his 'attempted abduction' while he was known as Richard Edwin Ortiz and while he was a student at Saint Jude's school in Milwaukee county. HE claimed that did not matter anymore and mentioned 'statute of limitations' but reported felonies do not expire until they are cleared. There is a time limit to REPORT a crime, but prosecution could occur at anytime especially if additional evidence or additional witnesses come forth.

9. I told him that I had achieved one of my goals because I forwarded information necessary to clear up a reported felony.  My son laughed at my goal, but I have no interest in going in his direction or seeing just who he has seated at his 'goal line', since he is still going in the wrong direction and continues to spurn the commandment of HVHY.

10. Since I was facing the cameras, what I said and did should be well documented, and I allowed my son to give me a hug before he left to serve his anti-Israel gods again. He, like SHane David Hendrikson, has committed crimes that any police officer who is GOOD knows should lead to their arrest, but apathy when crimes are committed by family members or by employees against business owners is often ignored or mishandled as poorly as 'black on black crimes'.

If I do not return to Stevens POint for the feat of Tabernacles, it is because I f will choose to go to an area where what I do will be appreciated rather than tolerated. The people in East Pointe, Detroit will pro probably be more excited about my safe return to their humble church than my own son or parents. Sad truth does not need to be concealed, and I am still winning the war against drugs in my own life of sorrows intermingled with comforters and joy knowing that I love Yehovah and his laws, even when it is difficult to uphold them properly.

Diisgusting 'country music' is what I have tolerated as I sit in the Cousin's sub shop in Stevens POint today, the 5th day of the 4th month of the biblical year. Liars sometimes get rich selling musical records, and I still hate liars for a very good reason.


Saturday, July 9, 2016

In The Matter Of: Richard Isaiah Hendrikson

Bad reports follow lack of peacemaking, so although this report will be well written because I have been a student of Catholic nuns, the facts reported will contain bad news.

Men who lack the proper foundation do not face opponents properly and often lose courage or opportuities for a rematch.  My 'opponent' is the son I shed my blood for in Milwaukee, and he currently  has the legal name of RIchard Isaiah Hendrikson. From now on, I will refer to him as suspect'. He is still a co-conspirator in the destruction of charitable organization property and may be co-conspirator in felony theft of my business supplies and assets even if the incompetent Marathon County Sheriff refused to file proper reports and make the necessary arrests since there was more than enough probable cause to arrest Richard Isaiah Hendrikson, his wife Rachel and my former employee Shane David Hendrikson.

Status report:

After having plenty of evidence to identify suspect RIchard Isaiah Hendrikson as a fraud, a liar and a person who does not properly represent 'Christ' or good law enforcement, the following evidence against him and his 'boss' has accumulated:

1. Suspect claimed he 'hoped' I would be present in my elderly parents house to meet with hin, but as a trained partially disabled police officer I requested to meet in a public place that had better security systems. Suspect Richard is trying to operate like HIllary Clinton and hide his true spirit from public cameras.
2. Suspect  is a trouble-maker in my family system, not a peace-maker or a peace keeper, just like his siblings, Ashley Maria Hendrikson and Eric David Hendrikson. Suspect and his siblings have established a pattern of convincing weak Protestants and Catholics to protect or wrongfully EXCUSE their sins rather than openly rebuke them, however, true prophets and saints are not afraid to openly rebuke their anti-TORAH opponents, especially if they do not even have as much power as Miroslav Satan.
3. Suspect made a false claim and reported to my parents that he  'loves me', even though he is unwilling to meet with me in person in a location safe for both of us. His claim of 'love' is a twisted as a man claiming he loves his wife, then files for divorce after  refusing to go to counseling with her. In such cases, the suspect might be able to deceive others, but is not able to deceive his mother(in my case against Richard Isaiah Hendrikson' just as an anti-Christ male is not able to coerce  his  ex-wife inot trusting him since she knows he proved he DOES NOT love her.
4. Suspect's 'boss' is not the God of Israel, nor is he part of the church of Philadelphia since he does not teach and train his employees to ber peace-makers with their own parents in order toeventually have -peace with GOd' status. Suspect's 'boss' keeps the fool captive with donations to fund his anti-Christ agenda, just as terrorists get funded to continue wars.
5. Suspect is part of an anti-TORAH religious business, which means he is as much of a risk to himself and others as any Muslim or Nazi, even though only a few with courage are brave enought o admit this.
6. Suspect's current image is not able to be reported by me due to his 'failure to appear' status. Suspect exhibits anti-Truth patterns that are similar to the modus operandi of his natural father, his stepfather and his legal father, all of which failed to become peace-makers even though at times they may have APPEARRED to be peacekeepers.
7. Prognosis for the recovery of suspect is very poor, and he is unlikely to make the changes necessary to become a living saint due to the spirit of the boss he has chosen to serve. Since I am an expert in areas of spiritual warfare,competent in local low enforcement and am still a student of HVHY's systems and required behavior for rhose who are not afraid to refer to themselves as Israelites, required non-spy reports get made public to warn those who also might be facing the suspect to reject his notion of love' and to continue patterns that do not excuse SIN in their households.
8. All unrepentant known or unknown criminals (lack of a proper police report often temporarily give criinal suspects an unfair advantage on earth, but such do not have an advantage in angelic realms) and anti-Christ suspects have the opportunity to turn themselves into local law enforcement agencies or to turn their lives over to the author of the 'Old Testament', but only a few will because it is true that only a FEW, will actually attain the status of 'saved by grace'. Whether any court system decides to show you mercy or imposes maximum penalties against you becomes a matter of judgment calls rather than lawlessness.
9. Suspect Richard Isaiah Hendrikson is still causing much pain and suffering to me and to my parents due to his lack of widom and lack of etiqette regarding neutral zone encounters, so be advised he is still not to be called a 'son of God'  but rather a son of perdition. It is unknown to me whether or not he has the power to change his own status before he chooses to return to his unclean and therfore unholy family of anti-Israelites.
10. Suspect just contacted me and said he was embarrassed to meet me in a public place, namely the 'Zest Coffee House' on the UWSP campus. Once agains, he is trying to draw me back into my parent's house and my parents do not need to be present during an attempted peace process since they are not  trained nor good at negotiations, whether union or non-union. I was informed that suspect will be at 224 Georgia Street until 10:23 am and that he will then exit the United States for 2 years. I am waiting to see if my parents redirect him to the neautral zone at the public coffee shop to meet me, his natural mother. (Suspect later made a short appearrance at 'Zest' coffee shop; follow up report pending)

If it had not been for  the kindness and love of God that my godfather and his beautiful wife displayed to me as the current sabbath day began, I might not have had enough wisdom to restore peace with my parents after the weak and beggarly anti-Philadelphia  suspect failed to schedule an appointment with the very woman who is now required to be his accuser and identify him as an anti-commandmentist.  No time for spell checks, but my sentence structure is better than the author of the 'Sandy Koufax' biography.


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Terrible Elijah Day 89: James Coney=Roland Hendrikson

Not all humans named 'Elijah' are as wise as a Ford key chain, since the key chain doesn't lie or mislead  a Honda key chain.  Because I don't need to hide servers or organists in my basement like the cowardly and corruptible Clinton and Comey Folks, let me try to redirect the Disciples.

When the word 'Folks' is used, please remember that the city that Barack Obama calls 'home' is not sweet, but filled with violence and that the word 'Cobras', Kings' 'Folks' and 'Disciples' do often work in the 'Street Justice' venues, often without an attorney or without regard for their own football safety dance. I prefer to keep the 'safety' concept as my priority, and verbal attacks are easier to ignore than a nail being driven into the palms of the hands of a prophet.

James Comey denied the proper 'handcuff chain' of command when he indicated  that arrests leading to trials only should be brought about when a human is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, so James Comey is too ignorant to be respected or relied upon for peace and safety.  Even Miraslav Satan has more angelic power and self-control in spirit that an elected official, since certain hockey players are CHOSEN by people with genuine power play designs, not elected by the immoral majority.  James Comey is now 'party to a crime' committed by Hillary Clinton by refusing to react properly and go on offense against her, an anti-TORAH female government leader who IS REQUIRED to know all the humanly contrived laws she has claimed she would be willing to defend but instead has chosen to ignore and intentionally BREAK. HIllary Clinton might be better off trying to get a job as a State Farm agent based on her lack of intelligence and obvious disregard for the the book of Nahum.

Elijah Cummings represents the typical 'Graceland' T-shirt, which means he is still unaware of the snare he has been caught in with his own foolish lips that are not going to pass a book of Isaiah test.  The Evis Presley and deranged Michael Jackson administrations are  unholy,bad and unrighteous and are more like HGTV Brother vs. Brother desperate anti-D.A.R.E.  and out of CONTROL Las Vegas programs.

The young dark brunette man of wisdom and courage who was interrogating James Comey impressed me and should be good enough to be a Cobra or in the Mizuno B=5 unit. B is for Benjamin, even in 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.'   B is also for Brautigan and Brezovar, not for infidels. If you choose blasphemy rather than Boron, you disqualify yourself from attaining sainthood and required perfection of thought, WORD and DEED.

Since I refuse to vote for a lying female like Hillary Clinton and I  can't vote against my godfather, Andrew Beine, who reminded me that Donald Trump's filing for bankruptcy is improper conduct in business practices, I will only watch and pray that Newt Gingrich can frog his way into the 2nd position in pro-morality and pro-honest Snow Fort type battlegrounds rather than give up on the Trump vs. Kuklinski battles that have been ongoing since I was lied to by the unjust  parents of Brock Kuklinski regarding the ability of grey aluminum siding to fade to the Reggie Howard White team.

Rules for the Packers who still suck:
A) The Packer G is for 'Guilty' or the reformed and soon to be released Darren Sharper team.
B)  B is for the 'bottomless pit' crew in the basic Worth Smith basketball transition to B is for Badger State lines and Bobby Delgadillo Junior Admiral slot formations. B is also for Bleu Cheeseheads and never equals 1, no matter what your German algebra teacher tries to tell you.
G) The good G team still has to be a good hockey goalie on the right side of Simeon's blue London topaz plan.  The good G fits into 'The Great Escape' PenGuin plan and does not fit into the Gregorian calendar system which has caused more chaos than any sighting of the new moon in Bevent ever could.
D) If you D=500, you also think that IM=999. Such paths will only lead you to L=50 and a stupid tin man line rather than back to the D=Dorsey and the Old School of Dewey Cherek defensive planning against Wittenberg and HItler Methodists who celebrated with Shane David Hendrikson rather than mourning with me on April 20th, the day I started my tribulation survival series, which is now well past 1500 days in progress.
E) Since the 5th letter of my legal first name is E, the first letter of my middle name is E and the 3rd letter of my maiden name is E, the letter E cannot be eliminated from the important Helen Richmond 377 series, and only has a #2 spot in my son's legal and very unholy surname. Maybe Richard Isaiah Hendrikson will change his surname to 'Elmo' and end up with the name of a faithful and courageous dog rather than trying to redeem blasphemers like LeBron James or trying to raise and insert pork chops and a dead pheasant under glass into his next Audrey Stafford and Szymanski  programs. The name 'Stafford' is not as weighty as the name Elias at 26.
F) IN order to get away from the failed Austrian system of 'Do Re Me Fa So' Watt lines, stay with F=Atlanta Thrashers or F=Zero(Candy Kane lines) in your Elizabeth Cummings Saint Matthew Greyhound Football systems.  F-Troop is still better to laugh with than F=Karen and Roland Hendrikson, who literally failed more tests of genuine faith in the teachings and instructions of the Bible than my Allstate agent.  The Wittenberg , Wisconsin bunch can put all the F into Faith Hill and will only find out that they would have been better off trusting a Jim Furyk line or F=9= Trojan Nation horse game that still includes Robert Parker and Dennis Ware but has eliminated Kevin Smith due to his lack of proper English skills in the company of a real holy angel.
7. Remember Michael Sieve and N is for Napthali, and continue to denounce Denzel Washington and reject the television methods of Matt Damon, a fool who is in his own version of a failing water-ski show.  Good Judeans do not run, but hold their positions until the proper draw plays bring the claen fish to your table instead of  unclean  Playboy rabbit paws. What is up on your housetop does not matter as  much as what was allowed to enter you esophogus after you finally properly believed, heard from or read from the books of  5 basic books of Moses, which have been a free gift to the world for centuries.
C) Do not think that people choosing to go to Hodag country music gathering are on the proper 7:10 defense plan. It is better to be in a bowling alley with your sights on fearless bowling pins than to worship and adore unrighteous daughters and unrighteous sons of perdition tied to the music industry. Calvinists have been a problem to Armenians for years, and choosing wisely is what real justified Bereans do. Rejecting the foolish 'Brooks and Dunn' and rejecting 'Sammy Kershaw' lines reveals spiritual maturity and will keep you alert at 15=Hospital Block divisions.
T) Trojans undertand Roman numbers just as well as Spartans do, but not all Trojans will be saved unless they repent and discontinue lawlessness. Don't be a 'James Comey' if you understand the Law of Gravity and the Book of Revelation orderly patterns of necessary divisions.
X) Remember  Grover Cleveland, Joseph Cannan's Wells Fargo game and X=Jason Arnott if you stuck at plan '24' but not stuck at Y.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Day 87: Do The Green Bay Packers Still Suck?

'Suck' was the controversial word delivered by some female speaker in a Catholic church on the regular sabbath, but remember James Caan made the word 'nigger' socially acceptable in the 'remake' media. Since the July 7,2007 congregation failed to deliver the proper message to Wisconsin, I have to report that the Packers are still infantile in their methods, so indeed they still 'suck'. Wausau's token baseball team at 'Legion' assembly also lacks maturity and proper Robert Groth perspective, especially when their 3rd base coach labeled with a '13'  demanded that the Stevens Point team not 'talk  to  HIS players'  was obviously as ignorant of common sports practices as Stacker and Rottier are of common angelic forces reactions to their legalistic tyranny.  I left the 'Legion' area when I realized they were unworthy of my audibles and let them be controlled by pompom girls and typical anti-Columbus types. 'Legion' is not a name that saves, and only a few know how to get in and out of such areas without getting accused of being anti-grenade, even though I am anti-grenade.

If you were pulled into the wrong concert on the evening of the 4th of July, you watched and heard the deranged and mentally unsafe and out-of-control Washinton, DC message of a song by 'Prince' where he suggests 'Let's Go Crazy'.  Real sealed saints don't go crazy, but they are able to find reasons to laugh at the futile attempts of demonic entities to be drawn to them. Fireworks are still strange fire, and they do not please the God who appreciates clean air quality.  The best example of what it is like when sealed Israeli tribe members get together and blend as they should was the concert at 'Red Rock' in CO, in which the dynamic duo of my era not only spoke to each other but enjoyed what they could learn from what another.

When 'Chicago' and 'REO Speedwagon' united, not only was it musical perfection in a secular position, it was a large scale version of how I get along with my own brother Robert. 'Chicago' will always be my favorite rock-solid band, and my brother Robert is an REO Speedwagon fan.  The 2 bands complimented each other rather than trying to completely change one another.  The concert at Red Rock, CO made  the NHL All-Star game and Any Grant goons look like an amateur hireling puppet show that spun off from 'Grease' garbage.  Very few will ever achieve the decent moral quality and depth that Robert Lamm and his musical associates display on a regular basis without ruining the air with fireworks. Those in attendance at Red Rock did not 'go crazy', and the obvious LACK of tattoos on the musicians was a visual testimony to those sealed saints who know that a tattoo is nothing to be proud of, but is actually a spiritual disgrace and a menace  to sound investment practices. Music and its lyrics often lead to strong delusions rather than to sound doctrine or peace of mind that occurs when you refuse to twist Scriptures or try to market them like the typical religious  hirelings do in the month of December worldwide.

HIllary Clinton is as guilty in the 'Vince Foster' debacle  as OJ Simpson is in the murder of his  currently dead wife. The FBI often is too easily swayed  because they don't even demand complete obedience to the laws by their own people, so it seems they exhibit cowardice when a leader commits real infractions that are contrary to the law. Hillary Clinton is on a rampage of 'disorderly conduct' worse than any type of conduct that I plead 'no contest' to in order to move forward with my life and exile myself voluntarily from the corrupt Marathon County court system. Any virtuous woman can see and hear that HIllary CLinton is a disgrace to the concept of etiquette required to be called a 'lady' and certainly will never be part of the kingdom of God. It seems that is indeed better to be the child of a faithful factory worker than to be the child of any type of attorney anywhere in the world.

The sealed members of the tribes of Israel do not have to together constantly to work together, but on occasion, do have to meet face to face to bring spiritual reassurance to each other in these days of tribulation. As the end of the 3rd month has arrived, a reminder to those who are pro-life that a child delivered in the 7th month has a better chance of survival than one delivered in the 8th month. The 7th month for those on the Hebrew calendar is still more crucial to adjust to than to waste your time with the 4th of July games and immature behaviors that most  United States occupants still cling to like a useless baby rattle.

I will continue my pattern of communications, especially visual and unique, even if the enemies of Israel are dismayed by them or left in derision. When a 'Fred' line comes up, Michael Landon is not as reliable as Paul Frederick Stanton, Frederick Biene, Frederick Birts or Fred Madsen, since Michael Landon often let his own lips lie more often than he was willing to testify in court against dangerous defendants. A horse named 'Bunny' is not even as reliable as the Chinese calendar zoo in my estimation, since the snake and the ox clearly are tied to dan and Joseph, not to Paul Bunyan idiots.

For those that know Hebrew,  the 3rd letter ' GIMEL' represents a camel. Tuesday is like the camel hump day, not the 4th day of the week. Insurance companies are not a good source of information, since they do more gambling with figures and figure heads than the typical cribbage player.  of serious note, my transition from my D-day survival count will go from the Gimel series to the Dalet series on about November 11th, which some people call 'Veteran's Day'. Most veterans still need to admit that they need to openly repent for their own habitual sins rather than desire to be worshipped by their community or by their dogs.

If this is your first year of observing the calendar of HVHY rather than the Gregorian or Greg Strasser  obvious failure rate,  day 95  is July 13, 2016. July 11th will be day 476 for biblical students who do not still suck, such as Pittsburgh Steelers lines tied to the number 26, 32 or 2. or Chicago Bears lines tied to the number  26,22 and 50.

Merry Sidney Crosby Day, my fellow earthly Penguin fans!