Sunday, June 23, 2024

What precedes physical warfare?

Can't find Geilow's crisp and cool pickles in your area? 

 Try to locate pickle-shaped product  8 5916500215 8  instead of 'Product 19'.

Spiritual warfare always precedes physical warfare; James Reimer knows this a fact of intent, preparation and results that a Rolex watch is unable to do..

Correct  your malfunctioning spirit(s).  Robert Lamm always  beats Wayne Gretzky in my books; Jimmy Pankow is an extremely fit man who makes Wayne Gretzky look like an overrated fool .  

As it has been noted in the 215 realm of 53215,  Valspar 'VIRTUOSO' isn't Benjamin Moore's 'Yosemite Yellow'.

Another horrific June in history. The United States Biden regime and putrid, unholy Republicans are sponsoring terrorism against civilian Russian population, including murdering and  intentionally injuring children in despicable Netanyahu mode.  When a political body loves the idea of abortions, it has no goodness within it.  Those of us who are unable to topple Biden's  evil pro-terrorism regime are discouraged and  do hate   Ukraine's terrorism sponsored and paid for by the USA political bodies making a multi-millionaire out of dictator Zelensky Ukrainian dictator. 

More than Biden needs to be toppled without mercy and corrected without kindness in the USA.  It is only  perfected, brave men who are expected to complete this task. Do such men exist in the United States military anymore or did they all turn into chicken shit, willing to do nothing?

Real chickens have more courage, more value and exhibit higher morals than the so-called 'Christians' within the United States military and USA government bodies now.  Now what?

There are times when mercy is no longer an option. Biden is an evil Catholic version of wicked King Zedekiah, who King Nebachadnezzer 'corrected'  Zedekiah in a necessarily harsh and unmerciful  manner.

As it is below, is it also above?

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