Thursday, June 6, 2024

'Success for Dummies' has Zig Zigler's wrong suppositions

Zig Ziglar, Author of 'Success for Dummies' ,is from the church of cognitive dissonance. The wisest coach will desire to coach a team that has been LOSING, audibly referred to as a losing TeAm,  to test the coach's strategies for improvement.  Ziglar has supposed that 'every coach, regardless of the sport, wants to coach winning teams'.   A terrible term to apply to describe what actually only is a fragment of gaming population  based on  cognitive dissonance is every.

Now I realize what Christianity is based upon: cognitive dissonance.

Now, is a  St. Ignac's Carol 'Bunny' Franz Jenkins and different than  Milwaukee Trade and technical high school male graduate Franz Jenkins, or were they created equal?

Keep n MIND that Eric lindros was conceived this time of year, and I don't consider 'Ascension Thursday' to be anything more than a day on which plenty of work should be accomplished.

     A successful work plan is far more important than a trivial, electronic game plan. 

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