Who placed Arnold Road between Crapo Road and Gasper Road along highway 57 in Michigan near Ashley and the Montrose foxtrot festival? An Armada fair displayed animal such as 'Hogan' the sheep or 'Olivia' the cow or 'Soccer' the black bull doesn't doesn't make false accusations against an observer. I have to wonder if Timothy Stroik would be making as many errors during his mail route delivery as those exhibiting extreme levels of carelessness in my neighborhood; real USPS mail should be easier to be correct and deliver properly than token electronic texts,obviously harassing spam and insecure emails. All these opinions considered, I'll try to deliver another serious message about 'judgment' situations.
Keep in heart and soul this fact: rats, termites, politicians and cockroaches are far more likely than me to try and get into placed that they are unloved, unappreciated and unwanted. Fearing me if you aren't hell bent on going on offense against me or provoking me with unnecessary cruelty is very irrational.
I've seen scores of humans treat their animals with more kindness and generosity than they exhibit toward their family members; it's appalling to me to see the throngs of dog owners that scrape up dog shit yet won't take the time to visit, cheer up or assist an ailing family member with chores. Many paid pastors take on the personality of their donors, namely they'd prefer to pray for a dog from a distance than visit a person who isn't lining their bank account with donations.
I'm not dropping a bomb on anyone and not interested in the claims of some 'Indian princess lineage'. What I want to do is raise the possibility of Cain's anger toward Abel being generated from a genuine love for' innocent' animals or for sheep of any age. Loving an animal seems to be common I household where pets are pampered while human family members are belittled and mistreated. Is it possible Cain didn't have the 'heart' to slay an small lamb or a red heifer and was distraught and enraged to see his brother slay an animal that he cherished or at least saw much long term value in beyond his own crop output? Yes, it is possible that Cain was angered by his brother's slaughter of an animal and that such anger can lead to violent reaction.
Cain was not issued a death sentence for his reaction toward Abel's slaughtering mindset; Cain was actually given a 'protected' seal upon him, so who has a problem with that form of mercy or process of judgment? I don't, but I rather see a child spend a few minutes of time alone and safely in a District 2 jail cell after he had warned before not to steal from others than seeing that same child getting beaten with electrical cords or taken to lewd drag queen festivals, propping him on a beaches with topless women or encouraged to go to illicit casinos loaded with drunkards and whorish people. I also drink Pabst, and I am not 'white trash' nor in trouble when I do so; 'South Park' is very abrasive yet is steeped with bizarre scenarios that often cross into reality. In my opinion , Pabst Blue Ribbon beer has better ingredients than Dr. Pepper soda. Children are rarely perfect and parents often either do too little or too much when a problem arises that they've never faced before, no matter how young or how old the parents of a child have become.
I met an decent, friendly, courageous and genuine UCGC officer with the surname of Cain who spent more time getting to know me as I am. now than any paid religious professional ever has chosen to do; I knew enough of Scriptural history to recall the seal put upon the name 'Cain'.
I'm thankful I did not reject the possibility that Cain was protected because he may indeed have decided to attack a man who decided to slaughter an animal for a still undisclosed reason. Did Abel have the mind of a man who would want to abort his own child or smash a couple of small painted turtles with the weight of his body? I don't know; do you?
False accusations abound; accurate information is difficult to obtain and even more difficult for people who have a tainted, biased mind or manipulative 'propaganda panda' spirit to receive with gratitude. The captain of the USCG Bicayne Bay was not intimidated nor unthankful that I corrected his memory regarding general alarm code colors. Considering all the chemicals being dispensed into the skies to manipulate the weather patterns, code green as a chemical alarm might be more accurate than code yellow's collision alarm when it is obvious that the United States president is actually not defending the United States homeland at all and exhibits a form of actual mania in his insane spending sprees.
It might be dusk number 2970 for some living beings tonight.
It's '3-4' and day 44 of my count toward the Shavuot; Robert Scott Smith may have been conceived during this time of year, and I suspect he'd not have minded having his mother be a bit more like me than like illegal drug pushers, dangerous drug marketers, Kelly Kelly or Sheldon Souray.
Que serra, serra....... I'll delay my cribbage board 120 day strategic protocol after I see if Canada's Oilers or the USA's Panthers grabs onto the Stanley cup. Meanwhile, unjustified and dishonorable senator, Lindsey Graham, is misconducting his erring body in a far worse manner than Brad Dexter portraying 'Harry Luck' , a fool desiring access to gold that is not his.
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